"Come, love, you have been sleeping a while, you should eat something." He smiled at me. I just nodded along. We stood up and he gently took my hand guiding me to the kitchen. I blushed thinking about earlier.
We sat down at the long dining table, he at the end of the table and I right next to his right hand. "You should look where you are flying next time," said Mihawk looking pensively at me. I sighed, "Yeah, I know, it just happens." "How does that just happen, you have Kenbunshoku Haki and you should pay attention to your surroundings," he commented. I was embarrassed, to say the least. I know I should pay attention to my surroundings, but the minute I turn away for a second shit happens. "I know, sorry," I sighed again. I felt a hand on mine, "Just be more careful." I smiled at Hawky and nodded, resuming eating.
"I have been meaning to ask, but how strong do you think you are?" asked Mihawk as we finished eating. "I don't know, I do have some theories," I told him. "Every time I think of a technique I feel myself getting stronger, I am guessing I am getting a power-up to use the technique." I thought, "When I imagine something I imagine the person who used it too, so it's like their power is added to mine. So I don't really know how strong I am right now, but I am guessing that if I wanted to, I could annihilate an island." "There are some powers I know of that could one-hit destroy." I sighed. 'I could imagine being superman, or go Mob100, or super Seyan, hell even Fary tail has some powerful moves. And if I can imagine anything, I could just think of an atomic bomb and that's it.' My mood was getting really sower.
"We could fight?" suggested Mihawk. I looked wide-eyed at him, "I donĀ“t want to hurt you!" He just laughed at me. "I can hold my own, you know that, but if you think it's getting too much, we can stop." I sighed again, "Yeah, okay fine, but it is just to know how I would fare against someone with your strength. He chuckled, "Okay, let us go outside." And outside we went.
We stood in the courtyard of the castle facing each other. Mihawk was the first one to make a move. He drew his sword and charged. He slashed Yoru down, but I stood my ground, 'It's interesting as I completely lack fear, compere to when I got here, wonder if it has to do something with my imagined powers.' I summoned Zangetsu into my hand and blocked the slash. The ground quaked and a sharp sound resonated through the forest surrounding us. I slashed him back I released a slash towards him that he deflected upwards witch parted the gloomy clouds. He jumped up and stood on his sword as they dropped down. I sidestepped him, but the impact he caused made a crater in the ground. I released Zangetsus Bankai and stormed around him creating afterimages of my self and started attacking him. He blocked as much as he could through some slashed went in, but he blocked them with Busoshoku Haki. We jumped apart and I coated my sward with Haki, but as we charged forward a sound interrupted us. The sound of a Den-Den Mushi.
"Yes?" Mihawk answered looking rather irritated. "Shichibukai Dracuil Mihawk you have been summoned to Marinford for a meeting, concerning the opened seat in the Warlords and new rookie pirates," an uptight commanding voice came from the snail. Mihawk sighed and hanged up. "That sounded like Sengoku," I commented. Hawky only nodded. "They might talk about Luffy, he defeated Crocodile" I murmured. Mihawk looked at me, "We'll be going then." 'We...? Is he bringing me along?' "He might be," murmured my fathers' voice in my head.
"We?" I questioned. "Yes, you seem to want to go," he answered crossing his arms. "How observant of you," I teased and he rolled his eyes. "But yes I want to go, it might be interesting." He smirked and offered his arm to me, "Them my Lady we must depart so our boat and see if it's so." I giggled, "Of course my Lord, our convoy awaits." We laughed and walked toward the coffin-shaped boat.
Sitting in the boat Mihawk pulled me to his lap and kissed me. "Let us depart then," I giggled again and hugged him. "How much power did you use in that spar?" he asked. I thought a little, "Not much, I only used a sword." He looked at me pensively, "I think if you wanted to, you could defeat me easily." I was shocked, "Why do you think that?" "Imagination is a powerful weapon." he looked at me. My eyes widened, it was the truth, I had the power to do anything, defeating anyone would be easy. I looked down. "Don't be sad, you have the ultimate power to protect." He smiled at me. I smiled, he was right, and I will do anything to protect those dear to me. "That's the spirit!"
We ended up sleeping after hours of chatting and getting to know each other. A presence alerted me that a ship was coming near us. I looked up, a marine ship with a dog head was sailing a bit furder from us. 'Dog head? Isn't that Garp's ship.' I asked myself. The voice of Garp hollered at us, "Where you heading Hawk-eyes and is that your wife?!" We looked at him. 'I should tell him my connection to Luffy and Ace, wonder if I could transmit my thought to him." I looked him in the eyes and gathered all my encounters with my brothers and Roger also how got here. I pictured everything so he would see them as well. Garp's gaze was trained on me and then to my astonishment, he smiled a full D grin. "Athena come give grandpa a hug!" I giggled and jumped out of Mihaws' arms and flew to my now grandfather's arm. "Gramps, we are heading to Marinford, there is going to be a meeting there." he grinned, "Oh, I'll accompany you, come tell me everything that has happened." He carried me to somewhere, I shouted, "Hawky, strap the boat onto the ship!"
A booming laugh was resonating through the ship, "I got another troublesome grandchild, be marine!" "Noooooo! I can't protect my brothers then!" I screamed back. "What! Yes you can, become a strong marine!" he responded. "Nooooo!" I ran out of his office, but he chased after me while breaching the marine life. Of course, I had no intention to become a marine, how troublesome. "Fist of Love," grandpa aimed his Haki charged fist to my head. It was fast, but I coated my head with Haki as well to protect me from harm. "Grandpa, you bastard! That could have hurt, do you want me to have brain damage!" I screamed at him. "Come to think of it, you have used this on Lu-chan and Freckles as well." I was mad and attacked him, "You could have killed your grandkids!" "What! They could handle that, to become strong marines!" he yelled back. This leed to a full-on Haki fistfight with us yelling at each other. Gramps also started with his opinion on who I should marry, and that got me madder. In the distance, the marines and Mihawk just looked. Marines didn't know what to do. "This fight is unreal!" one shouted. "I can't even see them." another said.
In the end, we just fought thill we reached Marinfort. "Athena! We have reached our destination," shouted Mihawk. I stopped my fist mid-strike. "Oh! Finally!" I jogged to him.
Me, Hawky and gramps walked through a long corridor, our footsteps echoed through it. There was a commotion in the room we were approaching. Mihawk smirked, "My ear has caught a rather boring conversation. Have we come to the wrong place?" We appeared in the archway of the room. "Hawk-eyes!" the room shouted in surprise. "The marine headquarters and the Shichibukai. Having two conflicting groups of equal power sitting at a round table seems to be entirely meaningless." We strode to the room, I was giggling, their faces were rather funny. "Well, Well, the last man we expected to see has shown up and in what company" spoke the pink birdman. Sengoku was the next to speak, "I never thought... that you... And Garp, what are you doing here?" Mihawk clicked his tongue. "What? We are only here to observe, we have a passing interest in the pirates on the meeting's agenda. Nothing more." Garp laughed, "I am just escorting them. Oh, and I want to introduce you to the lady here." he pointed at me.
A voice came from the window, "In that case, would it be acceptable for me to be an observer as well?" this came from a very lean man, who I knew was part of the Blackbeard Pirates. So faster then anyone noticed I punched a Haki charged fist into his face as hard as I could. The room was speechless. "Hawky look how far he flew, now no one can say that humans can't fly." Mihawk hummed, "Yes that's true, is this further than the last time." He was referring to me punching Marco. I looked back at the sea. "Yeah!" I chipped happily.
There were two kinds of people in the room, ones where laughing and the others were shocked. "What is going on!" shouted Sengoku. "Relax Senny, this is Athena, my granddaughter." Sengoku looked outraged, "Granddaughter! This is the first time I have heard of this, why haven't you told me!" My grandfather just laughed some more, "Must have slipped my mind." He sat down and ate some rice crackers.
"Ah, before you ask about that man that flew away, he was a member of the Blackbeard Pirates, he came here to tell you all that his captain wants to be a candidate for the Shichibukai position," I explained. Sengoku looked angrily at me, "And young miss how do you know that?" he asked. I just shrugged my shoulder, "I have a good information network."
We sat down at the table as well. Suddenly Doflamingo was right in front of me, "What a feisty lady you are," he chuckled, "Are you Hawk-eyes rumored wife." I look impassively at him and said, "We are not married." The big flamingo grinned, "How about you join my family then?" My brain stopped working, "Ah?"