Somehow, some way, Alexander was able to pull enough strings and put enough of the right paperwork in place for the Burhardt family to travel throughout Europe. The official reason was for Nick and Adalind to discus law and procedure with other law enforcement officers and lawyers.

But, the real reason, was for Nick and Adalind to show the new members of the wesen council, as well as other wesen leaders, that a grimm could easily work with wesen. That there needn't be fear and animosity.

Alexander also thought it was important to show, that mixed relationships could work. That wesen who seemed so different from one another, could have passionate, loving and long lasting marriages.

"It is time to end the prejudice and the elitism mindset of so many in the wesen community." Alexander proclaimed.

Which was probably why, a romantic evening, or an entire day, was always scheduled for every area the Burkhardts visited.

Neither Nick or Adalind was complaining, though. They both liked the idea of having some time to themselves, figuring they'll need it after dealing with one bureaucrat or another.

The family's first stop was Geneva, Switzerland, to meet up with Alexander and the rest of the newly formed wesen council, at a Luxurious hotel conference hall.

"I promise you," Said a council member who was vetinogen, "We won't bore you and your family with speeches. Besides, it is much more beneficial to the wesen people, to see a grimm interact lovingly with his family, than just hear about it."

"Each member of the council has agreed to assist you in any way possible when you visit their area." Alexander informed Nick and Adalind. "Highly trained child care staff will be on hand when the two of you wish to have a romantic outing. Bodyguards have also been thoroughly checked out, and placed on retainer, should your family feel the need for more safety."

"I don't think that will be necessary." Nick assured the council. "Both my wife and my daughter are very powerful, I doubt anyone would stand a chance if they dared threaten us."

"You are said to be a powerful grimm." A jagerbar commented. "And yet you obviously show much admiration for your women. Revealing that you do not hold yourself above them. That you have much love and respect for them. Indeed, you are already shaping up to be a very good ambassador for the future of wesen kind."

"He is an extraordinary man." Adalind said, smiling lovingly up at Nick.

"We should get the family out and about." A fuchsbau advised. "The obvious affection they have for one another, can only benefit the wesen community, if all wesen see it, and not just the members of the council."

With that, the Burkhardts were ushered out of the conference hall and escorted to the finest hotel suit, the city had to offer.

"Nothing but the best, for our honored guests." A council member said. "We have taken the liberty to give you a two bedroom suit, so your family has plenty of room."

"They really want us to feel welcomed." Nick commented, as he stared at their accommodations, once his family had been left alone to settle in.

He was pretty certain that only billionaires and political figures ever stayed at this suit.

"What we're doing is important." Adalind said. "We're changing the beliefs of a lot of beings, starting a new path of peace and understanding. Showing that those who seem so different from one another, can live and love together. We're not just talking about change, we're living it. And showing that a grimm can love. That a grimm can be just and compassionate. It's a huge step in revealing how the royals made up most of the horrible stories about grimms. If the royals lose their influence, then they lose their power, and wesen can stop living in fear of them. The council see that and wants to show us how much they appreciate that. How much they appreciate you."

Nick gathors Adalind into his arms. "Don't diminish your role in this. You are just as important in showing the wesen community grimms and wesen can be on the same side." He bends down and nuzzles her neck. "That a grimm and a wesen can have a loving relationship."

"Should Kelly and I play in our room, so that you two can play in your room." Diana asks suddenly.

Both blushing with embarrassment, Nick and Adalind straighten themselves out and pull away slightly.

"No, honey." Adalind told her daughter. "We are going to go out and do a little sightseeing.

The little girl looked at them skeptically for a moment, but decides they are telling the truth, once they move away from one another and get Kelly ready.