First attempt at some proper fanfiction, time to see if I can write! Any and all feedback is welcome, just please be constructive about it; I'm looking to improve!

Run. Just run. Don't look back, don't even think. Just. Run.

It was all she could do, all she'd ever been able to do. Forest blurring as she raced forth, tearing off low-hanging limbs and stumbling; panicked, none of the cuts or pain registered, her adrenaline skyrocketing.

Just get help. You can't fight him.

She'd tried many times, and every attempt had ended in miserable failure. Resisting him was pointless, all she could do was flee. Flee, and hope someone else might take him down.

Blake's chest burned as she broke into an opening, a small field within the forest. Stumbling forward and tripping over an unseen object, the Faunus yelped and rolled into the grass, groaning as she came to a rest. She could scarcely breathe, and in the cold air there was a permanent cloud before her eyes; lungs clung greedily to whatever oxygen they could get.

She could not see Adam chasing her any longer - nothing but darkness stood before her, blocking all from view. Pushing herself up from the dirt she shook her head, looking around for any sign of the man. No way had he just given up, he was here, somewhere. Slowly backing away from the forest on her hands, Blake yelped and fell back, her hand slipping on a slick surface. Falling into the dirt she winced, lifting her hand and screaming as it shone in the moonlight; she was injured, but not this injured. Blood. But not her own.

The revelation of its source was far more sickening. A familiar face stared back up at her; her eyes faded, face expressionless. A shock of blonde hair, dirty and matted, obscured most of her view. And yet Blake knew precisely who it was – Yang Xiao Long. A deep gash across her chest, blood seeping out of the fresh wound. But… How? When had she arrived here? Why would Adam kill her?

"N-no… No no no!" That couldn't be true, it just couldn't! Blake scrambled to her friend's body, looming over her, hands helplessly hovering between the wound and Yang's head, uncertain of what to do. Her eyes burned and her throat felt dry, she couldn't do anything. Yang was gone, but… But how? And when? Why was she out here?!

"Hello, my love."

Blake's eyes widened in shock as a sharp pain erupted from her chest, breathless gasps passing through her lips. Looking down at her chest and seeing a blade protruding from it, slick with blood, she stiffly turned her head. Adam. He wore that cruel, emotionless smile, as if taking satisfaction in causing her pain. Why? Why couldn't he just leave her alone?

"And goodbye, Blake…"

Blake woke in a puddle of sweat, her body shaking violently and her weapon immediately in her hand, aiming around herself frantically. Who was screaming so loudly? She was alone still, meaning the screaming could only be coming from herself. Shuddering, her arms wound themselves tightly around her and she sat for a time; her eyes squeezed shut and ears folded flat, trying to block out her nightmare. It wasn't real, it never was, and yet every time it felt as real as the ground beneath her feet.

Sliding out of her sleeping roll, Blake stiffly rose to her feet, wiping her face off on her jacket's sleeve. What a miserable night, plagued by nightmares and hours of restless turning, jumping at the slightest of sounds. Everything had her on edge as of late and every shadow, every small movement, she was certain was going to attack. She was a mess – though calling her a mess might be generous. After trying to leave Beacon behind and hide in Menagerie, Blake had forced herself instead to leave the relative safety of her home.

She couldn't keep living the way she had been. Running place to place, hiding, expecting someone else to solve this problem of Adam for her.

She couldn't just sit around and wallow in self-pity and loathing, nor could she expect things to ever change unless she herself changed. She had always run from her problems; her Semblance was ideal for such a purpose. But running only put things off, sooner or later the problems would catch up to you, as they had at Beacon.

Blake knew what she needed to do, even if the very notion shook her to her core. It was a stupid idea, insane even; not to mention hopeless, suicidal, and devoid of any reason. But she'd dealt with this issue for far too long and now her friend had been hurt by it. Yang had been hurt by it. Pale and thinner than usual, Blake somehow appeared determined as she stepped out of the shelter of the shack she'd called home last night, looking out at the morning sun as it rose lazily over the horizon. She mustered up what little races of courage remained and forced herself to move on.

She didn't know how she was going to accomplish this task, or if it were even possible. But she needed to try or she'd never be able to live with herself. Looking down at Gambol Shroud she smiled ruefully, placing it in its holster and rubbing at her face again, exhaling with a shaky sigh. She had to be getting close too; it was far too late to turn back even if she was beginning to have second doubts.

Snuffing out the flames of her fire, Blake rolled up her sleeping bag and slung it over her shoulders. Her canteen would need to be refilled, and finding some food before setting out again wouldn't be a bad idea. What was a bad idea, she noted, was this quest of hers. It made no sense why she was doing it – was it out of desperation, or having finally had enough? The reason didn't matter, she supposed; what mattered was she was successful. Somehow, some way, she'd see it done.

She was going to kill Adam Taurus.

Her task was much easier said than done. The White Fang had taken a more violent approach in the face of constant discrimination; the kingdoms refused to recognize Faunus as equals, and peaceful attempts had all been met with failure. For a time, Blake had accepted the change – how could she not when it got tangible results? After seeing the effects of their attacks however? She'd left, and had Adam not appeared at Beacon she may well never have seen or thought of him again.

If Adam knew that he'd probably take delight in it. That man, no, that monster, didn't care how he was seen. Blake was positive he was perfectly content with being feared in fact. Fear was a powerful thing and a powerful weapon when used right. Fortunately for those who followed him, Adam wielded fear as adeptly as his blade – with terrifying proficiency.

She'd like to think most Faunus were above such tactics, but evidence to the contrary was everywhere. Their membership was swelling, and even now she could hear dissenters and supporters of Adam's tactics. Or Sienna Khan's, the current high-leader of the White Fang.

Hearing the others in the tavern speak of her you'd think she'd ascended to godhood. And for all the fervor and enthusiasm in which Faunus served her, she might as well have.

Finding allies would be next to impossible, at least Faunus allies. For as many who supported those like Sienna and Adam, just as many still wished to avoid conflict altogether. The few who might help were far and few between, and it was evident she'd find no friends here.

"We've been playing nice for too long! If they won't accept our terms, then we'll FORCE them to!"

"Humans have had the run of things for too long!"

"They're only getting what they deserve!"

Blake's eyes narrowed down at her food, hands clenched tightly in her lap. All humans were not responsible for this, just as not all Faunus were monsters like Adam. She'd met plenty of humans who she'd sooner call family then anyone here, and to hear that would drive them mad. It was this narrowmindedness – a way of thought she'd subscribed to not long ago herself, that was causing these problems. They needed to come to an understanding, not drive the wedge further.

"We'll let them know what we think of them soon enough! The raid is on tonight!"

Raid? Blake stiffened at that word, cautiously glancing over at her shoulder. A raid could mean many things, but she had a guess what they meant; this was a port town, and as such there would be plenty of ships passing by, Faunus and Human alike. Attacking a boat was different than a train, people could walk away from that. But a ship in the middle of the ocean? If the White Fang didn't kill you, whatever was in the water would.

And these people knew that. This wasn't a raid for the sake of supplies, it was murder. Blake grit her teeth and threw Lien on the table, storming out of the tavern. She had to try and stop this somehow, attacks like these would never help. She had until tonight to figure out how, giving her a few hours to come up with a plan. She wasn't confident.

Brief first chapter, just testing the waters! Expect more from subsequent chapters :3