The same story but from Archie's POV.

The truth is, Archie would do anything for Betty Cooper. He trusts her implicitly, and even if she asked him to burn down his own house, he'd assume she had a good reason for it. He just never thought she'd ask him this.

A minute ago she'd been telling him to find a girlfriend to help his song writing, (he'd almost blurted out that the reason he doesn't have one is because he wants it to be her), and now she's telling him she wants him to take her virginity. It's a shock to say the least.

"Betty…" he starts. He's not so sure this is a great idea, for about a million reasons, the main one being he might be a tiny bit in love with her, and she has no idea.

"Before you say no, just hear me out!" Betty cuts him off. "I understand if you don't want to have sex with me, but if you're going to say no because you think I haven't thought this through, I promise I have. I just want to lose my virginity to someone I trust, someone who cares about me, who makes me feel safe, and you do. I'm not going to pine for you or anything afterwards, and you're not going to break my heart again. Just a one time thing, I swear."

And see, therein lies the problem. He's not certain he could be satisfied with just one time with Betty. He thinks he can be satisfied with never. Never means he can pretend he doesn't want her, can tell himself it probably wouldn't be that good anyway. But once? Once means knowing what it feels like to be with her, and then having to go the rest of his life with the torturous memory of what her skin tastes like. Yeah, so, he's not entirely convinced.

But, god, he doesn't want to disappoint her.

And then she's standing up, embarrassed, thinking he doesn't want her (which is so not the problem), and he feels like a dick.

So he grabs her hand and tells her he doesn't want to ruin their friendship, which is the second reason he thinks this is a bad idea. Even this small amount of contact, her hand in his, means so much to him.

"I don't think it will," she assures him. But he still doesn't know.

"Can I think about it?" he asks. Betty nods.

"Mom and FP are going out tonight. If you decide yes, come over around nine," she says. Archie nods and drops her hand. "I won't be upset if you decide no," Betty promises, and then she goes, leaving him to ponder over his decision.

The thing is, Archie absolutely wants to have sex with Betty. He's thought about it all too often. What he'd like to do to her, how he'd like to make her feel, where he wants to touch her. He always feels guilty about it after. He knows he's not supposed to think of her like that. They're friends. He never thought he'd actually get the chance to do any of those things. But now she wants him to. She's asking him to. And for some reason he's hesitating.

He tries to weigh up the pros and cons.

Cons: it could ruin their friendship, she might hate it, he might spend the rest of his life pining for her

Pros: Betty would lose her virginity to someone who actually loves her, she might like it, he might spend the rest of his life pining for her anyway.

But in the end the pros win out, and it's mostly because of the very selfish reason that he wants this. And if he's got one chance to be with her, even for just one night, then he has to take it.

So with shaking hands and pounding heart, he picks up his phone and taps out a message to her.


Four and a half hours later, after trying unsuccessfully to distract himself all afternoon and evening, he makes the journey next door, texting Betty when he reaches her front door instead of knocking. He doesn't want to risk Alice or FP answering the door. But they aren't home and she tells him to come inside.

Archie feels like he might die as he walks up the stairs towards her bedroom, his stomach churning. He's trying not be nervous, after all, she's expecting him to be the confident one, right? But this isn't just some random girl he's about to have sex with. It's Betty. His best friend, the love of his life.

He hesitates at her bedroom door, before knocking gingerly.

"Come in," Betty calls, and he pushes the door open. She's standing by the window, wearing just a pink satin robe, tied loosely around her waist. Her hair is free from its usual ponytail, curling gently around her shoulders. Archie can't help but stare. She looks absolutely perfect. He's not entirely sure this whole thing isn't just a dream.

He suddenly realises how long he's been staring and drops his gaze, before meeting her eyes again.

"Hey," he says, lamely. He cringes inwardly at his less than intelligent introduction.

"Hey," Betty responds. "Maybe you should shut the door," she suggests. Archie nods and does as she bids.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" he asks. He has to be sure. She has to be sure.

"I'm sure," Betty says, confidently, decisively. "Are you?"

He wants to grab her right then and show her just how sure he is. Instead he just nods, feeling more unsure of himself than he ever has before. Does she want him to make the first move, or should he wait for her?

Betty answers his question by untying her robe and letting it slip off her shoulders and onto the floor. She stands there in a pretty pink bra and matching panties, looking like something out of one of his dreams. He's staring again, he knows, but he thinks it's okay this time. He wants to tell her how beautiful she looks. He wants to tell her how much he loves her. He stays silent.

"Are you okay?" Betty asks. Archie swallows.

"Yeah, I'm—yeah," he says. "You look… incredible," he finally manages.

"Come over here, then," she says, and something about her cheeky smile, her light-hearted tone makes him realise he has nothing to be nervous about. This is Betty. It's going to be amazing, no matter what. He grins sheepishly before taking the few steps to cross the space between the two of them, and then he's standing right in front of her. He wants to kiss her so badly, but first—

"Betty," he says. "I want you to know that you can tell me stop at any time, and I promise I will. The second you feel uncomfortable, okay?"

"Okay," Betty replies softly. Her soft voice makes his knees weak. He brings his hand to her shoulder and gently brushes his thumb down her arm. This is it, this is the moment. He's allowed to kiss her. She wants him to kiss her. He leans in slowly, pausing just before their lips touch, closing his eyes, revelling in their closeness.

"Arch…" Betty whispers, the sound of his name on her lips causes a skip in his heartbeat and he can't hold back any longer. He crushes his lips against hers, like he's been wanting to for so long.

They lose their clothes quickly after that, making their way to Betty's bed, Archie's mouth barely leaving her for a moment. He wants to kiss her all over. He hopes she wants that.

He's gentle with her, of course, and patient. But he's hungry for her too, and once she's naked in front of him, he can't resist bringing his head between her legs. If he only gets to do this with her once, he's going to do it right.

Her sounds of pleasure, his name rolling of her lips desperately, fill him with confidence and make him hard. Making her feel good, makes him feel good.

She orgasms with his tongue inside her, and then she kisses him with her taste still on his tongue. He doesn't want to rush her, but he desperately needs to be inside her. He has condoms in his pocket, but it turns out Betty is prepared anyway. She orders him to take his pants off, and he does his best (worst) attempt at a strip tease. She laughs at him, and it makes his insides go all gooey. He could listen to her laugh forever.

But then the way she stares at him, naked, that's something else altogether. His cock twitches under her heated gaze. She wants him. Really wants him.

"Okay, that's enough," Archie laughs. "You're making me feel self-conscious."

He closes the gap between them, and he kisses her softly. Betty leans her head back, kissing him harder, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him over her, back onto the bed. Archie slides a hand between her legs, slipping a finger inside her carefully. Betty moans against his mouth as he uses his finger to stroke inside her.

"Are you sure you're ready?" Archie asks her again. He's not going to fuck this up by pressuring her. Betty just nods, kissing him again before reaching for the condoms on her nightstand. She grabs one, and tries to rip it open, her hands shaking.

"Here, let me," Archie takes it from her and tears it open, and rolls it onto his cock. He locks eyes with her, watching her cautiously as he leans over her again, positioning himself at her entrance, the head of his cock slipping between her outer lips. God, he wants her so much. Betty spreads her legs for him, and he gently pushes into her. He bites his lip to keep from moaning. Betty lets out a small squeak, and he pauses.

"You okay?" he checks.

"I'm okay," Betty assures him. "You can keep going."

He does as he's bid, pushing into her, deeper, until his cock is sheathed inside her. Fuck. It takes all his self-control to keep from just fucking her right now. But he reminds himself that she's a virgin and he needs to take this slow. He needs to wait for her to give him a sign that she's okay, that he can keep going.

"Archie," Betty says breathlessly, clutching at his back. "Fuck me."

That's a pretty clear sign if ever there was one. Archie lets out a barely stifled groan, before he hastens to obey her. He pulls out slightly before rocking back into her, and Betty rolls her hips against him as he thrusts into her, over and over, slow at first, then harder, faster, until he can feel her coming against him, and he falls apart on top of her.

He catches his breath and then disposes of the condom before pulling his boxers on. The sex had been amazing, but now he's left wondering where he stands, what he should do, what now. Should he tell her how he feels? Will she want to know?

"Betty…" he starts, not really even sure what he's going to say yet, but Betty cuts him off. It's probably for the best.

"Thanks," she smiles. "I'm glad my first time was with you."

Archie nods. He gets it. This was a one time thing, and she'd been quite clear about that from the start. But he already aches for her. Wishes he could stay and wake up next to her.

"I'm happy you're happy," he tells her, which is the most honest thing he can come up with.

"You should probably go before my mom gets home," Betty suggests, and Archie nods again.

"Will I see you tomorrow?" he asks. Betty shakes her head.

"Mom and I are going to visit Polly and the twins," she tells him. "We'll be gone a couple days I think."

"I'll probably be back in New York when you get back then," Archie says. He's disappointed he won't get to spend any more time together before they go back to New York.

"Hey, we'll catch up again soon," Betty promises.

"Don't be a stranger, okay?" Archie says. Somehow he has an awful feeling in the pit of his stomach that this is the end. He reminds himself it's not. Everything is fine.

"I won't."

Archie manages a half smile. For a moment he goes to kiss her as he stands up, before realising he's really not entitled to do that. He hopes she didn't notice. He dresses quickly and heads for the door. He stops. He should tell her. He needs to. She deserves to know how he feels. He turns back towards her.

"Betty…" he starts. But he can't bring himself to say the words. It would change everything.

"Yeah, Arch?"

"Goodnight," he says instead.

"Night, Arch."

Betty had said it wouldn't ruin their friendship, but somehow it feels ruined all the same. Archie tries to make time to catch up with her, but she's always busy. And he gets being busy, but this feels like something else. Like she's avoiding him. He feels sick every time he thinks about it. If he could just see her, talk to her, he's sure everything would go back to normal.

But the more time goes on without her, the more he's sure he has to tell her how he feels. If this is how their friendship is now anyway, he has nothing to lose by getting it all out in the open. And it doesn't look like he's getting over her any time soon, so he feels like he needs to get it off his chest.

He'll tell her when they're both back in Riverdale for the summer. It's kind of hard for her to avoid him there.

Summer finally rolls around, and Archie makes his way home to Riverdale. He can tell Betty isn't home yet, so he heads to his room to unpack. Five minutes later Jughead is walking into his room.

"Hey," Archie grins. "Where've you been?"

"Oh, you know," Jughead shrugs with a smile. "Around."

"You want to go to Pop's later?"

"Maybe tomorrow. Dad and I are going for a ride this afternoon for some bonding time," Jughead says. "Betty should be home soon though, maybe she can keep you company."

"If she'll even be in the same room with me," Archie mutters.

"What?" Jughead frowns. "What happened?"

Archie considers his friend for a moment. He's pretty sure Jughead is over Betty, but they did still date for a while there. Still, if there's anything he's learnt over the last few years, it's honesty goes a long way sometimes.

Archie sighs. "Betty and I… kind of… had sex a while ago," he admits. Jughead looks vaguely surprised, but lack of other emotion makes Archie feel a little better about the whole thing.

"Wow," says Jughead. "I guess it had to happen sooner or later."

"She said it wouldn't ruin our friendship, but now she says she's busy whenever I suggest hanging out," Archie says.

"Maybe you suck in bed," Jughead grins.

"Would you be serious, please?" Archie throws a pillow at Jughead. He lies down on his bed, rubbing his forehead.

"She'll get over it eventually," Jughead assures Archie. "You're Archie and Betty, best friends for life. Once you talk it out things will go back to normal."

Archie is silent for a moment. "I don't want it to go back to normal, Jug," he says quietly. "I'm in love with her. I want to be with her."

Jughead doesn't reply right away. "Then you better tell her before it's too late," he finally says.

"What if she doesn't love me back?" Archie asks, voicing his deepest fear.

"I'm pretty sure she's been in love with you since she was four years old," Jughead smiles wryly.

"She loved you too, you know," Archie says.

"I know," Jughead nods. "But I think I always knew that you two were soulmates. Maybe the stars are finally aligned for you guys."


Archie finally texts Betty that night, asking if he can come over. After she dodged him when she arrived home, and has had her curtains shut all evening, it's his last resort.

He gets the feeling her affirmative reply is reluctant, but he'll take what he can get.

He rehearses what he's going to say in his head as he walks over, but the second she opens the door, he forgets everything. She leads him to her room though, instead of slamming the door in his face, so that's something.

"So, what did you want to talk to me about?" Betty asks as they enter her room. Archie shuts the door behind him. He gets straight to the point, despite the overwhelming urge to just bolt.

"I haven't seen you since… since spring break," he says. "Have you been avoiding me?"

"No," Betty says, but he knows it's a lie.

"Every time I try to reach out you say you're busy," he sighs. "And I get being busy. But honestly, I'm worried I've lost you." He can hear the vulnerability in his own voice, and he hates it, but he can't help it. When it comes to Betty, he's entirely hopeless.

"Archie," she says. She bites her lip. He watches her expectantly. "Okay, maybe I was avoiding you a little bit," she admits. And he knew it, but it still hurts to hear her admit it.

"Why?" he asks. "You said it wasn't going to ruin our friendship."

"Well, it's your fault!" Betty snaps, and Archie flinches, taken aback.

"My fault? How?"

"I said I wanted my first time to be nice," Betty tells him. The words hit him like a punch it the gut. Fuck. He'd tried so hard not to fuck it up, but he had anyway. Guilt pools in his stomach.

"Betty, I'm so sorry. I thought it was good. Did I do something you didn't like? Did I hurt you?" he asks, because he has to know what he did wrong.

"No, Archie," she says.

Archie frowns in confusion. Is she just trying to make him feel better?

"You were absolutely perfect. And that's entirely the problem. I can't have sex with anyone else without thinking about you, and how much I want you. You were supposed to make my first time just nice, but you set the bar too high. You ruined me," Betty says.

Archie just stares at her for a moment, his mouth hanging open. That's certainly not what he was expecting. He swallows, his heart pounding. He could apologise. He could admit his feelings to her again now. Or her could just –

"Then let me ruin you again."

He reaches for her, kissing her hungrily, and she's kissing him back with hesitation. He fumbles with her clothes, and in an instant they're on the floor.

"Betty," Archie says breathlessly, in between kisses on her neck. "I can't stop thinking about you either. About that night."

That's enough of a confession for now. He doesn't want to ruin the moment.

He fucks her hard this time, and she comes beneath him, and he doesn't think he'll ever get enough of her.

"That was amazing," Betty breathes. And it was, of course. But he's suddenly worried that that's all it was to her. Amazing, but ultimately meaningless, sex. He can't bear the thought.

"Betty?" he says.


"You don't…" he starts. How does he put this? "Do you want me to go? I mean was this…" he trails off. How does he ask what this means to her without letting her know how much it means to him.

"Do you want to go?"

Her voice quivers a little and his heart skips a beat. She wants him to stay. That's a good sign. He knows he has to tell her now before he loses the nerve.

"God, no. I just need to know… is this just sex again? Or is it something else?" he says. He swallows. It's now or never. "Because, at the risk of ruining this… I have to tell you… I'm in love with you, Betty."

She's quiet for a moment, and Archie holds his breath, waiting for her reply.

"You are?" she says.

"Yeah," Archie says, rolling onto his stomach. "I mean, can't you tell?"

"Archie," Betty says. "After everything I said before, how I can only think about you. Do you really think I'm not in love with you too?"

Archie grins shyly. He leans over to kiss her. "I love you," he says. "I love you."

Betty smiles giddily. "So stay," she says. "Of course I want you to stay."

In a booth at Pop's the next morning, Archie sits next to his girlfriend, their fingers interlocked under the table. He doesn't want to ever let her hand go.

"Honestly guys," Veronica says. "I was beginning to think you two were going to be idiots forever. But I'm happy for you both. I'm glad you finally got your acts together."

"Yeah, I only wish my mom hadn't found out the way she did. Jughead too for that matter," Betty grimaces.

"I'm just glad I wasn't home to hear you," Jughead snorts. Betty flushes and Archie grins. She's so adorable when she's embarrassed.

"Oh my god, Archie," Veronica smirks. "I can't believe how lovestruck you look right now. Quick take a picture so he can see how ridiculous he looks."

"I don't think he looks ridiculous," Betty says, leaning in to kiss him.

"Well, that's really all that matters to me," Archie says.