In this version, Harry's timeline remains the same, but after the Second Wizarding War, Harry becomes a vampire. Afterwards, Harry decides to travel a bit and ends up in Japan where he becomes a beta tester for SAO where, because the game actually takes real life measurements and data, he's a "vampire" in the game world as well. As a "vampire", and the only one of his kind, he doesn't drink blood, obviously, nor is he required to feed, instead Harry has the ability to drain the HP points of others in order to replenish his own, making him virtually Immortal as long as he avoids losing too many HP points of his own before he can replenish himself.

In the beginning of the series, Kirito is 14 while Harry is 17. Kirito meets Harry shortly after Asuna where all three become fast friends. Throughout the series, Asuna goes for Klein while Kirito and Harry become closer and eventually become married.