Pyrrha was riding her motorcycle up a mountain. She was on her way to investigate and abandoned mansion located up there, which used to belong to SHINRA. She expected that they must have abadnoned it after deciding there was no more need for it. While going there may sound like a waste of time, if there is even a smallest chance that SHINRA left something behind that Pyrrha could use, then she had to check it out. She couldn't afford to leave it be if it could offer something useful. She just had to make sure. Not matter how careful SHINRA are with getting rid of evidence, Pyrrha had doubts that they managed to erase everything.

Pyrrha drove up to the peek of a small cliff and could see the old mansion from a small distance. Just in case there was danger inside, Pyrrha decided to leave her bike on the cliff and walk the rest of the way. Not wanting to risk losing her only means of transportation. Pyrrha headed down to the mansion, keeping her senses sharp for anything that might jump out at her. So far there was nothing, but if Pyrrha had learned anything by now, it's that mansions has hidden doors.

So she began to check the walls, knocking on them until she found a spot that sounded hollow. Rather than finding a ways to open it, she gave it a strong kick, which shatter the hidden door. And what do you know? A hidden staircase was revealed.

"SHINRA couldn't be more cliche even if they tried" Pyrrha mused to herself before heading down the stairs. It was dark down there so had to use a flash light she baught to find where the stairs were leading.

Once she was down there she looked around and found a lot of broken lab equipment. She narrowed her eyes and locked closer until she jumped back when her flash light revealed a skeleton wearing a lab coat... Pyrrha was beginning to wonder if this place was abandoned, or just fell of the radar after something happened. It was clear there was more to this place than meets the eye, and Pyrrha needed to find out what it was.

Looking around some more she found a journal. With nothing else to go on she picked it up and began to read it.

Entry 1: It's been weeks since we started the experiments. Experiments that would surpass even the strongest of SHINRA's super soldiers. Those arrogant bastards believe we are some loyal dogs that can't think for ourselves. But we will show them. We will create a new race. A race that will trasend far beyond anything humans could hope to achive.

Pyrrha did not like where this was going and read the next entry.

Entry 2: The experiments are slow and don't produce the results we are trying to achieve. I knew this would be difficult, but even I did not expect it would this hard. My workers claim our goals are impossible. Their opinions matters little in the long run... but they are not entirely wrong. We are burning through resources at an alarming rate. And we are running low on human test subjects. So far everyone we've tested it on died within hours. I know this may sound cruel. But for success: Sacrifices must be made.

"Monster!" Pyrrha growled before reading the next entry.

Entry 3: They called me mad! They told me not to do it. But truth is, non of them understood how important these experiments really are. I had no choice. We had no more test subjects, and getting more from the town would bring out to many questions. So I began using my workers as test subjects. I am baffled at how they refused to do it willingly. Why would they not want to be a part of the history that created a new and superior species? One of them could be the first in a long line of new gods! Well, they will understand in time. I'll make sure of it.

Pyrrha was disgusted by what she was reading. Not even his own co workers were safe from his madness. There was one more entry. And despite how much she wanted to stop. Pyrrha still decided to read it.

Final Entry: So it has come to this... after countless of failures I have one more serum. This one was created from all the other failed attempts. If this one fails, it will all be over... I have no one left to test it on. Only I remain... I will be my last experiment. To anyone that reads this. I hope you understand what to do... I'm so tired... one way or the other. This ends now.

"A monster to the end" Pyrrha said before she heard heavy footsteps. She turned around, aiming her flash light... to see a creature. The creature looked like a human that had been mutated beyond recognition. He had the body of a large brute, his arms being bigger than his legs, he truly looked like an abomination.

"Killl... musssst... kiiiiillll" He said in a strained voice.

Pyrrha glared and pulled out her blade and shield. She no longer needed her flash light due to the glowing energy coming of the mutated man "You have killed more than enough people for several life times. I am taking you down once and for all".

He roars and attacks, but Pyrrha dodged the attack and kicked him from behind. Making him slam in to a wall head first. He pulled his head free and roars before attacking Pyrrha again. Pyrrha blocked his fist with her shield before slicing at him with her sword. His thick hide protected him from a mortal blow, but it still hurt. Pyrrha then struck him with her shield before performing a jumping kick to his face that made him stagger.

He roared again an charged. Both of them began trading blows before the monster man knocks Pyrrha back into the wall, but she easily dodges his next attack before slamming her shield into his head. The monster growls before pinning Pyrrha to the wall before repeatedly ramming his fists right at Pyrrha's face before punching her in the gut, sending her through the wall. The Monster man then walks through the hole in the world. Roaring again before Pyrrha was right in his face.

Pyrrha then sends him flying upwards with a swift back flip kick, before jumping after him and rapidly hit him with her sword before kicking him back in to the ground and throws her shield. The shield ricochets off the monster before Pyrrha grabs him and slams him into the ground. The monster was not moving. But when Pyrrha walked up to him, he suddenly grabbed her by the neck.

"Diiiiiieeee!" He roars in her face.

"Not today!" Pyrrha growled out, then kicks the monster straight in the leg three times before kneeing him in the gut, causing the monster to let go.

Pyrrha then kicks the monster back before the two start to trade blows until the monster managed to grab Pyrrha's face and slams her to the floor. The monster then rises it's fist and brings it down hard, but Pyrrha appears to be gone, and the monster only hit the ground. Pyrrha throws her shield at the monster from behind, making it stumble. Pyrrha got her shield back but had put her sword away as she was charging up her hand. She then blasted the monster with the power she gained from her short trip in to the life stream.

The blast created a hole through the beasts' body and also caused the whole place to light up in flames. Pyrrha quickly rushed out before watching the mansion burn to the ground. She may not have found anything useful, but at least she prevented this place from becoming another nightmare in the future.

"One step closer to making this world a batter place" Pyrrha told herself.

"Do you really believe that? Just what do you think you are accomplishing with your silly missions?" Came an very familiar voice behind her.

Pyrrha froze up, she didn't need to turn around to know who it was "Sephiroth...".

Said silver haired man walked up to her, stopping right behind her "Kill one monster and 10 more will be running wild tomorrow. Cut down one soldier, and 100 more will be waiting to take his place. Why do you waste your time on this?".

"It's not a waste of time! I am making the innocent people of this world safer and free" Pyrrha argued, trying to control her trembling voice, while still not turning around.

"Innocent? You are as naive as ever. And just how many people need to die until you achieve this little goal of yours? You have to much blood on your hands to ever call yourself a good person" Sephiroth said.

Pyrrha was starting to shake "Leave me alone!".

But then she felt arms around her and Sephiroth whispered in her ear "You will never be alone. I will make sure of that. You belong to me, and you always will".

"NO!" Pyrrha screamed before turning around, ready to pull out her blade... but Sephiroth was already gone.

"We are connected, Pyrrha. You will never be free of me. And soon enough... You will realize that" Sephiroth's voice echoed through the area.

Pyrrha was breathing hard and fast before she ran back to her motorcycle and speeds away. Sephiroth watched her leave with a smile on his face. Not matter how far and fast she ran... he would always find her in the end.


I keep telling myself to stop making so many bonus chapters to finished stories. And I would if the damn Remake could stop hypping me up for a few minutes, LOL!

But really, the new reveals hyped me up so much that I had to make another bonus chapter for this story. They are fun to make and helps prep for the sequel story that will be made around one month after the game is released. I can't wait to see everything the remake has to offer. It looks amazing, and I am sure it will deliver.


Tell me what you think.