"Erik, we have to go to Atlanta," Erica stated as she walked into their apartment. She knew he hadn't been in any action for years but everytime she turned on the news more mutants were being detained or killed.
He looked over at her, dressed in a flannel shirt and jeans, "Love, we can not get involved anymore. My time is over," he began, "Most people don't even know I'm alive to this day. You're one of the few who could find me because of your powers," he explained.
She sighed, "Charles left these people a place to hide and a way to get mutants to safety but Sentinel Services has upped their game and they need help. What you can do would make a huge difference for them," she pleaded her case, "Will you at least consider it?" she asked before she moved to him and straddled his lap, placing her hands in the hairs at the base of his neck.
Erik exhaled at her touch as he nodded, "What makes you think they'll be so welcoming? I have always served and lead the opposite agenda of the one they hold dear. Charles was their inspiration and I stood in his way every step we took."
"You don't anymore and I think they will give you a chance to explain yourself purely because they haven't had any guidance in a good number of years," she replied before placing a gentle kiss on his neck.
"I will think over your idea but do not get your hopes up because the bad that will come of this will far outweigh the small bit of good," he replied, shuddering as she pulled back from her initial attack.
She leaned forward and placed her lips to his, "If you decide against it, I may go alone," she replied, "I can't stand to watch this anymore, especially when I know I can help. And, I know their cause isn't the same as yours from your time but it's a worthy one."
"Stop talking," he stated before leaning forward and taking her lips with his own, his hands running instinctively up her shirt.
A few days later, as the news got worse and worse, Erica began packing a bag which included every fake id she possessed.
Erik walked into their room to see her gathering her things and shook his head as he took in the sight before him. "Are you really going to risk everything we've done to stay safe for people you've never met in Atlanta?"
She turned to face him, "I know this sounds insane but I also know you've done crazy things in your past," she stated, "You can join me but I understand if you want to stay behind. You've served your time."
He walked over to him, his body hadn't aged a day in the last fifteen years but he felt as old as he actually was. Protecting her was more important then how he felt though because she was the first person to finally allow him to be who he was and see past the bad he'd done in his life. He placed his hand on her shoulder, "I will join you but if things get too dangerous, we leave. Do you understand? I will not risk losing you," he stated.
"Do you really think I'd risk losing you?" she asked back as she wrapped her arms around his waist, resting her head against his chest, "Plus, I already packed your suit," she added once she finally let go and smiled at him.
He sighed as he tried to suppress a smile, "Do you have a plan to travel the entirety of the United States without being seen or noticed?" his deep velvet voice laced with humor at his own question.
Erica grinned back, "I booked us a flight under fake names straight into Birmingham, AL because no one is watching for mutants there and then we meet up with a friend of mine who will drive us the short two and a half hours to Atlanta. Does that sound good to you?"
"When does our flight leave?" he replied, his own tone showing he was impressed by her idea.
"We have an hour, so gather anything I didn't think of for you already," she smiled, "If only I could read minds like Charles used to. It would save so much time."
Erik felt a sting at the mention of his old friend, worse then he would have imagined but he pushed it aside in his mind as he gathered his own items and they prepared to embark on what he could only describe as a suicide mission.