Disclaimer- I do not own Star Wars, all writing is for fun, not for profit.


Luke looked around at the distorted, desert landscape around him, sweat rolling down his cheek. The young Jedi looked up to see two Suns, one yellow and the other red. Luke sighed. "Tatooine," There was nothing much to see, just kilometers of dunes peppering the landscape, with mountains and hills in the distance. The Jedi looked down at his feet, then knelt and grabbed a handful of sand.

"Ben?" Luke called, expecting to see his old master. He called again, "Yoda?" Silence loomed, the only sound being the wind pushing sand against the distorted desert landscape. Luke tightened his grip around the sand, eyes now fixed on the coarse granules.

"I never liked sand," said a not-so-familiar voice, coming from behind Luke.

He turned to see who it was that was talking to him in this forsaken piece of desert planet. It was a young man in a black Jedi tunic. He had long brown hair, a scar on his right eye, and wore a small smile on his face. Luke squinted his eyes at him. "Who are you?" Luke said.

"You don't recognize me?" the man laughed. The man had blue eyes which were bright but somewhat dour.

"No," replied Luke, un-squinting his eyes and putting his right hand on his hip, "Should I?"

"I am your father," he shook his head, "but I suppose you wouldn't recognize me, because I wore a mask your entire life."

Luke pulled back slightly. "Oh! "I'm… sorry. I didn't know it was you."

"No, offense taken," said Anakin, waving a dismissive hand. "I have something to tell you."

Luke looked around again, feeling the sand still in his left hand. "So, this is a dream? Or vision?"

"A little of both," Anakin mused, tucking his hands into his sleeves like a sage, "I have come to warn you about a growing threat." The elder Skywalker looked off, as if to see something in the distance. "And to get your help with a problem with an old apprentice of mine."

"An apprentice, huh?" Luke asked, pouring the sand out of his organic hand, cybernetic still on his right hip.

"Yes," the phantom said nodding, "two actually."

"Two?" said Luke, staring at his father with eyebrows lifted. "You had two Sith Apprentices?

The older Skywalker looked down at the ground dourly, eyebrows furrowed. "One is a former Sith. The other is a former Jedi who turned away from the order." He lifted his eyes back to Luke. "I need you to try and save them."

"Save them?" Luke exclaimed, "Who are they, where are they from, what should I know about them?"

The deceased Skywalker gave a pained look. "I can't tell you that… I hope you understand?"

Luke let out a sigh. "Yes, I know it is not your choice to make."

"You are a Jedi and a Skywalker Luke. You can do anything you set your mind to," Anakin assured, then placed a hand on his son's shoulder. "I believe in you. You have exceeded my expectations on many occasions."

"Thank you," Luke gave a warm smile. "Can you at least tell me where I need to go?"

Anakin matched his son's smile. "Don't worry, son. You will know when the time is right."

Luke slumped a little, "that's about what I expected."

The father Skywalker gave a snicker, then turned, then stopped. "Oh, one more thing," Anakin said, "Make sure to tell her… I'm proud of you, Snips."

Luke lifted an eyebrow then just nodded and replied, "I will."

"Goodbye, my son."

First Anakin started to fade away, then the landscape became dark. Suddenly, Luke woke up.

He was laying in his bed on Coruscant, sweating profusely. There were dull lights dancing around the room, it seemed less vibrant than usual. He decided to go to the roof of the Imperial Palace; one of his favorite places to be while in the capital. The lights of the city and the spectacular view gave him an upbeat feeling for being in such a grand place, rather than setting in his room meditating, like he often did.

He slipped on his Jedi robe and some slippers, attached his Lightsaber to his belt, then went to the elevator down the hall. When he arrived at the top of the Palace, there was a thick fog that protruded all over the city. The lights of Coruscant were muddled by a thick haze that barely showed the bright neon colors, for which it was known. "So much for the view," Luke muttered to himself. He walked over to the edge, and leaned on the guardrail. He looked at the haze to see the lights and at least hear the people. The sound of speeders going by filled the air, but there wasn't a sign of them; only fog and hazy lights. Luke blew some hair out of his face.

After meeting with his father for this brief encounter, Luke felt a singe of pain in his chest. His father talked to Luke like he was almost a stranger, and yet he wanted him to tell this "Snips" that he is proud of her?

"What kind of name is Snips?" he asked himself.

He looked up into the cloudy sky, which was gray like the city below it. Luke tried to imagine Darth Vader calling an Apprentice "Snips." Luke chuckled. Maybe it was a code, or nickname? he thought to himself, or maybe he was talking about Leia? He doubted it; his father knew less about Leia than he did about Luke. They never even met to Luke's knowledge.

The elevator door to the roof slid open behind Luke; he didn't have to look to know who it was. "Hey there, Master Jedi," said Han Solo as he came to stand next to Luke. "Enjoying the weather?"

Luke gave a reserved smile, "as much as one can enjoy it."

The ex-smuggler turned to his friend. "Say," Han mused, "Can't you…?" He made a shewing motion with his hands toward the city.

"Can I, what?" asked Luke, one brow cocked, "force the fog away?"

"Yeah!" he said, His eyebrows shot up, lifting a hand as if to pull an answer from the young Jedi.

"I don't think so," Luke replied, "There are some things that are out of a Jedi's control."

"Ah," the ex-smuggler said, pivoting to rest his back on the guardrail. "You can sense things pretty well. How is Leia?"

Luke looked at his friend. "She's mad at you."

Han pulled back a little in surprise, "you can sense it that quickly?

"I don't have to," said Luke, still smiling. "I just thought through it logically. Why else would you be up here alone?"

Han gave a hurt look. "Can't I be on the roof of the New Republic headquarters on a foggy day just to look at some scenery?" They both laughed, looking out at the misty city.

"What is she mad about?" asked Luke, looking at his brother-in-law.

"The usual," Han said, brushing a hand through his brown hair. "Don't spend enough time with the babies, never am around, always out gallivanting in smuggler's dens."

You no good, scruffy looking, nerf herder! Came to Luke's mind, which brightened his smile even wider.

"What?" asked Han, eyes directed back towards his friend.

Luke rolled his eyes, "She is just concerned for you and wants the best for the kids."

"I know," Han retorted, placing his flat, open palms in front of his chest. "But what did she expect when she got with a smuggler like me? Did she think I would become a house maid for her?"

Luke chuckled a little. "You are feeling a little domesticated, huh?"

Han pointed a finger at Luke, frowning his face a little, "exactly!"

"Well," Luke started, "just tell her how you fee-." The conversation was interrupted by the beeping of a comlink on Han's belt. "Is she calling you?"

"I don't think so," Han said, "She is giving me the silent treatment right now, so it's unlikely." He pulled the device from his belt and brought it to his mouth. "Han here," he said.

"Han Solo," a gruff voice started, "you wouldn't happen to know where Master Luke is, would you?"

"Admiral Ackbar," Han groaned, "how did you get the code to my comlink? I've changed it several times since we last spoke."

A gargled scoff came from the device, "That is of little significance. Have you seen Master Skywalker, recently? He is not picking up our call."

With a small sigh, Han finally relented, "yeah, I know where he is. Want me to give him a message?"

The voice on the other side of the comlink stumbled a bit, "Uh, Y-Yes I want you to give him a message! Tell him that Military Intelligence needs to speak with him! Have him meet us in the war room. Understood?"

"Aye-Aye, Admiral," said Han sardonically, then turned off the comlink before the Admiral had any time to bark out more orders.

Luke pulled himself away from the guardrail. "Well, looks like I have some work to do."

"Yeah," said Han rolling his eyes, "good luck with that. Let me know how it goes."