You may know me as Isabella Swan from my brief time in Forks, Washington, the gloomiest place on earth. But I'm actually Isabella Toretto, the younger sister of Dominic Toretto and slightly younger sister of Mia Toretto, by a year. Some things happened back home in LA and I had to get away, so I spent my senior year of high school with one of my dad's old friends, Charlie Swan. My friend Brian started flirting with my best friend Sophia. Like me Sophia races, not as good as me and my brother, but still pretty good. She knew of my feelings towards Brian, but instead of backing away like a best friend is supposed to do, she flirted right back! But I'm back and I won't let that stop me anymore from racing and fixing cars with my crew. The thing is though the crew isn't a crew, we are a family. Jesse is like the little brother that I never knew I wanted, Letty is Dom's girlfriend but also the best friend that I know will always have my back, then you have Leon who is like the chill cousin that supports your decisions, Vince the annoying cousin that cares about way to much, and the Dom and Mia.