A\N: This is totally a fan fiction made for entertainment. If the characters personality are different or I do different things from the franchise then know this! This is my story and i don't care if you think this is totally OOC ok? I don't need know everything about the entire franchise to make a fic. Instead of choosing one style you can imagine this story in the same style of your favorite artist on rule 34 or deviant art. Murderdaiida, Daredemon7000, Lordstevie, Geckoninja, Joelasko or Cricket-Inc. Pretty much whatever you like to imagine meanwhile reading this. Why i'm saying this? Well it's gonna have a bit of ecchi thats all...thank

Welcome to New York City! A very lively place and also quite dangerous to live on as well,but what place does not have danger lurking around right? Now how about we go take a look at this normal looking guy trying to live his life as one of society most underestimated jobs...a plumber.

*Apartment Complex*

A guy in a white shirt and in his underwear was watching television. He had messy brown hair like he just woke up,Blue eyes and a nose that resembled a ping pong ball; he was a tall and skinny man looking quite bored. Oh! Yeah, his name was Luigi.

"Man...today is so hot i think im melting,and to boot business is not going really well these days ugh...this is starting to get its toll on me,maybe I should go out and try to give away some of my job cards" He said getting up from the couch.

Luigi looked through all his clothes and outfits for different types of areas were pipes can be plumbed in alternative job sites,though many of his clothing were suited for the job they were worn to….but some were heavily damaged,some stretched out, some torn, even a few forever stained by some mix of goop but not all was gone.

Seeing an old looking box with some dust on it,it caught his attention so he decided to open it up...and there it was! a nostalgic piece of clothing. His old friend, a Green plumbing suit and blue overalls he's had since he 1st started and it was in good conditions as well.

''Oh man this brings back memories''

He said deciding to put it on and take a look at himself in the mirror. It fitted like a gloves;after that Luigi took his toothbrush and decides to get going with his morning routine.

"Ok Luigi today is just going to be one of those usual days" He sighs. "Sometimes i wish something cool happened to me,this sort of routine can be pretty dull"

Almost like his words were testing fate on the schedule,his words were heard. The room of his apartment started to tremble like an earthquake was coming by,gasping in shock he soom tries to hold onto something to keep the equilibrium.

"Mamma mia! What in earth is going on?" He asked himself in a panic.

Is it then a purple swirling vortex appears in the middle of the room he was standing,and by that i mean under his feet in which ends by him slowly sinking on it like quick sand.

"Ahhhh! What is this? I can't get out. Nooooooooo!"

As he screams in a thought that it might be his gets sucked into the vortex as everything is spinning like a high speed carousel and he ends up fainting in what seemed like a long fall.










After what seemed to feel as a fall into the abyss,the green clothed fellow was starting to wake up,but before his eyes can begin to slowly open up from that nap he could feel something poking his body hard with something, feeling a bit annoyed he quickly wakes up only to….see a turtle? but not just any turtle,it seemed to be bigger in size and...somewhat anthropomorphic? I mean it was wearing shoes! He was getting poked with a wooden sword; these creatures were something he has never seen before which puts him into a state of alert.

Finally standing up,a bit dizzy still, he just gets poked again like they were either asking him to walk or just see how squishy he was.

"Youch! Stop that! I'm not dead!"

Luigi told the strange looking turtle as it backed up, another one arrived as they grabbed him and started to drag him around what seemed like a castle. Their faces seemed serious and not much for a conversation. However...Thunderous footsteps and stomps can be heard in the next area as the poor man starts to think what can possibly be waiting there to make such noise.

Could this possibly be a dream? No, it can't be! The pain felt real and those cartoonish looking turtles. Luigi may not be the world's greatest genius,but he was no idiot,trying to struggle now out of their grasp without knowing first were he was being held? Was a bad idea,he probably just end up lost or end up in something more dangerous.

''(I have no idea what is happening. Did i hit my head so hard i am hallucinating? For now i should and see where they are taking me)'' He thought walking to the next room where the turtles are getting him, trying to stay calm.

What the plumber from New York City didn't expect to see however,was something you wouldn't just see every day or even at all in fact? What he saw was a towering, gorgeous and very strongly and well curved giant anthro turtle girl (Dummy thick to be precise)

She had a small shell on her back with the color pink and spikes coming out of it and a big pink bow with white dots on,it looked more like an accessory then something she would use to hide like turtles do. She seemed angry and frustrated; on his point of view all he could see was her back and DAMM! that was a giant derriere that would put any girl he knew to shame.


He blushed seeing that view that honestly? He doesn't think she meant to give that show,not that she was wearing something so small you could see everything but...it was just so big and out there the other turtles had to turn their gazes somewhere else.

"Damn it! I can't get these spells to work right! If only Kamek helped me but noooo! He just gave me this stupid cheap wand and a book for instruction. I'm not someone with raw talend for this god dammit"

Stopping her screaming, the curvaceous turtle girl then notices something green from the corner of her eye which throws her off and her supposedly minions who only have red shells and not green ones,turning around she sees a small man that stands before her.

"How did you get in here?"

Luigi Swallowed hard when He looked at such Creature walking towards him in a fancy blue dress. The dress, while having blue being the main color also had gold on the trims of it and some black in other areas like on the short sleeves of it. On her legs, black stockings hug her up to her thick thighs. She appears to be walking in a pair of silver color high heels. The skirt of the dress was long but only in the middle and left the sides of both her thighs out.

A\N: Think of symmetra default clothing from Overwatch

The dress seems a bit tight on her Thicc and large body. Probably one size too small, but it looks to be holding up well though. Even if it was under the pressure of her rather, large assets. It's was a miracle that her chest hasn't broken through the shirt...Luigi had to admit that his heart was racing for more reasons than just fear by that sight.

A\N: If you are wondering how big Wendy is just think back to How princess Peach would look like if she had taken the mega mushroom in SUPER MARIO WORLD 3D. You know which one….That one with the cat suits but if that is not enough then go to Murderdaiida and search for his work on Wendy o Koopa.

"Speak tiny man! How did you enter my castle?" She said with each step vibrating the ground

The turtles scattered away from her a bit intimidated that she might step on them by accident,but is it that another turtle shows up...this one was using a robe and flying on a broom?

"He must have been brought here from your foul magic" The broom flying turtle said.

"Kamek? What are you doing here? I thought you were busy" She asked a bit pouty.

''I sensed a disturbance in the magic. I told you that you could use that wand just for practice, but you used to make some bad summoning spell totally at random? Quite a fool move my dear Wendy.'' The turtle in the broom flying around said. So, the turtle girl was named Wendy.

Luigi stood there in shock and awe, many turtles creatures here big ones, magic looking ones or so he thought thanks to that flying broom and normal minion like ones.

"Um... excuse me Mr. Kamek sir?...where am I?" He asked heavily confused and bewildered by the large turtle named Wendy.

The old Magic turtle looks over their new guest and comes next to him slowly.

''You are in one of the castles and territories of our King of the Koopa Kingdom. I am Kamek and that is the owner of this castle Wendy o Koopa. Who made a FOUL! Summoning magic'' He said a bit angry.

Wendy pouts as she goes back to messing with the wand and go along with her minions.

'Koopa? Is that their race?' Luigi thought.

Then kamek hovers down to Luigi "This is just great! Now i have to clean her mess once more. Well young man we may not deal too much with dimensional problems,but if we ever get a way to send you back home,feel free to leave safe and sound" Kamek said

Wendy hearing this starts thinking about something...then comes back with an evil smirk "Actually! This can be quite useful for me when you think about it. Ok! Tiny man I got better plans for you" She suddenly said out loud towards him.

''Wait me?'' Luigi asked while pointing a finger to himself.

''What do you plan to do now Wendy? You know besides SOMEHOW summon someone from another dimension totally randomly? How did you even do that?'' Kamek Said shouting.

''Can you just shut up and let it go already? Ugh! You're so annoying! I summoned him Right? So he is mine now! He is going to be my Minion here on my castle and do everything I ask him to do'' Wendy said with a smug grin.

"Well...what if I refuse to be your minion? I just got here by mistake" Luigi looked at the giant turtle both concerned of what he said will anger and what exactly does Wendy do to people that anger her.

"I mean you don't own me or anything" He tried to look tough.

The Koopa queen of that castle raises an eyebrow at that, surprised for his way of talking to her,who did this tiny dude thought he was talking to? such bold words to the beautiful and strong owner of this place.

''How dare you talk to me like that you bug?! You have any idea who i am?'' Wendy said staring daggers at him that made him quickly regret talking like that to someone that can squash him.

''EEhhhhhh? Oh geez!'' He said startled.

"Calm down. Geez you are so short tempered. This is a normal reaction given the situation ok? No need to get a tantrum" Kamek said trying to defuse the moment.

Suddenly from the distance a sound so loud that it can be heard all the way from Wendy's castle, some angry loud roar was summoning for kamek in an obviously bad mood. Luigi hid behind kamek in fear from both the upset giant turtle in front of him along from the big voice from afar

"W...Who was that?" Luigi asked shivering.

''That was the Koopa King! Lord Bowser'' Wendy Said Proud.

''Oh...is he maybe your father or something?'' Luigi asked curious.

''Thankfully not! I can't imagine her Being a princess'' Kamek said with a small laugh before getting on his broom ''This is not over Wendy I will come back'' He then took off on his broom by a window.

"Damn that old koopa,being so rude!"

''Well that was something'' Luigi said still scared of what he heard, then he looks back at the big Koopa girl who was showing an innocent smile.

''Hey listen...I'm Sorry for acting all like that! How about i give you something as a gift for acting so rude towards a guest from another world?" She said showing off a black bracelet with some red decoration around it painted in wave like markings

''Really? Whoa thanks this is very nice of you'' The green plumber said as he gets the bracelet and puts on his arm who then glows in some red magical aura getting him surprise. ''Wait! Was it supposed to do this?''

Wendy looks down at Luigi and laughs "Hahaha yes! This was a gift I won in my previous birthday, it's more like a limiter where it makes you be unable to leave my castle grounds without my permission and since your such a weakling it worked on you perfectly"

Luigi just stand there with his Jaw open wide, did he just become a slave to an anthro female turtle girl from another world that looked like a giant amazon….yes he did.

"Now listen squirt, your first chore for now is go clean my room until I get some real jobs for you" She said laughing her evil laugh, like one of those mean girls in high school animes "Now go, I have important things to do"

Luigi felt defeated and a bit peeved at how he fallen for such a trick,with a heavy sighed he decided to play along for now since it was clear this whole deal was too far from his understanding for now.


He said with no other choice since,Luigi really didn't feel like testing her patience and so walks off to wonder around the castle,the place was big and filled with many different rooms but eventually finds her room,which surprising or not it was a gigantic room space inside.

"Wow! That's a big room alright,seemed like there is a lot of stuff to clean and...Underclothing?"

He blushes after seeing what appears to be a pair of panties and bras in sizes far more than he ever saw...on stores not personally. But there was no time for his awkward feeling of having t clean the room of his suppose 'Master' So it was time to hit it to second gear.

While he begins to clean Wendy's room Luigi starts trying thinking about ways to get out of there...but all seem to end up failing with either Wendy possible catching him trying to escape or the collar doing an unknown side effect on him for trying to leave.

He starts to pick up a broom the size of his own body and starts sweeping as much as he can. Picking up her clothes and pulling them down, and then let them on the bed were he had to climb to fondle them. He used the broom handle to get the intimate clothes without touching it and kind of throws them into the drawers blushing red still.

''Boy this is hard i can't believe i am doing this, is it really that hard for her to just not mess up her entire room? And why I am doing this alone?'' He said feeling frustrated by what seemed like a big workout for a room sweeping.

From the large window he can see a great view of the koopa kingdom, Luigi sees a telescope and by curiosity he takes a look. Its visible various creatures of evil or so did he thinks. He looks around to see goombas, bob bombs, wigglers, few hammer bros and lakitus in the far distances away from the castle. (Not that He know their troop names anyway)

"Wow this world looks….slightly dangerous and more of a wonder. I'm not sure if I want to travel out far from here,those things look mean. I'm in another dimension in what talking anthro turtles exist and I'm now a slave! Oh, Luigi you are in for a tough time''