(So, I got an anonymous request asking for Reylo smut. I *clears throat* I don't think I'm good at this, so your reviews will be very important for this chapter. *blushes* I will try my best to make it smutty but not over the top. Sooooo Yeah. There's that. Um. It's based on "Church" by Fallout Boy, so go check that out too! Alright, here we goooooo!)


... *no answer*


... *no answer*

Rey sits in her bath tub, warm water with rose colored bubbles. Her hair sticks to her neck and her head is leaned back against the wall, eyes closed tightly shut.


She sighs, finally relenting and unblocking him from her mind.


no answer*

She chuckles to herself, now he was blocking her. She sighs and sinks deeper into the water, keeping it just below her nose. Things had changed, significantly.

Ben , come on. I wasn't trying to upset you. I just wanted some time to myself. Come on.

Ben walks the corridors of the resistance base, keeping his stare directly in front of him as he makes his way to Rey's room . Old habits were hard to break, and his footsteps are just as loud and demanding as they had been back on the StarKiller Base. Back when he had been the Supreme Leader. When he had been Kylo Ren. A small twitch in his hand brings him back to reality. He wasn't Kylo anymore, no. He had left the Dark side for her. He had left the dark side for his Rey of Light. His Queen. Speaking of which, she had answered him before he'd gotten melancholy.


Just come to my room already .

A smile fills his face as he unlocks the door with his mind and walks in.

Way ahead of you.


I'm always one step ahead, my scavenger.

He hears soft splashing in the bathroom and takes a deep breath.

Rey stands up , reaching for a towel. His reflection in the mirror catches her by surprise and she stumbles back. His face is blank but his eyes. Damn those eyes of his. They stared at her in longing, in lust, in love. Damn those betraying eyes of his.

She gulps, turning towards him, towel forgotten.

He stays where he is, fully dressed, breathing heavily. The room grows hotter, but neither of them move. They are predators, watching each other's moves with anticipation. Waiting for an attack that refuses to come.

But they are also prey, afraid to move so as to not scare the other away.

Ben ?

Her eye twitches as she takes a deep breath and steps forward, hand outstretched. Offering him... something. She doesn't understand her actions herself. What is she offering him? Back when he had done this action, he had offered her to rule the galaxy with him. To join the Dark Side. Now, she was offering him her hand. Offering him to stay in the Light Side. Offering him to join her. To stay with her. To have her.

He looks at her outstretched hand and drops to his knees.

I am a monster. I killed people. Innocent blood was shed by me and my commands. My tantrums cost lives. I am a monster.

Her dripping hair frames her face, leaving a wet trail behind her as she walks over to him, pained by his thoughts. She pushes a strand of hair behind his ear, caressing his cheek, her fingertips traveling the length of his scar. The scar she gave him.

I don't blame you.

She runs her index finger over his lips, pressing his pout playfully. He kisses her finger, staring at her adoringly. She hugs him to her tightly, his face pressed against her stomach . He kisses her abdomen, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her closer.

I want you.

He groans, enamored by her very existence.


That is all he needs, his name on her lips, to drive him crazy. He presses kisses to her stomach, traveling up to meet her mouth. His hands cup her face, backing her up to the wall.

"Ben, take it off", she speaks again, breaking their kiss. He nods, kissing her neck as he disrobes. His chest is broad and bares multiple scars. She places her hands on him and runs them down to the hem of his black leggings. Placing his hands atop hers, he helps pull them down. She moves her hands back up to his hair and reinstates the kiss.

They are both naked now , equally vulnerable. Neither one is prey nor predator. There is no dark or light, just two souls healing and being healed.

He picks her up, walks out to her bed, and lays her down. Hovering above her, his eyes travel down her body.

"You're beautiful ", he manages to say, intoxicated by her.

She shivers at his words, sitting up on her elbows, "and you're mine".

He growls and presses her down on the bed, losing his mind as his senses, his head, his hands fill with her entire being. No time is wasted between them, kisses become bites, and caresses become pinned hands above her head. He needs to feel every part of her body, exploring her with his mouth and his tongue. Soon, she is filled with him just as he is filled with her.

He pays close attention to her body movements, noting the twitch in her hips whenever he hits the right spot and the way her mouth opens to moan but emits no sound. He notices her tightly closed eyes and the way her hands violently grab the sheets with each thrust.

"Ben", she moans, "harder".

He groans again and obliges, obeying every command of her body. He leans forward to kiss her, nose pressed against her cheek. Every action is intimate, every caress is loving, every sound is holy.

She finishes with a loud moan and whimpers lightly, too exhausted to open her eyes. He moans deeply as he watches her climax, it is enough to make him finish.

He lays next to her, pulling her into his arms.

"I love you", she whispers into his ear, kissing his cheek," you were a monster. Now you're mine."

He smiles widely and kisses her again, playing with her hair until she falls asleep.

I love you too.