A/N ok so I know I haven't posted since February, but hear me out. I got really busy with school and a ton of that kind of stuff and just as everything started to die down, I broke my freaking wrist. It's healed now, but the school year is in full swing, I was in a play, swim season just finished, and honestly, I forgot all about this. Until I stumbled across an old draft of this chapter. So, I edited and revised it (my way of saying that I rewrote the whole chapter) so I hope you like it!

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter

Albus hastily followed Rose to the Gryffindor table, but to his displeasure, she took a seat right next to her mother.

"Albus! Rose! Nice to see you two again." Hermione turned to Harry, who had a look of com

plete shock on his face. Their eyes met, and they just stared.

"Harry, Ron and I met these two on the train." Rose shook his hand, and Albus did the same.

"Albus?" Harry questioned, but Al just shook his head.

"Call me Al"

They finished the feast, and got led up to the gryffindor common room by Ron and Hermione, along with the first years.. Something that Al couldn't help but notice was how on their way up to the common room (which they had to pretend that they didn't know where it was, along with anything else in the castle was) Was that people kept giving weird and almost hateful looks towards Harry. Obviously he didn't know much about his father's time at hogwarts, but he was in fifth year, meaning he had just won the triwizard tournament. Shouldn't he be getting praised by the rest of the school? Except for the Slytherins, he guessed, because back in this time, the two houses couldn't stand each other. In his time, they still had they still had their rivalry, but since they no longer held such prejudice and the war was over, they no longer had a huge reason to fight. But anyways, he was overly confused by the looks, but chose to pass it off as just a coincidence.

When they got up to the Gryffindor tower, they were flooded with the sense of overwhelming familiarity. Up until that point, the two of them hadn't really realized how new this all was. Yeah they were in the same castle and everything, but what really makes Hogwarts home is the people within it, and none of those people were familiar to them. Or, at least not in this time.

"The girls dormitory is up that staircase and the first door to the left, I'll show you your bed" Hermione said, and trotted up the stairs, Rose close at her heels. Harry and Al just looked at each other for a second, and then Harry made a motioning gesture with his hand, signalling for Al to follow him and Ron up the stairs. When they got to the 5th year boys dormitories, Ron pointed to a bed in the room, in between Harry's and Ron's.

"Hey, you're the new kid Albus right? I'm Dean Thomas." Said the tall, dark man from across the room. Albus remembered meeting him a few times at dinner, his father and Dean were friends after all.

"Er, yeah" Al responded.

"Cool. So tell me about you? Interests, hobbies, sports, the whole deal." Dean questioned, in an obvious effort to get to know him.

"Well, I play quidditch, chaser, actually, but I'm very invested in my education. So is my cousin Rose, actually, we're kind of the nerds of the family. But my favorite class has to be defense, since I'm the best at it. So was my dad, he was kind of known for it." Al said, but then mentally kicked himself for mentioning his dad. Way to be discreet.

"Oh" Dean said, interested. "Who is your father?"

Al panicked "Um, er, his name was Henry Times, but he isn't famous or anything. When I said he was known for defense, I meant, like, known within his friend group."

Before Dean could respond the door opened again.

"Hello Dean, Harry, Ron, new kid" He said with a very present irish accent. This must be Seamus Finnigan, Al noticed. His father wasn't great friends with him, but Al knew his son, Noah.

"I'm Al" He offered his hand to shake, and Seamus took it willingly.

"Seamus" he said. "Hey guys, how was your holidays?"

"Eh" said Harry. "You"

"Me mam said she didn't want me coming back this year" He said.

"Why?" asked Harry.

"You, actually" responded Seamus.

Albus woke up at the crack of dawn, his head spinning. He climbed down stairs to the common room. He remembered the night before, when Seamus and Harry had a big fight. Seamus had called his dad a liar, but it didn't make sense. Did a lot of people think this way? Al decided that he would have to figure that out. All of the sudden, his thoughts were interrupted.

"Hi" said Harry.

"Hey replied Al, still a little shocked to see his dad.

"Hey so I'm really sorry about last night, it's kind of an awful way to start your time here."

"Oh well, er, it's ok" Albus stuttered. "Actually, I was wondering what the fight was about. Him calling you a liar, I mean. I heard Voldemort came back, but I thought it was true? Sorry, I', just so confused. "

Harry thought for a minute, then replied. "The Daily Prophet has been writing someā€¦. stuff about me lately. I'm telling the truth about the return of Voldemort, but a lot of people don't believe me" he said.

"Ok, well, for the record, I believe you that Voldemort returned." said Al, and then he climbed out of the portrait hole. What he didn't count on, though, was leaving a flabbergasted Harry, who was shocked at the realization that the new kid had just said Voldemort. Twice.

A/N owo look at that ending, I'm kind of proud, not gonna lie. I'm also proud of finally getting this chapter up. Also, I didn't copy the big Seamus/Harry fight from the book because that would be a sort of plagiarism I feel like, but I do reference it. I have the net chapter written and ready and I will post it as soon as I get 3 reviews on this chapter, so please review and let me know what you thought!