Chapter Six: The Sitch Gets Complicated

Lucian sighed as he disembarked from the plane on the tarmac at the Middleton Airport. If man was meant to fly, he would have been born with wings. Lucian thought with a groan as the air sickness left him, and he was able to continue. The First of the Lycans looked around. "There's something familiar about this place." He mumbled softly before he went to walk around the city in search of his bride and child. Habits were hard to break as Lucian stuck to the shadows. When he came the Possible Household, Lucian stopped as his sense of smell of his beloved, Sonja. The sweet odor of his Vampire lover almost made the Elder Lycan weep for joy. He stood in the shadow of a tree and watched as people exited the house. First, twin boys raced out of the house excitedly with some project in their hands. Then, a man that looked to be the boys' father waved to someone inside and left in a car

Finally, Lucian's breath hitched as Sonja and a girl, sixteen or around that age by her look, walked out and talked. From his vantage point, Lucian could faintly hear Sonja talking to the teenager. "Be careful, Kimmie. Try to control your anger today at school. Alright?" Kimberly, Lucian thought with a smile. So this girl is our daughter, my beloved? Lucian couldn't help a look of pride as it spread across his face while looking at his daughter and Beloved Sonja. Then, a new person joined his family. Lucian's fists clenched for a moment, but the rage quickly left him when he saw the Vampire nod at Sonja and say, "I'll keep an eye on her, Anne. I promise."

Kim sighed as she looked at her Mom one last time. Then, Kim reluctantly started walking to school. She looked into the shadow of the tree in her house's front yard. You're just worried about school, Kim. The Hybrid told herself with a sigh as she started for Middleton High. Relax. Kim shook her head and calmed down when she saw Sarah. "What is it, Pumpkin?" Kim shook her head and mumbled, "it's probably nothing, just my adrenaline playing tricks on me." Sarah nodded, but she looked over and saw a shadow that didn't belong in the tree's shadow. Sarah didn't say anything but gave Anne a subtle look. Anne responded with a slight nod and cocked her head toward the school. Kim shot off like a rocket. Something inside Kim told her to run until she got to school, so she listened to her instincts.

Once Kim left, Anne walked over to the tree. "It's been a long time, Lucian." She said with a cool edge to her voice. He stood up slowly. "Indeed, it has." He looked to where the twins had been moments before, and it suddenly made sense. "You rejected me!" He roared at her. Anne took a step toward him as her delighted face melted into anger. "I left because I had to. You know what father would have done if he knew I still lived. As a result, I left everything behind and set my stake on the New World." Lucian was not pleased. "Why didn't you try to get a message to me, Sonja?" Anne glared at him. "Spare me your self-righteousness, Lucian! You were so consumed by hate and bloodlust that you declared war on not just Viktor but my entire race!"

Lucian looked at her as if he'd been stabbed. "You and Viktor are the same." Anne growled as she continued her rant. "You crave blood for foolishness. What would slaughtering my kind have gotten you? It would have earned you nothing. Vengeance never solved anything, Lucian. It just creates an unstoppable bloodbath!" Lucian stared at his Sonja in shock. "What happened to you to turn you so soft? When we were together, you would've killed Viktor with your bare hands!" Anne raised an eyebrow at him. "You think that's what I wanted, to stage a coupe against Viktor?" Anne growled. "I loved you, and you used me to your own ends." The Vampire looked at the Lycan and played with her wedding ring as she thought of James, Jim, Tim, and Kim. "Sonja, don't! I can't bare to lose you again!" Anne shook her head. "I wouldn't dare. Kim is all the best parts of what you used to be, Lucian. I only wish I could have preserved that in you." She whispered before she turned her back to him and refused him the satisfaction of seeing her cry as she left for a shift at the hospital without another word.

Kim walked into school on edge. The teen's instincts were screaming at her that something bad was going to happen soon. She did her best to ignore them. "Don't worry, KP," Ron told his friend. "I've got your back." Kim sighed and shut the door to her locker. Can he feel it, too? Kim thought, a little confused by Ron's actions. Ron saw Mr. Barkin coming and pushed Kim to class. "Stoppable, what are you doing?! Get to class NOW!" Ron visibly winced at the volume in Barkin's voice. "No worries, Mr. B, I'm going." He said as he quickly followed Kim to class. As Ron sat down, a strange scent met the boy's nose. Ron looked at Kim and was about to say something when he heard Sarah yell, "You're not getting anywhere near Kimmie, you mutt!" A low growl rose in Ron's throat, and he started for the door as did Kim. "Stoppable, Possible; stay put!" Barkin yelled. Ron shook his head, walked out, and locked the door behind him before Kim could follow.

Ron had heard stories of Lucian, and he knew that Sarah wouldn't be able to take Lucian on by herself. He was much too strong, even for a Vampire with her ability. He walked out as Lucian launched himself at Sarah and pinned her to the ground. "Let me see my daughter, you bloodsucking wench!" Ron smiled darkly and cracked his neck. "So you're Lucian?" Ron asked as he sighed. "Mrs. Dr. P has said quite a bit about you." Lucian glared at the boy. "What do you know of me, Boy?" "Plenty," Ron grimaced as his rage began to grow. "At Camp Wannaweep, I was bitten by one of your kind." Ron growled as he glared at Lucian. Sarah was stunned. The Buffoon's a Lycan?! Before Sarah could put more thought to it, Ron ran at and tackled Lucian. The two Lycans rolled in their human forms. Then, Ron used his natural agility to jump behind Lucian and hold his arms behind Lucian's back. Sarah ignited her right fist and walked up to Lucian. "Why are you here?" She growled as she held the flame millimeters from the man's face. Lucian glared at the Vampire and spat in her face. "I want to see my daughter!"

Barkin watched from the locked door's window and felt his anger ignite when the man spit in Miss Go's face. "I'll have your head for that, you disrespectful bastard!" He growled. The focus of the class wasn't on the scene outside however. Every eye was glued to Kim as she sweated and kept her head against the desk. She was struggling not to rip Barkin apart at the moment, and she knew the moment she looked up and saw him, she would lose to her instincts. His declaration only made the girl's muscles tense tighter as her instincts screamed in her mind, Rip the man apart and uphold your Sarah's honor! The rage inside Kim made her partially deaf to her own thoughts, and because of that, Kim didn't catch the possessive pronoun usage of her mind. "Barkin…" Kim managed, her head still against the cool wooden desk top. "…get…away from…the door!" Kim ordered as the last of her will to fight ebbed.

Kim lunged at Barkin with enough force to snap the door's steel hinges and send the door slamming to the floor below. Then, Kim ran across the hall and punched Lucian in the face hard enough to create a deep dent in the lockers behind him. "I don't care if you are my sperm donor. You will NOT disrespect my Sarah around me!" Kim growled. Sarah looked at Kim in shock, but Kim was too focused on Lucian to notice. She picked him up in one fist and glared at him. Kim was rightly confused when this brought a smile and a laugh from Lucian. "You have my rage and your mother's determination…a deadly combination." Kim glared at him. "I don't EVER want to see you again!" Kim said calmly as she glared into the deepest depths of Lucian's soul and threw him down the hall like a rag doll.

Barkin slowly walked up to the group but was intercepted by Ron. "Mr. B, now is not a good time to try and get answers from Kim." Barkin glared at Ron, but the blonde didn't back down. "I'm giving you one last warning. Don't do this!" Barkin attempted to push Ron to the side. "Out of my way, Stoppable!" Ron closed his eyes as his fists shook, but the blonde boy held his ground. "Kim chose Sarah, not me. Sarah chose Kim, not you! Now grow a set and get over it, Barkin! I'm trying to save you dimwitted ass from being torn to bits by a feral Kim!" Barkin was stunned into silence. This wasn't the normal Stoppable. He was serious, but that led Barkin to even more questions. The loudest one: What the Hell just happened?!

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