Chapter 8: Fight of Flight
National City
"SOMEBODY HELP!" A women's scream went seemingly unheard as she ran further through the alleyway, trailing behind her were three older thugs. "SOMEBODY-" one of the men was able to catch up to her and grab by the shoulder. He threw her against the wall as the other two caught up, forcing her hands up the man next to him placed his hand over her mouth to quiet her screams.
"Now you listen here" He takes out a pocket knife and holds the blade up to her neck "I suggest you stop all that squirming or else we'll have to mess up that pretty face of yours, you understand?"
Her only response was to whimper slightly and stop her struggling. The man simply grinned disgustingly before he began reaching towards her pants, only to recoil and scream out in pain as a knife was embedded in his hand.
"You know usually I would just leave you guys with a couple of bumps and bruises and then let you leave with your tails between your legs or have the cops pick you up" they all turned to look at a fire escape where a man in all black was leaning against the railing, he backflipped off and turned to them as if he hadn't just landed from a ten foot drop.
"But not for you guys. I'm going to beat you and I'm going to leave you broken in this alleyway." Winn could almost see the fear wafting off of the three would be rapists, and he couldn't really blame them, a strange man in dark clothing showing up in the pouring rain and telling you he's going to break you into pieces is pretty scary.
But dammit if it isn't fun from the other side.
He then clapped his hands loudly startling them and then began rubbing them together giddily. "Alright then boys, any questions?"
'At least one of them is smart.' Winn noted as one of the goons turned and began running away, the other one still standing began running towards him and tried to to hit him with a sloppy over head swing.
Winn caught his arm and twisted it around painfully at the elbow, his next hit smashed the man's nose before Winn cracked his knee with a side kick. He then walked past him and kicked his buddy in the jaw sending him sprawling with a crack.
Winn turned his attention towards the last criminal, who was stumbling over his feet trying to run away and unstrapped a throwing knife from the strap on his thigh* before sending it flying through the air, it pierced into the man's calf causing him to tumble over himself and roll across the ground screaming.
Uncaring of the screaming man Winn turned towards the woman and kneeled down in front of her, keeping his movements peaceful to placate her.
"It's ok I'm not gonna hurt you, I'm gonna tie these guys up, what I need you to do is leave and call the police ok." Nodding frantically she quickly stood up and began running away, Winn then began to gather up all the criminals and tied them up with wire from his utility belt before he took his knives out of them.
He also made sure to break a couple more bones while they were still conscious, he couldn't be too gentle with them if he wanted them to learn.
"They're over there, this guy in black saved me!" The woman from before told the police as they followed her to the three men tied up but no sign of the man who had saved her. Up on a nearby roof Winn watched as the men were dragged off by the police with a smile on his face under his mask.
"Sire?" He hears come from his communicator.
"Yeah Mag?" Winn pulls out his phone to check the NCN (National City Nuisance) App, he'd installed it in his phone in order to tap into local police scanners and send him the general situation and the gps location of a crime. It was quiet for now, which was a welcome sight after the last week of craziness, it was just his luck that it would be the week he started as well.
Though the uptick in night crime had suspiciously started right after Kara had revealed herself to the world.
"It seems the muscle simulations you initiated for your prosthetics project have been completed." He opened a text from Maguel on his phone to see the 3-D schematics for the bionic prosthetic limbs he was designing. They were designed to be stronger, more flexible and looked exactly like regular limbs if you ignored the smooth sheen over the surface, the best part though?
They had complete sensory feedback.
He'd typed up a preliminary structure for the limbs and then had a program written up to simulate the correct outer composition to have the flexibility of a normal limb, or the best he could muster that wasn't actual muscles and ligaments. Now that those portions were finished he could move on to the nerve simulations that would allow for the connection of the senses and the main control. Beyond that it would take time to gather the necessary materials and money for any testing of a finished product.
It was only one of the multiple projects he was working on but this one would benefit society while bringing in some major cash in his pocket.
"Awesome, thanks Mag I'm coming back to base, it's been a long night."
"I'll have a cup of hot chocolate awaiting your arrival Sire." Ooh was that sarcasm he heard, Maguel was growing up well. There was another ring on his communicator to the tune of 'Happy' by Pharrell, this one was from Kara, Winn had a depressing amount of personal contacts so he'd given the ones he did have each a personalized ringtones.
He enjoyed the sound for a moment before he answered "Heeey, how's my favorite alien doing?"
"I'm the only alien you know." He could hear the smile on her face through the phone. "Maybe I'm just letting you believe that." He shot back causing her to giggle, he paused to leap down onto another fire escape and shimmy his way down to the ground where his bike awaited.
"As much as hearing your voice brightens my day, I assume you have something on your mind." He inquired with a more serious tone of voice making her grow silent. On the other side of the phone Kara was floating in the air looking over the city with a conflicted look on her face.
"It's nothing Winn, sorry to worry you." She said hastily in the most believable tone of voice she could muster.
"Oh well ok, if you need to talk don't hesitate to call I'll see you tomorrow babe." He seemed to want to say more but he didn't push for anything more.
"Yeah, see you tomorrow." She hung up before slipping her phone into one of the pouches Winn had added to her suit's waist.
"Excuse me, I'm hoping that you'll explain why you've brought me out here." Cat Grant spoke from the cliff that Kara had dropped her on.
This was a bad idea, a horribly bad idea but she couldn't just let James get fired he was her cousins best friend. Even then this wasn't entirely for James, she needed to get out in front of her own story so no untoward rumors could begin circulating.
"You wanted to talk, let's talk."
'Dear god that was a bad idea.' Eight hours and six sticky buns later and she was still sulking about the catastrophe of an interview she'd given Cat. The woman was a demon, she led her into answering questions she didn't even have answers for. She couldn't think of anything that could bring her spirits up at this point.
"How can you possibly eat so many of those for breakfast every day and still stay so thin?" A waitress says coming up and putting an extra sticky bun down in front of her. Ok that does make things a little better. "I'm an alien." She responds honestly causing the woman to laugh, before Kara started digging into her food.
"Someone's hungry." Kara turned her head up to see Alex walk, "Are you ok? I tried calling you after what happened last night." She asked with a worried look on her face as she rested her hand atop of Kara's. Kara smiled at how affectionate Alex was being, people who didn't he know would think of her as cold but she had always been caring and gentle with her.
It made a warm feeling blossom in her chest every time. 'Stop it Kara, you sorted these feelings out in college.' She mentally rebuked herself as her smile faded.
"Uh n-no, no I'm fine just felt tired, went to bed early." She stuttered slightly clearing her throat and covertly removing her hand from Alex's.
"Well well well if it isn't the Danvers Sisters." They turn to the sight of Winn and Jimmy waking up, at the sight of the former both sisters began smiling unbeknownst to the other.
"Morning you two."
"Hey, what are you two doing here?" Kara asks before she yelps as Winn picks up her fork and takes a bite of her sticky bun. "This place has this really hard to find drink I like, tea." He jokes to getting a light chuckle from Winn and Kara and silence from Alex.
"And I am tagging along because I have a little something something to work on in the building." Winn says cryptically while wiggling his eyebrows, getting a louder laugh from Kara and a badly hidden chuckle from Alex causing James to glance at Winn questionably.
"Oh yeah Alex, did you know that James is working at Catco.?" Kara said as she stopped chuckling. James turned towards Alex and spoke in a hushed whisper "How's the covert alien hunting business going by the way?"
"Not as covert as we would like it seems." She said giving Kara a pointed look and making Winn chuckle slightly.
"I didn't tell him." She said honestly, she hadn't even told Winn about the DEO, she had promised Alex and Hank not to tell anybody and she was keeping it. "You don't have to worry about me telling anyone."
"Well I hope you'll extend the same courtesy to my sister."
"Always. Well I guess I'll see you at work." He said to Kara before he began leaving, Winn following behind him. "You are so telling me about the alien hunter organization, you know that right." Winn whispered to James who chuckled and nodded as they walked off.
"Catch ya later Goldilocks, Little Red." He said shying away from the questioning glare Alex sent his way. After they left Alex turned back to Kara.
"You have got to stop telling people our secrets, it was bad enough when two civilians knew you were Supergirl but the DEO was supposed to be secret."
"That's the thing, I didn't tell them. I promise none of my secrets are out in the open." She promised as they began to converse once more before a breaking news report with Kara's picture on it caught Alex's attention.
"In a shocker of a news item today Cat Grant, CEO of Catco Media, is reporting that Supergirl and Superman are in fact related."
"Kara?" Alex asked incredulously as Kara silently ate a piece of her sticky bun.
From then on her day didn't get much better, Cat had decided to write an expose on Supergirl and was holding an event for its release. She'd even made Kara move poor Dave out the sight line of her office.
Then of course as soon as she arrived at the DEO she got chewed out by Hank, as she flew towards the city she silently thanked Vasquez for the short reprieve with the pile up. There was a bus flipped over to its side as well as several cars that it crashed in to on the side of the road, she landed and went over to the bus but before she could she was struck by bolt of energy and sent flying into a car.
She raised her head to see a man in a suit of rusty black armor landing across from her, his fists glowing with energy.
"Who are you?" She yells as him as he walks closer, makes sure to move away from the bus as the crowd began to edge away from them. "Just a ghost." He says shrugging. "And I want the Man of Steel to suffer, I want him to know what it feels like to lose everything and that starts with you." He said raising his arm and blasting her again.
Kara grunted and rose from the wreckage and flew at him just in time to dodge another blast, inside the crashed bus the driver was stuck by a piece of metal as a puddle of fuel leaked from it and was sparked on fire.
The driver began screaming before a thump came from the top of the bus, the door was slowly pulled halfway open before Angel* hopped in and quickly extricated the driver then Air Boosted out. Just as he landed the fire hit the bus making it go up in flames before he quickly made his way to the paramedics.
"Thank you." The woman managed to get out before being placed onto a gurney. Angel nodded before turning to look at where the two supers were duking it out, they were even in the beginning before Reactron took advantage of Kara's lack of experience and began rain blows on her. He hit her with a one two cross before blasting in the stomach sending her skidding across the ground.
Reactron didn't let up as he blasted her again when she tried to get up, he walked over to her and raised a glowing fist to strike again when he was hit by one of Angel's Air Punches. His attention was brought to the man in question as Angel sent two more air punches at him, that struck his armor causing him to take a few steps back in surprise.
He turned back to Angel and fired off an energy blast but the man dodged by jumping onto the hood of a car and then vaulting over to Reactron, laying a hammer strike onto the top of his head sending him reeling. He didn't stop in his combination as next he drove a knuckle into his throat in the small gap between his mask and collar armor causing Reactron to claw at his neck as he struggled to breathe and fell to a knee.
"You know as a fellow builder I gotta say, no full head gear? Huge design flaw." He said before dropping an elbow on the top of his head. The man grunts once more before growling and throwing an uppercut that Angel flipped backwards to dodge.
Reactron struggled to stand up blood leaking from his scalp as he glared at his opponent, knowing that Angel had picked up a dire gap in his armor. It was made to fight the Man of Steel, a man that would never take advantage of a person's weak spots, had no fighting style whatsoever and had been conditioned to hold back against people he saw as weaker than himself.
Winn had always been weaker than almost everyone he met, he'd been on the side of the bullied so he knew to always take advantage of any weak point he was given. However as he saw his opponent stand up and charge his gauntlets he realized that he couldn't beat him one on one without killing him, Winn was stronger then most of the average human race even if he wasn't using all his strength but he still lacked the absolute superhuman strength required to go blow for blow with those that relied on it.
It was a good thing he wasn't alone.
"Duck!" He didn't require any further instruction as he dropped forward on all fours just in time for a car door to fly over him and lay out Reactron. A quick air boost brought him back to his feet just in time for the armor clad villain to rise as well and try to blast them. His gauntlets sparked, followed by the core in the center of his suit, he let out a growl before lifting up into the air and flying away. Winn cursed silently to himself that he hadn't been able to attach a tracking device to the man's armor.
Supergirl looked in the direction he flew in for a second before turning around and walking away. Angel quickly made his way over to her and air boosted to land In front of her with his hands up placatingly.
"Woah there's no need to rush I could really use your help with clean up here." Kara looked at him confused for a second before she took in the situation around her, though Reactron had left there were still overturned cars blocking the road, not to mention that bus that was still on fire.
"Ok yeah I'll help." She says with a determined look in her eye, causing a smirk to develop on Winn's face under his helmet. "Alright then let's get to work." He says clapping his hands together excitedly, over the next half hour they worked together to helped clear the wreckage. Thankfully no one else was stuck in any of the vehicles, so Winn and Kara were simply doing what they could to help.
For the kryptonian it was lifting all the larger debris off from the road somewhere it can be picked up later which left Winn to suffocate the minor flames that had spread on the road before finishing on the blazing bus.
The flames weren't as big as the ones at the docks so snuffing them out took less than half the time, however that gave the cops enough time to show up.
"That seems like my queue to leave, see ya later Powergirl." He said before bounding away before Kara had a chance to correct him, though he did chuckle when he heard her yell back at him. The crowds eyes followed him as he jumped above them to where he had parked his bike and quickly revved it before peeling off down the street.
As he drove into the city he weaved through the cars and popped a wheelie that caught the attention of some bystanders, he let out a laugh behind his mask as he tore down the road his chest feeling light as a feather.
A super villain! He had just finished fighting a goddamn Supervillain, one that went toe to toe with Superman no less! He had this feeling of exhilaration that he never knew he needed or wanted before, he'd helped people, he saved someone and damn did it feel good.
Behind him two cop cars flashed their sirens and began pursuing him. He cursed but didn't make any move to slow down, he focused on losing the cars while thinking of how stupid it was that he was being chased in the first place.
Was he a vigilante? Sure. Did he have even a hundredth of the amount of accomplishments as people like Superman or Batman? Hell no! But he was saving people and he did the job when no one else was there to help.
Well besides Kara.
While he was pondering the unfairness of it all Winn happened to forget that for the last week he had been going out at night to beat up criminals and thugs in a most violent fashion.
"Alright boys, try to keep up." Winn muttered as he he sped up again leaving the cop cars in his dust, as he heard the roar of the engine and felt the wind on his back another laugh rose from his throat.
This life is something he could get used to.
Up in the sky at skyscraper heights Supergirl floated with her eyes set on the dark clad vigilante as he raced down the streets, she was still a bit wary of him after all she had a problem with masked heroes in general but from his actions so far she could tell he at least had good intentions.
"Kara?" She heard Alex's voice crackle from her ear comm."You ok out there?" She asked concerned, must've heard her fight the microwave man. "Yeah Alex I'm good I'll be back in a minute." With a quick movement she was rocketing her way towards DEO base where Hank and Alex were both paying attention to a picture of the armored man on the main screen.
"'Reactron'. At least that's what the Daily Planet colorfully dubbed him when he showed up in Metropolis a few years back." The director explained. Kara's expression fell when she heard the name, "Reactron? That's kind of a stupid name, who named him that?" She asked wondering who had such terrible naming sense.
"Jimmy Olsen." Alex coughed to hide her snicker as Kara winced. "Oh." 'Sorry James.' She internally apologized before focusing on the task at hand, "So who is this guy anyway?"
"Unknown, He remains at large after a string of very public fights with your cousin." Hank said as he brought multiple clips of Reactron and Superman duking it out, flying over Metropolis and crashing into the streets. "Neither of them really came out on top and no one knows why he's so obsessed with killing Superman." Kara nodded in understanding, her cousin had fought dozens of villains over the years and not all of them had been very sane.
"Alright so how do we stop him?"
"We don't." Hank says as he and Alex exchange looks shocking Kara.
"So what are you saying, we just sit back and do nothing?" She asked them incredulous at the thought of letting a supervillain with a powered suit of armor run free. "Reactron, whoever he is is human, meaning that he falls out of the DEO's jurisdiction we have no reason to pursue him."
"The guy flies around and shoots nuclear fireballs! How in the hell is that not extra-normal?" She yelled back.
Alex stepped forward and quickly interjected. "He's using advanced biomedical tech. Man-made tech."
"We can't risk exposing this organization every time some human criminal shows up in National City." Hank told her. "And I just can't let this man run wild, innocent people could've been hurt today because of him." Kara argues back.
"Call your cousin." Hank spoke towards her dismissively not even looking at her. "Superman fights for truth, justice and the American way. Last I checked National City was apart of America, or you could just go local and point Angel in Reactron's direction."
"He's the guy in black who's been running around for the last week, he helped put out that dock fire and he saved me in the warehouse when I was kidnapped." Alex explained to her causing a look of realization to come onto her face, she supposed it was a fitting title after all he did have the wing motif down pat.
"The point is" Hank spoke up breaking her from her thoughts, "we are tasked with combating and containing extra terrestrial threats, not every human with advanced tech and an origin story." The Director finished before walking off leaving Kara frustrated.
An hour later the main floor of Catco. was bustling with activity over the battle of superhumans that morning. Everyone knew about Superman and all his big fights with villains in Metropolis, so it was the talk of the town when one of them decided to migrate to National and fight Supergirl. The fact that it also brought the vigilante Angel into the light was cause for everyone to get excited, there were a lot of questions about him.
Where did he get his powers from? Was he an alien like Superman and Supergirl? Could he be trusted?
These questions were on everyone's minds, mostly so that they could distract themselves from Cat Grants moody disposition that always occurred when she began writing.
" ?" Kara called out to the woman as she turned away from the ceiling to glare at her. "I'm just...I'm putting the finishing touches on the party and I need your okay on-" "Shh shh shh. Do you hear that?" She said pointing to the ceiling only to be met with complete silence.
"Uh, no."
"You don't hear that loud, high pitched, incessant humming coming from the vents that is making it impossible for me to think straight, let alone string together one coherent sentence?!" She yelled annoyed.
"I have pretty good ears and I don't hear anything." Kara said shaking her head. "Well get maintenance to look into it because it's driving me crazy." Kara nodded and began writing it down for later before speaking up again. "Sure thing, I just need you to approve the appetizers for tomorrow."
"Keerah, I am very proud of the fact that in my many years of being a CEO I have never thrown a phone at an assistant. I would very much like to keep that record intact, wouldn't you?" Cat spoke up ignoring Karas answer and wiping a second pair of glasses hard enough to break them.
"I'll take care of it right away." She replied before turning and trying to leave the room as soon as possible.
James soon walked up to her with a smile on his face only someone who hadn't worked for Cat Grant for long could manage, "She's pretty tense working on that article, huh?"
"'Pretty tense'?" Kara asked sarcastically. "I'd rather fight Zod than deal with her when she's like this." She said causing James' eyes to widen.
"Wow, and she always gets like this when she's writing?"
"People tend to schedule their vacations around it." She replies getting a chuckle out of him, suddenly a hand landed on his shoulder causing him to jump in surprise and place a hand to his chest. He whirled around to see Winn with a grin on his face and heard Kara giggle a little, he was really glad he couldn't see his own face because he was pretty sure that he was blushing in embarrassment.
"You know for such a big guy you sure do scare easy." Winn jokes, his grin growing but James was going down without the last word.
"Well you know how they say elephants are scared of mice? I feel like we're kinda like that." He retorted bringing a chuckle out of the shorter man who tilted his head to look at Kara.
"I like him." He said before turning around and pointing forward jubilantly. "Come on, let's go time's a wastin!" He said before he began walking towards the elevators, James and Kara following him confused.
"Wait Winn where exactly are we going?" Kara asked as the doors closed on the three of them and they began going up.
"Congrats Kara, your movin on up." He said with a grin confusing her further, before she could ask anything the elevator doors opened and he stepped with the other two following.
"What is one thing every hero needs in order to do the job right? Hint: Both Superman and Batman have it." He asked turning to them and walking backwards.
"A willingness to put your abilities to use for others./A striking personality that everyone will recognize?" James and Kara answered respectively at the same time, Winn was surprised at their answers for a moment before he thought about the two for a minute and saw how the answers fit.
"Yes and Yes, but the answer I was looking for was a Base of Operations." He said as he opened the door to the once empty office to reveal his setup. With his upgrades and new programs he was able to compartmentalize all the data he needed to help Kara into one a single medium sized server connected to two desktops. One on a desk and another of three times the size on the adjacent wall, they both were running files of Reactron and his abilities.
"Wow Winn, this is amazing, did you do this all for me?" Kara asked looking between both screens, she was flattered at the work he'd put into it, she hadn't even thought of doing something like this. James was in a similar state although there was a small case of envy on his part, everyone talked about how he was Superman's best friend and sidekick but he always felt that he wasn't needed, like he was just…there.
He was broken out of his sulking when Winn spoke up and began working the Wall computer, "No need to thank me, I told you I'd do everything I could to help you didn't I?" He answered sending a smile her way beforehand began used the touchscreen interface to bring up a blurry picture of Reactron from the fight that was caught on someone's phone. He pressed a few buttons and the photo cleared it was like a live feed of him.
"Alright so we know that Reactron is a villain that's been fighting Superman for a few years now, right?"
"Yeah I was there for all the fights." James spoke up trying to contribute, Winn suddenly pointed at him and nodded "Yeah I know, which is why besides Clark you're the only person who can give me some insight in his abilities." He turned back towards the computer before he could see Kara and James faces morph in shock.
"You told him your cousins secret identity?!" He hush yelled at her while towards her. "No! I mean I was planning to eventually but I haven't told him anything yet." She whispered back.
"You guys do know I can totally hear you right now, right?" He said with his back still turned towards them, he tilted his head to look at them while continuing to type up a program. "It's not really that hard to figure out, the guy doesn't do much to hide his identity, glasses and a good slouch will only get you so far." He said leaving them speechless. "Now enough of that, James, Reactron's abilities go!"
"Oh right, he doesn't seem to have any powers of his own but he has this suit of powered armor that runs on nuclear power." Winn listens intently and begins writing down the details as they morph into listings next to Reactron's picture in front of their eyes. "The power source is in the chestplate and he can use it for enhanced strength and flight, he can use the gauntlets to shoot bursts of energy…" he trailed off as he moved forward to look at the screen better. "Winn, what's a Tinker?"
Winn had to hold back a grin as he began pointing towards the titles next to Reactron's picture, "A Tinker is one of twelve power classifications that I thought up for people with above human abilities, for example Reactron has the Tinker rating because of his armor that's obviously above current world tech and the armor gives him a Brute rating for his strength and durability, a Blaster rating for his gauntlets and finally the Mover rating for his flying capabilities." He finished explaining them. "We can go over the particulars of the system later, but knowing all this I feel like we can come up with a good strategy to defeat Reactron."
"That sounds great but how are we gonna know when he'll strike next? Even then I don't exactly like the thought of putting innocent people at risk just to catch this guy." Kara asked, it was a proper concern, Reactron was dangerous and he had no rhyme or reason to what he was doing besides a hatred for her and her cousin. Who knows how many civilians could be hurt in his path towards revenge.
"I'm glad you asked." He quickly walked over to the desktop and typed a few buttons causing a map of the city to pop up on the screen with patches of red on it. "This is an algorithm I set up to trace any high level radiation going throughout the city, it's not picking up on anything yet but I think that might be a solution more than it is a problem."
"Wait, why is not finding him a positive?" James asked.
"Well for one thing it means that we have time to prepare for him and on another if we can't find him with radiation scanning it might have something to do with how his energy core was damaged in his fight with Kara."
"Yeah, but if he made his own armor wouldn't he be able to fix it by himself, what's with the hesitation." Kara said raising a good point, Winn remembered that the guy worked in a radiation plant with his wife, he was fuzzy on the details but she died and he blamed Superman. But that doesn't explain how he was able to build a suit of knock off iron man armor with no serious engineering background.
"We can focus on that later, Kara?" He turned to her with a serious look catching her attention , "The next time you fight him do you think you'll be able to beat him?"
"Y-Yeah of course I can." She answered with uncertainty, her fight had showed her how inexperienced she was but it was like she had a choice, she had to fight him!
James seemed to pick up on this as he grabbed her shoulder to move her away. "Kara I think that maybe it would be better to call Clark on this one, have him handle it this guy is dangerous."
"What no! James if I call for help now after losing to him once everything that we're doing will be for nothing, every villain out there will see National City as an easy target." She argued vehemently, it was different than when Clark went to a city that had no one watching over it to protect them, it would be like saying that she wasn't able to protect them.
"He nearly killed Clark once." He said trying to get her to see reason and ask for her cousins aid.
"If I may interject." Winn said swiveling around in his chair to face them, "While it's true that Reactron got the upperhand on Supes once, that was five years ago and going off of the battle this morning he obviously hasn't kept up steady maintenance on his tech, I think that if you play this right you can take him."
"Winn's right, James I appreciate the concern but I need to do this to prove to both myself and the world that I'm not just Superman's cousin, I'm gonna defeat Reactron and I'm gonna do it as Supergirl!" She declared causing Janes and Winn to grin at her, impressed by the conviction in his voice it truly was an inspiring sight to behold.
"Looks like stubbornness runs in the family." James smiled before a beep came Winn's desktop.
"Winn what happened did you get a hit on Reactron?" Kara said moving forward to lean over his shoulder. "I didn't, but it looks like my theory on him needing help with his suit panned out, he just kidnapped Maxwell Lord." He said pulling up the news report.
"Once again Lord Technologies has been the victim of an attack, this time by the villain known as Reactron."
"You're on Danvers." Winn said to Kara who was already out the door removing her civilian clothing, he whistled as he watched her speed out. "Those kryptonians sure can book it can't they?" He asked out loud causing James to chuckle as he headed out as well.
"Yeah they can, I'll see ya I should probably get back to work before Cat tears my head off."
"Alright I'll see you later." Winn watched him leave for a second before he began typing on his desktop, a swipe later and a 3-D model of a suit of blue and gold armor, above it were the words PROJECT:GUARDIAN. It was just a preliminary model as Winn had nowhere near the amount of resources needed but it was a start to something great, and James would be the first of many heroes if Winn had anything to do with it.
Winn was in his workshop working on some new tech, currently he was tweaking with his electro discs, each one had the power of a taser and fit into his utility belt. He was finishing up on the last of the batch when Alex's ringtone went off.
"I've always like to play with fire~" He smirked before putting down his tools and picking up the phone. "Wonderful Winn speaking how can I be of service." He joked causing Alex to chuckle on the other end of the phone, she nervously but her nails for a minute before clearing her throat to speak.
"So uh, I was wondering, Kara's busy with some work so I wanted to know if you wanted to get a drink or something." She winced at the end with how awkward she must've sounded, luckily Winn paid it no mind and simply to himself before agreeing to meet up with her. "Sure, I'm down."
"Really?! I mean yeah, it's the one by Kings Street, the Old Mare I'll meet you there." She said trying to play off her eagerness.
"Alright I'll be there in ten." He got dressed in the civies he kept in his base in case of emergency and hopped on his bike. He quickly pulled up to the Old Mare and made his way inside, the place really spoke for itself as it had old timey decorations with rhythmic music and boisterous patrons.
"Winn!" He turned towards a pool table by the bar to see Alex wearing a white blouse, black leggings and a black leather jacket.
All in all she looked beautiful, he wondered why she was hanging out with him instead going out with another guy but he ruled it out as being too caught up in her DEO work.
As he saw her eyes light up when she saw him a smile made its way onto his face. Maybe hanging out with Alex and getting a stiff drink would keep his mind off of Reactron's next attack.
Random Junkyard
On the outskirts of National City Reactron and the kidnapped Maxwell Lord were staying in an abandoned shack. Reactron had a gun pointed at the Millionaire as he worked on fixing his chestplate, he was currently finishing the wiring needed for the nuclear core to transfer power to the rest of the suit. He connected the last processor into place making the armor core light up and hum with activity, Reactron stood up and walked over to him before jabbing him in the head with the barrel of his gun.
"Hey Hey, I did what you asked for, your suit is all fixed up just like you wanted." He said raising his hands above his head. "You're right you did." He walked over to a box covered in a tarp and uncovered it to show a half assembled machine and several other machine parts including what looked like the sphere that powered Reactrons suit.
"And exactly what do you want me to do with that." Max said as the box was dropped onto the table in front of him. "I want you to make a bomb." He said causing Lord's eyes to widen in shock, Reactron paid no attention to his reaction and began pacing back and forth behind him. "It's not enough to destroy Superman or to kill his cousin, I have to completely obliterate everything they stand for and everyone they love." Lord could hear the desolation and emptiness in his voice as if he had nothing to live for and nothing to lose.
Those types of people were the most dangerous.
"And if I refuse?"
"Then I'll find someone else and this time I won't leave any witnesses." He threatened, Lord simply gritted his teeth and began work on the bomb, the parts were incomplete and he only had simple tools for so it would take awhile. Hopefully enough time to add in a little surprise.
The Old Mare
"I thought you said that you were supposed to get better at something the more you did it?" Alex asked teasingly as they sat next to each other at the bar, just as Winn thought the hours he'd spent talking to and drinking with Alex had really helped to lighten his mood and take his mind off of things.
He chuckled while drinking his scotch and wiped his mouth before answering. "No, I said that I could do anything and get as good as I wanted, I just happen to SUCK at pool." He trails off taking another drink causing Alex to chuckle, it wasn't even fair she had schooled him in every game eight to zero. Alex found it ironic and very amusing that the man can create his own first rate technology but had trouble with a game as simple as pool.
They'd been spending the last few hours talking and getting to know each other over pool and drinks, Winn told her about how he'd spent all his time tinkering since he was a child but how he'd stopped after highschool when his father was finally caught and sent to prison.
As for Alex it was hard for her to talk with him at first, but as the night went on she got more comfortable with him and told him stories about what she got up to when she was younger, her life with her mother and father before Kara came and how she played sports when she was younger.
They were like opposites put together it seemed.
"I wanna thank you for inviting me out tonight Alex, I really needed to take my mind off of this new villain." Winn said sincerely causing her to turn towards him.
"Oh I didn't mean much by it, but you're welcome Schott." She said raising her glass to him before a sly grin spread across her face. "Ya know if you're feeling a little extra thankful there are a couple things I could ask for."
"This is how a lot of porn starts ya know?" he muttered "Alright lay it on me Danvers whaddya want?" He asked curious, this side of Alex was different than anything that he thought she would be, she was teasing him and making light hearted jokes as if they were on a date.
He would've pondered on this more but Alex quickly chugged her drink and then leaned over to kiss Winn on the cheek.
He didn't know how someone could make a kiss to the cheek sensual but Alex pulled it off pretty well, it was like fire spreading under his skin before she pulled away just as quick.
He chalked it up to secret spy seduction techniques.
"Not exactly what I meant but hey, I'm not complaining." He commented flustered as Alex stood up and paid for her part of the tab.
"I wouldn't get too excited, you won't be getting more than that for the next few dates." She smirked at him before saying her farewells and walking out of the bar with his gaze following her form.
He downed the rest of his drink before her words registered with him, "Wait, was this a date?" He asked himself, the answer would elude him for weeks to come.
"It has been 24 hours since tech billionaire Maxwell Lord was abducted by the Metropolis based villain known as Reactron. Authorities will not speculate whether they believe he is alive or dead."
Kara turned away from the news report to finish the details for Cats party and was pondering the ridiculousness of the hostesses in Supergirl outfits when she saw her sister walking up to her desk.
"Alex? What are you doing here?" She asked, "I heard that you guys were having trouble with Reactron, came to offer my support." She told her sister with a smile.
Kara's eyes widened in surprise, she was happy that her sister was willing to help her outside of the DEO. She quickly went to get James and they entered the office that Winn had fitted to suit their needs, she'd need to tell him to secure it somehow.
Alex took immediately sat by the computer and accessed the DEO database to pull up all their information on Reactron. "Reactron isn't Extra normal my ass." Kara scoffed remembering how Hank has dismissed her before.
"Well it's not what you think, we keep records of Enhanced individual to maintain a line of information exchange with the other intelligence agencies." She explained before a 3-d image and some a radiation chart.
"I used a DEO satellite to scan the highway where you fought Reactron and I was able to isolate the nuclear signature of his weapons system. It's powered by Thorium 232 which can only be found in one place in the country." She tapped a key and a picture of a power plant came up, "Bakerline Nuclear Power Station." Kara read. "Why does that sound so familiar?"
"Superman was there." James spoke. "Five years ago a terrorist group took it over and tried to start a meltdown, millions of people would've died if he hadn't stopped them."
"Instead only two died." Alex pulled up a picture of a couple hugging and smiling. "Two reactor engineers were killed when the facility was flooded with radiation, Ben and Alyssa Krull. Alyssa was pregnant at the time." She said, a morbid air filling the room.
"Ben Krull is Reactron!" Kara realized in horror. "He hates my cousin because he blames him for the death of his wife and child." Kara honestly felt a little sick about that fact, all this time she had been calling him an evil maniac but she had never considered that he really had a reason to hate Kal-El.
"Yeah somehow he was able to survive the radiation and acquired a suit of nuclear armor, it's a surprise he's still alive at all." Suddenly an alert came from the computer and a map pointing out Reactrons location.
"Oh Winn you mad genius you." Kara said memorizing the location, it was at a junkyard sixty miles out. "I have to go and stop him!" She said leaving with a worried James following after her.
As soon as they left the room Alex pulled a small device out of her jacket and pressed its button, it began beeping before finally the signal on the other end picked up.
"I'll be honest." The vigilante Angel spoke from the other side. "I didn't expect you to reach out this quickly Director Henshaw."
"Well I'm sorry to say that you were right in that regard, my name is Agent Danvers"
"I know who you are , I assume that the Director is unaware of this call?" He asked cutting her off as he correctly guessed that it was unsanctioned communication between the two.
"I stole this communicator from him yes" She pauses and took a glance on the direction where Kara and James had left before biting her lip in worry. "And I'm contacting you because Supergirl needs help."
On the other side of the line Winn began putting on his gear before he slid his last dagger into his leg holster. "You've got my full attention Agent Danvers."
Kara wasted no time in flying towards Reactrons location, hearing his story and finding out what he'd lost had struck a cord within her. She was still ready to take him down if it meant innocent lives were at stake, but she'd at least try to speak and reason with him.
As one person who's lost her family to another she believed she could do at least that. She rocketed through the air above a dilapidated factory before landing and swerving her head around calling out to the man.
"Ben Krull! I'm not here to fight, I know why you hate my cousin so much ." She received no response so she kept calling out. "I know what it's like to lose people you care about, just surrender so no one else has to go through what you did."
In a nearby metal shack Reactron and a constrained Maxwell Lord could hear her yelling out to them. The billionaire was currently doing his best to scoot away from the armored man as he began breathing heavier and clenched his fists.
Kara was about to use her x-ray vision to search for them when a explosion erupted from a ways a way where Lord was being kept. She turned her head up as Reactron doves at her from above shouting in anger, he sent out a radiation blast that exploded in front of her blowing her away into a pile of rubble.
"You think you know what it's like?!" He asked angrily stalking towards her. "You have no idea how I feel, Superman took everything away from me! And when I kill you they're gonna give me all the power I need to kill him!" Kara has no time to question who he was talking about as she rose into the air in order to dodge another blast.
She looked down at Reactron for a moment before rising into the air at high speeds, the challenge to chase her went unspoken as Reactron flew after her. They buzzed through air as Kara was forced to dodge her assailants blasts one after the other, though it was evident that he was getting closer to hitting his mark with each shot.
Reactron send out a bolt directly at Kara which would have hit if she hadn't turned around mid-air and met it with her heat vision. The two energies merged for a moment before exploding in a shockwave they blew away both combatants, Supergirl recovered first and was able charge into Reactron to grapple him.
Still dazed he could do nothing as she began raining her fist down on his face each punch letting out a small burst of air upon contact, as they dived through the air she found her fist in his grip as he glared at her with a sick glee in his eyes.
"My turn." He spoke before his forehead collided into Kara's nose hard enough to knock her head back as he sent a point blank shot at her chest knocking the wind out of her lungs. He quickly took advantage of her open guard and quickly caught her in an airborne armbar and sped up their dive towards the earth.
Right before they hit he let her go, the built up speed caused her to crater the ground, large cracks going through the earth. Inside the hole Kara groggily tried to raise herself up despite the pain she was feeling all over her body, she'd never taken this much damage before even in her fight with the other alien.
She turned her gaze up to the entrance of the crater to see her foe floating above her looking down on her with hatred in his eyes. She stared in fear as he began charging up his gauntlets, the energy much brighter that it was before. "Don't worry." He sneered pulling his arms back to fire "I'll be sending Superman along to keep you company real soon."
"Why wait, I'm right here?" Reactron's eyes widened behind his mask as he immediately whipped around and fired the charged up energy at his archenemy. This was his suits maximum efficiency blast, the bolt released from his gauntlets was the size of a tank and tore through the air to impact into the Man of Steel.
The resulting explosion of energy sent dust and wreckage flying, Maxwell Lord looked up warily as the shed shook and the lights flickered, he decided that it was a pretty good time to get the hell out of dodge. He began desperately pulling at his restraints as to no avail before the door was kicked open, Angel walked in and immediately took out his knife and began freeing him.
"What the hell took you so long, did you stop for some Big Belly Burger on the way!?" He yelled over the tremors as he rubbed his sore wrists. "Keep up that attitude and you won't get any." Angel retorted back in a cheeky tone as they left the shed and saw the devastation outside, it was like the entire area was cleared out floating across from one another was Superman and Reactron. The villain seemed to have taken a worried stance and was slowly floating backwards, Superman lowered his arms from their crossed position no worse for wear although same could not be said for the ground below him which which had been reduced to slag.
"My turn." Superman said before speeding forward faster than human eyes could comprehend and sending Reactron flying in an arc into the sky. "Dammmmnnnn." Winn whistled in awe as they both looked up at Superman, he knew that the man was powerful but he hadn't expected him to be like this, no wonder Kara had confidence issues.
"Superman Wait!" Winn shouted as he saw the alien getting ready to follow after Reactron but there were more important things to do now, he saw him pause and glance at the two of them before his full attention set on Kara resting unconscious at the bottom of the crater.
Winn wanted nothing more than to run over and help her but he knew that it would look more than suspicious in the eyes of Superman and Lord, so he had no chance but to sit back and watch as Superman floated down and picked her up. Before he left he turned his eyes towards the duo.
"Are you alright to leave with him ?" He asked politely while dying Angel suspiciously, hey what was that about he was trying to help, maybe the black color scheme set him off, were Batman and Superman frenemies in this universe yet?
Questions for later.
"Yes Superman, thank you for the assistance." He said making Superman nod before he flew off with Kara in tow. Winn quickly turned towards the billionaire and began walking in the direction he left his bike, he turned his head to address Max who was still stuck in place. "You coming or not ' '?" He couldn't help the sass that had entered his voice, his anger at his own uselessness seeping through his voice.
Once again he was forced to sit by and watch as someone he cared about was hurt, it was probably the worst feeling in the world but all he could do was wait until he was stronger. Then he'd be able to stand in front of the greatest villains the world had to offer with a smirk on his face.
For now though he was stuck with playing delivery boy with Maxwell Lord, still a vigilante could dream. He made no effort to try and be polite to Max and simply dropped him off down the road from his company building.
"Here's your stop, I'd drop you off closer but I assume you don't wanna be seen with a known vigilante?" Angel asked as Maxwell tried to make himself presentable for the inevitable reporters he would have to face.
"You'd be correct." He turned to Angel as if trying look through his visor to see his face to no avail. "How'd you know where to find me?"
"A member of Supergirls team thought she might need help, I was the cavalry." He said with a smile underneath his mask, he would never get tired of being able to say cool stuff like that. Max was intrigued by the thought of Supergirl having a team of her own but paid it no mind at the moment, he had to address something with Superman and this was the closest thing he was gonna get. "Hey, be sure to pass on a message to Superman, I didn't just work on Reactron's suit." Angel turned towards Max with a look of confusion, had a change in the universe occurred already?
"What are you talking about? What else did he have you work on?" Though Lord hid it well he was nervous about what he was about to say, and for good reason. "He had me build a nuke using the same power source he uses for his armor." Winn felt his stomach drop as he grabbed the man by his collar and shook him.
"You built a fucking super villain a nuke!?"
"I didn't have a choice ok!" He shouted back with guilt on his face for the first time in awhile, he truly felt bad for what had happened but he didn't want to immediately risk people's lives versus something that could be stopped later. "He threatened to kill me and anyone else until he got what he wanted." Angel looked at him for a minute before letting him go, "Do you know where and when he plans to use the bomb?" Winn had a good hunch but he couldn't go off of a gut feeling when thousands of peoples lives were at stake.
Lord shook his head no, "He didn't tell me any of the details, all he said was-" he paused gaining the vigilantes attention "all he said was that he needed to destroy what Superman and Supergirl stood for, if he's going to detonate it somewhere he's going to make sure they have a front row seat for it." Angel stayed silent for a moment before he walked away from Lord.
"Hey where are you going!"
"To do something really stupid! What I need you to do is get in contact with the military and inform them about the bomb and that Reactron is going to attack Cat Grant's party tonight, but don't let it become public knowledge." He didn't give him a moment to register his instructions before he rode off.
Kara's Apartment, Hours Later
Alex and James looked over as Kara gasped awake, with Alex making sure that she was calm as her eyes darted around the room. "What happened, how long have I been out?" She asked hurriedly before grabbing her head in pain.
"It's only been a few hours, Superman brought you back after your fight with Reactron." Alex explained, if possible Kara winced even more at the worry on her voice before registering her words. "That's right, I was fighting Krull and then Kal came, where is he?" She asked looking around.
"He had to go. There was a volcanic eruption in the South Pacific." James spoke up causing her to nod before their attention was brought to the tv.
"Reactron is a great danger to this city, luckily I wasn't harmed." Maxwell Lord spoke to a crowd of reporters. "In fact I'm lucky to be alive, and I owe it all to the great hero who rescued me and got me to safety." Kara looked both hopeful and confused at the man's words. "Superman."
Alex quickly turned the tv off before they could hear anymore, "I don't understand. How did my cousin know I was fighting Krull, and if he brought me here then who got Maxwell Lord back to the city?" She asked the two of them confused as they both looked down in reluctance to speak.
She looked them both before speaking up again a moment later, "What did you two do?" She asked accusingly causing James to sigh before opening up his watch to reveal a small House of El symbol, it lit up when he pressed it.
"Superman gave me this watch a couple of years ago, if I ever got in trouble I could contact him."
"But you weren't in trouble, when did you even call him, the second I left?" She asked with a hurt tone of voice, she thought of it as a breach of trust from someone she thought was her friend. "Kara, I made a promise to your cousin. If anything ever happened to you-" he tried to explain only for Kara to cut him off.
"My cousin didn't get a 'get out of a jam' free card when he first started. Neither should I, it's like you don't even believe in me."
"Kara, that's not fair, he's not the only person who called someone." Alex spoke up from beside catching Kara's attention. "I called Angel." She said shortly, causing Kara to look at her in shock before she stood up and walked over to open the door.
"James I need you to leave so I can talk to Alex."
"Wow I have horrible timing." Standing in the doorway was Winn with a confused look on his face they each took a moment to acknowledge his presence before James stood up began to walk out. "Kara" he paused before he left. "I'm sorry that you think I don't believe in you, but I'm not sorry that you're alive." He brushes past Winn and continued down the hall before the latter addresses the sister. "Don't worry I'll go after him." He sighs tiredly before following after the man.
"James Wait!"! He said following him into an elevator, they both kept silent for a minute before Winn some up once more. "You wanna go drink and talk about it?"
"You do realize that we have a company event to be at in two hours right." He says checking his watch, only getting a shrug in response from Winn. James chuckled and shook his head at his lackadaisical mood, it was one of the reasons he was cool to hang out with. It also did the great job of making the tension in the air disappear seeing as it wasn't Winn's fault.
"Kara thinks she can't trust me." He says finally letting his shoulders slump slightly. "She thinks that she doesn't need anybody and that she should take on the weight of the world, you probably agree with her."
"Nope." He says with a pop, surprising Olsen. "I'll admit it's admirable that she wants to soldier on alone, but this isn't the same as when Superman was first starting out, there are more dangerous villains out there then there were a decade ago and she's only been doing this a week there's no possible way she'd be ready for that alone." He finished with a certain edge in his voice leaving James speechless for a moment.
"Wow, that was surprising, I expected you to take her side completely." Winn seemed to be conflicted for a moment before he began speaking again, his tone gentler now. "Kara is amazing, and her drive to do good is something to be admired but if she's going to try and help people and fight evil she's going to need all of us. We all play an integral part in this, like a movie heist gang."
This brought another laugh out of James. "Heist gang huh? Well then enlighten me, what are our parts?" Winn put on a show of thinking about it for a moment before responding. "Well obviously Kara is the muscle and the heart and the face." James nodded an affirmative. "Alex is secondary muscle, the intimidating one, and the face."
"Wait I thought could only be one face?"
Winn kept going ignorant of what he said. "I am the brains, the wildcard and the FACE." He said with a sweeping motion causing both of them to chuckle before James questioned him. "Wait then what I am?"
"Ahh, you sir are the most important party of the puzzle, you are our groups common sense." He said with a flourish. "Kara and Alex both have things that make them special that skew their view of the normal world, however you are a normal guy who knows about what's really on the up and up, that's why we need you for your point of view." He finished as the doors opened up to the lobby, next to him James nodded in understanding and he would admit it a little pride, it was good to feel needed.
"But wait, what makes you special like Kara and Alex?"
"Oh James there's a reason why I'm the wildcard." He answered cryptically walking out of the elevator. Up in Kara's apartment the conversation wasn't going quite as well, some would even say there was yelling.
"I can't believe that you called him Alex, I could expect this from James but I thought that you of all people trusted you me to do this!" Shouted at her sister. "I do trust you Kara, but I also know that there are some things that you can't do alone, you're going to need people's help sometimes." She tried to reason with her placatingly, but if there was something that Kara was known for it was her stubbornness.
"My cousin doesn't!" She shot back stubbornly.
"YOU'RE NOT SUPERMAN!" She finally yelled forcing Kara into silence, "And even he needed the help of others when he first started, Kara just because he does something his way doesn't mean it has to be yours. This is your beginning your story, do you really want it to be based on the actions of someone else?" She asked causing Kara to shake her head no.
"Alright, now I'm pretty sure that you have an event to get to tonight, which is why" she picked up the dress bag off the table "I picked up your dress on my way here."
"Have I ever told you that you are the best big sister ever?"
"I wouldn't object to hearing it more often." She said teasingly before they hugged each other.
Supergirl Magazine Party
Cat had really gone all out, the media mogul had rented out a large building to host the release party in, all around there were decorations and waitresses that seemed tailored to match Supergirl's outfit and its bright colors. On the dance floor some of National City's richest and most well known men and women were conversations with each, some saw it as a great opportunity to talk about business while others were just being polite.
"Well don't you look ravishing tonight ." And then there were people like Maxwell Lord that took it as an opportunity to get laid. Though he did look good in that extremely expensive suit that he was wearing, looking around Kara saw that everyone but the waitresses and her coworkers were dressed to the nines.
"Wow I am really underdressed." She muttered to herself.
Suddenly she tensed up as a breath of warm air hit the back of her neck, making goosebumps come to life across her body. "I happen to think you look beautiful." Standing flush behind her was Winn dressed a jet black three piece suit with a green undershirt the same color of her dress.
"I see that someone is not big on subtlety, you're making it really hard to pretend that we're not dating." She said stroking his smooth tie while glancing around the room.
"Ah, if I recall it was you who said that we needed to keep our relationship on the down low." Kara had the decency to look sheepish as she turned her gaze to the floor, her reasoning had been slightly paranoid in that she believed that somehow even the mention of her being in a relationship would work it's way back to her cousin or worse, Alex.
"I know I'm sorry, it's just that I haven't ever had a relationship like ours and I want to do this right." She said sincerely causing Winn to smile before he stroked her cheek with his thumb. "I understand Kara, buuut if you really wanna repay me I wouldn't mind a dance." She chuckled as he took her hand and they began to sway to the music, for both of them it could be considered a good respite from the chaotic week of crime and Supervillains.
They didn't know how long they spent dancing before James walked over. "Mind if I cut in?"
"No, not at all." Winn sighed as Kara mouthed a 'sorry' and began to dance with James, Winn quickly grabbed a drink from one of the waitresses and began working the room. What? He had to find someone that would help him fund his projects one day and he certainly wasn't going to try and go to Bruce Wayne that's for sure. Gathered in the room were some influential people and if he schmoozed them up it could probably get his name out into the business world.
Winn spent the better part of an hour talking as if he was from high class society, he didn't make any long lasting friendships or anything like that but it got to the point where they would remember his name if they saw his face again. The party was going pretty well, he just hoped that when the inevitable shit hit the fan his precautions would pay off.
He'd had the foresight to go and alert Cat Grant that there was a high chance that the military would try to shut her event down, obviously she had no intentions of doing so but she had been able to squeeze an interview out of him to be done at a later date. Even in the face of peril she was all about business.
"Winn!" The man in question turned to the source of the hushed shout and saw Alex in a sleek black dress with a worried expression on her face.
"Alex, what are you doing here?" He responded in the same hushed tone of voice, this had been his second precaution going to Alex's apartment and leaving a message about the bomb that Reactron was in possession of. "I'm looking for Kara, she didn't have her comms on her and she turned off her phone. I found out a way for her to defeat Reactron, but that's the least of our problem right now, I don't have time to talk where is she?!" She explained her voice ramping up in volume near the end gaining the attention of the other patrons, Winn quickly grabbed her hand and led her to the dance floor.
"You need to calm down, there's no need to incite a panic now just dance with me." They quickly began to move to the rhythm of the beat, Winn lead and they both stayed silent allowing Alex to calm down. He stopped them as they came close to where Kara and James were talking.
"Your floor Red, but eyes on me." She rolled them in response before she began. "Reactrons suit is powered with a Demon Core plutonium orb, you'll have to cover it in lead to extract it and that'll power it down." Kara nodded as everyone began getting serious in the wake of Reactrons attack.
"Sounds easy enough."
Alex winced as if remembering something "Oh, and there's a small nuclear bomb somewhere in this building."
Luckily-or unluckily depending on how you look at it- the shout was overtaken by the sound of glass breaking as Reactron dropped into the center of the room cracking the ground.
" .Now!" The kryptonian nodded before discreetly leaving with the scared crowd as Reactron kept shouting for Supergirl. Reactron began stalking closer to Max Lord and raised a fist, Winn quickly ran over and tackled Lord to the ground saving him from the blast. Before he could fire again, several of the waiters took out handguns and began firing at him causing him to raise his arms to protect the exposed parts of his armor.
"I am so gonna owe Lane for this one." Max muttered from the floor before Reactron retaliated, blocking with one arm and firing with another sending tables and the guards flying. Before he could wreak anymore havoc Supergirl crashed through the window and sent him flying across the room.
"Two saves in one day, with service like this I should put you on the payroll." The billionaire spoke as he and Winn stood up. "Get somewhere safe, both of you." Max missed the emphasis in her words in his haste to get away but Winn caught the meaning, unfortunately he wouldn't be able to listen to that order.
"Sorry Lord, but there's a bomb that needs defusing." He said as he grabbed the man by the back of the shirt and began walking him to the stairs, they had a lot of rooms to check for that bomb and very little time to do it.
Outside, James was dodging Reactrons blasts trying to distract him long enough for Kara to prepare to take him down. He ran into an empty area nearby with no other people and was thrown forward by a blast that hit the ground behind him.
He tried to stand again but let out a shout of pain as he held his twisted ankle, the nuclear man chasing him floated down towards him menacingly. James looked at the villain in resignation as he charged up a blast, he thought about how his life had been, how he'd gotten to this point and how it seemed in the end he would die the same way he had lived.
He closed his eyes in acceptance before at the last minute Supergirl came crashing into Reactron sending them both sliding through the concrete like it was butter. "James!" He turned to see Alex coming towards him, she helped him up and began leading them away from the Superhuman battle. Reactron reacted quickly by blasting Kara off of him, she righted herself in the air ad dove town at him at high speeds causing a small shockwave to emanate as they grappled.
He kicked her away with a nuke enhanced kick to the stomach before firing two rays of energy at her which she blocked with her right hand that was covered in hardened lead. She smirked as his eyes widened in shock before she began stomping her way towards him, each step taking her further than the last until she batted away the beams and ripped out the core of his suit. With its power source removed the armor lost all its ability, Krull himself seemed to be affected as well as he fell to the ground completely out of strength.
"You're finished Reactron, now where's the bomb?!" Kara demanded only to receive a hollow chuckle in return, he had a look of satisfaction on his face even as he lay there defeated.
"You know it was pretty nice of those people to throw you that party, it's a good thing I brought some fireworks." He rasped out maliciously as he pressed a device on his gauntlet, Kara realized too late what he meant and turned to the event building.
She expected a sound or a tremor but nothing happened, even as the seconds passed by there was no evidence of any bomb going off. Both the supervillain and hero alike couldn't help but ask what the hell had happened.
Moments Earlier
"Of course it's on the fucking rooftop!" Winn yelled in frustration, he and Lord had been checking all of the rooms at a rapid pace to look for the bomb. Thankfully the one who built it made it stand out but they had no luck inside the building. Winn had gotten tired of that course of process of elimination and decided to try his luck.
"How'd you know it would be up here?" Max asked.
"Cliche villains are cliche." Winn stared simply as they both kneeled next to the bomb and took off the casing to reveal the wiring. "Alright now get to work on disabling it." The inventor began jiggering with the components, moving parts out of the way and repositioning its wiring, all seemed to be going well until he let out a heavy sigh and began cursing.
"What, what's wrong?"
"I put a failsafe in the bomb that would allow it to be disarmed at a later date, but I need one more part to disrupt the bombs activation signal." Before he elaborate more the bomb lit up and began beeping slowly.
"What do you need!?"
"I need a electric conductor to short it out!" He yelled as the beeping on the bomb began to quicken as each second went by. 'Thank god for comic book coincidences!' He mentally thanked himself for coming prepared to defend himself as he reached into his pocket and took out one of his Shock Disks and placed it in one of the open spaces of the bomb.
The device sparked with electricity as the machine let out a beep and the two of them closed their eyes expecting a bang but got nothing in return causing them both to sigh. They both slumped down as Kara flew over to them and looked over the scene before her before sighing.
"You really don't know how to stay out of trouble do you boys." She joked now that the battle was over.
The party ended with the nuclear materials and Reactron being taken into custody by the military and Kara being returning to the DEO. Winn was credited with helping to stop the bomb and got his face on TV, it was a small step but it would get him closer to his goal of being in a position to change things for the better.
He'd made sure that James was ok on his way to the hospital before he took his leave, walking into his base he turned on the TV to see the newscast featuring Reactron and Supergirl. He looked all around his lair for s moment before letting out a sigh.
"Welp, Let's get started." He said with a smirk.
Alright so I know that have kept all of you waiting for faaaaaaaar too long for this update, there have been many goings on in my life that have kept me from continuing. Mostly a feeling of inadequacy compared to some of the others writers on here and on the other hand it was a lot of writer's block.
For awhile I felt like just giving up about the whole thing and deleting my stories, but after thinking about it for awhile and starting one more story I've decided that I couldn't just stop doing something that I honestly truly enjoy doing, especially when I read your reviews.
There we go, existential writing crisis over. I'm gonna do one chapter of Vampire Diaries and then two of my Young Justice story. I sincerely hope to never procrastinate for a chapter for this long ever again.
*: p/6pc-ninja-naruto-tactical-combat-hunting-kunai-throwing-knife-set-w-sheath-case/271712096405&csi=pinterest only with white wrapping.
**: Same as described but with a new helmet ( /dqfrq3vb3p3bqi).