It was a nice and calm night at U.A high as the students of class 1-A were all asleep in there dorms dreaming peacefully, unaware of the danger that looms overhead. Outside the building, a blue vortex was forming in the clouds as arcs of lightning shot out from it. Inside one by one, the student's body's began to fade out of existence leaving no trace of them ever being there. As quickly as the vortex formed it began to dissipate.

In an unknown location, an unconscious boy was lying in the center of what appears to be a broken down building surrounded by flames and ruble. The young man was no older than fifteen with black hair and green highlights and freckles on his face wearing a camouflage military suite with multiple pouches on his chest and legs began to open his eyes. This was Izuku Midoriya and to say he was shocked would be an understatement. Izuku quickly sprang to his feet and began to frantically look around.

"Hello is anybody there?!" he shouted, no sooner had the words left his mouth he was instantly replied with a 'shut the hell up'. knowing the voice he turned to his left just too see Bakugo, Kirishima, and Todoroki walking to him wearing the same gear. "Hey Midoriya what's happening, how did we get here and what's with these clothes?" replied Kirishima when suddenly they yelped out in pain as a mark was seared into the back of there right hands. No soon after on the wall in front of them in red was the words 'Round one' and then faded. "Round one, of what? And if I find out that this is all a fucking prank I'm going to murder them!" yelled Bakugo emphasizing by setting off small explosions in his palm. When he looked at his hand in surprise not feeling the usual heat. "The fuck, why can't I use my quirk?!" At this the others tried as well but were just as shocked.

Befor Izuku could say what was on his mind a deep and unnatural moan came from outside the building then there was another followed by more to the point that it was all around them. little did they know that this was just the beginning.