I do not own anything except the plot and some OCs.

"Speech" 'Thoughts'

"Mental communication/phone/tv/letter/flashback/robot"

Chapter 8: A Fated Encounter

Six years later, September 23rd:

Izuku exited the clearing in a thoughtful mood. He had finished stretching a few minutes prior after an intense training session, and he couldn't help but reflect how everything had changed so drastically in the six years since he had started training. He now had finished the first stage of his physical training, mastering Krav Maga, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Sambo, Wing Chun, Muay Thai, Taekwondo and Aikido. He still did exercises to keep his hand to hand combat skills sharp and was thinking of learning a few more martial arts in the future, but now the focus of his training was building a good physique which could benefit him in combat. To that end, his exercises were now focused on improving his cardio, which would help him when weight training was added in a year or so.

His mental training had also progressed at a good pace. He had mastered most of the control and sense abilities the Force gave him1, and had started to delve into telekinesis more thoroughly, given that it was the first alter ability that he had been able to use. His meditation sessions had also helped him. He was now completely in tune with the Force at almost any moment, including while he was asleep. He also had a better grasp on his emotions, and while not perfect, it helped him stay calm in most situations. The most noticeable effect of this control was his lack of muttering, a trait he had lost a few years ago thank to his better control, and which robbed possible bullies of another weak point, not that there were any in his new school.

That was a change he honestly hadn't seen coming. His father had been promoted to a higher paying position inside his company, and while he had to travel more during certain periods of the year, outside of them he could work from home, which gave him more time with his family. That increase in income had also been put to good use. They decided to move to a brand-new house, or at least that had been the intention until Inko fell in love with a beautiful traditional Japanese house that had been abandoned and she had found by accident. It was located on the opposite side of the mountain to their apartment, inside a beautiful patch of forest inside the plot of land, which was in the suburbs of Mustafu. Inside said plot there was also a small lake located beside the building.

Given that the building was abandoned and the land completely uncared for they were able to buy it at a really low price, which gave them a huge budget for remodeling. The house exterior and interior were fully refurbished, and while the traditional style was maintained in general, with tatami mats and sliding doors, modern commodities were installed, like electricity, high speed internet, cable and phone service, a full kitchen and bathrooms. The house was expanded to the side opposite of the lake too, creating enough space to build an indoor Zen garden and an onsen inspired pool with an artificial rock waterfall that fed it. The whole plot was cleared of debris accumulated with the passage of time, the lake and creeks that fed and were fed by it cleaned, and the forest trimmed.

His parents timed the moving just after he finished Kindergarten; that way the change of school would be as natural as possible. Given that the house was located in another part of the town the switch was inevitable. They had played with the idea of enrolling him in a private school, but he had quickly shot them down with a simple notion – he was going to school not to learn, but to socialize. The learning he did on his own, and it wouldn't make sense to spend money to meet people, so in the end he wound up in the corresponding school for his area. He was immediately accepted by his classmates, and there was a regular interaction between them and him but given his intelligence and level of maturity he didn't really form deep friendships with them. For that reason, he focused his energy in his training and his three hobbies.

The first one was analyzing quirks. Given his new understanding on how they worked gave him the ability to more accurately predict their power, uses and limits, from which the role of the user in a specific situation could be inferred easily. All of this was compiled in notebooks until his last birthday, when his parents gifted him with a 2 in 1 laptop and he transferred all his notes into a digital format. He now carried his laptop with him almost anywhere so he could keep taking notes.

The second one was cooking. One day he had approached his mother and asked for cooking lessons. Inko, obviously excited with the prospect of spending more time with her son, immediately accepted. Since then, they established a routine, both of them cooking dinner together almost every night. The last one was playing the guitar. His parents bought him a guitar when they still lived at the apartment after they noticed he was listening to music regularly and asked him if he wanted to play an instrument. He had been playing it since then, and though he had two newer guitars now, he still kept his first one.

He was broken out of his reverie by a shouted "MOM! DAD!" It took him half a second to identify the desperation laced in it and then he was gone, racing towards the voice, which he now recognized as a girl's voice. He sprinted for half a minute before arriving to a small creek, and after looking frantically all around him and not seeing anyone, he decided to wait for the next shout. When it came, he noticed that he was closer, but it was coming from the other side of the creek, so he backed up and then sprinted towards the edge before jumping towards the other side. He barely made it to the other side, but his brain ignored that in favor of focusing on the terrain he was going through on his renewed sprint. The next shout was really close to him, so with strength he didn't know he had, he sped up towards a trail that was now visible through the foliage.

A scream of fright came from his left just as he jumped into the trail in a fighting stance, ready to defend himself and whoever was shouting. That stance wavered and fell in less than a second however, when he noticed that the only one else beside him in the area was a girl sitting in the ground just in front of him. It took his brain a moment to realize that it was probably the girl the one who had screamed, and that his sudden appearance was the reason she was now in the ground. With some adrenaline still coursing through his veins, he slowly approached the girl, intent on not startling her. He was about to ask her if she was okay when she looked up and their eyes met.

The only thought going through Izuku's head at that moment was 'those are the most gorgeous eyes I've ever seen'. Unbeknownst to him, a similar thought was going through the girl's head. After a small eternity he finally snapped out of it and approached her before offering her a hand. She grabbed it and he helped her get up while thanking his Sensei in his mind for the control he now held over his emotions. He was sure that without it he would now be a blubbering mess just by the feel of her soft skin which, if she needed help like he thought she did, it would be bad. An amused "You're welcome, child. Also, remember to use your abilities next time." startled him mentally. He had forgotten about his abilities in the hurry, which now that he thought about it would have helped him find her quicker, especially with how strong his connection with the Force was. Suddenly realizing he had been holding her hand during his internal monologue, he released her and introduced himself, lest she think he wanted to cause her harm.

"Hi, I'm Midoriya Izuku. I heard you shout, so I came to see what was happening. Are you hurt? Do you need help?" Her beautiful onyx eyes, which had shifted to his hand when he offered it, focused again on his own, and he noticed for the first time the moisture in her eyes, which had not yet shifted into tears, and the anguish she was projecting. She rubbed her eyes, and he saw her lower lip quiver for a moment before she answered "H-hi, my name is Yaoyorozu Momo. I came here to celebrate my birthday with my parents, but I ran away in front of them because I-I was really excited to explore the mountain, and somehow we got separated, and now I can't find them!" By the end she had moisture in her eyes again, and was about to start crying, so Izuku did the only thing he could think of. He hugged her.

"Yaoyorozu-san, please calm down. I am here, and I will help you, okay?" That seemed to do the trick. The stiffness in her shoulders slowly disappeared, and she hugged him back for a few moments, letting his embrace calm her down. Just before letting go of him she whispered in his ear "Momo", to which he could only answer with a questioning gaze. "Please call me Momo," she answered to his unasked question. His eyes lit up and a beaming smile formed in his face, before he told her "Only if you call me Izuku." With a small blush and a shy smile in her face, she nodded.

Suddenly his face turned serious again. "So, how do we find your parents? I'm assuming you don't have a phone, right?" She nodded again. "Do you know their phone numbers?" Another nod. "Ok, tell me what you think about this. I live less than ten minutes away from the mountain, so we can go to my home and use the phone there to call your parents so they can come pick you up. Sounds good?" She thought for a few moments before nodding once again. Izuku beamed again before he started walking in the opposite direction she came from. After a few steps he noticed she wasn't following, so he turned around and said, "What are you waiting for, let's go!" Then he turned around again. She hesitated for a moment and started following him.

"Uhm, Midoriya-sa-," he turned around with a pointed gaze at her. "R-right. I-Izuku, how do you know this is the way to your home?"

"Oh, I've been inside this mountain at least two times a week since I was around four and a half. At this point I basically know it like the back of my hand." That piqued Momo's curiosity, and she had to ask, "And why have you spent so much time here?" He turned to face her and started walking sideways. "I've been training to be a hero. I've always liked helping people, and what better way to do that than being a pro hero?" Her eyes started sparkling as soon as he mentioned being a hero. "Really? I want to be a hero too!" Izuku smiled. "Cool! We could be a duo when we grow up! What is your quirk?"

This stopped Momo short. "Well, I, um, it's a pretty complicated quirk, it's hard to understand." Izuku simply smiled confidently. "Come on, try me. I might surprise you." Momo hesitated. She had been ostracized in school for being more intelligent than the rest. 'What's the worst that could happen? I barely know him, so I won't lose anything if I tell him. I could even gain a new friend!' Her decision made, she proceeded to tell him about her quirk.

"My quirk is called Creation. I can make anything apart from living beings from the fat in my body. I just need to understand the molecular structure of what I'm trying to make. To recover the fat I lose while creating things I need to eat foot with a lot of fat." Even though she had decided to tell him, she braced herself for the possible negative reaction. Understandably, his reaction basically floored her.

"Momo, your quirk is freaking awesome!" She looked towards him with her jaw hanging open, but he didn't notice with how focused he was on her quirk. "That has to be the most versatile quirk that has ever existed. You can literally create anything as long as you know the molecular composition of the object!" That stopped him short, and he whirled around towards Momo. "Wait a minute, does that mean you have to remember the exact position of each atom for each object you can create?" She nodded dumbly for a second before she answered. "Uh, yes, that's basically how it works." It was Izuku the one stunned this time.

'To be able to remember and generate all the objects she can create she needs and impressive processing power. I wonder…' "Momo, are you a genius?" Her face fell. 'Here we go.' "Yes, I am." Izuku noticed how her mood changed. "Momo, why are you sad?" "Because you'll leave me alone. It's what all the others have done after they discover my secret." Izuku felt bad for her and rage towards everyone who caused her to feel that way. He knew how it felt to be ostracized.

"You don't have to worry about me leaving you Momo. In fact, that's another thing we have in common. I'm a genius too." She looked up to him with hope in her eyes. "Are you serious?" "Yup, 100% serious. Can I ask you another question about your quirk?" A small smile appeared in her face. "Sure." "When you create something, do you go layer by layer or everything at the same time?" She made a pensive face. "I had never thought about it, to be honest, but I go layer by layer. Why do you ask?" "Wouldn't it be faster to do it all at once?" That made her train of thought stop short. 'No way… could it really be that simple?' She hadn't even noticed she had stopped walking, and Izuku stopped too, shooting her a worried gaze. "Uh, Momo, are you ok?" Her head snapped towards him when he called her. "Yes, I think so. Let me try something really quick."

She focused on the Matryoshka doll molecular structure, and tried to create it, but this time she did a conscious effort to do everything at the same time. The result seemed magical. One moment she had nothing in her hand, the next a full Matryoshka doll was in it. With the shock of what she had achieved she didn't realize she had started crying. "Momo, you're crying!" The wetness in her face finally registered with Izuku's proclamation, and she cleared her face with her hands before stepping towards him and engulfing him in a tight hug while repeatedly saying "Thank you!"

Izuku hesitated for a second before cautiously starting to return the hug. "You're welcome, but uh, why exactly are you thanking me?" Her reaction puzzled him. He was fairly sure he had helped her somehow; he could feel her elation and – frustration? The only thing he had really done was point out a minor detail he had only noticed in passing and made him curious, however. She separated from him and started to explain. "I've been trying to improve my creation speed for a really long time. It's something I've struggled a lot with, so the fact that just with a small change in my approach to create something that problem completely disappears is at the same time frustrating, because it's something I should have noticed myself, and relieving."

They started walking again, each of them thinking about what had been just discovered.

"So," opened Izuku, "when you said you can create anything apart from life, does that include things like electronics and composite materials? Oh! Can you create crystals?" Her brow furrowed for a moment while she thought the answer, and Izuku couldn't help but think she looked cute like that. 'Wait, where did that thought come from?' He was distracted from his thoughts by her answer. "I've never tried, but theoretically I should be able to do so." Then she got excited. "Oh! I see where you're coming from! Using them could increase the versatility of my creations even more!" "Exactly!" he answered with a smile. They got quiet after that, each of them thinking about all the possibilities the two revelations could mean for the creation user.

Suddenly the sound of vehicles startled her, and she noticed they had left the mountain and now were walking down a street. She was about to ask where they were, but Izuku cut her off before she could start by exclaiming "We're here!" She looked to the side and saw the plaque in the wall that indicated that this was in fact the Midoriya household. They entered through the wooden doors that closed the complex, and Momo could only gape at the inside – for it looked like they were back on the mountain. They followed the trail through the small forest inside the property until they reached the clearing that held the lake and the house, and Momo was completely stunned.

Now, being brought up in a wealthy upbringing, she was used to beautiful sights, having travelled a lot with her parents since she was young. Still, nothing could have prepared her for the movie scene that she had stepped into. Never in her life had she been anywhere that emanated such a sense of peace. She tried to speak, but the only thing that came out of her mouth was a whispered "wow." Izuku had to agree with her reaction. He still got overwhelmed by the beauty of the place sometimes, and he had been living here for five years. He snapped Momo out of her reverie by taking her hand and guiding her towards the house.

He opened the front door and entered, taking of his shoes while saying, "Mom, I'm home!". Momo was in the process of doing the same when a small and slim woman appeared in front of them, and Momo noticed how similar Izuku and her mother were. Except for the freckles that he had and his lighter shade of hair, the rest of their faces were eerily similar, even though his face still had an air of masculinity that his mother's face lacked. She was broken out of her musings when his mother started to talk.

"Welcome back Izuku. Who is your friend?" then she turned towards Momo and offered her a smile. "Hi, I'm Midoriya Inko, Izuku's mom." Izuku cut straight into the chase. "Mom, this is Yaoyorozu Momo. I found her in the mountain. She got lost and couldn't find his parents, but she knows their phones, so I brought her here so she could call them with ours." Inko paled when she heard this. "Oh dear," she immediately pulled out her phone and gave it to Momo. "Here you go, call them. I'm sure they are really worried; I know I would be if Izuku disappeared."

While Momo called her parents, Inko took his son aside and asked him, "How did this happen?" Izuku explained how he had just finished training when he had heard her shouts and had gone to investigate, and how he had found her alone and lost. "And all of this during her birthday, too." She perked up at this. "Her birthday is today? How do you know?" "She mentioned it when I asked her how she had gotten lost."

Inko was pensive for a moment before she told Izuku, "I'm going to invite her and her parents to stay for dinner. It's getting late, and that way you can celebrate her birthday with her. Would you like that?" Izuku beamed and nodded vigorously, while she snickered at his obvious enthusiasm. At that moment, Momo approached them to ask for the street address, and Inko took her phone back while saying, "Don't worry about it, I'll tell your parents. Go play with Izuku, okay?" Momo nodded and followed Izuku towards his room while his mother started talking with her parents.

The first thing she noticed when she entered her friends' room was the cleanliness. It was well organized, and still you could tell someone lived in it. There were two bookshelves that went from floor to ceiling, completely full of books, a desk with a laptop on top, a bed and a walk-in wardrobe. Hanging on the chestnut walls were some posters of certain pro-heroes, All Might being the most prominent in them, and surprisingly enough, old musical bands and musicians. Yet, the most impressive part of the room were the three guitars hanging in the middle of one of the walls, two acoustics flanking a gorgeous white electric. Izuku, noticing her fixation, went and picked it up before bringing it back and silently offering her the guitar.

As soon as she noticed she started waving her hands and shaking her head saying, "No, I couldn't possibly – I don't even know how to play the guitar, I was just admiring it!" He ignored her with a small smile, and simply said, "it's not going to bite," before putting the guitar in her hands. She slowly sat on the bed, cradling the guitar in her arms as she would a baby, before she started turning it slowly, taking all the details in, of which the most glaring was the absence of a brand. She asked Izuku about it while she admired the beautiful white finish in the instrument, but immediately turned towards him when he let out a small chuckle. Confused and embarrassed about committing a possible faux pass, she was about to apologize when he started talking.

"You're actually the first one to spot it. The reason there is no brand on it is because it's a limited edition, the only one ever built." Momo was astonished. 'This thing must have cost a fortune!' Apparently, Izuku could read her face, because he promptly started laughing uproariously.

"Your face Momo! That expression was priceless!" He continued laughing and while she pouted at first, she couldn't keep from laughing with him after a few moments. When they calmed down Izuku decided to explain. "While it's true that is one of a kind, it wasn't that expensive. After all, my father and I built it this summer, and my mother was the one who did the finish." And just like that she was left stunned again.

"So, want me to play you something?" The offer caught her by surprise, but she quickly accepted. After getting everything ready he started playing, and she was promptly disappointed when it was the Smoke on the Water riff on loop. After a full five minutes of hearing the riff she couldn't take it anymore. "Izuku, I swear to every deity that might be out there, if you don't stop right now, I will end you." Instead of being cowed however, he simply smirked. "You endured more than I thought you would. I am impressed." Then he immediately started playing Hot for Teacher, completely startling her with the sudden shift. He kept playing for almost fifteen minutes nonstop, jumping from riff to riff and song to song with his own transitions and mixing different styles of music.

When the last note stopped ringing, everything was quiet for a moment, before Momo started clapping, increasing her tempo gradually to the point where her hands were almost blurring. Izuku set the guitar on his bed before standing up and, with a goofy grin in his face, playfully bowing various times, which induced her to giggle while she kept clapping. Their giggles ended up devolving into chuckles, and they both ended strewn about the floor laughing. They calmed down after a few minutes, time that she also used to think about how good he was with a guitar. "Izu, that was incredible! You could be a Rockstar if you wanted!" She turned her head towards him and saw him blushing. 'Huh, why is he blushing?' She started replaying what she had said and noticed the nickname she had accidentally given him, which made her blush in turn.

"I'm so sorry, Izuku! It was an acciden-" she was silenced by his finger over on her lips. The feel of his finger over her mouth made her blush even worse, but she was still able to pay attention to what he had to say. His wondrous jade eyes were focusing on her, as if they were peering into her soul, and he didn't hesitate while saying, "You caught me by surprise with the nickname, but I truly like it. You can call me that if you want." She looked down before focusing on his eyes again, this time with a shy smile plastered on her face. "I'd enjoy that. Thanks, Izu." His only response was a soft smile.

In that moment there was a knock in the sliding door followed by, "Momo! Your parents are here!" Next thing Izuku knew was him practically flying down the stairs pulled by Momo. They reached the entrance in record time, where a couple had just finished taking off their shoes. Hearing the commotion, they turned around just in time to witness their daughter stop just a few steps away from them, still holding Izuku's hand. They both blinked, and Mrs. Yaoyorozu couldn't help but tease her daughter. With a sly smile she said, "My, my, Momo, barely an hour away from us and you've already procured yourself a boyfriend. You sure move fast." Her husband and her along with Inko, who had arrived just in time to hear Mrs. Yaoyorozu's proclamation, started laughing while their children did the best impression of a tomato they had ever seen. They all noticed however, how both children hesitated before letting go of each other's hand, which triggered their interest.

Saving the information for later, Inko approached their guests and started the introductions. "Hello, I'm Midoriya Inko and this is my son Izuku. Welcome to our home." Mr. Yaoyorozu promptly responded. "Thank you for your welcome, Midoriya-san. I'm Yaoyorozu Yūtarō, but please just call me Yūtarō. Being called Yaoyorozu makes me feel like my dad. Anyway, this is my wife, Kaori, and I think you already are acquainted with our daughter, Momo." A sly smile appeared on Inko's face. "If you call me Inko then we have a deal. And yes, she has been a delight." Mrs. Yaoyorozu beamed at the compliment directed towards her daughter before saying, "If you're going to use our given names then please call me Kaori."

Inko then proceeded to invite them in, which confused Momo. "Wait. Aren't we going home?" Kaori turned around to look at her daughter before she started explaining. "Well, Midoriya-" a shiver ran down her spine and she felt a death glare hitting the back of her skull. She didn't need to turn around to know who was doing it. "Right. Inko-san" another shiver and she hastily corrected herself again. "Inko invited us to stay for dinner. That way you can celebrate your birthday with your new friend." Momo's eyes widened before a huge smile grew on her face and she proceeded to hug her mother while repeatedly thanking her. Kaori chuckled and said, "The ones you should be thanking are Izuku and her mother. They are the masterminds behind the plan after all." Once she heard that, Momo repeated her actions with Inko first and then with Izuku.

All of a sudden, a man opened the front door, and almost instantly Izuku was hugging him tightly while saying, "Dad! You're back early!". The first thought that ran through the three guests' minds was 'Does he have a teleportation quirk?', while his mother and father simply chuckled at his enthusiasm, his father also returning his hug. "Hey little guy," Hisashi greeted him, which in turn made Izuku whine, "Dad, I'm not a little child anymore," to which his father snorted and with a smirk in his face he answered, "then why are you whining like one?". Izuku pouted while everyone else started laughing at the impromptu father-son spectacle they were doing, including Hisashi, who proceeded to mess up his son's hair while saying, "I'm just messing with you, son," before he went to introduce himself to their guests.

After greeting his wife and introducing himself, the kids were sent up again to play and the adults socialized in the living room while waiting for the food to be ready. Once they were back in Izuku's room Momo couldn't contain his curiosity anymore and had to ask. "Izuku, is your quirk some kind of teleportation?" The question made Izuku freeze for a moment, and she noticed. He turned towards her and was about to start talking, but she cut her off. "I'm sorry, I was just curious about how fast you moved when you greeted your father. It's alright if you don't want to talk about it." Still, he could almost feel how she deflated at the thought of him not trusting her and was quick to reassure her. "No, it's nothing like that Momo! I'd love to tell you! Just, um, please don't tell anybody about this? I could get in trouble if it came out." Momo was worried about what he was about to tell her, but her curiosity won in the end and decided to accept. "Okay, I won't tell anyone." Izuku offered her his pinky. "Pinky promise?" Momo giggled before she accepted the finger and affirmed, "Pinky promise."

Izuku proceeded to tell her everything, and by the end her head was spinning with all the new information. "Wow, that's a lot to take in." He rubbed his head sheepishly. "Yeah." They were quiet for a while, Momo assimilating it all and Izuku giving her time to do so. He was sure she would have questions, but the first one she posed caught him by surprise. "Wait, is your quirk still registered as a variation of your mother's? Wouldn't that be suspicious when you use your full power?" His eyes widened, realizing she was speaking the truth. "You're right, I have to change that. The problem is, how do I update it without giving away all my capabilities?" They both went quiet for a short while, trying to find a solution, until Momo broke the silence once again.

"How about you register it as a strong type of telekinesis? From what you told me, most of your abilities are impossible to detect for the rest of us, and you could make the case they are related to telekinesis if someone were to ask, and it's also related to your mother's quirk." Izuku beamed before giving her a quick hug, which made her blush, and then gripping her by the shoulders gingerly. "That's brilliant, Mo! It's perfect!" He then realized what he had just called her and blushed hard. At this point they both were beet red in the face, but instead of apologizing he simply asked, "Is it alright if I call you that?". She nodded once, looking anywhere but his face.

It was then when Hisashi opened the door and said, "come on kids, let's go down. Dinner is ready." The three of them went to the dining room, where a surprise awaited Momo. As soon as the door opened the mouthwatering smell of freshly made hamburgers assaulted their nostrils, and neither Izuku nor Momo could contain a loud gulp. They made their way to the table, where the rest minus Hisashi were sitting down, and found that in front of each seat was a hamburger that looked to have come straight out of an ad. They both took their seats, which were side by side, and waited for the adults. Inko noticed this and with a smile she said, "what are you waiting for? Go ahead, before it gets cold!"

Both kids immediately dug in, and Momo couldn't contain a loud moan when she tasted the first bite. Izuku, having grown up with the divine blessing that was his mother's cooking, fared a little better, but he noticed that she had gone all out for this meal, if that was even possible. Yūtarō and Kaori both glared at Momo, expecting better of her daughter after being taught etiquette for a good chunk of her life, but she was in cloud nine and completely ignored them. The Midoriya family noticed it, and all three of them had to chuckle good-naturedly when both parents had the exact same reaction as their daughter when they started eating.

After a few minutes that were filled just by munching sounds and an occasional low moan of pleasure, Kaori stated, "My goodness Inko, this is delicious! You should have your own restaurant! We can fund you if you want! Imagine it, with cooking like this you could make a killing!" Inko answered with a smirk, "Oh believe me I know." Knowing he had her confused guests right where she wanted them, she dropped the bomb. "I already got one. You know that two Michelin star restaurant in Tokyo? M.I.C? The acronym stands for 'Midoriya Inko's Cookery'." The Midoriyas laughed uproariously at the astonished faces of the Yaoyorozus, and Inko said between wheezing laughs, "That reaction never gets old!"

When the laughter subsided Inko started to explain. "I wanted to be a chef ever since I was little, so when I had the opportunity I got enrolled in culinary school. Hisashi and I got married when I was a roughly a year and a half away from the end, and by the time I was finished I was pregnant with Izuku. So, I put my plans of opening a restaurant on hold and stayed at home for around five and a half years taking care of him and the household. By that time Hisashi had already been promoted and worked most of the time from home, and the house renovation was finally complete, thus I finally decided to open M.I.C. The first two and a half to three years were a complete hell getting everything set up and starting to climb the Japanese rankings. For most of the time during those first years I basically lived in the restaurant, and I was barely able to see Hisashi or Izuku more than once or twice a week. But the effort paid off in the end, and the restaurant started making profit before long. The Michelin stars were a blessing, because they put the establishment in the map, and suddenly the place was trending. By that point I was able to let my second in command take control of the cooking in most cases, and now I just take care of managing the finances and cooking when important VIPs come to eat. Make no mistake, we're still working towards getting the third Michelin star, but now I can take it more leisurely."

The first one to speak was Kaori, looking with new eyes towards Inko. "That's, wow, I honestly didn't expect that I would meet the head chef of my favorite restaurant this way," to which Inko responded, "Life works in mysterious ways, doesn't it? And thank you for considering my restaurant your favorite. It's always pleasant when people show gratitude towards your work." After that the conversation flowed easily between both sets of parents, while their kids talked between themselves, sometimes chiming in the adults' conversation when they heard something that spiked their interest. Dinner continued underway for a while longer, and when time came to clear the table Inko had to stop the guests from helping.

During dinner the subject of the Yaoyorozu fortune had come up while talking about work, and while it had initially taken the Midoriyas by surprise, the friendly down-to-earth attitude of the Yaoyorozus quickly dissipated all the reservations that had formed in Inko and Hisashi's minds after learning that tidbit of information. They had learned that they lived just a quarter hour away from them, in a wealthy residential area, and they had given the Midoriyas their direction, along with an invitation to visit whenever they wanted. Inko and Hisashi had offered the same in return, and when Kaori mentioned her interest about the house Inko promised to give them a tour after dinner. Momo had also thanked her for making her favorite dish, and when she asked how she had known, Inko revealed that her mother had told her when they were talking on the phone planning everything.

Izuku returned to the dining room with the assigned mission to distract Momo while his mother finished giving the final touches to the strawberry cheesecake she had made for her. Once Izuku had successfully distracted Momo, Hisashi approached Yūtarō and Kaori and whispered to them to get behind both kids so he could film everything. Both parents nodded and discretely got behind them, while Hisashi pulled out his phone inconspicuously and opened the camera and approached the light switch to turn the lights off. When he saw that his wife was about to enter the room, he flicked the switch, sinking the room into darkness for barely as second until Inko entered with the cake.

The strawberry cheesecake was decorated with strawberry chunks tastefully spread across the top, a 1 and 0 shaped candles lit in the middle with ten lit normal birthday candles surrounding them in the perimeter of the cake. The light emanating from the candles was enough to see how the shock initially plastered in Momo's face morphed into a radiant smile as soon as the rest started singing Happy Birthday. Inko placed the cake right in front of her, with the ten facing towards her husband's phone camera, before she took out her own phone and started taking pictures. As soon as they finished the song Momo blew out the candles, before turning towards her first real friend and trapping him in a tight hug, squishing her left cheek with his right one while still smiling. Izuku reciprocated her tight hug while Hisashi turned the lights back on, and as soon as Inko saw them she knew that would be a photo for the eternity, so she focused on them and snapped the picture. The flash of the camera brought the two kids back to reality and they quickly separated, blushing all the while, but the picture had already been taken, and it would always be cherished by both parents and kids.

They took more photos before cutting the cake, mainly Momo with her parents and with Izuku, but there were also photos with Momo and Izuku's parents, and finally a photo in which all six of them appeared, the two kids in the middle and the two couples flanking from behind each other's child, the mothers next to each other while the fathers took the outside. When the impromptu photo session was done the cake was cut and passed around, and more moans could be heard around the table when the first bites were taken. Momo ended up eating two full slices, and the beaming smile that grew in her face when Inko told her that she could take the rest of the cake home almost blinded everyone in the room. But then a dreaded event took place.

"Mom! Don't do it!" "Please, mama, don't show them!" were the simultaneous cries Izuku and Momo let out when Inko and Kaori had the idea of showing everyone baby photos of their children to everyone else. As much as they fought however, they only delayed the inevitable, and in the end, everyone ended up seeing them, much to the embarrassment and utter chagrin of the two children, who surpassed their earlier tomato impression, to the secret delight to all of their parents. Yūtarō was even able to sneak in a photo of their embarrassment without them noticing, which he sent at once through the newly created chat Hisashi had started for all four parents.

The house tour was held shortly after, Inko proudly displaying the highlights of the house, mainly the beautiful kitchen, with the latest appliances and a beautiful mix of hinoki wood kitchen cabinets and drawers and a sealed marble countertop, the stunning first floor bath, that almost felt like an infinity pool with the lake beside it, and the indoor Zen garden and onsen styled pool with built in waterfall. The Yaoyorozus, even though they were used to opulence due to their high-income environment, were impressed by the house, and when they learned the rough total cost of everything, they couldn't help but be surprised, specially Kaori.

"How did you do all this with such a small amount of money?" She couldn't help but wonder as they went back to the living room. It was Hisashi who answered her. "Well, the price of the land was very low because everything was in ruins and nobody seemed interested in restoring the house, which was the only condition the previous owner had to sell the land. She actually required us to demonstrate that we had renovation plans and a crew hired before she accepted to sell us the land deed. Apparently, this was her grandmother's house, and she had many good memories of it, so she didn't want it to be destroyed, but she didn't have the money to renovate it herself. Anyway, the low cost of the deed freed a good chunk of our budget, which we used for the ampliation of the original house along with the garden and especially the pool." Yūtarō nodded. "Yes, I can see how a pool so big and elaborate as the one you have could cost a pretty penny."

As they were entering the living room Momo gasped and pointed outside. Everyone looked towards where she was pointing and spied a pair of adult red foxes and their 5 cubs through the floor to ceiling windows that gave a lovely view of the lake. The animals were drinking water on the side of the lake near the house, illuminated by the soft light of the paper lanterns that hung around the house. Izuku turned towards Momo, and feeling her palpable excitement through the Force he offered, "Want to go outside and get close to them?" Her only response was to grab his hand and start running.

Kaori was about to stop them – after all, the foxes would be protective of their cubs, right? Nevertheless, before she could do so, Inko put a reassuring hand in her shoulder and said, "Don't worry, they aren't in danger. Izuku knows how to deal with animals, it's like he can communicate with them." Of course, her guests didn't need to know that was exactly what Izuku was doing. Kaori wasn't keen on believing in her at first, but as soon as she looked back outside all her worries were put to rest.

Momo had stopped running as soon as one of the two foxes turned its head in their direction. Izuku squeezed her hand briefly, as if giving her silent encouragement, before he started pulling them towards the animals. Worry started to grow inside her, but almost immediately, as if he knew her feelings, which a split second later she realized he did, he whispered, "Don't worry, they won't hurt you. Just approach carefully and gently so as not to startle them. I've calmed them down and assured them that we won't hurt them, but they will be still on edge. They have to protect their cubs at any cost, after all." She nodded, and they started to approach. The fox kept its eye on them, looking for any sign of hostility as they drew nearer. As soon as they got within around two meters, they smelled a strong odor.

"Wow, I had read that foxes had a strong scent, but I didn't expect this." Said Momo, to which he simply nodded. They were now less than a meter away of the family, and they all had their eyes on both newcomers, so to show their peaceful intentions, Izuku tugged his friend down and they both kneeled. To the questioning gaze she shot him he simply whispered back, "Let them approach you." Soon the curious cubs were sniffing the newcomers, and the bravest of them decided to climb Momo's folded legs and rest in her thighs. She, as not to startle the cub, slowly and gently lifted her hand and then put it in front of the little animal, letting it sniff her. Then she carefully started pet it and had to wonder at the fluffiness of its hide. By this point both parents had relaxed, and now were laying in the grass flanking the two humans and their cubs, watching them play.

They ended up playing for almost a quarter hour, both friends enjoying the animals' company. Then the two foxes decided to go, and the cubs simply followed their parents lead. Momo watched them go, wondering at how magical the whole day had been. She had gotten lost in the mountain, true; but she had also greatly improved her understanding of her quirk, had celebrated her birthday, had played with wild foxes and most importantly, she had made her first true friend. So zoned out she was that she only reacted to Izuku tickling her sides, making her snap out of it and start laughing while trying to get away from his deft hands.

"I-IZU, HA HA, S-S, HA HA HA, S-STOP IT, HA HA HA!" To which he answered with a maniacal cackle and a shouted, "NEVER!" He kept tickling her for a few seconds more until she managed to escape and started to sprint towards the house, intent on running away from him. Izuku was hot on her tail, but he wasn't able to reach her before they entered the house and were stopped in their tracks by five words. "Momo, honey, we're going home!" The dreaded words made them turn towards their parents and whine at the same time "No" and "Why? I don't wanna."

Kaori simply smiled at them at their adorable pouts. "Come on Momo, it's really late. Besides I'm sure you can come see Izuku soon enough." She chuckled at the complete 180 that the kids' faces had done. "Really?" "Yes, Momo, really." This was complimented by a smiling Inko adding, "We'd love you to have you here again." Then she turned to Izuku and said, "We could also go visit them sometime." At this both kids grew an enormous smile and Izuku fist pumped while the two sets of parents put a hand in front of their eyes trying to cover them from the sparkles that seemed to be emanating from the two little beings. That didn't prevent Kaori from snapping another picture that would forever be treasured by the four parents though.

The goodbyes were fairly quick, given that it was fairly late, as Kaori had said, but there was enough time for a quick hug between the two kids. Later that night both would lay in bed thinking about of their new friend and the great time they had spent together. Little did they know that they would both fondly remember this day as one of the best in their lives.

1: Look up Force power on google, the first entry should be the wookiepedia one. Be sure you are in the legends page, as the abilities I'm referring to are the ones listed there.

A/N: It's been a while, hasn't it? And as an apology for being gone, you get a chapter 45 words short of being 8k long, which is 2k short from being half the length of the entire story up until now lol. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Also, I plan to post some images in my Ao3 about the house, if you want to visualize it. Both my username and the story's name are the same there. See y'all on the next one.

P.S.: I'll probably take sometime soon to fix some errors I've spotted through the story, so if you notice the story getting updated and the number of chapters staying the same, that's the reason why.