Disclaimer- I don't own the Harry Potter Series. End of."Really, Potter?"

Draco gracefuly walked up to his blue-haired cousin to then pick him up and rock him in his arms.

"'Potter', now is it?"

Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived, or rather the Man Who Lived Twice was sat on the floor of a completely redecorated no.12 Grimmauld Place, his legs wide open to accommodate the space of around 15 medium-sized building blocks.

"Yes, Potter I mean, It's bad enough with Ro- Weasley cursing left, right and centre." Draco said, putting Teddy down, who in turn giggled and got busy with the toys in front of him. Harry smirked, a trait he'd picked up from a certain Slytherin, as he remembered the scolding Ron had received from Mrs Weasley after an...unfortunate verbal slip up in the presence of George and Angela's newborn.

It had been two years since the war ended. Two years of peace, and Harry was loving it. The press may never leave him alone, and the Death Eater trials were a painful experience for him, Draco and basically, everyone, but it was over. All of it.

You could say that it was his "Happy Ever After", with his amazing boyfriend and his adorable godson, but once you've had CONSTANT VIGLEGANCE drilled into your head-

Yet, Harry didn't want to think what could go wrong, his nightmares already haunted him with his past, he wanted to at least enjoy the present.

So, that's where they were.

"Speaking of Ron, he and Hermione invited us round tomorrow, something about an announcement...what do you think thats about?" Harry asked, knocking over his tower off blocks into Teddy's "building" causing him to turn his hair platinum blonde, the same shade as any Malfoy.

"Always knew he liked me best," Draco muttered, and then turned to look at Harry. "Could be something like Hermione's advancing on that creature rights thing she's doing at the ministry...or maybe, Weasley's grown a pair and actually gone and asked the question!"

"Good point-" Harry stopped speaking, abruptly. "Can you...hear that?" He glanced around the room, whilst a quiet buzzing noise began to fill their surroundings. The air thickened.

Suddenly, a blue, window-like portal burst in the middle of the room, bringing wisps of lights to dance around.

Draco gaped.

"What the HELL is that!?" Harry exclaimed, swiftly picking up Teddy. He stumbled to the other side of the room where Draco, who had dropped the green apple he was eating, and stood, back against the wall.

"It can't- I mean- I've only read about them-" Draco started, not bothering to mention Harry's wording choice.

"Wow, you sound like Hermione, Just-"

"Aunt Andy!" Draco shouted, as said person stood at the door frame, with a look of horror and shock. Just seconds after his boyfriend's spoke, the dark-haired man rushed over to her, thrusting her grandson in her arms and then, running back to Draco's hand.

"Is that-"

But that was all she managed before an blinding light burst out of the portal, sucking in Harry, with Draco dragging on behind him.

Author Notes: That was my first Fanfic...what do you think?? I know I'm not that good, so any kind of advice would be cool...and if you actually liked it? I'm not sure if I want to continue or not, I guess...is it good? Want me to continue?...Er...That's all...

Sapphire The Fourth