Whew, finally!
Sorry for the long wait everyone. I'd meant to get this out a few weeks ago, but my dog knocked my laptop of my desk and it had to go in for repairs.
If that wasn't bad enough, when I came in a week later to pick it up, THEY HADN'T EVEN SENT IT OUT YET!
Here we go, let the games begin!
Just a heads up, I'll be writing these chapters similarly to SoulEmbrace2010, which means each shield princess will be rescued by their respective Dino-Knight. I will, however, be throwing a few curveballs in here and there, so keep an eye open!
So, without further ado, let's get it started!
Disclaimer: I don't own transformers or Kuroinu in any way, shape or form. All Oc's however, belong to yours truly.
Chapter 2: Lets liberate some Dark Elves!
(Blackthorn village)
The village of Blackthorn was no stranger to hardships. That was a given, considering that it was in the northern territory, only a few miles away from the Dark Fortress. There had been multiple occasions where small armies of monsters had attacked, but thanks to the men of the village, along with some highly trained soldiers sent by the alliance, things were relatively peaceful for a time.
But that all changed with the uprising of a certain group of mercenaries. Now, most of the former soldiers of the alliance had either joined Kuroinu and turned traitor or remained loyal only to fall at the hands of their former comrades. Without the extra manpower, well, it was only a matter of time before the village felt like all the others.
Which is just what happened; when the latest band of Orcs raided the village, this time they had Kuroinu backing them up. Within an hour or two the entire population of the village, which consisted of all women and children and the few men that hadn't been killed yet, had been rounded up and held captive in the Main Square. The villagers huddled together, trying to distance themselves as far as they could from their captors. As they watched some of the women flinch away from the lust-filled drooling Orcs, some of which were already whipping out their dicks in anticipation, one of the mercs, Felix, turned to his friend Wyoming.
"Hey, quick question. How come we're keeping some of these guys alive, huh? We need real pussy man, not the meta-whatever kind!"
"Metaphorical, you mean." Wyoming replied. "Not sure, but I think it's something to do with the boss testing something. He noticed some of these bitches go full-on-whore, a hell of a lot quicker when you screw them right in front of their husbands. So, we're testing to see if that works here."
"Okay, that part I can get." Felix replied. "But what about the brats? The girls I can get, but what about the boys?"
Wyoming gave him an annoyed look. "What do you think, ya fucking dumbass! We need to keep our own numbers up, or the bitches could revolt against us! Not to mention…" His face grew a dark smirk as a gesture to the Orcs. "We need to keep those big fucks fed somehow, don't we?"
Felix gawped. "That is sick and twisted man!" He yelled, but then his own face turned dark. "Though then again, so are we!" The pair laughed cruelly, and fist bumped.
As they spoke one of the Orcs, a large one wearing thicker armour and a skinned bear head to mark it as chief, approached the captives with its eyes locked on one in particular: an attractive young woman with shoulder length navy blue hair, amethyst purple eyes and like most woman in Eostia, a massive pair of tits. The most eye-catching feature though was her slightly swollen belly, indicating she was about four or five months pregnant.
"See one that ya like Yama?!" Felix called out when he took notice. The Orc only responded with a nod and a grunt, not taking his eyes off the young woman. When he pointed her out, she flinched away in fear while one of the men, the leader of the village, held her close.
"Oh, look at that!" Wyoming remarked. "Looks like she's the chief's wife, and pregnant to boot! Nice choice big guy!" The Orc leader wasn't listening anymore. Instead, he reached out and grabbed the poor, ignoring her screaming protests and pulled her away from the group.
"NO!" Yelled the village leader as he bravely, yet foolishly, tried to make the Orc release his grip. "I won't let you! Get your filthy hands off my wi-!" 'WHACK!' His efforts were in vain; Yama easily smacked the poor man away with a backhand, knocking him into the other prisoners. With his annoyance out of the way, the grinning and drooling Orc whipped out his monster of a cock and tore off the poor girl's clothes, leaving her huge tits, her bulging belly and (most importantly to him) her tight snatch completely visible.
The girl's struggles grew as the Orc line his dick up with her snatch. "No, please no! C-can't you see I'm pregnant?! If you shove that thing inside me, you could kill my baby!" Unfortunately, her pleas fell on deaf ears.
The sick duo grinned in anticipation but right as Yama was about to impale the woman on his dick, likely crushing her baby in the process, there was a loud droning and a flash of green light, causing all to turn away shielding their eyes. When the flash subsided, and they looked at the source, their jaws dropped.
What could only be described as a massive flying ship appeared in the sky!
The ship was made entirely out of grey metal, with several strange markings decorating its body. It was incredibly long and shaped like a stretched out 3-D oval. At The rear end, a large tail-fin like structure extended with two stabiliser wings jutting out from each side that were tipped off with additional tail-fins. On either side of the ship were three large cylindrical machines that were firing out jets of flame, which somehow seem to be keeping the ship in the air. Finally, right at the front of the ship was a large sphere made of glass which was probably the bridge. (1)
With the ships unexpected appearance, both man and monster alike were completely caught off guard, stupefied by the site. In fact, Yama was so distracted, he didn't even notice as the village leader snuck over and pulled his wife to safety.
"What the hell is that thing?!" Wyoming cried out, fumbling with his sword as he tried to regain his bearings.
"Do I look like a damn scholar to you?! How the fuck should I know?!" Felix shouted back, equally dumbfounded.
The pair's shouting snapped Yama out of his gawking, his face quickly filling with rage at the 'thingamabob', as he called it in his head, that had interrupted his fun. After snapping the rest of his kin out of their own trances with a load guttural roar, he pulled a battle-axe made of dragon bone from behind his back, pointed it at the ship, and bellowed…
Hundreds of spears flew right at the ship, but they all pathetically bounced right off its dense hull and reinforced glass with faint tinkling sounds. When the utterly useless barrage ended, one of the more stupid Orcs shouted, "Yeah!"
Felix and Wyoming just gave a dull stare, then facepalmed in unison.
(Unknown ship, the bridge)
Inside the ship, a pair of tall armoured shadowy figures with glowing eyes watched the Kuroinu's pathetic attempt to attack them on a large holographic screen.
"You've got to be fucking kidding me. Did they really think throwing a bunch of sticks at the ship would bring it down? I'm having a hard time believing that these stupid beasts were ever a threat to us." One of the figures, one with a jagged blue visor and a long tail-like arm, muttered incredulously as he gestured at the scene.
The second figure, who was sitting in some kind of command chair yet remained nearly as tall as the first, mentally agreed with his friend. Out loud however, he said… "Regardless, I think it's time you headed down to the warp-drop chamber; don't want to be late to the party now, do you?"
The first figure gave an unseen savage grin. "Hell-fucking no! Time to butcher some bastards!" With that he walked off to parts unknown, the second figure sparing him a glance before turning back to the screen.
A few minutes had passed by since the 'barrage of stupidity', but even though everyone but Yama had braced themselves for a retaliation, the ship hadn't responded at all. It simply hovered in the air in the same place where it had appeared.
Felix and Wyoming, who had just managed to get over their 'associate's' dumbass move, stared up at the floating vessel in confusion.
"So, is that thing gonna to do anything at all, or what?" Felix asked.
Wyoming shook his head in exasperation. "Why is it every time something happens, and you don't know the answer to it, you ask me? I don't have all the answers you know!"
Before Felix could respond, a loud humming sounded from the ship and a bright light shone from beneath it. All of Kuroinu's forces braced themselves and turned away when that light suddenly shot down as a beam, striking the ground before widening into a cone. A few of them dared to look at it and were struck silent as a silhouette became visible in the light. After a few more seconds, the light subsided.
…revealing the towering form of Scorn, blood red armour gleaming in the sunlight and tail-arm flexing in anticipation as he glared down at them menacingly.
"I'm only gonna say this once…" He snarled, the savagery in his voice sending a shiver down their spines. "Get lost or get scrapped! Your choice!"
Now, when most people are threatened by a giant demonic metal knight, they would do the smart thing and heed his advice. Yama the chopper, on the other hand, who was known among the Orc tribes for not only his savagery in battle, but also his tendency to rush into things without thinking, instead did the incredibly stupid thing.
He hefted his axe, bellowed in war-cry and charged (completely forgetting to pull his pants up).
In response to the half-naked Orc chief charging at him, Scorn gave an almost evil grin beneath his helmet. 'Just as I was hoping you'd do, you stupid beast.'
When Yama jumped up to bring his axe down in an overhead chop, Scorn easily sidestepped and let the Orc sail past, burying his axe shaft deep in the ground. The Orc chief furiously tried to yank his axe out of the ground, leaving his rear end completely exposed.
Seeing a perfect opportunity, Scorn reared his tail-arm back, and sprouted a vicious looking spear blade from the tip.
"You horny dogs are so fond of screwing women against their will? Let's see how much you fucking like it, when someone shoves something up YOUR ass!" With that, his arm shot forward and skewered the Orc right up his asshole!
Yama gasped in pain and shock as Scorn's tail pierced through him, cleaving through his organs like a hot knife through butter! The last thing the Orc chief saw before death took him was the tip of the spear bursting up from his mouth, choking what little life remained out of him!
Scorn held the corpse of the Orc chief on his tail-arm like a skewered pig for a minute or two, before whipping his arm out and allowing the corpse to slide and fly off, landing with a sickening thud at the foot of the masses.
The villagers stared at the body with shock and awe, while the mercs just stared in pure horror. As one, all eyes turned to the hulking figure of the Dino-knight, whose arm was still dripping with the Orc's blood.
"That, was a bad move." Scorn snarled. It could've just been their imagination, but some parts of his armour seemed to be… shifting.
And then, he transformed!
His legs reshaped themselves until they went from thin and humanoid, to muscular and three toed. His head sank into his torso, which then swivelled on an axis for a few seconds before stopping sideways, his tail-arm now directly behind him while his left arm, which had snagged the jaw-like ornaments on his waist, faced out in front of him and reconfigured itself into a crocodilian head with glowing red eyes. His waist folded back until the base of his legs were in line with his torso, which then sprouted two long clawed arms. For the grand finale, three rows of long, sail shaped spines sprouted from his back, running from the base of his new neck to the base of his tail.
He'd turned into a giant, blood red, vicious looking Spinosaurus!
His transformation complete, Scorn turned his now crocodilian gaze toward his soon-to-be victims, who were all quivering in fear from the murderous aura the horrifying beast gave off. That fear only tripled when Scorn gave them a terrifying grin that showed off every single one of his sharp gleaming teeth.
"Better hope your bite measures up to your bark!" He growled, his voice now much gravelly. "Cause otherwise, extinction is imminent!" Then, with a bloodcurdling roar, he charged.
As they watched the blood-crazy giant robot dinosaur rush in to slaughter them, Felix turned to Wyoming for the final time and calmly asked, "We're fucked, aren't we?"
This time, Wyoming had the answer. "Yup, right up the ass."
What followed, could only be described as pure, bloody, carnage!"
(Ulysses, the bridge)
Back on the ship, which was known as The Ulysses, the lights on the bridge brightened to reveal the second figure, Grimlock.
The Dino-Knight leader was still sitting in his command chair, observing his new second in command at work. His helmet was retracted revealing the human face of Rexxus Grimmborne beneath, the only change being his eyes, which were glowing a bright ruby red.
While for the most part the former knight was completely impassive to the fate of Scorn's victims, there were a few downright grizzly scenes that caused even the battle-hardened veteran to wince and glance away.
Behind him, the door to the bridge shifted and fell away, to allow Strafe to step through. Like Grimlock, his helmet was folded away to reveal Alaerth's face, only his eyes glowed a bright blue instead of red. Grimlock, hearing the door opening, swivelled his chair around to greet his comrade. "Strafe! Finally, back from reconnaissance, eh?" He commented dryly, an eyebrow raised.
The former prince gave his leader a sheepish grin while rubbing the back of his head. "Okay, okay, so I was a little late getting back. Sorry, but when I was on my way back from the Dark Fortress, I got attacked by this pack of adolescent wyverns. I had to fling one of them into a mountain and slam another two's heads together before the flying pests got the message and pissed off."
"Really?" Grimlock asked sarcastically. "And you're certain it's not because you made a few side stops along the way to, oh I don't know, pick off any members of Kuroinu you saw as you were flying over?" Strafe's response of slumping in embarrassment was all the answer he needed. The Dino Knight leader rolled his eyes. "Relax, it's not that big a bother. The only real issue is that Scorn got bored as hell waiting for you to get back." Grimlock turned his chair back around to watch the screen again. "… and we all know what happens when Scorn gets antsy."
Curious, Strafe walked down the walkway to his leader's side and looked at the screen…just in time to see Scorn, still in Dino mode, pin an Orc down with his foot and grip its head with his teeth, before violently ripping its entire spinal column straight out, blood and flesh flying everywhere! At the same time his tail snapped out and grabbed a fleeing merc by the ankle, who screamed and begged for mercy only for his cries to turn into dying strangled gasps, courtesy of getting impaled on the Spinosaur's middle sail, all three of which were practically decorated with corpses!
His face swiftly turning green, Strafe cringed in disgust. "Oh, dear goddess! Now that just isn't right! Even for that savage psycho, that is sick and wrong!"
Grimlock looked at him, bemused. "Are you joking? We both know this is just par for the course with Drake." He said.
"Yeah, but hasn't he ever heard of the word 'Overkill'?!" Strafe refuted while throwing his arms up. "Besides that, considering he tends to be an absolute beast in the training room, not to the fact that he spends more time in Dino mode than any of us, I'd say he's taking the whole 'inner beast' thing a little too far!"
Grimlock sighed but he couldn't refute the flyer's words; ever since his re-formation Scorn had been acting far more bloodthirsty on the battlefield, practically executing his opponents in the most brutal ways you could imagine. Scorn was still more than competent as a second-in-command but regardless, Grimlock knew he'd have to have a chat with the former merc at some point.
"Let's put that aside for now." Grimlock said as he broke that train of thought. "Strafe, you go and round up the rest of the Dino-knights, then get everyone down to the war room. I'll head down in a second and meet you there. Once Scorn finishes his business, we'll get the meeting started." The knight's eyes glowed brighter as he narrowed them. "It's time to get Operation: Elf Extraction underway."
(The war room)
About half an hour later Grimlock, Strafe and the other Dino-knights aside from Scorn were assembled in a large circular room, known as the war room, waiting for their missing comrade. Each one of them was passing the time differently: Strafe and Snarl were standing by a nearby terminal, the former explaining the details from his reconnaissance while the latter uploaded those details to the holographic-interface table in the middle of the room.
Slog's massive form was sat in one of the many chairs surrounding the table, though it seemed only barely able to hold his weight. Sitting on the massive knight's shoulders was Slash, who'd grown so bored from waiting that he'd fallen fast asleep, using Slug's head as a pillow.
Slag was leaning against the wall away from the others, silently overlooking over the room but tapping his foot impatiently. Finally, Grimlock was standing right beside the holo-table, silently sifting through the data as it was received.
On a side note, just like Rexxus and Alaerth, every Dino-knight had their helmets retracted, revealing their human (elf in Tercos' case) faces beneath.
This continued on for a couple more minutes before finally, the door shifted open and Scorn waltzed, a downright pleasant grin adorning his face. Grimlock gave his second-in-command an exasperated glance. "Have fun?" He asked.
Scorn's pleasant grin only widened. "Oooh, mercilessly!" He practically purred. "I think it's safe to say that I'm satisfied… For now." At the last part his grin went from pleasant, to savage.
"What the hell took you so damn long human?!" Slag snapped, throwing an irritated glare at the former merc. "Surely it couldn't have taken you this much time, just to slaughter some moronic mercenaries and brainless brutes, could it?!"
Scorn gave him an ugly glare. "If you must know, you pointy eared punk, I took the liberty of taking a decontamination shower before I came here. Would you prefer I showed up smelling of blood, guts and likely shit?" When Slag returned Scorn's glare but didn't respond, Scorn smirked in satisfaction. "I didn't think so."
"Alright, settle down everyone, we've got business to attend to." Called out Grimlock, and everyone promptly stopped what they were doing and took their seats at the table.
Everyone promptly took their seats and Grimlock's face turned serious as he got down to business. "Dino-knights, as you all know, we have spent the last few days since we were reformatted getting used to our new bodies, by liberating various villages across the northern region." He paused. "But by now, I think we can all safely say we've learned everything we need to know for now, am I right?"
"Get to the point already Grimmborne!" Slag snapped suddenly. After being forced to wait for Scorn to show his ugly mug for what seemed like hours, the former dark elf was in no mood for Smalltalk.
Grimlock just threw the Vanguard a quick glare before getting back on point. "The point is, the time for picking off small fries is over. Now, it's time to finally begin our real mission." The Dino-knight leader gave his comrades a feral grin. "Our next target, is the Dark Fortress!"
Those turned out to be the magic words; the instant he heard them, Slag dropped his irritated scowl and replaced it with a look that could only be described as eager. No surprise there, considering how long he'd been waiting for this day. 'Finally!' The vanguard thought to himself. 'Soon Lady Olga, Chloe. Soon, you and the rest of our people will be free!'
While Slag was busy with his thoughts, Grimlock continued. "This time, we can't just rush in and scrap any asshole we see like we've done with the villages; we'll need to plan this one out a little." He gestured to Strafe and Slash, who stood up cue. "To that end, I sent Strafe and Slash to scout out the fortress so that we know what we're dealing with. Show us what you found out boys."
With a grin and salute, Strafe waved his hand over the table, causing a 3D hologram of the Dark Fortress to appear. "Alright, listen up metal heads. We've got two sets of good news, and two sets of bad news." Strafe explained, then nodded at Slash to get him to speak. With a cheeky grin of his own, the scout complied.
"Good news number one is, we found your girlfriend Tercy!" Slash shouted, the joking comment breaking Slag from his train of thought. As soon as he registered the girlfriend comment, he threw an ugly scowl at Slash. "Ooh, somebody looks a little touchy." Slash chuckled, completely unaffected by the glare. "Careful Tercy, if the wind changes your face will get stuck like that, then you'll have to change your name to Scowl!"
Strafe burst out laughing and even Scorn released a few mirthful chuckles. Snarl tried to stifle a snicker with little success, while Slog simply gave an amused smile. Slags only response was to turn his irritated glare into an enraged one; he looked like he was only one step away from lunging at the grinning scout with his swords drawn. Before he could however, the sound of a throat clearing drew everyone's attention to Grimlock.
"Amusing Slash but get to the point already. There'll be plenty of time for fun, games and teasing later, but this situation calls for utmost seriousness."
"Uh, right. Sorry boss." A chastised Slash replied. "Like I said, we found that Chloe girl. Whenever they're not busy fucking her brain to mush, they keep her locked up in one of the higher security dungeons."
As he spoke, he pointed to a lower section of the holographic castle, a small section being highlighted he pointed. "Problem is, she was too heavily guarded to rescue her myself. But I'm sure it won't be a problem for a big bad warrior like you, right Slag?"
The Dino-knight in question didn't respond verbally, but the confident smirk on his face said enough.
"Then we have the first set of bad news." Strafe then took over. "Hate to break it to break it to you Slag, but we couldn't find heads or tails of Discordia anywhere. Looks like they moved her to another city, along with a few of the other dark elves." Strafe's face was full of remorse, and those who knew the former prince could tell he was being genuine.
Besides glaring at Strafe for not showing his queen proper respect, Slag didn't really react beyond looking disappointed. Internally however…
'Damn! Just when I fought I could rescue both of them in one fell swoop!'
Grimlock frowned in contemplation. "Anything else? Perhaps when the best time to strike would likely be?"
"Oh yeah, I almost forgot! That's the second piece of good news!" Slash cried. "I managed to eavesdrop on some of the guards; looks like most of Kuroinu's forces will be bunched up inside the castle's main hall in three days' time. When that happens, the rest of the castle will be so empty, it'll be way too easy for Slag to charge his way through. Heck, by the time he's reached the main hall, those poor sons of bitches won't even know what hit 'em!"
Grimlock nodded with a satisfied smile and Slag, for the first time in a while, grew a vicious smirk.
But apparently Strafe wasn't so relieved, for good reason. "Which, once again, leads us to the bad news." He spoke up with a grimace. "The reason why the castle's main hall will be so packed in three days' time, is because those sick fucks are planning to use every dark elf left in the kingdom in a massive orgy, with Chloe as the main event!"
The second Strafe finished talking, the rage in the room became so intense you could practically feel the heat.
Scorn was growling like an animal, his tail-arm flexing and sprouting blades at random points.
Snarl was absolutely aghast, some of the plates decorating his body were even turning red with anger.
Slogs face was stony and unreadable, but with the way his armrest was creaking and groaning under his clenched fist, it was obvious how he felt.
Yet despite the various outbursts from everyone in the room, Slag barely reacted; all he did was lean in close, stare Strafe dead in the eye and ask with a frigid voice… "And by main event, you mean…?"
"…I mean," Strafe answered after a moment, bracing himself for the inevitable storm. "… that they're planning to use her as a breeding cow for the Ogres."
Instantly, Slags face went white with horror and he dropped his head to face the floor, shaking in denial. Most of the others gave in looks of sympathy, but that soon turned to shock and wariness when Slag raised his head again.
His teeth were gritted and bared, his eyes had gone from blue to glaring red and judging by the heated glow and smoke coming from the crevices in his armour, he was just about ready to tear something apart.
Seconds later, his helmet snapped down into place, his visor just as red as his eyes, and he whirled around making to march out of the room. But before he could get more than a few steps though, the head of a familiar Warhammer barred his path.
Following the handle, the enraged vanguard's visor met the red eyes of Grimlock, who had engaged his own helmet. "Calm down Slag." The Dino-Knight leader said in a warning tone. "I can understand your rage but if you just go charging in weapons free, there's a chance you could put Chloe and all the other dark elves at risk."
"Fuck off Grimmborne!" Slag snarled back. "My closest friend is on the verge of losing whatever sanity she's retained and turned into a brood cow for those damn beasts, and you expect me to just sit and wait for it to happen?! Not a chance!" Normally, Slag would've listened to his leader's words, knowing that despite their differences, Grimlock knew what he was doing and had a very good point. However, in his enraged state, logic wasn't exactly the first thing on his mind.
Blinded by his rage, Slag reached behind him and unsheathed his swords, holding them in a threatening stance. "So, get out of my way, or I'll cut you down where you stand!"
With Slags declaration, the two warriors stared each other down; Slag's gaze filled with rage and frustration, whereas Grimlock was calm and collected.
Meanwhile, some of the others had whipped out their weapons in response to Slags outburst; Strafe pulled out his crossbow, Scorn's tail-arm had converted into a large energy cannon and a pair of twin barrelled blasters had popped out from Slogs shoulders. And all three of the aforementioned were aiming their respective weapons at the incensed former elf.
There was silence. Nobody dared to breathe as the two warriors glared at each other. Then, after what seemed like hours, Grimlock spoke.
"You know I'm right Slag; even underneath all that rage and aggression, you know that charging in headfirst will only make things worse." Grimlock said calmly. "While you would likely make a massive dent in Kuroinu's forces, you're also just as likely to kill many of your own kind in the process. Just try to calm down and try to think things through rationally." He narrowed his eyes as he noticed Slag was about to protest again. "And before you try and use Chloe as an excuse, don't forget…everyone in this room is in the same boat that you are."
Slag kept up his glare for a moment, but eventually he released a frustrated sigh, retracted his helmet and lowered his swords.
"… Alright… I get it." He muttered lowly with his head bowed. "Sorry, Grimlock. I just, can't stand the thought of my dearest friend, being used as a breeding sow for those abomination. It makes me sick just thinking about it."
With the situation under control, the others lowered the weapons and relaxed. Grimlock retracted his own helmet, before placing a comforting hand on Slag's shoulder, causing the Vanguard to look up at him.
"I understand how hard this is for you, Slag. Just from seeing how you reacted to Strafe's report, I can tell that this Chloe girl means more to you than just a friend." Slag retracted his own helmet and stared at his leader. "The way you defend her so readily, how much you worry about her, and how far you're willing to go if it means she's safe." Grimlock explained. "It's almost exactly like how I am with Celestine."
Realisation dawned on Slag's face. "Wait, you mean you…"
Grimlock gave an amused smirk. "What did you expect? Nobody can spend years being on a first name basis with that woman, and not feel something for her." He said. "In fact, if it weren't for the fact that I'm just a simple adventurer with nary a drop of noble blood, while she is a goddess reincarnated, I'd have probably tried to court her long before now."
Snarl, overhearing that last part, couldn't help but give an exasperated roll of his eyes. 'By the goddess! No matter what form you take Rexxus, you're still oblivious as ever to Celestine's feelings towards you.' The scholar thought to himself; the way that Rexxus and Celestine interacted with each other had always reminded him of what he and Claudia used to be like before they married.
With Slag satiated for now, Grimlock turned his attention back to the others.
"Alright, here's the plan. First, we move Ulysses into position over the Dark Fortress, then wait three days for our moment of opportunity. Strafe, when that day comes, I want you up in the air and keeping an eye on things. The moment you even suspect that the 'festivities' are about to begin, you let us know immediately."
"Aye aye, captain!" The former prince snapped to a salute, crossbow cocked and all.
"Slog, Snarl," Grimlock continued, facing the two in question. "How far along are the regeneration chambers, did you manage to get them working yet?"
The regeneration chambers were a set of machines located in the Ulysses' med bay. The way they worked was, once a subject in need of healing of some sort was placed inside, the chambers would fill up with a restorative bacta-like fluid. This fluid would proceed to heal any injuries, cure sickness and ailments, and even restore a damaged mind to its original state, all the while providing the occupant with a steady supply of oxygen and nutrients. The Dino-Knights had discovered the med bay, and by extension the regeneration chambers, while mapping out the ship, but the chambers were offline for some reason. Slog and Snarl had been fairly busy lately, trying to get the chambers back into working condition again.
Speaking of which, Snarl and Slog shared a look before the former answered. "Well, the machines themselves are all working to perfection, but we still have some software to run through before they can be safely used."
"Not to mention," Slog added. "Each of us have come back from our respective 'stress relief sessions' with barely a scratch, so there is no way of knowing whether or not the chambers will have any effect."
Grimlock hmm'd to himself for a moment. "Alright, we still have three days until the mission. See what you can do to get them working before then." The pair nodded.
"And me?" Slag spoke up.
Grimlock raised a bemused eyebrow. "Like you have to ask! Once we drop you off, make your way inside the fortress and make a B-line for the main hall. Then, tear the scrap out of any Kuroinu forces you see, confirm the condition of Chloe and any other dark elves you find, then call us down." Once he was done, the Dino-knight leader gave Slag a challenging look. "Think you can handle all that on your own?"
Slag said nothing at first, only staring at Grimlock with an unreadable expression. "Sir…" he finally said, before growing a confident smirk and readying his blades.
"It'll be my genuine pleasure!"
(Three days later, the Dark Fortress)
Despite the fact that Olga Discordia had been captured long ago, the effects of her magic were still evident in the Badlands. The trees were still rotted and crooked, the earth looked like it was scorched with ash, and the air itself tried to poison you with each breath you took.
The only safe haven in this twisted nightmare, was the Dark Fortress: the former home of the Dark Elf Queen herself.
But after she was overthrown, and her people enslaved, the ones that owned the castle now were the men and monsters of Kuroinu.
Currently most of the Dark Fortress' hallways were mostly empty, most of the inhabitants having gathered in the castles main hall for tonight's 'breeding event'.
But the main hail itself was another matter altogether: two long tables ran down the length of the room on each side, filled with food and drink of all kinds and every seat taken up by a Kuroinu mook, who were already guzzling down on anything they could grab. A shorter table was set up right in front of the throne at the end of the room, with a small chair set up just beside the throne itself.
Seated in the throne itself was an elder man with grey hair in a ponytail and red eyes, with a red coat featuring a yellow undershirt and black neckerchief. His name, was Sir John Mandeville.
Despite his title of nobility however, Mandeville was anything BUT noble. He was known as an infamous slaver, breaking the minds and wills of countless people (mostly women), all for the sake of business or his own twisted pleasure.
Many years ago, one of his many victims just so happened to be the mother of Olga's retainer, Chloe. There was even a rumour that Mandeville was Chloe's father, due to how many times he'd raped the poor woman. Which meant that once Chloe was born, she was instantly branded a slave and eventually raped by the sick bastard, just like her late mother.
When one of Olga's raid parties, led by Tercos himself, had rescued the young elf girl from his crutches, Mandeville had sworn that one day he'd have Chloe back in his grasp. And now, thanks to Vault and his dogs, that's just what happened.
Back to the present, Mandeville leaned on the table with his fingers laced and grinning in sick pleasure as several dark elf girls, Chloe included, were carried into the room by some of the mercenaries, who'd already lost control of their lust and were now plunging their dicks into the girls as they carried them.
Mandeville allowed the men a few more minutes of pleasure, playing close attention to the 'bitch in heat' look on Chloe's face, before deciding enough was enough. "Alright gentlemen, you can have some more fun with these bitches later. Right now, I believe we have a ceremony to attend to."
The men groaned and shouted in protest, claiming they hadn't finished yet, but a firm look from Mandeville made them drop their complaints and set the girls down in the middle of the room.
While most of the men walked over to one of the tables lining the sides of the room, one of them walked up to the main table when Mandeville sat and took the chair next to him. This particular merc, just so happened to be one of Vault's lieutenant's.
As the lieutenant sat down and started helping himself to the food, Mandeville glanced at him and asked, "Are you sure you made certain that there will be no interruptions tonight, Lieutenant Drisk?"
"Oh definitely!" the now-named Drisk replied before taking a bite from a chicken bone. "I've got several groups of my guys roaming every corridor in the castle, with strict orders not to disturb us until the dawn arrives. Trust me, nothing could possibly ruin our entertainment tonight sir."
Mandeville nodded and leaned back in his chair. "Perfect. I've waited a long time for this day, and the last thing I need is any interferences." With the knowledge of the guards being on high alert Mandeville felt safe and secure, feeling like nothing could possibly get the drop on him at this point.
The thing about most guards though… most of them never, ever, look up.
Hovering in the air outside, high above the Dark Fortress, was a bizarre winged creature. It was the size of a small building, featuring a massive wingspan with a shape similar to a dragon's. It had two short legs that each ended with massive razor-sharp talons, and two long tails with sharp barbs at the ends, trailing in the air behind it.
But there were two features that stood out more than anything.
Number one, it's entire body seem to be made of navy blue metal, yet it was still somehow capable of staying in the air.
Number two… It had TWO HEADS! Its neck completely split in two at the base, each split-off leading up to a large avian head, both of which sported a pointed crest at their backs, and long curving beaks filled to the brim with sharp, needle-like teeth.
This creature was Strafe, in his own beast mode.
Giving his wings a slight flap to stay airborne, Strafe's heads scanned the scene below them through the window, each moving independently from its twin. While the right head's eyes scanned the mercenaries for any sign of activity, the left head kept its own eyes locked on the Chloe and the other Dark elves. Then, after a few minutes had passed, he spotted what he was looking for: a group of Ogres, all wearing disgusting lewd grins and sporting raging boners, entering the main hall.
The left head butted the right and drew its attention to the group. As soon as the Ogres were all inside the main hall and in plain view, the heads looked at each other and nodded.
"This is Strafe, calling Ulysses. Come in, Ulysses." The left head said. "I spy with my four little eyes…", "Big Ogres with big boners, time to mobilise!" The right head finished, both of them sniggering at their little rhyme.
Back on the Ulysses, which was cloaked and positioned just outside the fortress, Grimlock once again sat in his command chair on the bridge, with Snarl manning communications from a terminal on the level below.
When he received Strafe's message, Snarl deadpanned. "Really, Alaerth? Would it really pain you to show just a little maturity for once?"
After a moment of lamenting over the flying Dino-knight's immaturity, he shook his head to reassert himself. "Grimlock, Strafe just reported in! It's time to begin the mission!" He called up to his leader.
Grimlock nodded to show his acknowledgment and pressed a button on the armrest of his chair, opening a comm channel to the lower levels of the ship. "Slag, it's time." He said. "Are you ready?"
Down in the lower levels, Slag stood alone at the end of a hallway, the door right behind him and a large pit at the far end. "Born ready!" he snarled, flexing his arms in anticipation. "I'll squash those fuckers like the insignificant pests they are!"
"Warp-jump is warmed up and ready." Snarl announced over the intercom. "All systems go for ignition. Launch in 3, 2, 1, GO!"
Slag's helmet snapped into place as he charged forward, then jumped straight into the pit without any hesitation. The shaft of the pit started to widen as he descended, and in response Slag's entire body started to grow with it, going from his original size to well over 30 feet in height. Just as Slag started to approach the bottom of the pit his entire body glow blue, and vanished…
… reappearing seconds later in a flash of blue light, just outside the Dark Fortress' entrance. Slag landed with a muted thud that shook the earth slightly, then rose to his feet and pulled out his swords.
"Let the slaughter begin."
On the other side of the gates, two mercenaries named Karl and Barry stood watch. Barry, besides shivering a little from the creepy vibes the fortress seemed to emanate, seemed quite content. Karl on the other hand looked about ready to burst a blood vessel.
For a few minutes there was silence before Karl turned and said, "Dammit, it's just not fair man! Here we are, stuck out here in the dark while all the other guys are up in the main hall, screwing dark elf bitches to their hearts content! What about us, huh?! Where's our free cunt?!"
Barry rolled his eyes in exasperation; this was the fifth time Karl had whined about their job tonight, and it was starting to get on his last nerve.
"Like I said the past few times Karl, we'll get a chance to take our fair share of elf pussy later. For now, we just need to grit our teeth and-."
A loud sudden noise cut Barry off mid-sentence. He jumped in fright before reasserting himself, eyes darting everywhere as he searched for the source of the noise.
"W-what the hell was that?!"
Karl didn't respond, at least not in a normal way. "BaaRhh!" He rasped, sounding like he was gasping for breath.
Barry gave his fellow watch-man a skewed look. "Say what?" He asked. He idly noticed that for some reason, Karl's face was deathly pale, and his eyes were bloodshot.
"BaaRrFLaRrGgg!" Karl rasped again. It seemed like he was trying to say something, but for some reason was choking on his own words.
"Bar flar wha? What the hell is the matter with yo-?" SCHLOCK!
Barry was cut off once again, this time when the head of a massive blade suddenly punched its way straight through Karl's chest, making him freeze in shock from the sight. Before he could get his wits about him and react any further, the blade suddenly lunged upwards, cleaving Karl's upper body clean in two! "KAAAAAAARRRRRLLL!" Barry screamed in horror.
"Baaaaarryyy." Karl finally gasped out, before his upper half peeled in two like a banana peel and fell to the ground in a twitching dead heap, spilling organs and blood everywhere.
Barry shook with shock and fear, unable to fully comprehend what just happened.
"Wha-wha-what the he-." And for the third time in a row, he was cut off. The giant blade that had just sliced his comrade in half was joined by a twin. Both then proceeded to make absolute mincemeat out of the gate, which stood nearly 50 feet high! The strikes were so fast that by the time they were done, the gate still stood upright, not a single piece out of place. That was soon fixed when it was kicked down by a gigantic metal boot.
Despite the numerous pieces of the gate dropping to the ground around him, one of which crushed Karl's remains as it landed, Barry didn't pay any attention. He was too busy shitting himself in pure terror at the sight of the giant purple and red metal demon, that stood where the gate used to be.
As Slag took in his surroundings, feeling a small sense of comfort at the sight of his home, he picked up the smell of shit just below him. Looking down, he noticed the terrified Barry quivering at his feet and scowled. "Disgusting human filth!" He snarled, then reared his leg back, and kicked Barry away. His scream lasted for literally a second before he smashed into a nearby wall, though the sound was still enough to draw the attention of some of the other nearby guards.
A small force of monsters charged around the corner of another hallway, weapons raised and bellowing, prepared for almost anything. Keyword being 'almost', because the moment they laid eyes on Slag they froze in their tracks, eyes bulging in shock and disbelief. Some did so simply because of the sight of the towering knight, but in the case of others, it was because even if he looked nothing like how he used to, they could tell from just his intimidating aura that the being before them, was none other than their former general.
And he. Was. PISSED!
Slag instantly picked out some familiar faces in the crowd, the mere sight of them causing is already palpable rage to increase even more. "Well well well, if it isn't the wretched traitors who abandoned my queen, orchestrated my death, and allowed my closest friend to be turned into a cock hungry whore!" The trembles of the legion of monsters only increased as with every word he spoke, the crevices in Slags armour glowed and steamed, just like they did back on the ship. "And I. Hate. TRAITORS!" With that final snarl, Slag transformed.
As he put his swords away, the sides of his torso detached and reshaped into a pair of front legs. Then his arms folded together and combined into a ribcage, while his massive shoulder blades moved forward and brought the new legs into place. At the same time, his helmet sank into his torso and his shoulder plates closed together, forming the head of a three-horned beast, with a shield like frill behind its head and cruel tusks sprouting from its lower jaw. Finally, as he sank gown to his knees (which had sprouted clawed feet), his legs folded into shorter but stockier hind legs, and his back extended into a long, spiked tail.
The giant metal triceratops opened his new mouth and bellowed out his existence.
The monsters were given barely any time to react before Slag charged, galloping at full speed and horns lowered, ready to skewer them like stuck pigs! The first of them, an Orc with a bone cudgel in his hand opened his mouth to scream, but only ended up getting his gob instantly filled with Slag's nasal horn. The momentum of the Dino-knight's charge caused the Orc's now double-mouthed corpse to fly back into the ranks, knocking down several of the others like dominoes. Those others soon joined their fellow monster and those who weren't skewered by Slag's horns as he charged at them, were unceremoniously squished underfoot like pitiful insects.
Any who weren't directly caught in the charging triceratops' path didn't get much of a reprieve. Once he'd pierced his way through the centre ranks Slag halted in his tracks and shook his head, causing the numerous corpses that had collected on his horns like pineapple skewers to fly off, painting the walls red with their blood. Then he turned around, and anything close to him that wasn't smashed into the walls by his tail, were disembowelled by his horns when they slashed right through them.
Some of the less intelligent of their numbers, unknowingly followed in the footsteps of the late Yama and charged the metal dinosaur while bellowing war cries. The results of their 'efforts'? History repeating itself when Slag skewered most of them with his horns, used their bodies to smash even more of them into the walls, floor, ceiling, everywhere!
Within minutes, all that was left of the reinforcements was a bloody hallway, filled to the brim with corpses that were either squashed, skewered or ripped apart.
Slag stood at the end of the hallway, admiring his handiwork. His body appeared to be more tinted red than purple now, no doubt thanks to all of the Orcs' blood and numerous intestines and other guts hanging from his horns.
Snorting and shaking his horns free of their 'decorations', Slag turned around again and marched off down the hallway. "Well, that relieved some stress." He said to himself. "But enough messing around, time to do what I came here for…" If possible, Slag's face grew even more fierce, his march speeding up into a steady gallop.
"Just hold on a little longer Chloe, I'm coming for you!"
(Castle, Main hall)
Meanwhile in the main hall, the 'festivities' already well underway. Numerous men and monsters sat at the two tables, their hands occupied with either food, drink or forcing the head of some poor dark elf girl down on their dicks. Side note – not a single one of them was wearing any clothes.
And every single one of those men were cheering like the pigs they were at the scene going on in the middle of the room. A group of Ogres, in all their grotesque glory, were driving their filthy dicks into the mouths, pussies and assholes of even more dark elf girls. Some of them, if they didn't have a mouthful of cock, were still coherent enough to try and cry out in protest. Most however where already long past that point, with their eyes rolled back into their heads and tongues lolling and drooling, crying for more.
And right in the middle of a group, between a girl being gang-banged by two of the brutes and another Ogre having two girl's fellatio him, was Chloe.
The blonde-haired elf was sitting on top of an Ogre with its dick impaled up her ass while it spread open her pussy lips, allowing a thick steady stream of cum to pour out. At the same time, another Ogre was stuffing his own prick down her throat, causing her eyes to roll back.
Mandeville grinned as he took in his former slave's pain and twisted pleasure, with only the anticipation of tonight's main event stopping him from taking part personally. Eventually however…
"Alright gentlemen, I think that's enough for now!" He called out with an easy-going smile, getting a chorus of groans and complaints in response. "Now now, I understand your disappointment, but my cause is perfectly justified. After all," his smile quickly went from pleasant to malicious. "…I believe it's time we moved on to what we all really came here for. Wouldn't you agree, Kresh?"
Right on cue, a towering figure stepped out of the shadows of the room. It was an Ogre, but it was several times taller than the rest of its kind and instead of a tiny pair of horns on its head, it had large curling antlers like a stag. The towering beast known as Kresh was drooling like a hungry animal, with its dick (which was as big as Chloe herself) fully erect.
As he approached the other Ogres that had been fucking Chloe backed away, cowing in fear and respect from the Alpha Ogre. They then lumbered off to find another dark elf to play with. Kresh himself barely noticed them, his attention firmly locked on the blonde haired, red eyed Elf.
Chloe, in the midst of her cum-filled ecstasy, noticed the Alpha Ogre's approach and started shaking in anticipation. Mentally however, the last tiny scrap of her sanity wept at the sight of its likely demise.
Finally reaching the girl, Kresh dropped down to his knees and gripped Chloe's legs between his thumbs and forefingers, positioning the giant tip of his dick at her slightly gaping entrance. He reared back to shove it all in at once!
… Only to be interrupted when the doors to the room slammed open, allowing a single grunt to rush in, slam the doors shut behind him, lock them tight and brace himself against them, completely white with fear and panting like his life depended on it.
Mandeville was livid. "What's the meaning of this!" He snarled, casting a fierce glare at the Lieutenant.
In response, the Lieutenant death-glared at the merc and called out, "What the hell, you idiot?! I thought I gave express orders NOT to disturb us tonight!"
Normally the grunt would be shaking in his boots at his superior's enraged face and tone but right now, something else had terrified him far, far more so.
"Hah…hah…big…big…whoo big…!" He panted out, much to everyone's confusion.
The Lieutenant looked at him in bewilderment. "…What?"
The Lieutenant raised an eyebrow in confusion. His eyes wandered over to Kresh, whose attention was half on the still delirious Chloe and half on the panicking merc. "You mean Kresh?" He asked. "Okay yes, he's a big monster and you noticed, good for you. But what does that have to do with you barging in unannounced like that, huh?"
Exasperation joined fear and exhaustion on the grunt's face. "No…not…that! Out there!" he gasped, pointing to the door behind him.
Mandeville rubbed his nose and groaned. "Is this buffoon going to take all night about this? I for one, would like to get back to our entertainment if you don't mind!" The other Kuroinu grunts murmured in agreement and started turning their attention away, returning to their food and pleasure.
The panicked grunt desperately tried to get his words out. "hah…big monster…chase…big monster chase…!"
Now the Lieutenant was beyond annoyed. "For fuck's sake's, just spit it out already!" He bellowed, accentuated by slamming his fist on the table.
"BIG MONSTER CHASE MEEEEE!" The grunt finally belted out, right before he was knocked off his feet when the door suddenly bulged out with a huge bang, like something had rammed into it from the other side.
Everyone jumped, some even falling out of their chairs in surprise. The collective thought ran through everyone's mind.
'What the hell was that?!'
A few seconds later the door banged again, this time with two visible dents appearing near the top. The grunt shot up from the ground like a bullet, quivering in fear. "Oh goddess, it's already here!" He screamed and tried to run from the door. "Everyone, run for your li-!" He never got a chance to finish before the doors were slammed again.
Bang! Crash!
This time, the force of the impact caused the doors to break right off their hinges and collapse right on top of the fleeing grunt, throwing up a huge cloud of dust. The mercs, ogres and even a few of the elves covered their eyes to protect themselves from the smoke and debris.
Once it was over and the dust had more or less settled, Slag slowly and methodically marched into the room. He cast his burning red gaze across the room, practically burning into the soul of any who dared to meet it. Casting his gaze down and noticing the wriggling arm of the grunt trapped beneath the door, he grew a dark smirk.
"Excuse me." He pleaded sarcastically, before pressing down on the door hard and squashing the grunt beneath into paste, leaving only his twitching arm intact. Turning his attention to the rest of the room, three things stood out to him almost immediately.
The towering and dumbfounded Kresh staring at him in confusion.
Mandeville shaking like an earthquake in fear along with most of the Kuroinu.
And most importantly, Chloe's twitching form lying in the middle of the room.
His eyes narrowed even further, steam bursting from his nostrils. He pawed the ground for a moment then charged full speed ahead, ploughing into the still gawping Alpha Ogre with a thunderous bang! Kresh barely had a chance to react to the sudden burst of pain he found himself in before the momentum of Slag's charge sent him flying!
The Lieutenant screamed in terror when the oversized monster went sailing over the Dark elves heads and flew right towards the head table. Or more specifically, right towards him!
With a thunderous SMASH!, the oversized Ogre crushed the Lieutenant, and most of the table, under his giant ass. Then his head smacked into the wall behind him and he slumped back in a daze, stunned from both the attack and the landing.
Mandeville shook in shock and fear, staring at the spot right next to him where the Lieutenant once sat, now nothing but a slowly growing puddle of blood coming from beneath the stunned monster.
"You have two choices you filthy swine!" Slag growled, drawing the attention back to himself. "Step away from those girls right now and I'll only partially unalive you. Ignore me…" He gave a harsh stomp, cracking the ground and crushing the twitching arm beneath him. "…and you're all shish-kebob!"
In the minutes that followed Slag's demand, the only sounds that could be heard were the panicked whimpering of the less composed Kuroinu mercs, the moans of the still-delirious Dark Elves and Slag's heavy panting. Once those minutes passed however, Mandeville gained a sudden burst of courage (read: stupidity)
"Y-you… you… I don't know who or what the hell you are, but you dare try to order us?! To order ME?!" Mandeville snarled. "Men! Deal with this abomination this instant! Show him the cost of interrupting our pleasure!"
Most of the mercs snapped out of their terror and took up arms, charging Slag from all angles. Predictably however, they didn't show any form of tactics whatsoever. Sure some of them tried to flank the Dino-Knight to attack from a better angle but overall, they all just rushed in like a bunch of brainless monkeys. Slag's eye twitched in annoyance when he felt they're ineffective attacks strike at his armour but besides that, he didn't respond to the attack at all, which encouraged the mercs into dropping their guard a little.
Just like Slag wanted.
When four mercs came at him from behind, Slag lashed out with his tail sent them flying. The sudden strike shattered the skull of one of them while another was slashed badly by one of the spikes on Slag's tail, causing his guts to spill everywhere when he landed! The sudden attack left the other mercs frozen in surprise, giving Slag the perfect opportunity to lunge forward and skewer many of the ones in front him on his horns. After a while the Ogres got the nerve to avenge their Alpha and went on the attack themselves, only to meet similar fates; one threw a punch which Slag caught in his jaws, then swung the Ogre around to use him as a make-shift hammer, slamming him into many of his brethren and squashing even more of the mercs. Eventually the Ogre's arm couldn't take it anymore and ripped clean off, causing the Ogre to fly off mid-swing and go soaring straight through the window, screaming in pain.
Mandeville quivered in fear and rage. Things had been just perfect moments ago yet all of a sudden, this beast showed up out of nowhere and started wrecking everything! He was brought out of his thoughts when Kresh groaned beside him, sitting up slightly and rubbing his head. Mandeville's eyes lit up. "Yes! Yes! On your feet you dumb beast! Quickly, before he comes after me next!" The slave trader ranted frantically.
Said ranting was just what the oversized monster needed to get his wits about him. Kresh pulled himself up with a groan (revealing the bloody smear that used to be the Lieutenant) and shook his head. His vision cleared just in time to watch Slag crunch down on the arm of the last remaining Ogre besides himself, then toss it into the air and let gravity impale the beast on his horns. Kresh growled in rage and pulled himself to his feet, before he let out a bellowing war-cry and charged.
Drawn to the sudden bellow, Slag shook off the remains of his latest victim and turned to face the oncoming Ogre. 'Hmph. Finally, a challenge.' He thought to himself as he pawed the ground. A moment passed, before he too charged.
When the two beasts met, Kresh' superior size and strength compared to his brethren made for a surprising twist. Instead of being bowled over or skewered, the Alpha Ogre grabbed the Dino-Knight by his horns and held him in place, forcing both parties to try and overwhelm the other through pure strength.
Oddly enough however, Slag was pleased by the turn of events.
"Heh, that's the spirit. You know that strength and savagery of yours was always something I admired about you Kresh." Kresh paused for a moment at Slag's compliment, but then shook it off with a snarl and redoubled his efforts. All that did was put a smirk on the Dino-knights horned face. "But there was always one little problem of yours that I could never pound out of you…"
Without warning Slag's head split in two, his horns forcing Kresh' arms apart. Kresh was caught by surprise and didn't even have a chance to react, when a pair of metal arms sprang up and nailed him in the face with a double uppercut! The oversized Ogre reared back in dazed pain while Slag's robot mode stood to his full height, which was several heads taller than Kresh.
"You always leave yourself open for surprise attacks!" he finished with an unseen smirk. Unfortunately the blow didn't daze Kresh for long. All too soon did he shake of the dizziness, grab a nearby piece of table and charge again with the makeshift weapon. Regardless, Slag remained unconcerned. "Not to mention that the moment you get surprised, any semblance of strategy abandons you and you become as brainless as the rest of your brethren."
Slag's criticism only further enraged Kresh, who roared in fury and swung the table like a club, only for Slag to easily side-step the blow. Before the Ogre could react, Slag grabbed him beneath his arms and lifted him into a suplex, smashing him into the ground head first!
With his opponent grounded and once again stunned, Slag rose to his and pulled out his swords. Once they were in hand, he flipped the both into a reverse-grip and raised them overhead. "This, is for making a meal out of me!" Slag roared, before plunging his swords down.
Kresh bellowed in pain when the blades pierced him, then screamed even more as Slag lifted them up again with the Ogre still impaled on them. Then, with a heave of effort, Slag ripped the Alpha Ogre in two, his entrails trailing between his two halves!
Slag watched the light fade from his former lackey's eyes for a moment, then unceremoniously lowered his blades and let the Ogres remains slide off with a sickening SCHLOCH! He scanned the room for any more potential threats (read: targets), but not a single one remained from his onslaught. Slag nodded in self confirmation, then turned his attention to the main priority of the attack: The Dark Elves.
They were all still huddled together in the middle of the room. Those who still awake watched him approach with awe and fear while others took advantage of their reprieve to fall into blissful unconsciousness. Slag however was only focussed on one of them; Chloe was still conscious and, unfortunately, still delirious. But as Slag came to a standstill over her, his presence not only seemed to calm her but also sparked a flicker of recognition in her eyes.
Slag gently knelt down beside his old friend and shrank back to his normal height, surprising the other Dark Elves. Their surprise turned into full-on shock when his helmet retracted to reveal Tercos Rekegath's face. "It's alright Chloe, it's all over. All of those bastards are finally dead. Now take a good long rest; goddess knows you deserve it."
Subconsciously registering his words, Chloe's eyelid drooped and she slowly slipped into a deep sleep. "I suggest the rest of you do the same." Slag advised the other girls, snapping them out of their stupor. "I can only imagine what depraved acts these beasts have wrought upon you."
A few moments later, each of the girls followed Chloe's example and started drifting off one by one. One of them however stayed awake long enough to say. "G-goddess bless you, L-lord Tercos. Thank you s-so much." With that, she too drifted off.
Slag gave a melancholic smile, then his face turned stern again and reached up to his ear, activating his comm unit. "This is Slag to the Ulysses. All hostile forces have been eliminated. I repeat, all hostiles are dead and the Dark Elves are secure and awaiting pick-up."
"Roger that Slag." Snarl's voice responded. "Slog will be down shortly to evacuate the girls and get them to the re-gen chambers, so just sit tight until he arrives. So, mind if I enquire as to the Dark Fortress' current state?"
Slag raised an eyebrow. "Meaning?"
"Meaning, is it still in one piece? Grimlock was planning on making the place into a staging ground for us, provided it survived your assault of course."
With an exasperated roll of his eyes, Slag replied. "Relax human, the Fortress is still hospitable. A few dents in the walls here and a few missing doors there but other than that, nothing that can't be easily repaired."
"Good to hear. Now before I forget, have you managed to deal with priority 3?"
Slag smirked as he spied something out of the corner of his optic. "As a matter of fact, I was just about to do so. Thanks for bringing it up."
In all the confusion Mandeville, who was downright terrified by now, was hoping to slip away unnoticed and get out while Slag was preoccupied the Elf girls. That hope was burned to ash when one of Slag's giant swords slammed into the wall right in front of him, nearly slicing the end of his nose off. Mandeville stumbled back with a fearful gasp, only to back into something hard and metallic right behind him. Sweating bullets and white with fear, the slave trader looked up into the glaring blue visor of a fully sized Slag.
"Where do you think YOU'RE going?!"
Meanwhile, just outside the Dark Fortress, Strafe was still hovering in the keeping an eye on things. His left head had its magnified sight locked on the main halls window, keeping an eye on Slag as he rounded up the Dark elves.
The right head on the other hand was scanning the area around the dark fortress, keeping an eye out for any surprise guests or would be stragglers.
And lo behold, he found one. A lone figure was slowly limping away from the fortress, leaving trail of blood in his wake. When the clouds parted for a moment and the moonlight shined through, the figure was revealed to be a heavily injured Barry. Somehow despite getting kicked into a wall and then trampled by flesh and metal for the like, he was still alive. Though obviously he was far from unscathed.
"Well well well, lookie what we got here." The right head crowed, drawing its twins attention. "Looks like Tercy forgot to make sure he offed every single one of 'em. So, what should I do with this little runaway?"
The left head tilted itself in thought. "Now on one hand, I could just finish the bastard myself and clean up Horn-head's little mistake. But on the other hand…"
Both heads grinned in unison. "Why don't I have some fun?"
(Ulysses, Med bay)
The Medical Bay of Ulysses was filled with numerous pieces of high-tech equipment and machinery. Close to the entrance was a small desk area, where multiple holographic screens were displaying rows upon rows of medical data. Slog was currently sitting in a chair behind the desk, reading through the data as it scrolled through.
At the back of the room was a large, revolving storage chamber, which was where Slog had stored almost all of his medical tools. Across the right side of the room were four surgical tables and right in the middle sat a large, circular table with numerous drills, claws and saw-blades, marking it as a dissection table. And finally, right across from the surgery tables were seven regeneration chambers, which currently held the small (compared to the Dino-Knights), nude bodies of the dark elves, suspended in translucent fluid. (2)
Slog was just perusing through the last of the data when his attention was drawn away by the sound of the door opening. He looked up just-in-time to see Slag walk in, the door closing right behind him.
"…Give it to me straight Slog: is she alright?" Was the first thing the Vanguard asked.
For a moment, Slog just stared at Slag with an expression that gave away nothing. A few moments later he stood up, looked his comrade in the eye and said…
"I think its best if you see for yourself."
Slog promptly walked over to the first of the regeneration chambers, signalling Slag to come join him. Floating in the fluid within the chamber was Chloe, just as nude as the other dark elves but with barely any injuries compared to hours ago.
While Slag anxiously looks his friends body over for injuries, disregarding her lack of dress, Slog spoke up again. "Physically, she appears to be coming along fine. Most, if not all of her injuries have completely healed by now, leaving just a few small bruises left behind." He explained. But then his face turned grim. "Mentally however, is another story altogether. You said before that she's been through something like this before, am I right?"
Slag steeled his face at the question, but still gave a terse nod.
"Yes, Chloe…used to be a slave to that human I brought back. From what she told me, her mother was also a slave to that sack of shit. When she passed away, he put Chloe through living hell, forcing her to get screwed in every hole until she lost herself." Slag grit his teeth and clenched his fists in anger. "When I rescued her from that hell and Lady Olga took her as a retainer, I devoted every scrap of free time I had to helping her get over her trauma. And now, thanks for that swine in human skin Vault, it was all for nothing!"
Slog just remained silent, letting his fellow Dino-knight vent his frustration. He wanted to relate to his fellow Dino-knight, to be able to offer him some form of support other than just honeyed words. But the honest truth was, he couldn't. Slog had never had to deal with anything remotely similar to Slag's dilemma, so beyond providing the former dark elf with words of comfort and news of his friend's health, there wasn't much more he could do.
Slog was drawn out of his thoughts when he noticed a beeping sound coming from his consul. Excusing himself from his comrade, you barely even noticed his departure, the medic jogged over to take a look.
After a minute of reading the through the data, he smiled. "Well, while I'm afraid I can't be of service in the moral support department, I can at least provide you with some good news!" He called. When Slag turned around and gave him an enquiring look, Slog's smile grew wider. "It appears that Chloe's healing process has just finished. Give her a minute or two and she'll regain consciousness too!"
Relief washed over Slag's face and his shoulders slumped, like a weight had just been removed from them.
"Oh, thank the goddess!" He breathed out with a smile. Ever since he'd brought Chloe back to the Ulysses, he'd been worried sick over whether she'd be able to recover or not. Slog and Snarl may have already told him about the function and reliability of the regeneration chambers, but you couldn't blame him for still being a little anxious.
While Slag was caught up in his relief, Slog turned around and made for his control station.
"Now that the process is complete, it's perfectly safe to remove her from the healing chamber. After that, I think I'll give the two of you a little privacy." He didn't even bother to make sure Slag was listening before he got back to work, and seconds later the fluid started to drain from Chloe's chamber.
As consciousness slowly started to return to her, Chloe groaned and shook her head to clear away the cobwebs. Her head was pounding like hell, for some reason the rest of her body felt… good, great almost, like she just been soaking in a rejuvenating hot spring. She tried to open her eyes but was instantly greeted with a bright light at forced her to snap them closed again.
While she waited for her eyes to adjust she thought back to herself. The last thing she could remember before passing out was the form of a towering metal knight, who somehow had the voice of someone close to her but was supposed to be dead. She could also vaguely remember the sounds of bloodcurdling screams and the splashing of blood. Beyond that she can barely remember a thing, mostly thanks to her addled state of mind at the time.
But as she tried to remember what happened, the memories of everything that had happened to her as of late started to resurface. Memories of getting plowed in every orifice by disgusting Ogre dicks, being relentlessly fucked over and over until her own body and mind betrayed her, turning her into nothing but a cock-hungry whore begging for cum. Being forced to watch as those close her met their own horrible fates, be it Tercos getting fed to the very monsters he used to command, or Lady Olga being used as a living sex doll just as much, if not more than she was, sometimes by Chloe herself!
Before she could remanence anymore, the sound of metal footsteps by her side caught her attention. Chloe cracked open her eyes again, taking it slow so that she didn't blind herself again. But once she did and her eyes fully adjusted, they snapped open when they beheld the sight of the sight of the med-bay. Chloe could only stare in awe and disbelief, taking in all the sights around her a mile per second.
The gleaming blades and saws on the surgical table, the holographic screens hovering above the control console, the purple and red knight standing right next to her, the bright lights hanging fro-… wait, WHAT?!
Chloe's eyes snapped back to the knight in question, just in time to see him sag his shoulders in relief.
"Ah, finally. I was wondering when you were going to wake up." He said. "I know you're fond of sleeping in sometimes Chlo, but seriously!"
Chloe said nothing. She just regarded the figure before her with confusion, suspicion and a hint of curiosity.
Then, as if suddenly realising she was unarmed and bare of any armour, she leapt to her feet and quickly assumed a combat ready stance. However, besides a slight flinch from her sudden burst of movement, the knight barely reacted at all. All he did was look her body up and down intently, his helmet not giving away any hints towards his intentions.
'Hmph! Probably undressing me with his eyes no doubt.' She thought to herself with a scowl. 'well if he thinks that I will be so easily corrupted again, he's got ano-'
"You do realise that your footing is a little off there Chlo; if you tried to charge me right now, I could easily trip you up and trap you in a chokehold."
'…who the hell is this guy?!' Chloe thought to herself dumbfounded, but then shook her head and reaffirmed her aggressive stance. "You dare speak to me in such a carefree manner? I should cut you down where you stand, wretched human!"
The instant that word left her lips, the figure tensed in anger. "First of all, never call me human again. Ever!" He snarled with such animosity that Chloe was stunned for a moment. "Second of all, drop the aggression for a second and think about it. Who is the only person besides lady Olga, that you let call you Chlo?"
Chloe puzzled over the question for a moment. "What are you talking about? The only one besides her ladyship that's allowed to address me like that is my friend Tercos, and he was fed to the very monsters who once served us!" Her eyes grew watery at the memory, her face clenching in sorrow.
The figure sighed deeply. "Yeah, about that…" He said, then his helmet retracted.
That was the sound of Chloe's mind breaking once again.
(Thorn castle Throne room, a few days later.)
The doors to the throne room slowly swung open, admitting a well-dressed individual to enter.
He was a slim, yet obviously intellectual man dressed in fine clothes and a flowing cloak, a magic staff held in his hand and circular glasses perched on his nose. His face was admittedly handsome, besides the condescending smirk it almost constantly held.
His name was Kin, one of the two sub-commanders of Kuroinu, the most powerful mage in the entire group and right-hand man to Vault himself.
Speaking of the man in question (if you could even call him that), Vault was sat in Celestine's former throne at the far end of the room, leaning his head on his fist and most decidedly bored. Clenched in his other hand was a length of chain that led to a collar around Celestine's neck, the Elf in question sitting on her knees at the base of the throne and staring into space, despite having one hand rubbing up and down Vault's length.
"Well, this is certainly a surprise sir." Kin commented with a raised eyebrow. "With how enthusiastic you were about claiming the so-called goddess as your own, I expected you to be in the middle 'business' when I stepped in."
Vaults reply was preceded by an amused snort. "Normally you'd be right, but I've been fucking this bitch so often lately it's actually gotten a little boring. Then I figured maybe if I put it off for a bit, it'd feel even better later on. Aint that right bitch?"
The still delirious Celestine could only give a dazed nod to Vault's question, continuing her ministrations by giving his dick a long lick.
Kin chuckled with a dark smirk and would've responded, had the doors to the throne room not been flung open again by Vault's other lieutenant, Hicks. Unlike Kin, Hicks was dressed in a manner similar to that of a stereotypical thug, with a rugged face to match. He wore an open green vest that showed of his tanned and muscular physique worn jeans that had two daggers sheathed on either side of his belt.
And currently he was desperately panting for breath, looking awfully unnerved for some reason.
Quirking an eyebrow in confusion, Vault pushed Celestine away and rose to his feet. "Hicks? What the hell are you doing here? I thought I assigned you to guard the dark elf queen bitch in Feoh?"
"You did." Hicks replied as he caught his breath. "We sure as hell were enjoying taking that bitch for a ride. But something important came up that I figured you'd wanna hear." He turned around to the open doorway and with his arm, gesturing to an unseen party. "Bring him in boys!"
Two Kuroinu mercs marched into the room carrying a stretcher between them. A third figure was lying on top of stretcher, but the only discernible feature about him was that his entire body, sans his head, was wrapped in bandages. It was only when the two mercs set the stretcher down at the foot of the throne, that Vault and Kin were able to get a good look at the mystery man's face.
It was Barry. Somehow he'd managed to survive Slag's assault on the dark fortress, although obviously not unscathed. The only part of his body uncovered by the bandages was his face, which was almost completely covered red with blood and bruises.
Vault's eyebrow raised at the state his subordinate was in. He rose from his throne and marched to Billy's side, looking down at him in confusion and curiosity, though predictably no sympathy. "The hell? What the fuck happened to this guy Hicks?"
"You're asking the wrong guy Vault." Hicks replied. "All I know is what the boys told me: he was found in this state right outside Feohs gates, muttering something about the Dark fortress. I tried getting him to explain himself, but he insisted on seeing you personally." Hicks glanced down at Barry with a grimace. "Although, I may be no doctor but even I can tell he's not gonna last much longer."
Vault narrowed his eyes and contemplated to himself. 'It could just be nothing more than a massive waste of time, but something tells me this deserves some looking into.' A moment later he turned to Kin and asked. "Kin, anything you can do to patch him up?"
In response Kin stepped forward, raised his staff and started chanting in ancient language, the end of his staff lighting up as a spell was cast. Once the incantation was complete, the injured mercs body glowed and his breathing grew a little less ragged.
With his work done Kin lowered his staff and stepped back, panting in minor fatigue. "It's no good I'm afraid. This poor man is suffering from severe internal bleeding and numerous broken bones, with little to no treatment. I've managed to ease his pain a little but…" he paused for a moment, giving Vault a grave look. "Let's just say that if you want to get any answers out of him, now is your only chance."
With that, Vault leaned over the injured man and asked. "Who or what did this to you? What happened at the fortress?" Barry didn't respond at first, only just managing to focus on his superiors face. But just as Vault was about to ask again, he spoke.
"…a…mon…ster…" he gasped out. His voice was so dry and hoarse it was nearly incomprehensible. "…attack…the fortress. Looked like…giant man in…demonic…armour…at first. It…killed…my friend…kicked me…into…the wall…and then, it…changed!"
Vault exchanged a weary look with his sub-commanders before looking back to Barry. "Changed? Changed how?"
Barry gasped deeply, his life was fading by the minute. "It changed…into some…kind…beast, with massive…horns! It... ploughed right…through our forces! Barry cut himself off with a round of violent coughs, blood spraying from his mouth. A moment after recovering from his coughing fit, he looked Vault in the eye and continued. "When I tried…to escape, another one…appeared. It had…two heads…and giant wings…like some kind of…dragon! It told me…to give you…a message."
He dragged himself up into a sitting position. "It said: they'll be…coming for you…soon. Eostia…will be freed, piece by…piece…"
"Who?" Vault asked. All this talk of transforming monsters supposedly targeting him was starting to make him nervous.
In a burst of strength, Barry reached up and grabbed Vault's shoulder, hoisting himself up to his ear rasping out…
"The Dino-Knights! Beware…the Dino-Knights!"
With those final words, Barry dropped to the ground in a limp heap and released his last breath.
End Chapter.
1) To help picture it, imagine a spaceship version of the Ulysses from Atlantis: The Lost Empire.
2) Imagine a mixture of the med bay from Mass Effect 3, and Shockwave's dissection lab from Fall of Cybertron.
AN: Finally! Writing this chapter was a lot more time consuming than I thought it would be. Making sure it's grammar was decent, while at the same time keeping it entertaining?! Hugh!
Just to let you all know, I'll be off on holiday for the next fortnight or so, so don't expect anymore updates until then.
Anyways, hope you all enjoyed it! But if you do have any complaints don't be afraid to tell me; I can take a little criticism.
AN 2: I recently came up with an idea for a new story: Agent Omni, a Ben 10 and Agents of Mayhem crossover. If you want this idea to become reality, send in your comments.
AN 3: From now on, any story I publish will have the progress on the next chapter posted on my profile. Want to know the progress on my stories? Just pop over and take a look.
Next chapter: Hack 'n' Slash.
Until next time, cheerio!