A sturdy grip pulls him upright and onto his feet in seconds, similar to when he had fallen in the mud as a child all those years ago.

At first, Darling can't make head nor tail of where he was or what was happening. A subtle ray of moonlight surrounds him, looking down he finds himself strangely clean and unscathed.

Casting his gaze back to where it had originally been, a shadowy figure engulfs his vision. Amidst the silence, a rhythmic thump echoes towards him, almost like footsteps made by the sounds of army boots. Once the spinning sensation within his head stops, the shadow slowly morphs into a recognizable form of a soldier in full army gear. The very much bewildered Captain staring wide-eyed throughout the entire time.

Darling then takes a minute to examine the being in front of him; an odd choking sound escaping his throat when a burst of unmistakable realization hits him.

"T-Tr-Tristan?" Darling questions, his inquiry met with a small nod and a satisfactory smile.

"Tristan, my god, it's really you!" He cries, a huge breath of relief accompanying his joyful discovery. Only for it all to come crashing down moments later when the smile abruptly vanishes from Darling's lips, facial features withering into a sullen expression of despair. His voice dropping to a whisper when he finally finds the right words to say.

"Tristan, I-I- I'm so sorry, I'm sorry that I caused you to die... I-"

A slow shake of Tristan's head cuts him off, reaching an arm out to rest on Kevin's shoulder as if to say, 'it wasn't your fault.'

Looking up, Darling can barely contain the tears coursing down his cheeks. Seconds later they are gently wiped away with Tristan's thumb, lifting up his chin to ensure he made eye contact. A sad expression of sympathy directed towards the former Captain.

He looked just the way he had before he died. The pale skin around his face caused by many sleepless nights stood out to him the most, yet somehow he still managed to get a sense of tranquillity out of the familiar friendly smile that had often comforted him during tough times. He never imagined he would ever get the pleasure of seeing Tristan's smile again.

Tired transparent brown eyes brightening at the sight of Darling's own small smile tears him away from his thoughts. Tristan then gestures for Kevin to follow him, the two men proceed to walk beside one another in complete silence.

It isn't until they approach a glowing golden passageway that they both stop in unison, a small gasp fleeing from the former captain's mouth.

Feeling a hand being placed on his shoulder, Kevin diverts his gaze onto his friend who gives him a nod of approval before softly adding,

"At ease Kevin Darling."

And that my friends is a wrap!

I just wish to thank every single person whether it was a one-off or a full-time experience for their undying support, it has meant the world to me and it has kept me going to complete this story! I honestly thought that literally no one would like this story and well, you all proved me wrong :)

I truly hope that there will be more Blackadder stories for me to feast my eyes onto in the future. But this is no farewell from me forever because I will be in other fandoms writing many more stories and if you're interested come and take a look :D

I also may have a couple more ideas for future Blackadder stories, one being a what-if story based on what if Captain Darling had written more than just bugger in his diary. Another is perhaps a few extra scenes that got cut out from this story, not too sure about that one yet.

Anyway if either of these ball bouncily mad story ideas remotely interest you do say so in the comment section :)


But until then ta ta for now!