A/N: I've been doing an ask prompt game on my tumblr called "Things You Said'. This story is going to be the collection of those ask prompt responses. If you'd like to make a request, head on over to my tumblr! I'm "manweliveweirdlives" over there!

Happy reading!


Things You Said Through Time

by angellwings

#8 things you said while you were crying

He's seen Lucy cry before. She's never been very good at hiding her emotions, at least not from him, so he's seen it before. The night her mother revealed her affiliation to Rittenhouse, the night Agent Christopher told her getting Amy back was on hold indefinitely, the night he stole that damn time machine. That particular memory is burned into his brain and still hurts him from time to time. He was such an idiot back then.

Probably still an idiot now too.

For the life of him, he could not figure out why she was crying. She was sitting in her car with the engine running. She had her head in her hands and her shoulders were shaking. He thought back to the rest of the day to try and pin point what could be upsetting her and nothing was coming to mind. He knocked lightly on the window, trying not to startle her, but she still jumped before turning to look at him.

She rolled down the window with a groan. "Of course you're leaving the same time I am and of course you happened by my car at this particular moment," Lucy said with a sigh and a shake of her head as she pulled down her mirror and tried to wipe off her running mascara.

"Are you okay?" He asked in concern.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm-" she huffed and then gave him a watery smile. "It's stupid. Don't worry about it."

He noticed Flynn's journal, well technically Lucy's journal, on her passenger seat and pointed to it. "Is it something to do with that?" Now that he thought about it, he had seen her reading it earlier.

She didn't answer his question and instead asked one of her own. "What was it you told me Flynn said about the journal in DC? That the Lucy who wrote sounded a little...crazy?"

He hesitantly nodded. "Yeah, but didn't you tell me that we're so off course now that whatever's in that journal won't happen?" Was she crying because she thought she was going turn into that Lucy? "I don't think you have to worry about it, Professor."

"No, that's not it. I...was reading it and he's right. That version of me was very vague and she trails off sometimes with these strange dark thoughts that she never finishes. I was trying to read between the lines and figure out what happened to make her that way and-" she stopped and met Wyatt's eyes as he was leaned over her driver's side window. Her tears were still falling, however silently. "I think I figured it out."

His brows lifted and he gave her a curious glance. What would it be that would cause this reaction?

"You," she said with a labored exhale. "Wyatt, I think it was you."

He felt a pain in his chest. Is she saying that he made alternate Lucy slightly deranged? Ouch. "Me?"

"At some point in the events of the missions, she stops talking about the other members of the team. Occasionally she mentions Rufus but after a certain date it's like you're just...gone," Lucy told him. "I went forward a little and read some other passages and some of those dark thoughts sound an awful lot like a death wish. She vaguely talks about a 'him' or a 'he' but never mentions a name. When she does mention him it's always past tense and sad. I don't know what it is, Wyatt, and I can't explain it, but I have this overwhelming feeling that something awful happened to you and it changed that Lucy completely."

There were more tears now. Freely falling one right after the other.

"And, you know, I get it. I mean if that's what happened then I understand because losing you would do the exact same thing to me," she admitted with an emotional gulp. "I think I would probably just crumple completely."

He realized that the pain in his chest was his heart. It was aching. Lucy was in pain because of something that may or may not have happened to an alternate version of him? God, this woman was baffling. In the best way possible. He took a guess that the car door was unlocked and pulled the handle, the door opened and he knelt next to her. He undid her seatbelt and then pulled her into his arms. Her arms clutched him tightly and he carefully maneuvered her out of the car until they were sitting next to it. He had her in his lap with his back pressed to the rear driver's side door.

He closed his eyes and pressed his lips to her temple. He had one hand caressing the small of her back and the other running through her hair. They'd hugged in the past but this was new. He couldn't help it, honestly. The need to hold her and comfort her and prove to her that he wasn't going anywhere was too strong. "I'm right here, Professor," he whispered as he held her. "I'm not going anywhere."

"You can't know that," she said as her head rested against his shoulder.

"Yes, I can because I don't trust anyone else to look out for you or Rufus so you better believe I'm going to stay alive. I can't keep the two of you safe if I'm dead," Wyatt said with a small smirk. "I'll probably get shot a lot, stabbed sometimes, beat up pretty much every day, but dying is not an option. I told you a while back, Luce. I'm meant to do this, to protect you. Me. Not anyone else. So, stop worrying over some alternate reality that doesn't have anything to do with us. You haven't lost me and I sure as hell am not losing you. Okay?"

She nodded weakly and sniffled before she replied. "Okay."

"Come on," he said as he rubbed her back again. "I'll give you a ride home. Your car can stay here for the night."

"I'm not so upset that I can't drive myself, Wyatt," she said with a roll of her eyes.

"You know, when you're crying you can't roll your eyes at me. Let's go back to that," He told her with half of a smile.

She chuckled and smacked his chest playfully. "I can get myself home, soldier. But thank you for the offer."

"Anything for you, ma'am," he told her with a wink.