Hello everyone :-D

Answering to reviews:

Spiral-Voltron-Zero0Q1: Thanks :-D I hope I can create something good about this new Nunnally. I didn't exactly planned it, it just came to me.

KingofHeartless09: Thanks :-D, I will try to update as soon as possible.

SomePerveGuy: I didn't get your expression. English is not my native language and looking it up on the internet did not help either.

TitanFire999: Please, be patient. I cannot just send Kallen to the story without some world building.

98kazer: Thanks for your advices :-D I am already recovered :-D Wow, three times man, that is rough.

B.E.R.Z: Thanks :-D I am glad so many of you understand the situation. BTW, your suspicions are not misguided.

CW Imperii: Thanks :-D I am glad you like the focus I am trying to give it. Britannia, as pictured in the anime, is pretty autocratic. I just give it some of the real institutions, I mean, if Nunnally were to have all the power in her hands, it would be too easy for her. She will have many obstacles in her path to power.

blackdog420: I said I would add details, hints about Zero's identity. In this fic, nor Kallen neither Tohdoh will realize who Zero is as fast as they did in the anime. I think they had simply no way to know. It is a bit AU, I know. But that is the idea I want to show.

Lelouch seemed to be a monster.

Also, the votes were for the UFN, not to choose who will rule in Britannia. Britannia had far more citizens than the rest of the countries separated, so they would get too many votes and that would be unfair. It is a similar system to the one used in the United States, where a vote from a person of a particular state may value more or less than another vote from another state, that depending on the number of inhabitants of such state.

Here we go

Perfect is utopic

UFN Meeting. Day 1. 2:34 P.M.

Kallen was on her feet, her hands on the table, her knuckles grabbing it hard enough to choke somebody. At her side, Tohdoh was more relaxed, or so would seem for a spectator. A commander learns to hide his emotions, in order to avoid affecting the moral of the soldiers. But the pink haired devicer suspected he was as worried as herself.

-Nunnally seems to want them to hate her- she said to Tohdoh, exasperated. -Why is she asking so much? Doesn't she realize the rest of the members won't accept those demands?-

Tohdoh looked at her. -Well, I understand her position. He is putting her country first, and that is what every ruler must do. Despite that… if she had chosen a softer posture, she would have been remembered as the Britannian ruler who brought peace to the world. Now, it seems the situation will go into some sort of armistice, covered in nice words.- he explained to her.

They were both looking to the biggest screen on the CCTV room. All the others screens had been dimmed, only being checked by the movement sensors. They had missed the chance to catch Zero and question him, so they didn't mind the surveillance.

The votation to see whether Britannia was to remain as a member of the UFN started. The screen behind the members glowed with letters and numbers, forming a chart were the results were showed.

51% of the members voted : Yes

40% of the members voted: No

9% abstained from voting.

Kallen gasped. -Now, we can only hope that this does not mean war.- she said.

Tohdoh shook his head.-Kallen, this is a different kind of game now. I guess you are too young to remember, but before Britannia's invasion, the world was kept in a delicate balance of power. Countries developed new weapons, their economies advanced as fast as possible, tried to educate their citizens as much as possible, in short, became more powerful all the time, just because all the others did the same. Those lands that could not keep the pace, were called "developing countries", and were used as cheap labor source, as well as resource fountains, or, just to be considered garbage cans.-

Kallen listened, astonished. While doing so, she realized that most of the history she had learn in Britannian classrooms was distorted. History classes were mostly about the big achievements made by the empire through the centuries.

Tohdoh went on:-In the last decades, Britannia broke the balance when they discovered Sakuradite. Even though they had almost no mines in their territories, they were able to use it to create efficient cold fusion reactors.- He made a pause, realizing Kallen hadn't understood the impact of that event.

-Our reactors occupied an entire building, used tons of coolants, and its fuels, uranium, cesium, plutonium, were and still are rare materials on Earth…- he was then interrupted by one of Kallen's outbursts.

-But Sakuradite is even rarer and more expensive, isn't it?- she exclaimed.

The general smiled. -Yes, but fusion reactors don't use it as fuel. As a superconductor, it is used to transfer heat. That allowed them to create reactors that could be kept in a backpack. That technology was the one who enabled the creation of the Knightmare Frame, with cores made of Hydrogen, coated in Sakuradite.- he finished.

Kallen thought about it a bit. -So, that broke the balance, and Britannia went to war just to keep the scales on their favor. The other countries felt threatened by its might but they could not keep up. What you tried to say was that now the balance has been recovered?- she inquired.

-Yes. Now the balance is even stronger than in the past. Britannia will keep progressing alone, and the UFN will keep its pace by their mancomunated efforts. If the UFN remains, as its name indicates, united, we may have peace.-

And that prospect, made both of them smile.

UFN Meeting. Day 1. 2:35 pm

Nunnally had expected that outcome, even though she had hoped for something else. "It doesn't matter. I will have to go into bilateral agrees with every country, and it will be a tedious process. Most of them will allow to the citizens to stay in their countries." she thought.

-The United Federation of Nations has not accepted Britannia as a full rights member. As the Chairwoman of this organization, I give Britannia the rank of Observant Member, with no right to vote or speech in these meetings. Furthermore, I call a vote, to decide whether Britannia will be allowed to speak in this and future meetings.-

The delegates' reactions were diverse. Some seemed to be glad that Britannia was allowed to remain in the meetings. Some others were a bit more disgusted by the idea.

The screen behind them revealed another set of results. "Still a chance, I guess", Nunnally though. 78% of the countries had agreed on the rights of Britannia to speak in the was a still a chance to keep peace without destroying Britannia's future.

When she was later given the chance to speak, she tried her best to give an apologetic speech: -Britannia griefs the lost chance to become a full rights member in this honorable Union. However, we deeply thanks the countries which have allowed as to keep our right to speak on our behalf. We will make our best efforts to keep global peace and so, ensuring a better world to the future generations.- After finishing, Nunnally looked around to watch the delegates' reactions. Most of them seemed to be pleased.

The rest of the meeting was like a blur in Suzaku's mind, who had been paying attention to Nunnally's behaviour. "She seems to be acting only with her country's best interest in mind. There was a small chance that Britannia would not make inside the Union, but, as an Observant Member with right to speak, negotiations would be possible, and the representation issue does not longer exist." he concluded in his mind, allowing himself to make a little smile under the mask.

The rest of the meeting wasn't more quiet. To keep peace, every issue had to be tackled. New borders, commerce treaties, how to repatriate the Britannian who didn't wanted to stay in the liberated areas, how to fully integrate to those who didn't want to leave. What to do with the Britannian enterprises, and what measures would be applied to stop revolts in the freed countries.

After three rests, 7 hours of deliberation, the layouts of a plan were there, general ideas to follow. A broad resolution was made, and every member state was supposed to follow it as a guide to act when problems appeared.

A very tired Nunnally looked worried as the meeting finished. "This is nearly utopic. If my own brother couldn't keep the world together, how these pathetic people hope to attain peace without war. Half of the areas will be burning in civil war tomorrow.

The delegates left the room, some of them talking, while others did so more quietly. Zero stood, walking towards the open door. "I cannot use the trap door in the ground again. And my identity must not be revealed, not yet at least. I must talk to the Black Knights, but it will be in my terms, and being surrounded in this room is not exactly "my term"".

-Zero, we need to talk. Please, stay.- Kaguya said. Suzaku heard the sound of a door being opened. Turning his head, he saw Tohdoh getting inside the room through a lateral door. A swift gear sound, was enough for Zero to realize he had made a mistake. That small distraction had been enough for them to have time to shut the entrance down.

"Well, I won't be caught here. I guess I will have to use this sooner than I expected to" Suzaku thought.

He started running towards the door, whispering a code in his earpiece. A hiss confirmed him that the mechanism had worked. A dense smoke filled the room, getting inside from every corner.

After that, when he reached the door, an EMP pulse device hidden in his watch, fried the system's electronics, and it switched to manual control, allowing him to open it with his hands. Tohdoh and the others had surely already fell into a light sleep, provoked by the gas.

"After this, it will be even more difficult to gain the Black Knight's trust. I will have to set a meeting tomorrow. " Suzaku, being so used to do physical exercise, could freely think while running. "Tohdoh and Kaguya were the only ones who approached me. That means that, as predicted, the medium and lower ranks were not informed of the identity of the previous Zero. So, they cannot switch the alarms on. What would they say? "Catch Zero!", they would lost their status immediately."

Laughing at the idea, he run across the building, calling the Shinkiro through the earpiece. He had memorized the map of the compound, and so, reached the corridor that would led him outside in record time. The natural illumination that could be seen, showed it had remained open.

Running towards the afternoon light at the end of the tunnel, Suzaku first heard the swift sound caused by a fast movement. Then, a cracking one, and finally, a harsh pain in his head. The world went black…

Guys, I have been amazingly busy. I have moved, I am studying for my CAE examination and also for the university, so my time went short and I wasn't able to finish this chapter until today… I will try to keep the chapters going, but there will be more time between each release. I am sorry about that

Any reviews will be gladly received and thanked.