Sorry for the long awaited update.

Chapter Eight


After our mating, Marcus and I spent the entire night…and most of Friday morning in bed, worshiping each others over and over.

I am seriously loving this vampire stamina. We could go on for hours, or even days if we wanted to, and since we didn't have any need to stop, we kept going at it like two sex starved maniac's…which in our case, we both really were sexually starved.

Hell, Marcus even showed me that vampires could go on and on forever without taking a single breath as he finally made me explode on his tongue…repeatedly.

I'll tell you what, that mate of mine is a sex God.

The moment Marcus and I finally got our asses out of bed and were both fully dressed, I begin to sense three vampires approaching the house quickly. I suddenly felt my entire body tense, and I begin to growl low and deep in my chest.

What the hell is going on with me, and why the hell am I reacting this way?

"Shh…" Marcus grabs my hips and nips at his mark on my neck before whispering softly in my ear. "It is only Demetri, with Peter and his mate, Charlotte. They are family to me, my love. They will not hurt us, I promise. Take control of your beast, Isabella. I promise, in time, you will get use to your natural reactions."

My beast? What the fuck is he talking about? Is this why I feel like attacking whoever is outside our house?

I suddenly feel Marcus' hands on my cheeks as he turns me to face him. He slowly lowers his face right in front of mine, to get eye level with me, and at the exact moment that our eyes lock, the red haze that took over my vision is suddenly gone and I immediately feel calmer.

"I'm alright, now." I take a deep breath, and then nod my head just as Marcus kisses my lips softly.

"You did very well controlling your beast, il mia amore." Marcus smiles and kisses me softly, as he takes my hand in his.

He slowly leads me out of the bedroom and into the living room just as Demetri walks through the front door, followed by a tall blonde man that looks and reminds me so much of Jasper that it's scary.

The man is smiling at me widely while standing next to a tiny woman that is smaller than Alice, but I can see that God blessed this woman with a lot more…assets than that evil little sawed off twerp.

Seriously, this tiny woman's tits are bigger than she is. I bet my last bit of sanity that this Peter guy loves to motor boat those bad boys, any chance he gets.

"Char, Peter." Marcus walks up to the couple and shakes Peters hand before hugging Charlotte. "It is wonderful to see you both. Come. I want you to meet my mate, Isabella Swan." He wraps his muscular arm back around my waist and kisses my cheek. "Bella, this is Peter Whitlock and his mate Charlotte Whitlock."

"Why the fuck do you look like Jasper Hale?" I blurt out like an idiot.

"That's because I am Jasper's twin brother, darlin." Peter grins at me when I tense up and start growling again. "Now before you get all mad, I need you and Marcus to listen to me. I need to tell you something that will have you both thinking very differently of my brother, because he was wronged just as Marcus was. Just as you were, little bit." Peter and Charlotte both take a seat on the love seat.

The guy continues to smile at me as he pulls his mate into his side and then looks back to Marcus. This fucker seems to smile a lot…I bet my last dime that the reason is because he is mated to little miss Tig-O-bitties.

Seriously! Can vampires get boob jobs? If it is at all possible, I know what I'll be doing when all this shit with the Cullen's and the Volturi is over and done with.

Peter winks at me knowingly just as Marcus breaks the silence…

"Has something happened to Jasper, Peter?" Marcus sits down on a straight back chair then guides me to set on his lap with his arms wrapped tightly around my waist.

"You can say that…" Peter's smile finally drops, and he suddenly looks extremely pissed off...and ready to kill someone. Damn, he looks scary as hell. "Yesterday before Char and I went to feed, Jasper called me and told me some rather disturbing news. You see, Marcus. You and my brother share something in common…"

"And what is that, Peter?" Marcus asks as he squeezes me a little tighter.

"You both have felt just how powerful Aro's pet witch truly is."

Suddenly Marcus begins to growl and his hold on me tightens even more. "Explain."

Oh damn! That growl has me wanting to do some seriously naughty, naughty things to Marcus…right here, in front of everyone.

"When I got that call from Jasper the other day, he told me that when he met Alice Cullen, he actually wanted to kill her. Though, before he could shred the bitch, another woman showed up and stared him in the eyes for a couple of seconds. Before anything was said or done, the woman was gone. Jasper said that when he looked back at Alice, he wanted nothing more than to do anything she wanted him to do. He wanted to please the evil troll in anyway that he could. So now I'm thinking that Aro's little witch, Chelsea, took a trip all the way to America, to help little ole Alice take control of the big bad Major. Now tell me Marcus, why would Aro loan out his witch to the Pixie?"

"Because Aro is a collector, Peter, and he has wanted The Major of the Southern Vampire Wars since he first saw him in action." Marcus sighs and rubs his big strong hand up and down my thigh. "Where is Jasper now? I think maybe Charlotte can break Chelsea's hold on him since he hasn't been under her spell as long as I was."

"That's the thing, Marcus…" Peter stands and looks to the door just as I sense another vampire coming this way. "…Jasper was released from Chelsea's gift a few days ago."

"How?" Marcus motions for me to stand and then pulls me behind him as I start growling, yet again.

"Uh…Marcus." Demetri speaks up for the first time since he got here, and I stop growling so that I can hear what he has to say. "Yeah…I kind of…maybe I, uh… Aw hell! I pulled the bitch apart and threw her in the incinerator before I left the castle."

Peter looks over at Demetri and then back at Marcus before he begins laughing his ass off.

"Not that I'm complaining, Demetri, but why would you do that?" Marcus shakes his head as he reaches back and pulls me against his body.

Demetri shrugs his shoulders as he leans casually against the door frame. "I've been wanting to do it since I met her. I also saw the way you looked at Bella in the throne room that day, so I felt it was time to free you, Marcus. I knew you would want to leave Voltura, and I did what needed to be done. How the hell was I suppose to know that Ms. Bella had already freed you? I don't notice everything."

"Well…I for one owe you my life."

I guess we were all paying so much attention to Demetri that we didn't notice Jasper walk inside the house and straight over to Demetri.

"The names, Jasper Whitlock, and it's a real pleasure to meet you, sugar."

Is it just me, or did Jasper seriously just put the moves on Demetri?

Before anyone could utter a word, a loud ringing noise breaks the silence. I look around the room and grin at Marcus. "Marcus baby…" I grab the cellphone out of his back pocket and hand it to him. "Your phone is ringing…and it is seriously too loud for my sensitive ears."

Marcus grins at me before looking down at his phone. He growls loudly as he looks back up at Peter. "It's Aro. What does your gift say…would it be wise to answer it?"

Peter's eyes take on a glassy look for a few seconds, then he grins mischievously at my mate. "Answer the phone but don't let on that you have any clue of what's going on. He should know that you are no longer tied to him anymore, so just fuck with him while sounding bored and uninterested. DO NOT give it away that you are mated to Bella, or that you know where she is…And before you hang up on his ass, let him know that you'll be coming for his head, real soon."

Marcus takes a deep breath as he sets down, pulling me into his lap again and holding me close. "Hello, brother. What can I do for you?"

For about fifteen seconds, all we can hear from the phone is crashing, yelling, and growling.

"Marcus!" Aro sounds a little frantic when he finally begins to speak. "We have a crisis on our hands here in Voltura! I realize you need your little getaways every now and then, but brother, we really need you here. Now!"

"Hmmm…well I don't see how, or why I would want to help in you in any way, Aro. You do remember what you did to me all those years ago, don't you?"

"Our coven and kingdom is complete madness, Marcus! I don't have time for your whining! We need you here now, damn it! Someone has killed Chelsea, and now half of our guard is either fighting against us or they just simply left!"

"I told you this would happen when you decided to start taking gifted vampires away from their covens. Just so you could collect them as if they were mere possessions, that did not belong to you in the first place." Marcus chuckles as he leans in and kisses my cheek, then grins over at Peter. "Aro, I am going to take this time to remind you and Caius of the promise that I made to the both of you right before you had that witch bind me to you and your fucking throne. Now listen carefully, because I don't want you to forget it again. One of these days, I will make damn sure that my smiling face is the last thing that you and Caius ever see before you both leave this world for good. It could be tomorrow, or it could be a thousand years from now, but the day that I turn both of you into ash will come…and no one will be able to save either of you. That day has finally come, brother…and I cannot wait to taste your fear as I take you apart, piece by disgusting piece.."

"Brother, I…I don't…" Aro mumbles and stutter's through the line.

"I am not, nor have I ever been your brother, Aro!" Marcus growls menacingly, interrupting Aro mid plea. "I want you to take comfort in the fact that all those gifted people that you took against their will, cannot hurt you because they cannot stand against Jane and Alec. They cannot touch you while you have Renata attached to you like a second skin. No, they will not get around the guards that are truly loyal to you and Caius…But I can, and I will. Soon…very soon." Marcus laughs so chillingly that it sends a delicious shiver down my spine. "Run, hide. It matters not, Aro. You and Caius will die very soon and your wives will feel the loss of their mates…forever. This will be their punishment for the part that they played in Didyme's death. Sulpicia and Athenodora's pain and loss will be all your fault. Yes, Aro…I have known all alone that it was those two harpies that you had spying on us. In my opinion…they are just as much at fault for Didyme's death as you and Caius are. So, for now, enjoy whats left of your kingdom, Aro. And know that I'll be seeing you very soon, and nothing will stop me from tearing your world apart."

Just before Marcus crushes his phone, I hear the sound of something crashing against a wall…I think.

After Marcus has demolished his expensive looking phone, he looks up at me and grins before looking over at Peter. "Captain, I think it is time for us to get Bella trained to fight. She also needs to master her shield so the witch twins do not effect us. While you, Char, and Demetri are doing that…" Marcus grins as he turns to look over at Jasper. "…the Major and I need to get reacquaint with our beasts, and become the warriors that we once were."

Peter's smile slowly leaves his face, and his eyes widen comically as he looks over at Jasper then back at Marcus. Those wide eyes suddenly go blank for a few seconds before widening even more as he looks down at me with a crazy looking grin.

"Ahh shit, sugar." Peter sighs then chuckles. "I have a feelin' that shits about to get real fucking primal up in here. Hope you can handle Marcus' beast on your own, because I know that it will take the rest of us to barely calm the Major once he's unleashed."

I look at the people around the room, in turn, stopping and grinning when my eyes are locked on my mates rapidly darkening eyes. Mmmm…Marcus' beast is seriously, hands down, the sexy thing I have ever witnessed in my life…

I shiver in delight when I continue to look up at Marcus, while biting my bottom lip to try and control my lust and desire for the beautiful man holding me against his chiseled body.

Slipping my hand down the back of Marcus' slacks and squeezing his delicious muscular ass, I turn my head to look over at Peter with a coy smile playing on my lips.

"Oh yeah, Pete…I cannot wait to handle my sexy beast again. Should make for quite the training session."

…training indeed.

Stay tuned…