By the time Black Squadron and the rest of the remaining fighters made it back to the hangar, Shayavi found herself surrounded by hundreds of others who had come to greet the fighters. She found a semi-quiet spot where she could be alone to watch the X-Wings fly in, not far from where Poe's docking stall.

One by one the various ships flew in, parking tail-in as they landed. Engines flared orange and then diminished, allowing the sound of cheering bystanders to be heard. The heat of the exhaust warmed Shay in the cold hangar, as did watching the heartfelt welcoming the pilots received. She saw Wex arrive first, then Kun, Pava, and all the rest of the Squadron arrived. As the pilots climbed down from their ships, they were greeted with congratulatory cheers and hugs from those who waited on the ground. It was bittersweet; they had lost one of their own on this mission, but it wasn't a waste. They hugged each other as much as those who had come to greet them, but their happiness was tinged with an element of sadness as well. Still, the buzz in the air all spoke of the same thing: they finally won one.

Poe was the last of the squad to arrive. Shay walked forward, watching his cockpit shield lift to reveal him dragging Brrang from inside. The bounty hunter's ankles were bound, as well as his wrists, and Poe never looked prouder. He was uttering some colorful words as he hauled Brrang not-so-gently into the hands of Resistance security officials. He stood there a moment and watched as they took him away, reveling the sense of accomplishment that had come over him.

But then all of that changed the moment Poe turned and saw Shay. She was waiting next to his ship calmly, her expression a mix of love and admiration on her face.

"Hey Troublemaker" she said with a smirk.

With a laugh, Poe ran and scooped Shay into his arms, spinning her around as she shrieked happily. She was so thankful to feel him again in her arms; to hold him tight and feel the life within him. He may have smelled like leather and exhaust and something else distinctly Poe, but she loved it. He made it back, and they finally won one.

Shay slid down to the ground but remained in Poe's was staring at her with the excitement and energy that radiated from him naturally, amplified now by the success of his mission. "So…I have my hands full, huh?"

Poe grinned playfully. "In more ways than one." He lifted an eyebrow towards his ship. "Kinda banged it up again."

"Nothing I can't handle, trust me." She tugged at the belt loops on the waist of his flight suit, moving his hips tighter against hers. Even though all the gear on his flak vest, she still wanted him closer. "What's the other way I have my hands full?"

A curl of a smirk formed on Poe's lips. "As if I even need to tell you" he said with amusement.

Their mouths connected, and for a brief moment, they felt like they were the only two people in the hangar. It was the same spot where they'd first met, and under similar circumstances. Weeks ago, when Shay was assigned to Poe's ship, she had no idea it would lead to so much more. Fixing his ship had led to an adventure she never thought possible within the Resistance and within her own life. Had she known she'd be standing in the same spot, with the same troublemaker of a pilot, she would have laughed.

But here Shay was, locked in Poe's arms with his loving gaze focused solely on her. He removed one of his gloves and gently caressed her cheek.

"The repairs can wait this time" he told her. There was a gentleness in his voice, as well as in his touch. "Let's get out of here."

Arm in arm, Poe and Shay left the noisy hangar together, in search of the time alone that they had both grown to cherish with one another.

Later that night, after all the post-mission briefings, after the news that Brrang had been one of the reasons the Mission to Lahsbane had failed, and after the news that the Resistance discovered the hidden First Order shipyard in the Outer Rim — Poe and Shay finally found the peace they wanted together. They fell asleep in Poe's bed curled up in one another's arms, with BB-8 charging silently nearby.

Given all the excitement and action of the past few days, Shay thought she would be so tired she may sleep indefinitely. Instead, she found herself awake in the middle of the night on her back, with Poe lying on his stomach between her legs. She groggily looked down to see a mess of dark waves against her chest. Her legs were bookends to his torso, his arms hugging her hips as he slept. Even then, Poe looked as unfairly handsome as ever.

Shay smiled as she watched over him; happy he was so comfortable with her. She was afraid to shift beneath him or move whatsoever for fear she'd disturb him, but the urge to touch him was too much. Lighter than a whisper, she brushed her fingers over his hair, smoothing it back in long, gentle strokes. He sighed at her touch, nestling his head deeper into the softness of her breasts.

Her smile grew. Ahhhh…what am I going to do with you, Troublemaker.

She brushed her hand over Poe's forehead, smoothing back his thick hair in another light stroke. Since his breathing never changed, she assumed he was in a deep sleep. She wondered if he was dreaming, and if so - what could he be dreaming of? She hoped it was a good dream.

Where is all of this going? she wondered silently, gazing down at Poe's eyelashes flush against his cheeks. He had beautiful lashes.

Should I be worrying about this? Or do I just let things happen as we go along?

Another pass through his hair with her fingers. Yes, he was definitely in a deep sleep.

I don't think I should be worrying about this.

He'd brought her home to see her father in the middle of a war. They'd been through something unthinkable back on Lahsbane. He'd seen her greasy, dirty, covered in pollen, half dressed, fully naked, and fully cleaned up. And here he was: asleep in her arms like a little boy who just wanted to be hugged.

No, Shay thought with a smirk. I definitely don't think I should be worrying right now.

Beneath her, Poe shifted slightly. Shay held her hand up so as not to wake him, waiting to see what he would do. He merely readjusted in her arms, bringing his hand up to palm her stomach and rest his face against it.

She waited a few seconds, then resumed her gentle strokes through his hair. More of his face was exposed now that he shifted, and Shay noticed there was just a hint of smile on his lips.

I hope you are happy, Poe. I hope I make you happy. I hope, somehow, you know you can escape with me.

Soothed by her own thoughts and the soft repetition of touching Poe's hair, Shay eventually lulled herself back into a blissful sleep.

Following the capture and interrogation of Brrang, knowledge of how the Mission to Lahsbane had gone so wrong was revealed. New honing technology that the First Order secured had allowed them to track Poe in his various ships. Now, with Brrang in custody, the Resistance had gained valuable insight into this technology. They were already on their way to developing and using it as well. The Mission itself may have ended horribly wrong, but the benefit the Resistance received in the end gave meaning to all that Poe, Shay, and the Black Squadron had gone through. They still didn't have information on Skywalker's whereabouts, but General Organa wouldn't give up the search.

By order of General Organa, Shayavi was permanently assigned as Poe's mechanic, as well as the Black Squadron's personal mechanic on all future missions. Whatever adventures awaited Poe and Shay, they'd take on together as a team.

And oh, the adventures they would take.

The End!

Author's Note:

And so it is! I really hope you all enjoyed this story, and by the feedback I've received - it sure looks like you have. Thank you again for everyone's support and comments, favs, subs, and the like. It means the world to me. For those of you who left reviews: thank you! I've responded to all of them privately and will always do so.

One final announcement: *because* of the overwhelming response to this story, I would like to continue Poe and Shay's adventures and write future installments of their relationship together. Now that Shayavi, as an OC, has had development and has obviously become a fixture in Poe's life, I'd like to write more stories with them together leading up to the events of The Force Awakens. If any of you would like something like that, please let me know! I'll probably do it anyways, but support always helps ;)

Thanks again, and May The Force Be With You! -Winter.