Several things I want to note before we get into the story. This will have a pairing, I want to make it either a Percy x Artemis or Percy x Annabeth. Though depending on how much attention this gets I will host a poll. Also I am making this have a lot of anguish, not so much on the love side but simply there will be several traumatic events. Hope you enjoy.
I Do not own Percy Jackson. I think that's a No dip thing.
A squad of six man stood surveying a town below. The full moon cast a eerie light on black painted faces. A man in the front of the group turned to face the five others, the moon reflected in the iresis of his sea green eyes. "Y'all know the plan? " He was met with gruffs and nods. A lopsided smile appeared on the man's face. "Y'all know the drill, stay close, don't fire till I say so. Alpha is coming from the south, we'll be back before supper." the man turned, and mentioned for this squad to follow. Dropping into formation they slowly trekked down the hill. Each man was covered in camo, head to toe, night vision, revealed the M4's pointed down the hill, ready to fire at any moment.
As they neared the town to green eyed man stopped them. It was eerie quiet, not a mouse could be heard. Tension seized the heart, of the green eyed man. "This isn't right," he thought. Raising his hand he motioned them forward, snapping twigs under their feet was the only sound. As those forest trees hide their approach. The men slowed as they approached the tree line, ready to shot unsuspecting men. The green eyed man hand sprang up, the others stopped behind. He pointed to a man behind, then himself then made a sweeping forward motion. The other man moved forward with the green eyed man. The others stayed behind, ready to alert them of any hostile.
The two man stopped at the forest edge, expecting enemies on patrol. Two men on the group bleeding laid before them. The green eyed man motoned for the rest to come up, eyes widened at the sight of the dead men. Continuing forward they entered the small town in the mountains. They stopped, when they walked in. Several men laid on the ground, arrows protruding from them. The six men looked at each other, wondering what could have done this. The green eyed man walked forward to inspect the arrow. Eyes wide he pulled the arrow out of one man. It was a regular arrow but something caught his attention. It was silver. Did they find me?, thousand of questions raced through the soldier's head. Suddenly movement could be heard.
The Squad of men raised their guns ready to open fire, when six other men moved around a corner. The green eyed man dropped his gun and walked towards the other group. A man stepped forward, presumably in his late twenties early thirties. "What took you so long?", sarcasm laced the green eyed man voice. A laugh left the other man's voice. "We'll you know, Charlie over here forgot his night vision." Laughter erupted, then a young man supposedly in his early twenties stepped forward. "Aren't we supposed to be on a mission Dug? At least I ain't standing in the open and laughing when hostiles could be around." A sigh escaped Dug's mouth. He turned to the young soldier, scratching the beard fuzz on his face. "Do you hear that?" The younger man shook his head. "Exactly there is no one here, or else we would have been lit up by now." The green eyes man nodded, "Dug when we entered we saw two men stabbed to death, did you see anything similar?" Dug nodded, by now all the other men were looking around sweeping the town. "I saw one with his neck slit, and another shot by two arrows. Why?" A fear gripped the green eyed man heart. "What color were the arrows?" A puzzled look fell over Dug face. "Silver why?"
Shit, the green eyed man thought. As he was about to open his mouth to respond a soldier cried out from a house. "Sir you might want to see this." The two man raced over to the house. Upon entering they were meet with three man laying on the group. Each had their eyes widen in shock. "Poor Bastards, these men didn't have a second to defend themselves from what ever did this to them." Dug said upon searching the men. Another soldier approached the two, "Sir we found the weapon stash, but we found something else." The green eyed man brows furrowed in confusion. "What could that be?" the men looked at him. "A letter." Confusion settled in the green eyed man, "To who?" A soldier guped, holding out a clean white envelope. "To you sure." The green eyed man took the envelope, "to Captain Perseus Jackson, Saviour of Olympus."
Sorry It was short, do not know when I will upload next hope you enjoyed. Review Please!