Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, nor do I own Pokémon.


Konoha Laboratory

In the continent of Godaikoku lies a tall man wearing a lab coat with his long, spiky white hair tied into a low ponytail. He goes through a list of files on his desk. Next to him is one of his trusted Pokemon partner, Politoed. He hands him a file and looks up to face the camera.

"Yo! I'm Professor Jiraiya of Konohagakure, one of the five great villages in the continent Godaikoku! You have been selected to join Konoha Academy this upcoming year. If you are already ten years old, you have taken the first step by getting your first Pokemon. If you are not ten yet, you will soon receive your first Pokemon from your legal guardians. When the new year arrives, all academies will open their doors, and your journey to becoming a Shinobi Pokemon Trainer, also known around as SP Trainer, will begin! Good luck!"

As Jiraiya waves goodbye to the camera, a "cut!" is heard by his assistant, Asuma Sarutobi, and he instantly slouches, tired from the multiple takes it took to finish filming.

"I hate filming these Pokevisions for the Academy." Jiraiya groans.

"Since we're done here, I'm going to do some research!"

He leaves with a silly grin and waves bye as Asuma blows out a puff of smoke before inhaling another breath of his cigarette. He quickly begins to edit the video that will be shown to the new academy students in a few weeks. Of all the missions left on the New Year to-do list, Hokage-sama gives him this one. Maybe it's

punishment for his father forcing her to become Hokage.

Hokage Tower, a few hours later

A women with brown eyes and straight, shoulder-length blonde hair tied in two loose ponytails has her forehead laid on her hands in frustration due to the paperwork piled up in front of her. How did her predecessors ever finish their paperwork? She just wanted to get this done with so she can go home and enjoy the rest of her evening.

The end of every year was always the busiest. The Kages have the responsibility of putting their incoming academy students into groups of three.

During the time period of the Old Lands, what they now call the land before Pokemon magically appeared, teams of three were put together after they graduated from the academy, and they would automatically become genin.

Since the appearance of Pokemon, lands outside the villages grew more dangerous, and simply knowing basic training was no longer enough to survive outside of the villages. Technology from other continents slowly incorporated into their society, and Trainers became well known through civilian villages. The hidden villages opted to incorporate Pokemon into their ninja training. This caused a massive change in their academic instructions.

Just to make scheduling easier, academies were set to begin on the second day after New Years. The school year ends two weeks before the year ends, with a summer break in the middle of the year.

The year children turn five, they begin to attend Konoha Primary where basic education is taught. They graduate the year they turn ten, and once students graduate, there are usually two routes to choose from. If they are civilians who have no desire to become shinobi, they head onto Konoha Secondary. However, if their future road is to become an SP Trainer, they enter Konoha Academy and put into groups of three the very first day of school. This change allowed for better teamwork and growth of lifelong friendships. To graduate from the academy, students have to become a chunin and pass the Five Village Test.

This is Tsunade's first year as Hokage. There are already too many things for her to learn, and the pressure from the responsibility on her shoulders makes it even harder. Putting students into groups of three without knowing them was a huge disaster waiting to happen. If only she didn't lose the bet she had with Sarutobi-sensei, she wouldn't have been forced into this mess. Now, while she's dealing with this, he's relaxing in the Land of Tea!

Footsteps were heard. The closer they became, the louder it was. Who was in the Hokage Tower so late? Looking up to see the office door open, her old teammate, and current roommate walks in with a mischievous grin on his face. Releasing a breath of relief that she did not have to fight tonight, she becomes frustrated at the intrusion at this hour.

Noticing her frustration, Jiraiya's grin widens even more and then turns into an amused smirk, as if he was silently making fun of the situation she was in.

"What's got my Hokage so frustrated?" He questions her as he sits on the old visitor chair across from her.

Tsunade puts down her stack of files in front of him. These files were all the incoming students this year that she had to put into groups. With a sigh, she opens one of her drawers, pops open a bottle of sake, and takes a huge gulp of the clear alcoholic beverage.

"There are a lot of clan students to sort this year. Teams are usually grouped together based on scores, but their skill sets don't mesh at all. Having to think about politics makes this even more complicated," Shizune helps her master reply.

"If this is messed up, they're stuck with each other for at least five years," Tsunade frowns before taking another sip of sake in frustration.

"Then they'll just have to learn to deal with each other. That's something they will have to learn eventually," Jiraiya jokes.

Tsunade gives him a blank look, not amused by his joke. Even though it was a joke, she also understood that it was also the truth. If the students don't learn to get along, then they would fail at being shinobi. Teamwork has often saved groups from life or death situations.

Jiraiya picks up the stack of papers and looks through them. He picks out a bunch that he recognizes and puts them in front of her.

"These are all the clan members this year," he whistles.

"Most of the heirs and heiresses to the major clans are all here," Shizune responds as she sees the names on the files.

The easy way out was to follow old traditions and group them based on scores. That way, non-clan students would not feel prejudiced against clan members. But, if Tsunade places students into groups based on that, there would be no teams for specific trained areas this year.

"We can try putting students together into specific trained areas this year, and use the excuse of trying something new. If done correctly, it might even help out with clan politics in the future." Tsunade whispers to herself, trying to see if there was anything wrong with the idea.

"The Yamanaka-Akimichi-Nara trio team is already set. That's an automatic given since their families are always aligned. That just leaves the Uchiha, Hyuga, Abarume, Inuzuka, and our two brats. That leaves six, just split it and group them together, give them a specific area of training, and it's set!" Jiraiya responds like it was an easy solution to her problem.

Thinking to herself, Tsunade begins to contemplate on who to put together. Recalling the past missions she's given to her village shinobi, an idea lights up in her head. Putting her thoughts together, she finally decides on team placements for the clan members. Scribbling names down onto a notepad she pastes it on top of the clan folder and looks through the other files. After taking another hour to sort out the remaining students, Tsunade packs up the files on her desk and takes the final swig of her remaining alcohol.

"I knew you were good for something, Jiraiya." She smiles at him and gets up from her desk to hand Shizune the papers.

"Time to head home, gotta play with the brats or they'll have too much excess energy to sleep tonight. They're both excited to start at the academy soon," Jiraiya says as he stands up and walks to the door to wait for Tsunade.

Grabbing her coat, Tsunade walks out the door with Jiraiya following behind her, giving her a "see you later" to Shizune. Oh, how great it feels to be finally done!

Shizune shakes her head in amusement and picks up the papers to get it processed. The papers were split into two groups; clans and no clans. On top of the clan pile, there was the note that read:

Team 7: Front Line of Defense: Sakura Haruno-Senju, Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha

Team 8: Search and Retrieval: Hinata Hyuga, Shino Aburame, Kiba Inuzuka

Team 10: Immobilize and Interrogate: Ino Yamanaka, Choji Akimichi, Shikamaru Nara

AN: Sorry for the OOCness, mostly read fanfics and haven't watched the anime in ages. Also, English is not my first language so if there are any grammar mistakes, please let me know! :)

- Ery