The light shone brightly through the window of their bedroom as Fred and George stared down their wife who had woken to news of their baby.
"Baby? Are we adopting?"
They shook their heads, "No."
"When you wouldn't wake up we took you to see a Medi witch."
"It was mainly because you were shocking us Whenever we would try to touch you"
Her eyes bugged out, "What?"
"Yeah we tried to touch you and then you shocked us and the Medi Witches too."
She shook her head, "What the hell."
"Yeah we were surprised, but the witch there managed to stop it."
"Then they took your blood to do some old fashioned tests because their spells weren't working."
George took her hand, "They came back after an hour and told us you were pregnant."
"We had that spell done months ago and they said that I wasn't."
Fred took her hand and held it tightly, "They said the baby was using your magic to hide itself from their spells."
Her hands went to her belly, "I'm pregnant?"
Her husbands took her in their arms tightly and nodded, "About four or maybe five months along…"
"We're having a baby..."
She broke into tears and Fred and George took her in their arms.
"Come here! I can't believe there's another little grandchild on the way !" Molly screeched.
A week after the wedding the other Trio were summoned to The Burrow and mobbed by Molly and Arthur who hugged and congratulated the three new parents before ushering them inside where they were welcomed by Fluor, Bill, Tonks, Lupin, and Charlie (who was napping in the chair on the other side of the room).
"Congratulations!" Tonks offered to pull Hunn into her arms wither her own small baby bump between them
"Thank you. It's still really hard to think about. This has all really happened so quickly."
"I bet. Not even a moment to think about it." Lupin agreed, "Now after a few short months your little bundle will be here."
Fred laughed, "We're absolutely terrified, but also really excited."
Molly moved them all into the open room and prevented the cake which was decorated in pink and blue frosting," decorated the cake beautifully and because they weren't able to tell Us if it was a boy or a girl we just put both colors."
"Molly. It's beautiful. Thank you for all of this. You really didn't have to go to all of this trouble. I know that this is really Sudden."
"Nonsense. I really wish We could do more but with everything going on we decided that it would be best to keep things small with the family only. "
Tonks jumped to her feet and brought over a large but light sparkling box, "This is from Remus and me." She looked giddy with a smile that brightened up the room.
Molly sat Hunn down in the soft chair and set the large box in her lap. Hunn took in the large pink box that was nearly blinding in the soft orange firelight. Her fingers tore the paper off and tossed it to the floor revealing an easy to open box that she tore through, just before breaking into tears at the sight of the large and detailed quilted blanket. "This is a beautiful Tonks. thank you so much."
"I added a few squares and so did Molly but It's mostly empty so you and your family can add to it"
"That's really amazing! Thank you." Fred said shaking Lupins hand
George handed Hunn a bag obviously from the very excited Fluer who was perched on Bill's lap holding him tightly, "That is from us ." she said her thick accent
Hunn Pulled out a beautiful and very expensive baby book. The cover had their family name engraved as well as a photo of a younger Hunn with Fred and George laughing under the stars near the Black Lake, "Ron took that picture When you were first dating and sent it to me as proof. Really knocked me on my arse when I saw it."
George laughed "You didn't believe him?"
"Damn right I didn't. Ron told me that a beautiful and smart girl was dating both of you and she was a Ravenclaw. I needed to see it to believe it."
"You had no faith in us?"
"That awful you should have known we could find a beautiful and smart woman."
Bill laughed, "You know I've never doubted you, but for you to find a smart and beautiful woman who can deal with both of you? That's a Surprise."
Hunn couldn't help but laugh, "I can handle anything. It's them who have to handle me."
They broke out in laughs and giggles as Fred and George blushed
FIuer's laugh tinkled through the air, "I saw the photo when I was unpacking our things and knew it would be perfect for something so I saved it until now."
"Thank you. It really is wonderful."
Molly brought out a package next and set it in her lap, "This is something from Arthur and I. We used them with Fred and George but I cleaned them up for you."
Hunn dug into the box and pulled out two green and blue blankets. They were soft and patched up but absolutely adorable.
"We haven't seen these in years." George commented, pulling one of the blankets from her hands, "This one was mine. My name is still in the corner."
Hunn smiled, "We can add the baby's name to the other corner. This is a fantastic gift, Molly. Thank you!"
They spent the rest of the night chatting and eating cake while everyone traded their little bits of parenting advice and horror stories.
"When Fred and George were three I thought I was going to lose my mind."
Arthur laughed, "They really pushed your buttons. I remember coming home one night and they were naked while you were trying to catch the gnomes they brought in the house."
"I could have killed them. Those gnomes were hiding everywhere for weeks."
"What about when they were seven?" Charlie asked
Molly groaned, " Hunn, they drove me crazy. I had to constantly check their rooms for odd things they would make, but when they were seven they nearly killed the cat and that's when I really knew they were going to be a handful."
"How did you nearly kill a cat?" Hunn asked
They shrugged, "The cat ate something that we were making for Charlie, we weren't trying to kill the cat."
Molly cocked her head, Were you trying to kill your brother then?"
Fred gave his mother a small smile, "Who knows it was a long time ago."
"Well, we can't tell you anything new because the baby is still shielding itself from our spells."
"How can we tell if the baby is okay?" George asked squeezing was wife's hand tightly
Fred popped in with a worried question, "Is there anything we can do?"
The medi witch, "Well it does seem that the baby is resisting all magical care but there is still the muggle way."
"What do you mean the muggle way?"
George chuckled, "How can the muggles help us with this?"
"Muggles have their own ways to see and examine babies while they're still in the womb."
"Who can we go to Without them being exposed to magic?" turn asked eager to get some answers
"I actually worked closely for a long time with a squib who decided to become a muggle doctor. I'm sure he would be happy to help."
They agreed to see the muggle doctor and left for the muggle world with an address and a little pinch of hope.
Hunn being pregnant could not travel in the more convenient ways such as broom and Fred cleared their floo for dust and off they went to a floo much closer to the muggle world.
When they arrived Hunn pulled out a muggle street map while Fred and George pulled their wands out, ready for anything, and they began to walk. They didn't need to go too far and fortunately, many kind muggle were able to give them directions.
The building they were directed to was small and old with a large sign out front reading Doctor Care Anywhere. Fred led them inside and they were greeted by more kind muggles that took their information and led them inside to be seen by the muggle doctor.
An older smiling man entered, "Hello! You must be Hunn and Fred and George." he said pointing to who he thought was who.
Fred grinned, "I am George! Nice to meet you."
George laughed and stuck his hand out for a firm shake, "I'm Fred."
"Let's get down to business. Why are you here?"
They explained While the doctor nodded and took notes.
"Well, they seem to have done a blood test already. But we have one in the muggle world we like to do as well. We'll do some tests and then we'll see how the baby is doing."
Over the next two hours, the doctor made her pee on a stick, took her blood, and rubbed cold sticky gel on her chubby soft belly.
"We are doing this today to get a picture of the baby and to see how far along you are."
They watched closely or the doctor moved a strange fool over her belly until he surprised them with a loud, "Wow! there it is!"
He moved a gray and black screen over so they could see, "Here is your baby." he said pointing to a weird bean-like shape.
He nodded, "It looks or if you're actually about five months along. You are a naturally muscular woman. I assume you played sports in school?"
She nodded.
"That would also explore why you haven't gained a lot of weight, but I also suspect that you'll experience more of that in the next few months."
After letting the news sink in he asked, "Would you like to know what you're having?"
"I thought we were having a baby?" Fred asked confused
The muggle doctor laughed, "Of course you're having a baby, but would you like to know if it's a boy or a girl?"
"You can do that?" Hunn freaked out, "Yes! we want to know!"
"From what I saw you're having a boy. A strong and healthy baby boy."
Tears flooded her eyes. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. It seemed to be good to be true after everything they had gone through they were having a boy "I don't care if it's a girl, a boy, a gnome, or even a centaur. I'm just happy everything is okay..."
The doctor told her to eat more than she normally would and make sure to rest and avoid stress before sending them home with a print out of their baby to share with everyone.