AN: I am so so sorry for the long wait!! I have not abandoned you my loves!! I started a new Rogan Story called Not Just a kid. I have been focused on that story. Which had given me writers block for this one. But I am back!! I also have a companion story to Not Just a Kid up called Just a Kid. One story is in Logans POV the other in Maries POV. Check them out if you have time!! Without furher adu. Enjoy!!!Disclaimer: I own nothing.

It's almost Thanksgiving and it has been hard to be around Marie. Not what you think. She is so amazing and kind and beautiful. If we want to continue to keep this a secret, I need to keep my distance some. We almost got caught the other night. Marie was watching some movie in the common room. I came in and sat by her. Next thing you know she is snuggled up next to me. Then she starts to smell real good. She is rubbing my leg. Then we are making out like a couple of teenagers. Well she is a teenager. But I'm about 130 years old. How does she do this to me!? Anyway. Good thing I could hear and smell him before he entered. Scott showed up asking why we both looked guilty. Not your business,Bub! So because of all this I needed something to keep me busy.

I told to Chuck the other day, I found an old cabin out in the woods on the property. Real old and looking worse for wear. I offered to buy it and fix it up. Surprise Marie with it. But Chuck refused to take any money. But I pay my way. So I agreed to continue working at the school to pay for it. That's what I have been doing the last month. Fixing up the cabin for Marie. I want her to have it after she graduates. I already added an extension to the cabin. There is a loft bedroom, living room with a big fireplace. Nice kitchen to which I added a nice dining room to. She loves to cook. Right now I am working on a couple guest rooms in the extension. If I know Marie she will want her friends over and this way they have somewhere to stay without having to hike it back to the mansion. It's pretty easy to get a lot of work done when you have healing. I don't get tired. The colder weather don't bother me. Plus all this built up sexual tension, gives me a reason to get my energy out. But it's worth it. For Marie.


Well today is Thanksgiving!! I have been helping Ororo in the kitchen all day! Today is the first year I did most of the cooking myself. Most of the kids who have family have left back home for Thanksgiving. But there is still more kids than there is at Christmas here. So two turkeys it is!

I haven't seen Logan much the past month. We are trying to keep our relationship a secret. But it's been hard. I think we both have a lot of pent up sexual tension. Me from never experiencing it before. And Logan because he stopped sleeping around when he met me. I have to hand it to him. He sure does have a lot of patience. Ever since Halloween we agreed to go a little slower. We both had fun. But it was going a little fast for me. So we just do a lot of making out. Gosh can that man kiss!! Well anyway I only see him during breakfast and dinner usually. Maybe a quick kiss here and there. Other than that he is gone and he won't tell me where. Has me a bit worried. But I know he likes to get away sometimes.

The food is done and everyone is starting to gather around the table. Everyone but Logan.


Yes my dear..let me reach out to him.

Good Professor can let him know dinner is ready. Also that I am worried for him. I go in the kitchen to grab the second turkey, everything else looks to be out there already. Thats when I almost jump out of my skin. Two strong arms wrapped around my waist and I am pulled into a strong body, he smells of pine, cigars, and a bit of motor oil. Mmmmm.

"Hey darlin, you miss me?" He growls into my ear.

"Logan!" I turn around quickly. "You scared me half to death!" I smack his arm. "Where have you been?"

"Sorry darlin. I got caught up. But wheels let me know dinner was ready." He glides his hands slowly down my sides until they reach my waist and he lifts me up and sits me on the counter. "Remember when I found you in here after the dance?" He asks me while slowly kisses down my neck.

"Ye..yes. I remember. You danced with me." I sigh wrapping my legs around his waist and he pushes his bulge into me.

He grabs my ass and pushes me into him harder. "You were so beautiful darlin. How did I get so lucky?" The ache is building in me more. "I have missed you so much baby. I can't keep my hands off you. You smell so good. Smell like mine." He growls out while nipping at my neck some more.

As good as this feels. I still feel confused. He has been avoiding me so much lately. Everytime I try and talk about it he changes the subject. "I miss you to sugah, where have you been?" I try and ask between kisses.

"Just out." He says flatly.

"Just out?" I start to push him away. "Logan. You have been avoiding me so much. I miss you. Where have you…." He cuts me off with a kiss. Gosh this man is infuriating. But he does kiss well. That's when it happens. We are wrapped around each other. His hands are in my hair and my legs wrapped around his waist. Kissing each other silly. When I feel it. First I feel the pull I haven't felt with him in a long time. Then his thoughts. His feelings. How much he wants me. Images of him taking me hard on this counter from behind. Then I finally get the sense to push him off me, and he collapses. He falls onto the floor and starts to seizure. And I start to scream.

First in the kitchen is Ororo and she looks at me with sadness. Then Jean who immediately rolls him onto his side and Yanks off her sweater to lay under his head. Then Scott who is trying to pull me away from him.

"No!! Don't touch me!!" I scream at him and back away into the counter. My head hits the handle. I think I feel a burst of pain, I reach up and feel my head and there's blood all over my hands. I look over and see Logan has stopped convulsing but is not waking up. There are others. They are all looking at me and asking questions. I can't comprehend what they are saying. There is to many people. To much noise. My head keeps pounding. Over and over again pounding.

"No, no, no, no, no…"

"Rouge. You have to stop or I am going to have to reach into your mind and make you stop. Rogue stop! ROGUE STOP!" Jean yells at me. I realize I have been hitting my head back onto the cabinet handle over and over. I look over and Logan is gone.

"Where is he!?" I scream while crawling over to where he was laying.

"Rogue it's ok. Hank and Peter moved him down to the medical lab." Jean says matter of factly.

"I..I don't understand...I don't." I can't think straight. I reach up and touch my head and realize there is even more blood. All I can think about is Logan. Did I kill him? Why is my skin back on for him? Logan….then everything fades to black.

End Chapter Notes: Please review!! I missed you all! Hope you enjoyed!!!