Izuku was shocked to say the least, one week after he beat All Might, he was riding in a bus with the second years to the Provisional lisence center. This year there was an opportunity specialized for any student to take the exam, even first years if two teachers give their consent. Aizawa and All Might agreed and he was on his way to take his first steps in being a hero.
As he walked in he almost fainted. There were two thousand five hundred and fourty seven students attempting to take the exam and Izuku Midoriya was the only freshman.
The test was simple. They released all of them into a massive arena and said only 100 would pass. Because of this, many were fighting amongst themselves.
The test makers released a few thousand robotic animatronic enemies that tried to wreak as much havoc in as little time as possible. They were skilled in hand to hand combat and some even weilded weapons.
In total Izuku took out at least a tenth of the villains alone and rescued some other examinees. The test was based off of how well they faught eachother and the enimies. They had to defeat 50 other students or 100 animatronics.
To the absolute shock of both the examiners and examinees he got the highest score of 100 in all parts. His combat against faux villains was stunning and his rescue and first aid was impecible. As was the second part. They released civillians into the mix to shuffle things up, but the boy's amazing tact, planning, and sheer skill allowed him to take it on better than previous pros have.They did not deduce a single point from this boy and he had done an amazing job.
He got his liscence!
He ran outside after the ceremony for everyone and was practically attacked by the press. Apparently someone inside leaked that a freshman passed in 1st and they diverged on him seeing as he was the youngest looking. He tried to get away but there were at least forty reporters.
Sighing he put his hands in his pockets and said "Go ahead. I will answer any three questions not about my quirk, family, or anything not related to the topic of getting my provisional liscence or school at UA."
They all raised their hands and thirty cameras began rolling on him.
He pointed to a blonde lady who raised her hand first.
"What is your name?"
"I am Deku, the hero of Hope and Determination."
He sent out an aura of calm, hope, excitement, and power.
The reporters and viewers on the news were all shocked. Though Auras were not known about by the publoc it is known that there is a power only the most powerful heroes can use and this boy was using it so easilly reassuring and making sure everyone was okay even if they were not.
He waited and a brunnete haired man raised his hand and asked "What made you decide to go to UA?"
"I have dreamt of going to UA all my life. For all time I have been told I could not do it, that I was too weak or not able to be a hero. So many people said it that I once thoight they were right. But I never gave up on my dream, then out of the blue somone just looked me in the eyes and said "I believe you have what it takes." And it is all history from there. I put in so much work and dedication that I was able to make it into UA."
A raven haired woman was next.
"What made you decide to go down the path of being a hero?"
Izuku chuckled for a second, then there was a smile that melted everyone's hearts, a genuine smile not seen by anyonw in years since Izuku had started getting bullied.
"I never really "wanted" to be a hero. The life of a hero is not glamerous whatsoever. You have to do plenty of physical and mental work and then a ton of paper work. So I could say nothing really made me want to be a hero."
His face turned stony and dark as he looked at the ground. He clenched his fist and shook before regaining composure. Raising his head jaws hit the ground at the easy going and watery smile he had.
"I needed to be from the bottom of my heart. I could not bear to think that there are those who are in pain while I could help them. I trained and worked my butt off so that one day I can help someone and they can be thankful. I want to help people and make those who can not help themselves feel safe that I am here. Because from here on out, I am here for anyone and anyone I see that need my help. In any circumstance."
There was dead silence as he looked dead into the eyes of everyone, and finally looked at a single camera and smiled again "I am the ameture hero Deku, I hope if any of you need help I can be there to take your pain away and give hope."
He waved and walked away leaving a stunned audience. Those veteran newscasters had just seen something. The newbies saw it too, but the ones who had recorded hundreds of interviews recognized something inside this kid. He would be a hero one day and nothing would stop him from helping people even if it cost him.
Running to the UA bus he was asked what is wrong by the tired looking teacher. He began sniffling and shaking out of nervousness he jumped at the teacher and began to ball his eyes out into Aizawa's shirt. Aizawa came as his homeroom teacher for support and Cementoss was substituting for 1-A first period.
Aizawa pet the back of his head gently, suprised by the hug. He was never one for physical contact, but from Izuku it was fine for whatever reason. As he messed with his student's hair he noticed it was silky but not greasy or gross. It was curly and spiky in different parts but still soft.
When Izuku quit crying he pulled back and said "I-I did it! I did it Mr. Aizawa, I really passed. B-But I-I d-did an i-interview with a ton of people! T-They shouted at me and asked me questions and I thought I was going to explode! I-I hate being in front of so many people. There were soooooo many people in the test too. I-I cannot believe I-I was in front of t-twenty five hundred people!"
The man with a scar under his right eye simply nodded. He did not want to make his student worried by telling him he would be on international news because of that interview. He is the youngest kid to ever get a provisional liscence. Let alone a freshman with incredible power. Aizawa glared at the second year students who were mocking or gaping at him for hugging his student. The last time someone had touched him he expelled them on the spot. But for some reason he did not feel like getting violent with Izuku. He played it off later as Izuku having an aura around him that made him less angry and that is why. But it was just a nice good hearted and kind embrace.
He got everyone on the bus and they headed back to school. After a long drive they got off and Izuku sprinted into the class making everyone jump.
All Might was teaching the basics of first aid to the students who did not know so everyone was taken a little aback by his out burst.
"I-I got it!" He exclaimed holding up his card. It legally made him an ameture hero.
There were cheers and smiles from everyone in class. He was congradulated by most everyone. Iida had a whole speech, Todoroki nodded with a barely noticable smile graced his lips, Kirishima chest bumped him, Bakugo simply grunted and slapped his shoulder. Then there was Ochako. She jumped at him and gave him a full on flying hug and congradulations.
He felt stiff and as she pulled away to see if he was okay... But he had fainted, his face the color of half of Todoroki's hair he fell slowly to the ground muttering something about "being hugged by a girl".
The entire class was worried along with All Might who ran to his side.
He was going to check on his prodigy when he felt an angry presence.
Everyone turned around to see Bakugo fuming.
"Round face!" He screeched making said girl jump "Why the fuck did you break Deku?"
She looked at him in surprise then said "I only hugged him."
The firey blonde rolled his eyes then said "Yeah, and that is the closest he has been to a girl in his entire life."
There were some chuckles until Bakugo snorted and said "You think I am joking? He was hated and bullied for being quirkless. The closest female he has had has been his mom and female teachers old as dirt itself. He is not use to being close to anyone and I'd be damned if he even could name a single girl his age he talked to before UA. You did not grow up with him to know, but he prettended to be quirkless and was avoided like the plague."
There was silence then Denki said "With a quirk like that? Why would he pretend to be?"
"He was scared of it. And fucking personal shit! Don't ask."
"What about his parents?" Asked Fumikage.
"Parent." Bakugo corrected, "His dad was never home and he is long gone. His mom wanted him to grow up as far away from violence as possible. Deku never could lie, so I bet she knew about his quirk. She might have told him to keep it a secret but I won't tell you more than that."
They were all surprised, the hot head in the class looked so calm and sad that Izuku had a hard life.
The class fell silent and Aizawa came in and asked "The hell happened to him?"
"Someone hugged him." All Might said, almost bored with saying it.
"And? Why did he pass out?"
"It was me." Ochako said "I do not really get it. He just kinda turned red and stiff then he passed out.
Aizawa chuckled and said under his breath "Oh?"
All Might chuckled, leaving the rest confused.
"Anywho, it is almost time for lunch. You can all go. And someone take Izuku."
Bakugo threw him over his shoulder violently and started going to lunch, ignoring the weird looks from the rest of the class.
"They are the weirdest of friends. They were inseperable when they were younger from what I was told and then at four, Bakugo began to bully Izuku, but he is still the best friend Young Midoriya has ever had. They have known each other practically since birth." Said All Might looking at the confused class "I am saying this because that is the way Bakugo shows his emotions. In truth the boy is one of the most intelligent in the room. He scored fifth highest and is the second only to Izuku when it comes to reading enemies and a situation. Though he is rambunxious and does not know how to rule his anger... But he truly wants what is best in the end. And he is dead set on beeing a hero. Despite not always taking the best path to get there. Smart but stupid at the same time."
The class accepted his speech about the boy and started towards lunch.
There wete plenty of jokes about him and Ochako, and everyone wanted to see his lisence. As they were finishing up, a blaring alarm rang through the air making everyone jump up in worry.
Kirishima and Izuku looked around at the same time and Kirishima asked an upperclassman what was going on.
It was a code three alert which meant someone had broken into the school.
Mobs of people began running and screaming and he saw somone get trampled. He assesed the situation and noticed something. If it was a villain attack, all of them worrying would not benefit their health. It would make them easy targets.
Izuku powered up one for all and All Seeing Eyes. He began to shine green and red and green lightning arched off his clothes. He was still in PE clothes from the exam so he literally glowed drawing eyes to him
Everyone turned towards Izuku then looked out the window and saw the news reporters arguing with Aizawa and Present Mic next to the broken wall.
Everyone calmed down and walked calmly towards the exit. Everyone but Izuku.
Izuku was on the thirtieth floor as he passed Cementoss.
"Sir! Three villains are in the teacher room looking through files and the agenda!"
Cementoss looked at him in confusion and conflicted emotions then Izuku pulled out his newly aquired legal permission to insert himself in the field. He sighed having to do that, but needed his teacher's help.
"Please sir! They are looking for something, I cannot tell what though.
There were two thugs and one man witha transportation quirk called black mist.
Izuku thought for a second then told Cementoss the plan.
He burst through the door and into the room and punched the transporter away from the thugs. Cementoss controlled the ground and surrounded the villains in cement.
The teleporter villain disappeared, not able to catch a glimpse of anything except green hair.
Cementoss looked at the boy in confusion and asked "How did you know they were here and there were three of them?"
"I can sense presences from far distances by using my quirk. It is a physical enchancing type quirk. I used it to see what was wrong and found the press alerted the alarms. I then ran up here and hoped find a teacher on my way. If not I would have tried to stop them myself."
The pro nodded and said "You made the right decisions in an instant. Good job young Midoriya, and I am impressed with how you were able to use your quirk like that. Anywho, I am going to take these two down to the police for interrigation. Right now is your free period, so you have to come with me to do the paperwork part of heroing along with learning how to turn villains into the police?"
Izuku nodded and went with the the pro hero. They were met by some officers who cuffed the thugs after Cementoss released them from their rocky prison.
Izuku silently watched him talk and deal with authorities. He had his ID checked and then signed all the legal papers. He showed them to Izuku and had him sign his name as well, after explaining what happened they both wrote a review from their own point of view and the police took the stack of papers.
"That was a lot more tiring than I expected. You have to do that multiple times a day?!?"
Cementoss gave a gravelly laugh and said "Yes my boy, we heroes are willing to do a little paperwork as long as we can save the lives of those around us."
"I agree, but come on! Can they not just look at the cameras and be like "Well, he followed all the laws and arrested the bad guy, the end? Why must there be such a complex process. I mean I am sure there are lots of reprecusions with the way we are doing it and seriously, what if they lied? And it is unfair that someone decides how much people get paid by wjat they could or could not accomplish. Heroes should be judged by who they saved and what destruction they stopped. Sure I understand when property is destroyed and everything, but what if the salary person hated that hero. Or disagreed with how they went about sving someone. There should be something in place like a panel. Because no one is just enough for that, maybe someone with a quirk to make someone always tell the truth... I don't know if that exists-"
He was cut off from a groan and the pro hero said "I heard from others that you could mutter more than anyone ever, but you are on a whole different level kid. So shut up."
He did not say it to be mean or anything but Izuku flinched none the less. He was expecting to get hit like he usually did by those in his middle school. But when nothing came, he looked up to have a confused hero.
"Anywho, you should study, tomorrow we have a pop quiz. Night young Midoriya."
"Night, senei!" Screamed the energetic green haired boy as he ran off home. If he was too late his mom would be worried and maybe even call the police.
When he got home, he crashed on his bed after talkong to his mom. Izuku made dinner, ate, showered, then fell onto his bed looking at his phone.
He pulled up the 1-A group chat and sent out "Hey everyone, you all there?" In the next few seconds he got nineteen responses so he grinned.
~ Izuku
Hey, I just wanted to let you all know Cementoss warned me there might be a pop quiz tomorrow.
~ Bakugo
Why the fuck were you talking to Bob the brick builder?
~ Iida
Language, Bakugo. And thank you for informing us Izuku. That is very useful information which I will put to best use and study for his pop mini examination!
~ Kirishima
Are we all going to ignore the fact Tenya said language?
And Bakugo called Cementoss Bob the builder? LOL
~ Uraraka
Wait, Deku, why were you with Cementoss-sensei?
~ Midoriya
I kinda helped him capture two thugs trying to steal something. He showed me the ropes of filling out paperwork and talking to police officers to turn in criminals. After we finished that, he told me to study.~ AoyomaSimply stunning! You took down two baddies already? You just got your liscence.
~ Bakugo
~ Iida
A true hero in the making right there.
~ Tsuyu
GG Izuku.
~ Kirishima
So manly!
~ Uraraka
Holy smokes, Deku are you okay?!?! And what were you doing to be in the same place with two thugs?
~ Midoriya
~ Todoroki
I thought you said there were no villains on campus.
~ Midoriya
Sorry Kacchan, but legally you aren't allowed to fight thugs. And vigilantism is a class two crime. You could be sent to prison. And Ochako, I am perfectly fine. I like didn't fight at all and Cementoss captured them almost instantly. And I just happened to be there. And I lied to make sure no one panicked. They were on the thirteenth floor, I used a part of my quirk to find them and did not want anyone to freak out over villains looking through papers. It is off the books by the way, so no one knows that they broke in so don't tell anyone.
~ Bakugo
Fuck yo Rules, Deku! Call me next time so I can kill something. I ain't gonna sit around like a pussy and train all day and not get some shit done! Lets go fight some villains this weekend Deku.
~ Iida
Y-You are surely joking talking to the class president like that.
~ Yaoyorozu
No, I think it is just Bakugo's way of saying he wants to skip all of the work and be a hero already. He must be restless with learning the basics and wants more combat training or fights like our first day.
~ Bakugo
Busty Brain Bitch gets it!
~ Todoroki
Watch it with those names unless you want your ass handed to you on a silver platter much like how Izuku handed us ours.
~ Bakugo
You wanna go? I don't think you could take me coffee creamer, no matter what Deku thinks!
~ Kaminari
Hehehe, Coffee Creamer. Half And Half Hahahah!
~ Midoriya
Calm down. Girls, girls you are both pretty. Don't fight now, I am trying to be a responsible class prez.
~ Kirishima
Who the hell are you calling pretty? Bakugo is my bitch, try and touch him Midoriya.
~ Denki
*Bakugo shows up at Kirishima's house and strangles him only to stay with him until he wakes up again, guilty about hurting him. When he wakes up he smiled and said "Awe, you do care." Bakugo blows up and punches him only for Kirishima to harden and reply "You got me hard." Camera slowly pans away*
~ Jiro
Perfect. But I think Kirishima would have Whispered that at the end.
*Squeal!* Yaoi!!!!!!! Bakiri!
~ Mineta
*Heavy Breathing* I have named and numbered over a hundred different ships in our class but Bakiri ranks third.
~ Sato
Who are the top 3?
~ Mineta
Private message me!
~ Iida
What the actual heck just happened?
~ Bakugo
Not a fucking clue...
~ Tsuyu
By the way Izuku, you are on like every major news chanel ever tonight. Your interview after the provisional exam was crazy!
~ Kirishima
Holy shit you are right! He shows so much emotion and looks so cool!
~ Iida
You did so much work to be where you are Izuku, I hope to one day become your equal.
~ Uraraka
I could tell you were nervous and just wanted to be there to give you a hug!
~ Ojiro
Good job on your lisence, that was impressive.
~ Deku
T-Thanks, I-I just answered their questions. Anyway guys, I am going to go to sleep.
~ Fumikage
It is still early it is only ten thirty at night.
~ Midoriya
I have a tight daily routine. I have to be asleep by eleven for when I wake up at five. Plus, I have this terrible gut feeling that I will need a lot of energy tomorrow. I do not know why...
~ Iida
Goodnight president.
~ Bakugo
Sweet fucking nightmares, Deku.
~ Yaoyorozu
Sleep well.
~ Todoroki
Goodnight, Izuku.
~ Uraraka
Night, Deku. Sweet dreams.
~ Midoriya
Night, everyone.
The next morning Izuku woke up feeling completely ready for the day ahead.
After cooking a haearty and health breakfast he said bye to his mom and ran towards the train station. He was almost late for his train but made it, breathless from sprinting and yelling for the train to wait for him.
He lucckilly made it on time and rode silently towards the school. He looked out from the train and towards the scenery around him. The forrest was beautiful. He remembered all the time he put in helping re plant trees and make that new park. He thought abour Dragobah Municiple beach and smiled at the community service he has done.
"Hey kid!" He heard someone call.
He looked up and there were about twelve people looking at him.
"You are Deku right!?!" Asked a brown haired man.
Izuku nodded and began to be bombarded by people asking questions. Soon the entire train was looking at him and trying to talk to him. He smiled nervously and answered a ton of questions.
When it was his stop he waved off the people and ran to school. He was blushing hardly, he hated being in front of lots of people and that is all he has been able to do recently.
He got to school and it was a pretty normal day. When lunch came around he was talking to everyone about their days and different ways to better their quirks when lunch ended.
They walked back to class and Aizawa was there for some reason.
"Mr. Aizawa? Why are you here?"
"All Might has been pulled away on a last minute flight to America. It is thought that there is a villain that will strike soon."
"Which villain is terrifying enough to call in All Might?" Asked Iida in concern.
"No one knows the villains name. All that is known about this villain is that eleven years ago he appeared in Europe. He had a quirk which was incredibly powerful. He leveled a city block in a single punch and burnt down seventy percent of London. Survivors reported he had green hair and white eyes like he was brain dead or hypnotized on the inside."
There was a gasp as the students realized who it was. Many years ago a villain appeared from no where and was suddenly destroying minor cities everywhere in Europe and Russia. He destroyed almost all of London and was never seen again. Seventy three heroes went up against him and only one survived. But he lost an arm and the stub is terribly burnt. He reported the man seemed to move robotically like a marionette and did not recognize speech or talk.
He reported having the quirk of super strength and a second one that he can control blue flames.
Izuku sat in his seat physically shaking... The fear written on his face went unnoticed by everyone but he could do nothing but pray that it was not who he thought it was. The most terryfying villain to ever attack Europe.
"On that note, go get changed and meet me in front of the school. We are doing rescue training today."
Izuku like usual disappeared in a burst of speed and changed in practically an instant.
He stepped out of the lockers and ran back to the class to see Aizawa and he walked over to the teacher.
"Sir... If this villain were to attack, where do you think he would?"
"New York. Very populated and the villain likes to cause havoc and chaos. Why do you ask?"
"No reason..." Izuku said, he was silent until the entire class was in front of the bus.
"Okay everyone, line up and get on. Don't waste time!"
They all got on and Izuku was next to Uraraka and Tsuyu.
"Hey Izuku, what exactly is your quirk? It is very powerful and almost reminds me of All Might's."
Izuku let out a peep and then said "M-My quirk i-is uh a stockpilling quirk. It allows me to stockpile power and energy and release it in controlled bursts. It temporarily breaks any physical limiter and enchances my body. I can use it in any way shape or form. I can use it on my legs and arms to increase strength and speed or my eyes to give me eyesight better than any living creature, I can even use it to see a person's aura or my senses to sense heat signatures."
Everyone looked at him in shock then Kirishima said "That is so cool! Why would you be afraid of that power?"
Izuku looked darkly at his gloved hand and said "Power is something that everyone wants correct?" Most people on the bus nodded so he continued "When someone wants it bad enough they can go insane in that greed for power. If say one was immediately given great power they would usually respect it right?" Everyone nodded again "When I first got my quirk I cried for an entire day out of hapiness... But the first time I used it... I caused so much destruction both to my body and my surroundings... I felt so much pain that I wanted to die just to end it. But then I was healed and I was immediately better, but the pain was still there. The destruction. I can not erase the past, so I was afraid of even thinking about using the power. That was the one time in my life my dream of being a hero seemed the farthest away. How could something that only causes destruction give hope to people? How could some abomination like me become a symbol of hope and peace? My teachers worked me to the bone and I ignored the pain. For the longest time. I let it fester, but eventually. I just saw it in a different way. I helped. I used my quirk in new and different ways and I realized that the path to be a hero is not defined. You must go down your own road, no one elses. You are not anyone but yourself."
There was complete silence on the previously loud bus.
Despite Izuku only whispering his creed and saying how he had battled depression, anger, and fear the whole bus was silent and shocked. They were able to understand him mostly now. How he got to where he was. He did not start out with being able to be the best. He had to train and he had to endure... That is why he was one of the strongest willed people and why he had the determination to become the number one hero.