I finally finished. I'm not even sure if it turned out the way I wanted. But I'm still happy with it. I hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters, they belong to L.J. Smith and the CW

Taking a deep breath, Bonnie knocked on the opposing wooden door of the boardinghouse. Two weeks after her and Damon's showdown, Bonnie started trying to reach out to Damon. Of course he blew her off. Said hurtful things to get her to back off. But now going on a month, she had enough. She needed to see him and make everything right with the universe. Put them back together cause this past month had her questioning everything.

The door slowly opened revealing Mr. Salvatore. Bonnie never been fond of the man. Giuseppe always seem to have it out for Damon. Damon could never do anything right in his eyes.

"Hi, Mr. Salvatore." Bonnie said shyly. "Is Damon here?"

"Yes. He's in his room."

"Um, can I speak with him?"

"Of course. Come in." he stepped aside opening the door wider for her to step through.

"Thank you."

"Welcome. Head up and see him. While you are up there maybe you can talk some sense into him. You've always had a positive effect on him."

Bonnie sadly smiled at that before taking the stairs up to Damon's room.

When she made it up to Damon's door she debated on if she should knock or just walk in. She really need to see him and there was a chance if she knocked he would close the door in her face.

Opening the door slowly, she step into the darkened room.

She took in Damon laying in his bed with his ear buds in bopping his head to whatever he had playing. As tears started to well up in her eyes, she closed the door.

God she missed him. The last month had been complete hell without him.

Slowing she made her way closer to his bed.

Catching movement from the corner of his eyes, Damon jerked up with a gasp.

"B?" He looked at her not believing his own eyes.

Bonnie only nodded her head.

Damon following his automatic need to be close to her stood from the bed and made his way to her. Seeing a few tears slide down her cheek, he cupped her face and wiped her tears with his thumb.

Bonnie leaned in to his palm.

"I missed you so much." She whispered.

Reality came crashing down on Damon as he remembered why there has been little contact between the two for the past month.

Damon pulled his hand away as if he had been burned. In essence, he had been burned by Bonnie.

Rolling his eyes, he glared at her. "What are you doing here?"

Not able to handle the look on his face, Bonnie lowered her head. "I needed to see you. It's been a month, I can't take it anymore. I miss you so much." she whispered out.

Damon looked at her and forced out a laugh. No matter how much it hurt him to see her so upset, he wasn't going to cave to her. She was too used to having Damon wrapped around her finger. Those days were now over.

"So?" Damon said walking to his desk to sit down on his chair. "And I supposed to what….coming running cause you missed me. Not my issue. You can miss me all you want, B. I still don't want nothing to do with you."

Bonnie gasped at his cruelness. He had never displayed his notorious anger towards her. This was a first.

"I know I hurt you but I hurt myself too. I'm so sorry, Damon. Please just talk to me. I have so much I need to say. Please." Bonnie cried as tears poured down her face.

Seeing her break down in front of him, Damon couldn't handle it. He knew he was going to cave if he continued the conversation. He was going to end up hearing her out and forgiving her to only relive the heartbreak of not having her as his. He couldn't go back to that.

Steeling his resolve, he stood from the chair and walked towards his door.

"No." Damon said as he opened his door.

Bonnie got the message loud and clear. "Please, talk to me. Please." she begged.

Not making eye contact, Damon replied. "Please leave. I have nothing to say to you. We're not friends anymore. And we are not going to be friends ever again."

She had to try one more time. Walking towards the door, she stopped in front of him willing him to look her in the eyes. Seeing he was looking passed her, she reached out and touched his hand.

Damon clenched his hand at her contacted.

"Get out!" He yelled in her face.

Bonnie jumped back and ran out the door.

Damon slowly closed the door laying his forehead against it after he closed it. Blinking away the tears, he took a deep breath to calm himself. The last month had been an emotional drain on him. There had been moments were he just wanted to run to her then he would remember that she didn't share the same feelings.

Stepping away from the door, Damon suddenly slammed his fist through it.

Tilting her rear view mirror towards her, Bonnie double checked her face. She didn't want to alarm her Grams. She knew one look at her tear streaked face, Grams would be all over her asking too many questions. Questions Bonnie truly didn't know if she had the answers to. Her mind for the last month had been all over the place. Questioning everything she ever felt or known about her and Damon. Even questioning her on and off again relationship to Kai.

At this point, she didn't even know what the fuck she felt.

Wiping her face, Bonnie stepped out her car and made her way into her Grams' house.

"Baby girl?" Sheila called out when she heard the door open and closed.

"Yeah." Bonnie choked out.

Hearing the distress in her granddaughter's voice, Sheila immediately put down her cooking utensils and made her way to the living room.

"Bonnie. Baby, what's wrong?" Sheila cupped her face.

Bonnie gave her a small watery smile. "I'm fine. Just been a rough day."

"This is more than a rough day. Is it that boy, Kai?"

Bonnie shook her head.

"Damon? I noticed he hasn't been around in awhile." Sheila questioned.

"It's nothing, Grams." Bonnie sniffled.

"Bonnie, baby tell me."

Bonnie gave her grandmother a small smile and a patted the woman's hand holding her face. "It's really nothing important. Just a disagreement."

"This seems more than a little disagreement. It's been weeks since I've seen the two of you guys together."

"It's probably something you might want to get used to. I don't think we are going to be friends again. Our friendship is pretty much over." Bonnie started crying.

Sheila hugged her only grandchild tight to her as she cried. "Oh baby girl. I'm so sorry."

"I'm the one that's sorry. But I'm going to wash up and head out for a little bit."

"I can make you some tea."

"No thank you."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure. I'll be back before dinner."

"Alright baby girl." Sheila wiped the tears off Bonnie's face.

"I love you Grams." Bonnie said before heading up stairs to wash up.

Sheila stood in the living room staring up at the stairs that Bonnie disappeared up to.

All sweaty from his late afternoon run around the lake, Klaus plopped down on the park bench next to a unassuming Bonnie.

"So love, what brings you by? Don't think I ever seen you out here before."

Bonnie continued to stare out at the lake.


Bonnie slowly glanced at Klaus. "Sorry, what did you say?"

Klaus took in Bonnie's bloodshot eyes and became alarmed. He knew she was going through a lot with Damon ending their friendship. Those two for as long as he has know them have always been attached to the hip even when they were in relationships. Their closeness always made their partners suspect. So for Damon to not forgive Bonnie and not go with the status quo must be heartbreaking for her.

"Is everything alright, Bonnie?"

Bonnie looked back out to the lake. "No."

Turning back to Klaus she continued. "I miss him."

"And he misses you too. He just needs time."

"He could have fooled me when he kicked me out of his house today."

"Bonnie listen you broke his heart. He's hurt. Being in love for as long as he has been with you is not going to go away anytime soon. He needs time to mourn the lost of love."

"I know I hurt him but I miss him so much. I feel like I can't breathe without him. I'm dying here."

Klaus looked at her baffled. Her reaction to Damon's cold shoulder seem more than friendship. She truly looked heartbroken.

Klaus lightly touched her chin guiding her to look at him. He needed to see her eyes. "Bonnie, are you in love with Damon?"

She lightly chuckled. "Honestly? I don't know." Bonnie's eyes began to water. "All I know is my heart feels like it's been ripped out of my chest and now have this gaping hole that I think he used to fill."

Nodding his head, he pulled Bonnie in for a hug.

"I think deep down you know how you feel and just scared to give it life. Love is one of the biggest risk of our lives. But you need to be certain how you feel. Damon for all his puffed out chest and inflated ego is really sensitive. Don't break his heart again. And don't break your heart as well."

Bonnie laid her head on his shoulders as her minds raced with past memories of her and Damon.

Klaus slammed his drink down in frustration at his drinking buddy. After leaving Bonnie at the lake, he knew he had to speak with Damon. Here he sat at the bar hours later trying to convince the other man to at least have a conversation with the girl. But Damon being his pig headed self refused to listen to reason.

"I wish everyone would get off my ass about Bonnie. You motherfuckers need to get used to us not being besties. She broke my fucking heart and you guys just want me to forget it and go with the status quo. Not fucking happening." Damon yelled at Klaus.

"Listen mate, she's hurting…"

"Boo hoo fucking hoo, so am I." Damon cut him off. "But no one seems to care. It all about Bonnie Bonnie Bonnie."

Damon was over this conversation first beer in. Yeah Bonnie was hurting but so was he. He didn't see himself falling out of love with her anytime soon. And until then, Bonnie's ass was not welcome back into his life.

"You know that's a lie. I care about you as well. I think you two have some things to work out. You might be surprised to hear what she has to say."

"Hold up." Damon said not paying attention to him but to his phone that vibrated for the millionth time. Wanting to dead the conversation with Klaus, Damon answered his phone.



"Hold up what?"

"Fuck I'm on my way."

Damon ended the call and fished through his wallet to pay for his tab.

Not worrying about Klaus, he rushed towards the exit.

Klaus got up and followed Damon out the door. "Mate, where the fuck are you going?"

"That was my dad. Ms Sheila is at the house looking for Bonnie. She never showed up for the dinner they had planned." Damon rushed out.


"She's missing. Sheila went to bon's dad's and her dorms. No one seen her all day. When did you say you saw her?

"Around four I think."

"Fuck! it's two now so she's been missing about ten hours." Damon rushed out.

"Calm down. She probably went somewhere to clear her head. She had a lot on her mind to work out.

Damon looked over to Klaus shaking his head. "Nah, she wouldn't ditch Grams like that. The only other time she just up and disappeared is when Abby flaked on her and she wasn't in a good place. I was so worried for her that whole summer. She was acting out and being restless. Then there were a few conversations we had that had me damn near living with her to keep a eye on her. It was the summer she fucking met Kai."

Klaus nodded his head remembering how wild Bonnie was that summer. The usually put together girl was toeing the line of danger.

"She felt worthless. That she couldn't even get her parents to love her. And now look at me turning my back on her all cause she didn't return my love. I tossed her to the side just like her shitty ass parents. No matter how much she hurt me, she still the most precious thing in my life. I can't lose her."

Klaus cupped the back of Damon's neck and brought him in for a hug. "That won't happen. I promise. She was heartbroken but not to the point of…. hurting herself. Get yourself together and we'll split up and look for her."

Bonnie sat on the hood of her car overlooking the lake that her and Damon spent so much time together at as children. They would swim for hours together sharing everything with each other. It was so simple growing up. They were best friends without the complicated feelings involved.

She continued to look out into the night getting lost in her thoughts when she heard a car pull up. Without looking, she know who it was. This spot on the cliff was her and Damon's spot.

Damon stepped out his car and slowly made his way to Bonnie. Even tho she was sad she looked beautiful bathed in the moonlight.

"I should have figured you'll be here. You know had us all in a scare. Grams is freaking out." Damon called out to her.

Bonnie slowly turned her head to him giving him a small sad smile. "Sorry."

"You got nothing to be sorry about. I was an asshole to you and you needed me. I'm sorry."

She slid of the hood to lean against the car facing him. "I deserved it. To be honest, I've known how you felt. It was kinda hard not to notice. It was screaming at me."

"Bonnie." Damon tried to stop her.

Bonnie shook her head at him. "I really did. I also know deep down how I feel about you. I've know for a long time... since last Valentines day. You remember Care's single heart party?"

"Yeah." Damon said breathlessly.

"You were annoyingly excited about us going. It was kinda weird." Bonnie chuckled.

Damon smirked. "I planned on telling you how I felt but Kai showed up."

"We had gotten back together that day. But the look on your face as you watched us dance. I've never seen you so disappointed. You were always disappointed with Kai and I but you looked crushed, heartbroken. I knew then that you had feelings for me. But I couldn't keep my eyes off you either. You looked so beautiful as sat there looking pitiful. I kept peeking at you over Kai's shoulders. I realized I was in the wrong man's arms. And I felt like trash cause I had Kai. Who I was honestly in love with at one point. I persuaded Kai to give me another chance. I had to convince him you and I were only friends. He used to swear we were more. I guess he was ultimately right. On top of not wanting to hurt Kai, I was also scared that I would fuck our friendship up if I let those feelings came to light. So I buried it deep down denying they existed. But I can't anymore."

Damon stepped face to face with her. Looking at the honesty in her eyes. "What are you saying?"

"I'm in love with you too."

Over comes with emotions, Damon leaned in to kiss her only to be pushed back.

"But I'm scared. If we don't work I'll be devastated. I don't know if I you could come back from that heartbreak or from losing you." Bonnie sniffled. "Shit, I lost you when I turned you down. You wanted nothing to do with me. I was so lonely without you. I don't know if I can go through that again.

Damon wiped her falling tears before wrapping her in his arms. "Don't cry bonbon. I was an asshole. But I'm in love with you, Bonnie. In love. And for one night I got to express the love I had for you. I want to go back to the way things were. And I don't really know if I can. To bottle all my feelings for you and act like we never made love. It would be hard to do. I don't think you understand how hard it was watching you with Kai or some bum ass dude when I wanted you to be with me. But this last month has been the worst of my life. I broke your heart but I broke mines as well."

Bonnie lifted her head off his chest to look him in the eyes. "What do we do now? Do we risk our friendship for relationship that might not work?

"We risk it all." Damon cupped her cheek rubbing his thumb across her lower lip. "I have a sneaky feeling that this will be the be all end all. That we go the distance. " he whispered against her lips before kissing her deeply.

A five years later


Bonnie's head snapped towards the small voice. "Nooooo."

Bonnie rushed over to the little boy with his father's eyes. "Dominic, baby, it's mama. Say mama. Ma-ma."

Damon sat back laughing. "I told you so. I knew dada was going to be his first words.

"It's not fair." Bonnie pouted with the little boy now on her hip.

Damon walked over to them and gave the little baby a kiss on the forehead. "We can't always get what we want."

"Well I want a divorce." Bonnie turned her back to him.

"Awe, is Ms. Salvatore sad?" Damon laughed pulling her back towards him.

"You better be glad I love you." Bonnie pecked his lips.

Damon smiled looking deep into her eyes. Memories of long ago came forwarded. "We were worth the risk."