Cosinga was furious again. Bremé didn't care. Her six-year-old son's eyes were grave as he studied her face, his sharp vision detecting the too-heavy makeup on her right cheek. His tiny fingers were gentle when, after dinner, after his father left, he slipped around the table to lightly touch the hidden bruise. Neither of them said anything as she slid out the chair to kneel, and gathered him into her arms – no words were necessary. They all knew Cosinga hated his son, they all knew that Bremé stood as a barrier between them. As obsessed as he was with image, Cosinga dare not risk Bremé making a scene if he dared send the boy away, even to boarding school. For all his efforts to change her mind – whatever method it took – she stood firm. For the sake of her precious son, she could take all the beating, vitriol, and abuse in the world.
She had attempted to protect Sheev from the knowledge, but her perceptive son had picked it up almost as soon as the bruises began to appear. They had neither of them ever said anything, what was there to say? She would not let him be sent away, even temporarily, for cruel children to tease and taunt and torment. She would not let Cosinga dispose of him. Sheev knew it, so there was no need for words.
Bremé knew that her son knew she was protecting him. She was the only being allowed to touch him, and the only being he would voluntarily touch. No one else had ever noticed, because no one else ever tried to hug him. But she would wrap her arms around him, and not only allowing it, he would hug her back. And that… that was enough, right there, to give her the strength to defy every being on Naboo, let alone her petty, ill-tempered husband.
I know, I know, Strong Woman was marked as complete but... I re-read it and felt like there should be a follow-up.