Two years. Two long, hard, tiresome years had passed since the war. The village was finally stable, alliances was stronger than ever, and Shikamaru had been working his ass off. The lazy Shinobi who once had the dream of being a cloud no longer wanted that. He could still watch them, so the envy was gone instead what he wanted was to help any way possible.

He stayed in a two bedroom apartment, close to the Hokage's tower, but not two far from the Nara compound. Now that he was the head of his clan and the Hokage's advisor free time was scarce.Every once in a while he would exchange letters with a certain kunoichi from Sunagakure (By every once in a while, I mean constantly). They always made him smile, but he would never admit that. One day he was reading a letter from her.

Hey Lazy ass,

Just checking up on you. I think Suna's finally back to the way it was before the war. Are you up to date on Top Model. I know you think it's troublesome, but we made a deal that you would watch it for me. And I swear to Kami, if you tell anyone, I mean anyone that I watch that show, I will beat your ass. Don't take too long to write back and if you do try to come up with another excuse other than 'I was too lazy'.

He grinned a huge grin that not many people saw because of the letter he had read. Just as he took out a pen and a piece of paper, there was a knock on the door. When he answered the door, an ANBU ninja was there.

"Lord sixth needs you immediately"

"Tell him I'm on my way"

The ninja quickly left and no later than 10 minutes, he was standing before Kakashi. Soon Naruto, Sai, Sakura and Hinata appeared. He found out that Hanabi was kidnapped and he was going on an S-Rank rescue mission.

After they were given the details of the mission, a worried look came unto Shikamaru's face which didn't go unnoticed by Kakashi.

"Shikamaru, are you worried about this mission"

He was in a daze and hardly realized that Kakashi had asked him a question.

"No sir, I just was thinking about something I forgot to do, but I can wait until after the mission"

"Ok good. Well now you all are dismissed"

Shikamaru wasn't worried, in fact he was terrified. He forgot to send that troublesome woman a letter and now he was already feeling the wrath that would come with doing so.


Authors Note: Another story that had been on my mind. Hope you like it.