RWBY: Ever After

"Just what comes after happily ever after?"

Chapter 1

The image of Lie Ren pacing the floor of the hospital waiting room with a cast wrapped around his hand was almost comical as the rest of the longtime friends sat and waited for the ok, for the doctors to allow Lie and then the others into Nora's room. The now twenty-eight-year-old man was a nervous wreck, with bags under his eyes so deep it looked as if he hadn't slept for months. But, knowing Nora, he probably hadn't especially with all her crazy pregnancy shenanigans.

"Lie," Jaune called out to his long-term friend and teammate. His first name still felt weird coming out of his mouth but when both Nora and Lie became Ren's it was a necessity. "Calm down. I haven't seen you this nervous since your wedding day."

"That's because I haven't had another important day since my wedding day," Lie snapped back quickly- his pacing showing no signs of stopping anytime soon.

"Nora is going to be fine," Jaune continued to attempt to comfort his friend as he wore a hole into the already thin hospital carpet. "She had enough strength to break your hand while you helped her with breathing. I think she can push a human being out of her body."

"I will remember this when Weiss is in the delivery room with your firstborn."

"Don't drag me into this," Weiss interrupted their bantering as she filed at her nails. Her grooming habits had only gotten worse with pregnancy. It was almost impossible to get her to leave the house without assuring her she looked stunning a million times. To make matters worse, she was only just starting to finish her first trimester at four months of the pregnancy.

"Are you really sure you want to stay," Blake leaned over to ask Sun as she continued flipping through the pages of her book. The novel rested on her heavily swollen belly as her head fell onto the monkey Faunus' shoulder. She had been fairly calm throughout the whole pregnancy and was only two months away from her delivery window. Which was a good thing, considering how much Sun had panicked the whole time. "It could still be a few hours before the baby is actually born."

"A few more hours?" Sun squeaked, clearly fighting off the fainting spell he was feeling coming on.

"Has anyone seen Ruby and Oscar?" Ilia asked as she entered the waiting area, her arms filled with the various food and drink the married couples had requested. "I thought they would have been here my now."

"Oh, Oscar and Ruby won't be here until after the baby is born," Yang noted as she took her drink from her wife and pecked her on the cheek. "Since Ruby is in her first trimester still, Oscar is worried that the stress will make her miscarriage. So they're going to stay at home till Lie has finished his pacing."

"I'm going to remember what you all said when your children are born," Lie growled as his pacing began to quicken.

"Too bad Ilia and I aren't having kids," Yang teased with a laugh as she began to help Ilia pass out the food. Ilia winced at the words though. It wasn't that they didn't want to have children. They really would like to have at least one child since Ilia was an orphan and Yang never really had a mother. However, Yang had been in too many fights and it severely damaged her uterine lining making it impossible for her to have children. As for Ilia, the White Fang had exposed her to so much dust in their raids back in the day that she was now just infertile.

Sensing her wife's distress, she squeezed her hand in comfort. Yang sometimes forgot that Ilia didn't have the same way of laughing off tragedies that her family had. Ilia squeezed back with a small smile. They would try for adoption, but for now, that wasn't really an option.

"Lie, your wife is crowning," a doctor spoke causing Lie to stop dead in his tracks and make everyone look up. "If you would come with me please, we'll get you in sterilized to cut the umbilical cord."

Lie Ren didn't have to be told twice as he followed the doctor, quickly on his heels and rushed into the medical attire to assure the safety of his child. His child. The idea still seemed so foreign to him. Sure it had been almost six years since Nora and himself got married, but never did they think they could start a family. Most huntresses and hunters suffer the same fate of infertility as Ilia and Yang. Yet, somehow, himself and most of his friends had been blessed to have children.

When he was finally shown into the hospital room, his eyes first zeroed in on Nora. She was laying back, almost limp, as she panted and her eyes fluttered trying to fight off sleep. Lie swallowed hard and walked over to were the nurse was holding a little squirming bundle that let out soft cries. Taking the scissors from the doctor he cut where he was told and then they handed the baby boy over to Nora to hold. Her hold was weak and Lie went over to help his wife support their son.

Their son. It almost didn't feel real. A smile broke across his face and he laughed, kissing the top of Nora's head as their baby boy nursed for the first time. "Hey Lie," Nora almost sighed as she readjusted the baby in her arms now that she was recovering a little. "I don't think any of the names we had picked out would work."

"Why do you say that?" Lie asked with a cock in his eyebrows. She nodded down to the baby and he understood what she was getting at. Though the matted mess of hair, they could see the baby's hair was neither the ginger of his mothers or the jet black of his fathers. It was white as freshly fallen snow.

He was albino.

Lie simply shrugged and kissed the top of Nora's head again and rubbed her arm soothingly. "Yuki," was all that Lie said with a calming smile. "Yuki Ren."

"Yuki, I like it." Nora smiled and they stayed like that in peace while their Yuki finished nursing so the nurses could get to cleaning him up and let both mother and baby rest. "Sorry about your arm by the way. I wasn't expecting the jolt from the contraction to be that bad."

"It's alright," Lie laughed as he sat on the edge of his wife's bed. "I've gotten worse injuries from you in bed."

They both laughed and kissed each other, Lie moving to lay on part of the bed while Nora rested her head on his shoulder and they both rested.

Yuki Ren, born on the sixteenth of February as a soft snow fell outside of the window, would be only the first of the children to come and the shenanigans were only beginning.

BRK: So this was mostly written at 4 in the morning because I need a domestic fluff story to counteract all the drama and plot driven stuff I'm also working on. Totally self-indulgent but if you would be so kind to review and follow this story it would be lovely and in return, I promise there will be plenty of backstory as to how a ton of these work and how they happened cause I know at least one of my ships is a little out there. Also, note that this is all supposedly after Salem has been beat and Ozpin has been able to move on from his curse so Oscar is just Oscar again, but with the knowledge and memories Ozpin left him.

Yuki: Japanese for snow