Chapter 22

Making An Ever After Happy


Henry took Tally to the docks and found the Jolly Roger. Going on board Henry called "ahoy, is anyone here"?

Tally said "ssshhh we need to get to the brig and get off this ship".

Henry looked at her confused "what are you talking about"?

It was Tally's turn to look confused "depends, what's your plan"? Before he could answer Hook appeared "no one is allowed on board the Jolly Roger without an invitation from it's captain first".

Henry jokingly asked "are you gonna make us walk the plank"?

Hook answered "depends, why are you here"?

Henry said "we need a ship to take us to the island called 'bottom of the sea'".

Tally commented "but maybe not this ship".

Hook replied "no one goes there, you must desperately need something from there to go to that godforsaken island".

Henry answered "not something, someone, our mom, her name is Emma".

Hook replied "a noble endeavour but I can't help you, even if I wanted to. Your sister is right if you want to go to the bottom of the ocean you need to find another ship".

Henry asked "but you're the captain, can't you sail your ship wherever you want"?

Tally said "in our world, but here he's not the captain".

Henry asked "then who's the captain of the Jolly Roger"?

"I am" said Blackbeard climbing on board.

Tally mentioned "which is why I suggest finding another ship to save mommy"?

Henry said "this is all wrong" he turned to Hook "you should be Captain not him".

Blackbeard laughed at that notion "very amusing boy, this lowly deckhand, a Captain. How about it Hook"? He drew his sword "defeat me in a dual and the Jolly Roger is yours"?

Hook just grabbed a scrubbing brush and got back to work. Tally said "Henry in this world Hook is a coward. Isaac must have made sure all our friends and family couldn't be of any use changing his story". Henry saw a sword and drew it replying "then we have to change it ourselves". Before Blackbeard could react Henry cut one of the ropes causing one of the poles to hit him and knock him out.

Hook said "we still can't go, I can't sail this ship alone".

Tally said "you're not alone, we're here too. Both daddy and you have given us sailing lessons".

Henry said "my first sailing lesson was on this exact ship, from New York City to Storybrooke".

When they had started sailing Henry went to lock Blackbeard in the brig. When he was there he found his dad locked up in brig already.

When Henry brought him back up he found it odd although Tally was happy to see their dad she didn't seem surprised. Tally explained to Henry she already knew he was down there. That was why she thought he came on the Jolly Roger. The book may be burnt but she remembered the part where when Baelfire ran away from home he was kidnapped by Blackbeard and had been in the brig ever since. As the sailed to the bottom of the ocean Henry and Tally told Hook and Baelfire all about their world. How Hook had a crush on their mother but she was only interested with their father Baelfire and how he loved them, even had a pet name for Tally 'Sugar Plum'.

Finally the island was in sight Hook used a spyglass to get a better look. "Getting in may prove a problem, there's a dark knight standing guard".

Tally said "don't suppose there's another way in".

"Sorry sweetheart" said Baelfire. "if there is I have no doubt if there were there would be a dark knight guarding them too".

Henry looked through the spyglass and said "I only see one, probably wouldn't be too hard to defeat".

Hook said "not likely, all the black knights have superb skills, more than a match for a ... how old are you"?

"Thirteen" answered Henry. "And I see your point. But maybe there's another way in. Last year you two and our mom got trapped in the past and she took the alias Princess Leia. So here's what I'm thinking, my other mom said Snow White was after me and Tally so one of you could take me in pretending you're delivering a prisoner. Then the other can take the guard from behind by surprise and we can save our mom".

Tally said "like when Hans, Luke and Chewie go to save Princess Leia".

Henry said "exactly".

They tried what Henry said; Hook took Henry in and while the guard was distracted Baelfire used the hilt of a sword to knock the guard out. Tally got the keys and she and Henry went up the tower to free Emma. When the opened to tower room door they saw Emma in a ragged glittery black dress with heavy shackles on her wrists chaining her down. She looked up at them the moment they opened the door and smiled. Henry said "Saviour, we're..."

Emma answered "Henry, Tally, you found me".

Henry said "mom"

Tally called "mommy" rushing over to hug her even though Emma couldn't return in with her shackles.

As Henry unlocked the shackles and asked "how come you remember when no one else does"?

Emma answered "most have been part of Gold's plan, my punishment in this world is I know the truth but I'm powerless to do anything about it. My magic is gone, in this world I'm no longer the saviour".

With her shackles off she wrapped her arms around her children "I was almost ready to give up, but you found me". As she let them go she took a better look "why are you still wearing your clothes? and how did you know"?

Henry said "we weren't written into the story, we used the key we found in the sorcerers mansion to get in. Things haven't be easy but we've gotten this far, and we have a plan".

Tally mentioned "but if we don't fix things by sunset we're stuck".

As they escaped Emma re-met Hook and Baelfire before getting on the ship. As she sailed away Emma warned them the black knight they'd knocked out was Lily. It was at that moment the tower exploded as a dragon burst out. Emma told Henry and Tally to go below deck. They had to use the cannons to stop Lily long enough to get away. Hook gave Emma a flask for a celebratory drink. Emma took a sip expecting strong rum but instead got goats milk in this world Hook was allergic to Rum..

Once they got back to the harbour Emma got a costume change and while Baelfire took the kids to get some food Emma re-taught Hook how to use a sword. But apparently Lily had gotten to Snow White and informed her of Emma escape. It was then they got confronted by Snow White, Prince Charming, Lily and six dark dwarves. Snow White said "I remember you, you're...Emma. The crazy girl I had locked away, I almost didn't recognize you out of your chains".

Emma replied "no you didn't, this world and all your memories are fictional. In reality you're my parents, I'm the product of your true love, you taught me how to be a leader and believe in hope".

"Hope is powerful" admitted Snow White "which is why I'm going to have to snuff it out of you and your meddling children".

Just then Baelfire returned with Henry and Tally each holding a loaf of bread. "Look, the children" said Prince Charming.

Snow White said "Oh what better way to extinguish the hope in a mother than watching the life fade out of her children's eyes".

Hook said "go, protect your family" then he stepped in front of Emma and drew his sword "if you want to get to them, you'll have to go through me".

Emma said "Killian you can't possibly take them all on, on your own, you'll be killed".

Hook replied "if what you say is true what happened here will matter little".

As Emma backed away Hook broke a beam holding up a roof with sacks of flour on them taking out Lily and the dwarves. Prince Charming asked "are they really worth your life pirate"?

"I'm willing to find out".

Emma, Baelfire and the children watched as Hook and Prince Charming fought. Hook was doing well until he faced Snow White and while he was distracted Prince Charming stabbed him in the back. Rather than try their luck Emma and Baelfire ran off with the children.

"Mom" said Henry coming back into Regina's hideout with Tally.

Regina replied "you again, listen I don't have time for stories, I need to get out of this kingdom before the Queen has my head".

Henry said "but this time we brought someone else, if won't you listen to us maybe you'll listen to her".

Emma came in, Regina said "oh my god, don't tell me you're the saviour, their mother, who was locked up in the tower".

Emma answered "yes, to all of those".

Regina looked at Henry and Tally "got to say I'm impressed, breaking her out could not have been easy".

Emma asked them to wait outside with Baelfire. Henry was certain that Emma could talk Regina into going to Robin so he was surprised when Regina came out with a bag still intending to leave.

Emma rushed out and ran out in front of her. Regina said "just stop, I'm better off alone".

Emma said "back in our world four years ago you said that not having anyone is the worst curse imaginable".

Regina said "listen, I've tried going after my happy ending before but I still ended up here, I'm not foolish enough to try again."

Balefire, Henry and Tally could see Emma was having trouble convincing Regina to go and stop Robin's wedding. Tally said "once upon a time there was a lonely queen who lost the man she loved because her mommy killed him to make her queen. A fairy told her finding true love again was possible".

Henry saw where Tally was going with this and added "the fairy took her to a tavern and showed her a man with a lion tattoo. She told the queen that man was destined to be her true love, but the queen was scared, scared of being happy. So when the fairy left instead of going to meet the man she ran away and got lonelier and angrier. Fate decided to give her second chance and sent the man in her path once more"...

Regina asked "and what happened, how does the story end"?

Emma said "that's up to you, what does your heart tell you".

Regina answered "I know what my heart says, but my head is telling me his doesn't say the same thing".

Emma said "wouldn't you rather take the chance and know for sure then to run away living the rest of your life in regret always wondering if only". Emma looked at sun and said "and not to add any pressure but you need to decided soon or your decision will be made for you".

Regina asked "and what about the queen"?

Emma said "risk dying by living or ensure survival for an empty life, is it really that hard of a choice"?

They rushed to the church once they were outside Regina hesitated Tally said "don't be scared, I know he loves you too".

Regina said "but I don't know what to say"?

Baelfire said "and speaking from a man's point of view saying two kids told me I'm your true love while he's getting married to someone else isn't going to win him over".

Emma said "but actions do speak louder than words, so I would just go in, and tell him you love him, maybe leave out the part about Henry and Tally".

Henry said "once you and Robin share true loves kiss things should go back to normal".

Just then Rumplestiltskin said "you're not going anywhere".

Baelfire said "papa".

For a while they thought they might get round this quickly. "What"?

"Papa, it's me Baelfire"?

"No, my son disappeared years ago shortly after his mother died" said Rumplestiltskin.

"No, no" said Baelfire. "I..."

Rumplestiltskin threw him to one side knocking him out Tally commented "at least you didn't try strangling him like last time".

Rumplestiltskin, Regina, Emma and Henry looked at her so she said "Neverland".

Rumplestiltskin drew his sword and Emma drew hers. "Regina get to the church, I'll take care of the dark one".

While Regina made her way around them to the church Rumplestiltskin scoffed "dark one, I think you've got the wrong name, I'm the light one".

As they started duelling Emma said "then act like it. Be the hero you want to be and let us fix everything. I can't imagine anyone light going after defenceless children."

Tally asked "shouldn't we do something"?

Henry cried "go, mom, go".

Tally mentioned "I was thinking of something a little more effective". She went around her mommy and Rumplestiltskin towards the church. Regina had gotten as far as opening the door just as Robin was asked if he took Zelena as his lawfully wedded wife. He spotted Regina at the door, just then Tally pushed Regina in but she didn't let go of the Regina and Tally heard Henry yell "mom", Emma had know been knocked out too. When she did she dropped her sword so Henry grabbed it.

He yelled over to Regina "you need to stop that wedding". He and Rumplestiltskin duelled Tally said "go on, tell him and save everyone".

Regina looked at Robin and was about to when Henry dropped the sword. She could see she had a choice to make and acted on pure instinct, as Rumplestiltskin was about to run Henry through Regina ran out in front of him and got run through instead. With the work done Rumplestiltskin disappeared and Tally ran over.

Crying Henry asked "why didn't you go in that church"?

Regina answered "I couldn't let you die".

Tally sobbed "but now you... Henry we need to find another way to fix this and quickly. It's the only way to save her, and Hook".

Before Henry could think of any other way to fix the story the bells rang indicating the end of the wedding and the story. "The bells, it's over, we lost".

Emma came to and ran over "oh no".

Tally sobbed "mommy, Regina, and the bells, she didn't get a happy ending, she got a worse one".

The doors to the church opened and as the wedding party came out Robin saw Regina lying on the ground and came over and knelt down at her side. Everyone else came over as well but Zelena got too close "oh no, I got blood on my dress".

Robin said "can't you see she's injured, I think her problem is a bit more serious than yours".

Zelena yelled "but this is my day, and she's ruined it".

Her hand started turning green and Tally saw it and whispered "looks like your true colours are showing, better get it taken care of before anyone one else sees".

Zelena ran off and Robin said "at least I can promise you, you won't die alone".

Isaac who had come out with the rest of wedding pert smugly remarked "too little, too late".

Tally saw him and ran up hitting him with her little fist "this is your fault, you wrote the book and took our family away, this is your fault".

Isaac remarked "hey saviour, want to control your daughter"?

Emma pulled Tally off him and then punched him in the face knocking him down and spilling the contents of his bag on the ground. "she's right, this is your fault so you're going to fix it".

Tally said "he can't, golden rule of the author is...".

Isaac finished "can't write your own happy ending. I broke that rule so now I'm not the author anymore".

Henry saw the pen that fell out of Isaac's bag and when he touched it the pen started to glow. Emma asked "Henry, what's going on"?

Isaac answered "he's the next author".

Tally said "then that means, you can do it Henry, you can fix it". She grabbed Isaac's notebook and gave it to him "write Regina was unstabbed and Hook is alive again".

Henry said "hold on, I need to make it realistic".

Isaac said "without magic ink he's not writing anything".

Emma said "but I'm right here" she picked up a sword "my blood is the ink".

Henry said "no, the saviours blood is the ink and you're not the saviour here because of him" gesturing to Isaac. "But that doesn't mean we didn't find one. And a good deed needs blood from a light saviour".

Emma held Isaac back as Henry dipped the pen in Regina's wound and wrote 'thanks to the hero Regina's sacrifice Isaac's villainous work was undone'.

They were suddenly on Main Street over Regina's unwounded body. She opened her eyes and hugged them "you two were brilliant, and Henry you saved me". Emma and Neal started coming to "mommy, daddy "called Tally running over to hug them and Henry joined them. Robin ran up Regina grateful to see her alive. Emma, Neal, Henry and Tally ran to the loft and saw Mary-Margaret and David just woken up. "Where's Hook" asked Emma.

David said "we just woke up a few minutes ago".

Mary-Margaret added "before the story he was right here

Emma said" if everyone returned to where they were before they got trapped then where's Hook"

Neal said "unless, what happens in the story"?

"Yeah sorry about the mess, but I really wanted to find that page" they looked up and saw Hook.

Tally said "everything turned out right".

That evening they celebrated surviving anther catastrophe and having caught the author trying to leave town. Robin had left Roland with Little John so he could take Regina out for a moonlit walk. That's when Belle came in. "I just came from the pawn shop. Rumple he said his heart is almost all dark, and we're all in danger".

Tally said "because once his heart had completely darkened he dies and only the dark one remains".

Henry asked "how do you know"?

Tally replied "he told me, when Regina tried getting the pen from Grandpa Gold she sent me to distract him he told me what was happening to him but Regina thought he lied".

Belle said "well I don't think the floor of the pawn shop is that comfortable he'd willing lie down on it".

They rushed to the pawn shop with the apprentice and Mr Gold was unconscious on the ground. Belle knelt down and held his hand as the apprentice got out the box containing the hat Hook asked "the hat, the one the dark one was going to use to sever his tie to the dagger"?

The apprentice answered "this is not unlike that. In the beginning the darkness had to be tied to a vessel but this can perhaps contain it".

Belle asked "and would his heart be healed"?

The apprentice answered "perhaps if the strength is there, but no dark one has ever gotten this far before. I do need permission of his next of kin".

Everyone looked at Belle as his wife but she said "we're separated, I think that counts me out".

Emma said "she's right, legally it does, next of kin after spouse is child so Neal"?

Neal didn't need to think too hard and said "I've wanted this almost as long as he's been the dark one, take the darkness out".

The apprentice started the incantation "purest evil, darkness gloom, darkness too can find it's doom". The apprentice took out Mr Gold blackened heart and the box became the hat. He held the hat up to the heart "never dying but contained. Bound within the falcons chamber, shorn of anger, thornless danger forever there to remain.

The darkness got pulled into the hat and the dagger glowed as Rumplestiltskin's name vanished. His heart was now white as the apprentice put it back in his chest.

Belle checked and said "he's barely breathing".

The apprentice said "Rumplestiltskin was the dark one for centuries, his transformation to the man he once was will not be easy" He waved his hand over him and added "this will preserve him while we determine if we can help him".

Belle asked "if"

Neal said "and the answer is yes, this man's resolve to live is stronger than anyone else's I know.

Suddenly the hat started shaking and the darkness broke free. It went into the apprentice, when his eyes started turned black Emma used her light magic to pull it out of him. The apprentice collapsed but before Emma could put the darkness back in the hat it flew out the letter box.

Emma said "mom, dad go after it, Neal, Killian help me get the apprentice to the bed in the back".

Once they got him to the bed he groaned and told them "before all your stories the sorcerer battled the darkness. He tethered it to a human soul that could be controlled using the dagger and unfortunately transferred".

Tally said "Grandpa Gold".

Neal said "Sugar Plum, he was only the latest in a long line, that is until a moment ago".

The apprentice replied "yes. Only the sorcerer had the power to destroy the darkness once and for all".

Emma asked "where is he? Who is he"?

The apprentice answered "he is far, far from here".

Emma asked "could you be a bit more specific".

The apprentice said "Camelot".

Neal said "and let me guess, his name is Merlin",

The apprentice said "yes" before losing consciousness.

They asked Belle to watch the apprentice, Henry and Tally while they joined David and Mary-Margaret, Emma took the dagger with her. They found David and Mary-Margaret in the middle of main street. Emma asked "where is it"?

Mary-Margaret said "it just disappeared into the night".

Robin and Regina came up, Regina asked "what's going on"?

Hook said "the darkness, it's no longer tethered to the crocodile".

Neal said "Belle told us my father was dying so we had the apprentice pull the darkness out of him but it broke out".

Regina asked "where is it"?

Emma had seen something moving around said "it didn't leave, it's still here, it's surrounding us".

Neal asked "what's it doing"?

Emma said "it's always been tied to a human soul, if I'm right picking a new host".

She was right at the moment it engulfed Regina, Robin tied saving her but the darkness pulled him back. Emma could only see one way out for Regina. She bravely approached it and Regina could see what she was thinking. "No, Emma, there has to be another way".

"There isn't" replied Emma. "You've worked too hard to have your happy ending taken away now".

Mary-Margaret called "Emma"

She turned to her parents and said "you learnt how to take the darkness out of me once before you can do it again".

Neal took Emma's hand and she saw the pleading look in his eyes but he mind was made up. "Take care of the kids, tell them I love them and..." she kissed him "I love you too".

She went into the darkness which pushed Regina out and took over Emma. Then Emma and the darkness vanished and the dagger Emma had been holding now read 'Emma Swan-Cassidy'.