Darry walked into the house slowly and yawning. "Hey Two-bit." He waved to the eighteen year old who was laying in the couch.
"Hey-o superman. How was work?"
"Long." Darry sighed. "Pulled another damn muscle." He rubbed his back and grimaced. "Where's Soda?"
"Kitchen." Two-bit answered lazily and yawned.
Darry walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table. "Hey Sodapop, you check the mail today?"
"Yeah," Soda set down a pot of water on the stove and grabbed a few envelopes, handing them to his brother. "just a few bills."
"As usual." He frowned and set them aside. "I get paid at the end of the week, I'll pay them then."
"I'll pay them. I still got some money."
"We talked about it Soda. Your paycheck goes towards food and stuff for the house, and mine goes towards bills." He stood up and looked inside the oven. "Chicken?"
"Yep," Soda nodded. "and macaroni."
"Thanks for cooking." Darry rubbed Soda's hair and chuckled. "Where's Pony at?"
"In our room, with Johnny and Dally."
Darry nodded, and went to go check on him. He didn't say anything, but was surprised that Dally was with him. He figured he was only there because Johnny was, seeing as how Dally didn't like kids that much. He peeked through the crack of the door. Pony was in Dally's lap, yawning and fighting sleep, while Dally and Johnny were just having a conversation. Darry knocked on the door twice and opened it. Pony looked thrilled to see him, and quickly rushed over to hug his older brother. "Hey Ponyboy." Darry smiled and picked him up. "Thanks for looking after him today." He said to Johnny.
"Oh I don't mind. Dally helped too." Johnny said quietly.
"Hardly. I showed up maybe an hour ago."
"Well," Darry ruffled Pony's hair. "y'all are welcome to stay for dinner."
"Thank you, but us and Two-bit are gonna go to the Dingo tonight. I'm not sure where Steve is, but if he wants to come he can." Johnny stood up and smiled lightly. "Bye Pony," he waved. "I had fun with you."
Ponyboy leaned away from Darry and made grab hands. Johnny hugged him goodbye and then left with Dally. "You hungry Pone?" Darry asked and set him down. Pony nodded and ran out into the hallway. "Go slow down the stairs!" His oldest brother called out.
"Okay!" Pony yelled back and went down one by one. Once he got all the way down he ran into the kitchen and grinned, not knowing that Soda was home. "Pop!" He said excitedly, once he saw him.
"Hey Ponyboy, go wash up for dinner, it'll be ready in a few minutes." Soda said and smiled as he watched his little brother run into the bathroom. "Darry, Steve's gonna be coming over for dinner."
"Alright." Darry grabbed some plates and napkins and set them out on the table. He looked down when he felt someone tug on his pants.
"Can I help?" Pony asked.
"I could use some help cooking dinner," Soda smiled and picked Pony up. "can you stir the noodles for me?" Ponyboy grinned and concentrated on stirring the macaroni.
"Hey Curtis'." Steve walked in. "Smells great Soda."
"Why thank you. Pony and I worked very hard." Soda watched his younger brother for a few seconds before turning the stove off. "I think it's done. Why don't you go hop in your seat."
"Okay." Pony wiggles out of Soda's grasp and trotted over to his seat. "Steve come here!" Pony waved him over. Despite the fact Steve was mean to him most of the time, he still thought that the older greaser was pretty cool, and enjoyed being around him. "Sit there." Pony pointed to the chair next to his and smiled.
Steve sighed and sat down. "Whatever kid."
Soda brought the food to the table and began making Ponyboy's plate, while everyone else made their own. "If you want dessert you gotta eat it all, okay?"
"Okay." Pony smiled and began eating.
"You two have a good day at work?" Darry asked Soda and Steve.
Soda shrugged and Steve began rambling on. "Awe man there was this nice car that came in the shop today. I didn't think we'd ever get it to start up because this engine was fried. But Soda and I worked on it all day and managed to get it fixed. Old guy who owned the car was real nice and rich. He put a word in with the boss and got us a bonus next paycheck."
"You're kidding? That's great!" Darry smiled at Soda while Ponyboy sat staring in awe. "How come you didn't tell me about this?"
"I forgot I guess." Sodapop sighed lightly.
"I forget lotta stuffs too." Ponyboy said. "I forgot to brush my teeth last night."
"You forgot, huh?" Darry raised an eyebrow. "I coulda sworn I told you to brush them last night."
Soda and Steve chuckled. "Awe lay off him Darry, he's just trying to make me feel better." He reached over and ruffled Pony's hair. "Thank you Ponyboy."
"We're not done talking about this little buddy." He eyed his baby brother.
Pony didn't seem phased, however. He turned to Steve and gave a big smile. "Tell 'bout the time you put those things on the wheels again."
Soda and Darry groaned, but Steve was all too happy to yet again share the story of the time he put on four hubcaps in less than a minute.
I know this part sucks but it will get better I promise!