"Prepare for the unknown by studying how others in the past have coped with the unforeseeable and the unpredictable."

George S. Patton

RWBY: Volatile Spaces

Wyatt Ward was running through the unknown, desolate, icy moon on which his ship crashed, and his entire crew gone, he had nothing left. The experienced ship pilot ran away from the screams and horrible mutilated bodies of his fellow shipmates, soldiers, and engineers which the USG Patton was carrying on a relief mission to one of Jupiter's moons.

The freezing cold weather, and snow pattered against Wyatt's Arctic Survival Rig, and the further away he went form the flaming ship, the worse the weather got, and the colder his body got. Wyatt had taken this rig from the armory in the ship before barely making it out alive, and now this was the only thing that was helpful at all. The Plasma Cutter, Pulse Rifle, and Flamethrower Wyatt carried had only helped him survive and fight his way out of the Necromorph infested ship, but out in the wild, harsh conditions of this moon, they didn't do shit for him. The only thin keeping Wyatt going was the fear he had of the inhuman monsters which where tracking him right now.

Not far behind him, the reanimated and mutated corpses of his late crew where screeching and gurgling, clicking their fangs and convulsing their bodies. the Necromorphs where catching up, and Wyatt had about enough running, as he collapsed to his knees, clutching onto the small shard of alien origin in his hand. Wyatt closed his eyes, and listened for the approaching Necromorphs, and wasn't surprised to hear one approaching behind him at immense speeds. Wyatt grunted in pain and frustration as his legs felt like they where on fire, even after having the Rig suit increase his physical attributes and statistics.

Wyatt spun around, drawing his Cutter from his holster on his thigh, and opening fire on the Necromorph that just rose its bone-like blades up, and poised for the kill. Wyatt screamed as he dismembered all of the monster's limbs, one by one. Once the Necromorph fell to the ground, unable to move without its appendages, Wyatt emptied the rest of his plasma clip into the creature's body. Not even taking the chance to reload, Wyatt rose his boot and stomped upon the necromorph's disfigured head, stomping on it over and over again, until it was all bloody mush. Wyatt was breathing heavily in his rig, the putrid smell of decaying flesh and dried blood, he felt like throwing up.

'Where is Isaac when you need him!' Wyatt thought, bringing a plasma clip out of his Rig's synthetic fiber coat, and slapping it into the power cell of the Plasma Cutter. He quickly swung his body around, raising his fist up, and making contact with the soft flesh of another Necromorph, this time, having no jaw and a tongue full of razor-sharp teeth, flaying it wildly like a mace.

Wyatt dodged the tongue's rapid swings, aiming his left arm, using his Kinetic module. He shot out a burst of energy which covered the Necromorph with a blue field, slowing it down severely. This allowed Wyatt to shove his Plasma Cutter up the mouth of the Necromorph, and pull the trigger, blowing it's entire head off, causing brain matter and gore to splatter across his helmet and armor. Wyatt drove the corpse into the ground, and once again began stomping on it's body cavity, snapping it's relatively weak ribs, crushing its chest, then stomping off each limb by their joints. Wyatt kept stomping until the limbs became bloody messes just like the Necromorph's head, which was currently residing as tiny bits and pieces across Wyatt's armor and the crimson colored snow.

Another screech came form the snow, barely being over the sound of the wind, causing Wyatt to turn back and start to run once again. Wyatt had ran for only 20 meters before his came to an abrupt stop, overlooking a deep, dark ravine which was miles wide. This blocked Wyatt's only way of escape and evasion of the horde of Necromorphs which where on his Six-O'clock. Wyatt began to hyperventilate.

When he joined the United Earth Government's Merchant Marines, he was expecting a normal life as a ship pilot, not having to become the soldier which was sadly one small part of his job. He had been under Isaac Clarke's wind for almost the entirety of his career, but after the incident at the USG Ishimura, Isaac left Wyatt, saying it was, "For his own good." That pissed Wyatt off, and he took his own ship and a make-do crew to try and find him, seeing as he had something to do with the alien artifact known as the Marker. Hell, Wyatt was literally gripping a shard of such artifact in his left hand. He found a Red Marker on the last moon he visited, so he took it, wondering if it could help him get to Isaac. Boy, was he wrong.

The marker shard Wyatt had brought onto the ship was the worst thing he could ever hope for, as it drove one his most trusted crew-members, Alissa, to suicide, and that's where all his problems started. Once she turned, she-...no, it hunted the rest of the crew-members under all of our noses, and they all where slaughtered, eaten, and turned, one by one. By the time Wyatt finally found out the situation, it was too late, as they attacked the bridge, destroying the navigation system, wheels, light-speed engine, and much more. The ship went down, and crashed into Jupiter's frozen moon, Europa.

Wyatt finally came back to his thoughts, and realized the situation, and how dire it was. He looked back to see almost his entire crew, now necromorphs, slowly trekking toward him through the snow. From Slashers, to hunters, and finally infectors, the horse was eyeing the only living thing on the moon. Wyatt took a few steps back, his right foot almost slipping down the ravine. Wyatt slipped the Marker shard into his coat pocket, and holstered his Plasma Cutter to his thigh.

"Fucking Unitologists." Wyatt cursed, taking his flamethrower from his back, and igniting the flame. "This is what we get when you touch ALIEN SHIT!" Wyatt was screaming as he started to squeeze the trigger, bursting flames of fire up to 4,000 degrees Celsius. The wall of fire was melting the snow and ice ground of the moon, and the Necromorphs in the line of fire where screeching in pain as their bodies melted, and decomposing flesh turned to a horrid smelling ash and smoke. Wyatt started to walk forward into the flames, burning everything he saw in sight, turning a full 360 degrees and creating a wall of fire around him.

Through the fiery wall, a Necromorph Hunter burst through the flames, charging at Wyatt with horrid movements and melted limbs regrowing back. Wyatt quickly dodged the first two swipes from its blade-appendages, and grabbed his Cutter once again. He fired 5 plasma rounds, dismembered it's limbs with a bloody mess. Wyatt quickly drew an Incendiary Grenade from his pouch, and jumped onto the back of the Hunter. It screeched and twisted wildly as it's limbs where growing back. The fire around them melted the ice an snow, and the ground crackled as it was braking underneath the two. Wyatt roared and planted the grenade in the regenerating chest cavity of the Hunter, and leaped off right when the grenade detonated, and it forced him sliding on the ground, guts and blood spraying on the melting ice, turning the water red.

Wyatt was sliding on the cracked ice, which was starting to slope at a 45 degree angle down to the ravine. He tried to kick himself up, but it was too late. His body, along with various Necromorphs fell off, plummeting down into the pitch black ravine. The Marker shard fell out of his pocket, and he dove after it, goign deeper into the seemingly endless ravine. He tried to get a good grip on the shard, but was hit by a Necromorph, knocking him into the side of the ravine, before slowly falling down again.

"FUCK!" He cursed. Wyatt eyed the glowing red shard, emitting a small red light in the black area. He propelled himself forward with his suit's thrusters, and aimed his kenetic module at the shard. He fired a kinesis gravity field, and it hit his mark. He pulled the shard to his hand, and when he grabbed it, he relished for his short victory before hearing the splats and crunching bones of Necromorphs hitting the bottom of the ravine.

Wyatt shut his eyes, and muttered three words before his body made contact with the bottom of the ravine.

"God help me."