11xx years ago Outside of the Ice Castle in Almia:

"Are you sure we can do it" yelled a prince dress in red looking a castle he once called home before the was banned to Boyleland Volcano was shadow in darkness and ice with Heatren that he befriend in the volcano

"Yes I know we can Phoenix we just need to work together" yelled a prince dressed in blue while holding a little sleeping baby princess in white dress warp around in a white blanket with a K in gold thred in the corner. While standing near a Lucario and two Riolu.

"Are you sure it safe to baby Katherine it going to be dangerous Jack and her power too weak"yelled a prince dress in yellow standing near a Cresselia that he befriend at Haruba Desert temple.

"We need all the help we can get Stanford. I see what out father become after he make a deal with a darkness after you guy was banned from the castle and it drive him with madness and consuming him everyday" said Jack looking down at Katherine and turning to Lucario. "Lucario can you still detect father ?" Lucario turn blue while using aura detection to sense where that King is and slowly stop turning blue after he found something. "Lucario do you find him" Jack said worrying.

He is in the throne room. But, I sorry my princes but your father, King, is gone his soul was consumed by the darkness that he make a deal with. said Lucario looking down at Jack.

"Damn it we got here too late" yelled Jack with tear in his eye. "If only I get you guy sooner we might save our father!" As his tear drop from his eye a drop fall down on Katherine's head and she start crying.

"Brother clam down you are scaring Katherine" said Stanford as he calm down Katherine. "It not your fault it was the darkness that father make a deal with not you."

"Yes Jack" said Phoenix and turing back to the castle. "Now we need to save Almia before it can turn it to his own presonal play ground while holding a sword."Are you ready guy" he yelled.

"Yes" yelled the other two brother.

All three princess run at the castle door.

In the castle:

Was once ab beatiful castle with elbonate decoration have turn into ruin and cover in ice with all of the castle's staff turn to ice statues with the look of fear in their face with posture that looklike that try to escape the castle but was too late.

"Look at the darkness did" said Jack as he walk to one of the ice statue and touch it hand and looking back at his two brothers.

"Look like we need to unfrezze them" yelled Phoenix. "Ok Heatern melt"

"Wait" yelled Stanford stopping him

"What now!" Phoenix yelled at Stanford.

"Look !" said Stanford as he point to a ice staute that have be broken. "If you start melting the statue it will not bring them back just melt them into water"

"Wait a one moment that mother" yelled Jack as he run to the broken statue

"Are you sure" yelled Stanford.

"Yes" as Jack hold his mother ice head showing it to his brothers.

Phoenix put his head down with tear in his eye "All the more reason that we need to take him down"

"Phoenix right" said Stanford. "What else he can do if he still in the throne we need to go".

We got some company yelled Lucario. As a door open leading to the throne open and solider that look like made of shadow started coming in the room with a loud bang destroying all of the statues to a million of pieces

"We need to fight them" yell Phoenix. We got it you guy need to get to the King yelled Heatren.

Heatren right you gut need to get to the Throne room before he relase his full power yell Cresselia. don't worry help is on the way

"Cresselia" said Stanford.

Just go yelled Lucario we got it

"Ok! " Jack yelled as he and his brother run up the stair, through a door and into the Throne room with the darkness is.

"Oh well, well, well look what the glameow drag in a weak boy" the darkness said looking at Jack,"a hothead" he said looking at Phoenix. "a boy who into knowledge" he said looking at Stanford" and a baby with a weak light" he said as he look at Katherine. "What make you thing that you can defeat me I will kill you like I did with your mother and father" he yelled as he attack all four of them with a dark spell. However his spell did work a shield of light protect the three princes and the princess for the attack.

"How that even possible" yelled the darkness in shock.

"You can't defeat us when we all together" yelled jack and he old had with his bother and each of them have their own glow. Blue for Jack, Red for Phoenix , Yellow for Stanford and a faint white for Katherine and the light attack the darkness

"Noooooooooo" yelled the darkness. then he realize the light only weakness him not kill him. When the glow was over the darkness was still there.

"How come he still here" yelled Jack tiredly.

"It because Katherine light weak and don't have her full power yet" yelled Stanford who is also tried also with Phoenix.

"Oh you think you can kill me but think again" yelled the Darkness "Now I can kill you".

All the prince closed their eye ready to be kill and nothing happen as the open their eye the darkness was beginning absolute by a crystal in the room. Before he was full gone he said " Will be back to take over Almia is a host" and then he was gone.

"What happen" said Phoenix confused." What going on"

Don't worry yourself Phoenix said a voice from above.

The all look up to find that Arceus the god pokemon that enter the room. All three prince bow to him.

No need to bow to me he said.

"So Cresseila mean by she getting help" Stanford said.

yes she did Stanford sorry I didn't get here in time I need to get some help.

The out of on where Dialga ,Uxie ,Darkrai and mew enter the room. They will help us with the next step of the plan to final get rid of the darkness for good and Arcues turn to Darkrai. Take the shadow crystal deep inside a cave that no one can find it and protect it with your life

Yes sir said Darkria and left with the crystal.

"How come we can defeat him now" Yelled Phoenix

I know you want to face him head on but after that match you power after weakness and all of you are dying Arceus said. My power are limited but I can only can save one of you will the other your power will be transfer into gem to heal while your soul will guide the living sibling to help defeat the darkness your chose but their a cash the person you sent will have to go to the future because it when your power is fully heal and Almia will be threat and everyone here will forget about them. Do you understand he said to the three princes.

"Yes" they said and turn to each other.

"I think Katherine can do it" said Jack look at Katherine.

"Yes we all live our life." said Stanford. "Do you agree Phoenix" he said while he turn to Phoenix.

"Yes I think it the right chose" he said and they all look at Katharine one last time. They all turn back facing Arcues.

"We all make our discussion, we want out baby sister Katherine to live while our power turn to gem" Jack said while hold his sister to Arcues.

OK Arcues said and Katherine is lift up to him and a light shine on her healing her and he turn to Dialga. Ok Dialga sent her to the furture

Ok Arcues said Dialga as he used roar of time to sent Katherine to the future.

Are you ready princes said Arcues

"yes" they said. The a light shine down in all three of them leaving their gem in their place and their soul holding them.

"Now what" said Jack.

Now when need to eases all memory of Katharine in the time so she don't get in danger in the future Arcuse said. Uxie pleases erase everyone memory of castle and everything about it

You don't have to tell me twice saidUnix as he erase everybody memory of the castle and it monarchy

"What about us" Phoenix said.

You all need to goes back to where the King told you to be before he was turn evil Arcues told them.

"But why" said Stanford.

Being together will only case trouble what happen if the future evil team got you but don't worry their will be assign guiden to protect the gem with you. For Jack helper will be Lucario and the two Riolu. Phoenix your helper Heatern. while Stanford your helper will be Cresselia. Do I make myself clear. Don't worry I already kept in inform of this new situation said Arcues.

"Yes" they said. And with that all three prince when their different way in order protect their gem and waited for the day where they all will reunite with each other.

Why do called here Arcuse said mew wonder why he was called.

Arcuse smile and look at mew. You will tell their story in a fairy tale so the people of Almia will know what to do in the future even if they know they story is not true.

While in the year 19xx a cry was head outside a the Hitmio house hold in Ringtown in the Fiore. A woman open the door to find a baby girl wrap in a white blanket at the door crying. The baby girl stop crying when the woman pick her up. "Paul you need to come here" she yelled.

"What it is Jamie"yelled Paul as he get to her wife and look surprise at her as he saw a baby in her hand. "Where do you get that baby" he said.

" I don't know when I open the door she was the foot step" she told him

"What are we going to do with her" he said looking at his wife.

"I don't know maybe we can adopt her we can left her alone" she said.

"But we don't know who to take care of kid yet" he said as he look at the baby as he think that he not ready to be a father yet.

"Don't worry we are doing it together and maybe we can have a kid of our own and a sibling for her" she said looking at he baby lovingly in her arm.

"I don't know" he said nervously.

Jamie know that she can't leave is baby all alone and want to take care of her the monument she meet her eyes and through of an idea. "Paul why you don't hold her" she said putting the baby in his arm.

"Why ?" he said as he hold the baby in his arm.

"Just do it" she told him.

As Paul look at the baby's bright ocean blue eyes. He smiles "Hi there baby" he said and he put a finger so the baby can hold it in her small hand. and look at his wife with new meeting. "Ok I understand why you want to adopt" he told her. "But what do you want to call her".

Jamie was thinking until she saw the letter K in gold thread sew on the blanket. "What about Katherine and Kate for short" she said. After hear that named the baby clap happily. "I think that her named" she said.

"Ok let go to town hall to filled of the paper work" said Paul. and the both head to town hall to filled out the paper work.

After the paper was filled in told hall and got went to the store and got everything for Katherine. Jamie smile at a sleeping Katherine and said "Welcome to the family Katherine Hitomi"

Sorry I did update for a so long was busy with class and I got writer block and I completely forgot what to write for the Pokemon Ranger the new generation of hero and end up making a new story and will some idea from it.

Disclaimer I don't Pokemon Nintendo and Game Freak does