Hello everyone.

I'm back.

Anyway... that's all for now, so on with the fic.

XXX Chapter Start XXX

Shirou's mind was focused as he stared down a Fomorian.

He hadn't yet summoned his demons for this battle but he felt confident in his chances as he flooded his body with Prana, reinforcing it as much as he could manage.

But that wasn't all he focused on.

Feeling for the Magnetite currently flooding his body he tried to grasp it.

It was somewhat illusive but he managed to get at least some of it before he flooded his blade.

Gram Slice.

Focusing on the attack that Lham Dearg had used many times during their time together, he pushed the power that was poisoning him through his sword as he struck.

He felt his heart race as he cut straight through the demon and felt the relief of Magnetite leaving his muscles in the process.

Returning his attention to the Fomorian he had just struck, he felt himself loosen up as the demon fell into two pieces and went still.

Letting out a breath he hadn't known he had been holding, he felt a smile tugging at his lips.

The last time he had fought one of those things, it had nearly killed both him and Lham Dearg.

And now he had just one-shotted a similar demon.

"Why do you look so damn satisfied over beating such a weakling?" the voice of his current observer cut in and he found himself frowning.

"Because it means I've grown stronger," he declared bluntly.

She did not look impressed.

But then again, he wasn't trying to impress her.

He was simply trying to figure out what he was actually capable of.

And testing out the abilities he had discovered when he was about to die against the Tsuchigumo was part of that.

The mere ability to use these attacks changed everything.

After all, if he could use his poisoning to his advantage against his opponents then he wouldn't have to worry about overdoing his reinforcement anymore.

The real question, was whether he could use it to learn the type of magic he had seen demons cast.

He would simply have to put it on the backburner until he found a demon both capable and willing of teaching him in the first place.

Lilim might have been capable of teaching him… but he doubted she possessed the will to do so.

So he simply had to wait until he found someone who seemed more open to the idea of teaching him.

"So… I thought you were planning on heading to Ueno," the winged girl said with irritation clear in her voice.

"Yeah, I just wanted to test something out before then and that guy was the perfect punching bag for it," he declared with a shrug.

"Well then, hurry up… the sooner you get your meeting over with, the sooner I can fuck you," the Lilim declared and Shirou found his heart starting to race once again.

He knew she was simply looking at him like a piece of food but it was so hard to not be turned on by her.

After all, attractiveness was literally a trait of her species.

"Y-yeah…" he managed to stutter out before gaining his bearings and starting back on his way to Ueno.

Walking through the street he found his mind starting to wander.

More specifically onto a single subject.

"Lilim…" he started before earning a grunt of acknowledgement, "why are you so focused on having sex with me?"

"I'm hungry," her response was quick and to the point, "it doesn't hurt that you're a good size."

A… good size?

"What do you mean?" he asked even as he swallowed nervously.

"Did you really think I didn't get a good idea of how big your dick is before Kaga interrupted?" he almost tripped at that statement.

It was becoming extremely clear to him now that Lilim lacked any type of filter concerning the subject of sex.

He found himself worried about the repurcussions of that.

Though he did have to wonder, she said he was a good size… but he hadn't finished growing yet.

So if he was already impressing her now… how would she react when he was fully grown?

He pushed those thoughts out of his head for now.

Reaching Ueno was his priority right now and he didn't want to keep Nozomi waiting.


Nozomi couldn't stop herself from pacing as she reached Ueno.

Shirou wasn't there yet.

So that raised the question of where he had been.

Or if something had happened to him.

"Calm down Nozomi-chan," Hana said from her position behind the mesh that represented the general store, "I'm sure he's fine."

"You don't understand… Sosuke told me he wasn't going to be healing Shirou anymore," she explained to her old friend.

That made the woman go quiet.

"That's… not good," she nodded as Hana said what she was thinking.

"Yeah," it was one thing if Shirou had his own demons that could heal him and didn't have to worry about dying by poisoning himself but both of those issues existed for the red-head.

So lacking healing was even more of a death sentence for him than it was for most people.

"Do you know why?" the shopkeeper asked and she nodded.

"Because Sosuke is convinced Shirou is going ot get himself killed if he doesn't rest up more," she explained, "but he's willing to help again if Shirou stops driving himself so hard."

"That sounds reasonable," Hana responded and she nodded.

"Yes, that's why I am going to try and talk some sense into Shirou," she explained, "assuming he's still alive…"

The nod he received made it clear Hana understood exactly where she was coming from.

"Sorry I'm late," the voice of the very person she had been waiting for called out and she turned to face the boy.

Immediately she stalled.

He looked healthier than he did when they last met.

The fact was that he looked to be holding himself with more ease than normal.

"Shirou… are… are you all right?" she had to ask.

"Yeah… let's get something to eat," he said, "because I guess it's a long story."

She nodded as she followed him into the Hunter Association.

"Hey there," Shirou called out to the barkeep who gave him a small glare.

"Do you have any idea what you've done?" the man asked the red-head and she felt her heart skip a beat.

There was something in the man's tone that just screamed that something bad was about to happen.

Shirou for his part started to look around the association before speaking again.

"I'm going to guess I got a bounty from the Ashura-kai?" his question made her jaw go slack.

"Damn right you did," the man spoke with obvious frustration in his tone, "the only saving grace is that it's purely within the organisation right now… but if you pull another stunt like that then it'll probably go public."

Looking at Shirou, she saw something that scared her.

In his eyes was steel.

The boy wasn't intimidated by the idea of being hunted by the world.

This was bad.

He had too few allies as it was yet he was willing to estrange his main source of both information and aid.

Perhaps he was even more determined to do what he felt was right than she had given him credit for.

And she had already assumed he was willing to do nearly anything.

"Look kid, if you keep at this, you will eventually find yourself in deep shit and you won't be welcome here," the barkeeper said as his anger fizzled away.

"… I know," Shirou's declaration made it clear that he wasn't just a fool who wasn't thinking of the consequences.

He was actually willing to do just that.

"… fine, just know that I warned you," the older man declared, "so… since you don't have a bounty on your head yet, what are you having?"

Shirou put forth his order and she placed her own before he led her to a booth near the corner.

Taking a seat she felt herself growing more and more concerned.

"… I got into a fight with Sosuke," he declared.

"I know," she admitted, "that's why I wanted to see you."

"Ah…" Shirou responded as understanding appeared on his face, "let me guess… you are going to try and get me to stop doing my hardest to save as many people as I can."

She found herself staring in response to that.

"I just want you to take care of yourself," she declared.

"Sorry… but there are too many people who need saving for me to worry about that," he declared without any hint of uncertainty in his voice.

Was he truly so willing to throw away his own life for the sake of others that he didn't even consider his own when looking at things?

But… if that was the case…

"But wouldn't it be better to survive? That way you can keep saving more people in the long run," she decided to aim for practicality.

Suddenly he sagged and a haggard look started to appear in his eyes.

"I know that… but I just can't abandon anyone else… not when I know there is something I can do to save them," he said, his voice almost hollow.

And she noticed something important.

'Anyone else.'

The way he said that made it clear he had some issues about leaving people… probably because of guilt.

But if she didn't know the root of the issue, then she couldn't do anything to help him.

"Do you want to talk about it?" asking him about it was all she could do.

He blinked.

"What do you mean?"

"You said you can't abandon anyone else… so do you want to talk about the person you abandoned before?" she clarified and immediately his eyes lost any energy they had left.

"No," his response was short and to the point.

And she couldn't stop herself from grimacing at it.

"Are you sure, I mean, talking about it might help?" she had no idea what to do in this situation but she couldn't just ignore his issues.

"Yeah, I'm sure," there was no hesitation.

Meaning she didn't have any hope of convincing him otherwise.

So she just let it drop.

The next couple of minutes were spent in an awkward silence as she found herself unsure of what to say next and Shirou seemed to be too deep in his own despair to talk himself.

"Here's your orders," the barkeeper's voice cut through the silence as he placed a pair of dishes in front of them.

"Thank you," she said and noted Shirou responded at roughly the same time.

Picking up and taking a bite out of her Nue Burger, she watched Shirou eating his own bowl of pork stew.

How could she stop him from getting himself killed?

Hell, he'd apparently already gotten an internal bounty with the Ashura-kai.

Actually… how exactly had he even gotten it in the first place?

"Are you willing to talk about how you got the Ashura-kai after you?" she asked.

"Ah… I got into a fight with a couple of them when they tried to kidnap a young girl," he responded and she flinched at that.

She was aware of the Ashura-kai doing that but she also knew that even if you tried to save one girl, it simply meant that another would be taken in their place and you'd end up dead.

That was the law of the land in Shibuya after all.

"What happened?" she wanted to know exactly how he had gotten out of it.

"… I killed two Ashura-kai thugs before nearly dying when the Tsuchigumo they summoned destroyed its phone and attacked me," he said and she couldn't stop her eyes from widening.


She couldn't believe what he was telling her.

"Then I got picked up by a Lilim sent to keep an eye on me by the Ring of Gaea," she could do little more than stare at him, "they nursed me back to health and I now have that same Lilim following me everywhere."

That… was a lot to take in.

It also meant she was likely being watched by some demon right now.

"Do you know why they decided to save you?" she noticed him flinch at that question.

"No," his response sounded genuine but that flinch said there was something she had said that had gotten to him, "but it's been really beneficial for me."

She frowned.

"What makes you say that?"

"I learned how to purge myself of my own Magnetite," he declared and she felt her words freeze on her lips, "the attacks are also pretty strong so that helps even more."

Wait, so he had figured out how to use his Magnetite as a weapon?

But she shook her head clear of all of that.

There was something even more important after all.

"You said there is a Lilim following you?" she inquired.

"Yeah… she… she keeps trying to have sex with me," he said with his cheeks flushing red at the admission even as he looked away from her.

"Shirou, whatever you do don't-" she was about to tell him to never have sex with the Lilim.

After all… Lilim were lethal in bed.


What with how they drained a person of their Magnetite so much they they lost the strength to live.

But she stopped herself.

She already knew that Shirou was strange and more importantly, that his magnetite was outright bad for his health.

So was it possible…?

"What is it Nozomi?" Shirou asked and she shook her head.

"Actually… nevermind…" she said.

It would probably be good for his health to fuck a Lilim.

He didn't look convinced.

His stare made her release a sigh.

"Fine… I was about to tell you to never have sex with her… but then I remembered your unique circumstances," she explained, "so fuck her all you want."

She almost had to laugh at how red his face turned.

"I… I should probably get a new job soon," he seemed to decide that leaving would be the easier course of action.

"Yeah… I guess I can't convince you to give up your crusade can I?" she asked one last time, already knowing what his answer would be.


And with that, he rose from his seat and made his way to the barkeeper, obviously ready to update his joblist.

Releasing a sigh of defeat, she found herself hoping that at least he'd be able to cope with his MAG poisoning now.


Shirou couldn't stop himself from releasing a sigh of relief as he left Ueno station.

That… had been so damn awkward.

Actually letting Nozomi know about the sex demon trying to sleep with him had been embarrassing enough… but he had wanted to know if such a thing was normal for the species.

Her reaction had told him it most certainly was.

That she had told him to fuck the demon all he wanted was probably the most embarassing part of the whole exchange.

But then again, perhaps it was just something to do with the current state of society.

"So did you do everything you needed to?"

He shook his head clear of those thoughts as Lilim spoke up from behind him.

"Y-yeah…" he admitted.

Almost immediately he felt his body getting ragdolled to the ground as the winged demon roughly pinned him to the ground, her hips straddling his waist and rubbing against him hard enough that it was on the border between painful and pleasant.

"Then no more interruptions," she declared but he managed to force out a few words before she started.

""Somewhere private."

It was the one thing he demanded from the lusty demon.

Just some privacy.

He didn't want voyeurs watching him after all.

The irritation that appeared on her face made it clear she likely thought he was stalling.

"Just… let's go somewhere private," he declared.

"This 'friend' of yours… they told you to avoid doing this with me didn't they?" she declared and he found his face heating up even more.

"Actually… she told me to fuck you all I want," he admitted.

"Well don't listen to their-" she started before stalling, "wait… what?"

"She told me to fuck you all I want," he actually had to look away at the fact he was having to repeat it.

"… your friend secrectly hates you doesn't she?" the Lilim declared before shaking her head, "even so… mother would be pissed if I fucked you to death so I won't push you too far."

He had to frown at that.

"Nozomi doesn't hate me," he declared firmly.

There was no way she would be so focused on trying to keep him alive if she hated him.

"Even so… once we find somewhere private, no more holdups," she declared and he felt his heart starting to race in anticipation.

"Y-yeah…" he accepted as she got off him.

For once, he actually hoped he wouldn't come across anyone in need of saving.


Shirou couldn't stop a sigh of relief from escaping his lips as they approached an abandoned storehouse.

The door was open but still attached.

"This will do," the winged woman declared firmly.

"Yeah," he accepted as he entered the building and started looking for somewhere soft to lay.

The building was nothing special; just a nondescript store with its shutters closed and shelves knocked down and emptied, while the counter was almost rotting from the sheer length of time it had been left uncared for.

Before he could even find anywhere soft to lay on, he felt his body being thrown once again, this time ending up pressed against a wall.

"No… more… stalling," the demon declared firmly as he felt his back ache from her throwing him about the place.

"Y-yeah…" he accepted as the girl grinned hungrily as her hand snaked it's way down his pants and he felt the warmth of her hands now playing with him directly.

It felt so different to having her simply grope him through his trousers.

Now he just needed to get this over with as quickly as possible so he could get back to helping people without Lilim getting angsty with him.

And judging by her current ministrations, he had a feeling that taking too long wouldn't be a problem.


Lilim couldn't stop herself from staring as consciousness returned to her.

What… the… fuck… just… happened?!

Looking at the room she found herself waking up in, she saw the boy she had decided was a simple snack laying on the floor, his clothes scattered all over the room along with her own leotard.

The boy looked to be sleeping peacefully, his complextion perfectly healthy despite having had sex with her.

Thinking back on the encounter, she remembered the beginning of the situation starting just as she would have expected.

She had been in complete control, toying with him to her hearts content.

It was only after she tried to cut their session short due to his MAG feeling dangerously low that things changed.

It was as if a switch had flipped in him and he had taken the initiative.

He should have been too drained to do anything but instead he just seemed to get more energetic as he started taking control of the whole situation.

It had definitely been shocking.

Normally men started off eager and lost the strength to carry on before dying… yet he had started off pretty meek, as if he was simply doing it to get it over with before he was consumed by his lust and started doing a solid imitation of a jackhammer towards her pelvis.

And then the MAG stopped coming.

That moment had caused a dread to well up in her for less than a second.

Her mother would have killed her if she had actually killed him.

But she didn't get long to dwell on that before the next thrust had been made.

Then the next.

And he just kept doing it.

Humans were supposed to die when they were completely dried of their MAG, but he hadn't.

Somehow he had kept going, just as energetic as before, eventually starting to basically inject her with some type of energy that she didn't recognise.

An energy that he had somehow managed to take back by force.

It… it felt weird.

Feeling someone thrusting into her when she wasn't absorbing any MAG from them just felt so different to normal.

Normally there was no difference between the start of her feeding sessions and the end for her.

She always felt the same, after all, any changes that might have happened to her body were quickly corrected by the absorbed MAG.

But being unable to feed…

She could still feel the sensation of him filling her, something she had never experienced before.

This was all wrong.

Rising from her position on the ground she felt a tingle pass through her groin.

Was… was she sore?

Looking at the boy she wondered exactly what he was.

Blinking a few times she had to wonder… did her mother know about this?

Know that this kid was capable of surviving having all his MAG drained?

And without any negative repurcussions either.

Knowing her mother, she probably did.

Shaking her head clear of those thoughts, she lifted herself off the ground, pushing the soreness in her nether regions to the side, she'd experienced much worse pain than this before.

"Urgh…" an awkward grunt came from the red-head as she started to shift.

Her eyes turned to him even as she moved to collect her own clothing.

And she found her eyes lingering on the very thing that she could still feel the phantom presence of inside her.

… why did her groin feel so warm and why could she feel some liquid flowing down her leg?

She was pulled from those thoughts as the boy sat up and started rubbing his head.

Freezing in place, she found herself wondering if there was going to be a repeat performance.

Because she was not ready for one.

When the boy finally opened his eyes, they locked onto her before his face started flushing and he looked away.

"What's the matter? Don't tell me you're embarrassed to see me after everything you did to me," she asked, as much as she wasn't ready to get into another session with him, at the very least not until she had sorted through everything she was feeling after their last one, she found the idea that he was embarrassed to look at her ludicrous.

"S-sorry…" his statement wasn't what she was expecting.

She kept quiet as he looked over the room, though his eyes did pass over her and linger as his nether region started to engorge once again.

She actually swallowed nervously at that sight.

Eventually though, he clearly found what he had been looking for and got up before proceeding to reached some of his gear.

And immediately picked up his phone.

"Shit…" the boy grumbled as he looked at the machine.

"What's the matter?" she asked him.

"That… wasn't supposed to take anywhere near that long," he looked genuinely distressed.

"Well you're the one who decided to keep going when I was about to stop," she declared.

"I know… I just thought we'd do it until you were satisfied then move on," he said, "I don't know what came over me."

The way he was saying that made it clear he genuinely had lost control of himself during their session.

"But I need to go," he declared firmly, "it has been too long already."

"What are you talking about?" she had to ask.

"I've wasted too much time," he said even as he started moving to collect his clothes and get dressed.

An action she quickly proceeded to do herself.

"What's the hurry anyway?" she had to ask.

"There are people dying all the time and I'm wasting time here," his response made it sound like that was enough.


"So I have to save them."

She had to arc an eyebrow at that.


"You wouldn't understand."

Her face turned into a frown at that declaration.

Was he looking down her her intellect?

Or was it because his motives weren't something that could be understood by demons in general?

Oh well, it wasn't like his motives mattered.

What mattered was whether he was going to get himself killed or not.

"Fine," she dropped the matter.

If he got himself killed then her mother wouldn't be angry with her.

Just as long as she didn't kill him then it was fine.

And her mother could always tell when she was lying so there was no point in even trying.

It didn't take long for her to finish getting dressed, she had far fewer garments than the human, though he did apear to be more efficient at putting them on than she had been given how quickly he managed to get ready.

"Are you ready?" he asked her and she had to roll her eyes.

"You're the one with too much to wear," she pointed out.

He simply shook his head before starting to walk out of their commandeered room.

Well, it was time to get back to her duties.

And with that, she went back to hiding.

Hopefully she'd have enough time to sort through her thoughts.


Shirou found himself trying to push his wasted time out of his head.

He had only intended on getting Lilim to back off by doing the bare minimum required to satisfy her.


But the feeling of her body pressed against his, of her engulfing him in pleasure… it made something in him snap.

He had been unable to think clearly.

All he had known was that he had wanted more.

And when she had tried to get off him, that urge had overtaken him.

He could recall the whole ordeal in vivid detail and had found himself having to resist the urge to continue after he had woken up.

But at least he had managed to keep himself from a repeat performance.

And now he was on his way towards the river for a job that sounded like it could be problematic.

Apparently people who had gone near the River had been going missing recently.

The number of victims had been estimated to number around six people in total.

It might not have been a high number but it was enough to see a trend.

So someone had posted a job to investigate the issue and, if possible, find the missing individuals.

Despite the fact they were clearly hoping the missing people were still alive, it was also clear from the posting that they knew it was unlikely to be the case.

After all, if someone went missing in Tokyo, then they were probably already dead and eaten.

But it didn't change the fact that there was something happening near the river and he was going to do everything he could to make sure it stopped.

He just hoped there hadn't been another victim while he was rutting with Lilim.

The journey to the river took a decent length of time and also rather uneventful.

So he took stock of his current status.

He could still feel his demons in his circuits, their MAG unaffected by his experience with Lilim.

It had also given him an interesting realisation.

While his magic circuits may have collected MAG from the atmosphere, he needed to be the one who activated his circuits for it to be pulled out of them.

It was probalby simply a case of Lilim not knowing how to get into them more than anything else, but it was interesting to learn none the less.

So despite going at it for much longer than he would have liked, his encounter with the beauty had proven beneficial for more than just pleasure.

He found himself hoping that if there was a next time, he would be able to keep himself under control throughout the sitaution.

Because he had a feeling she wasn't going to just let him go with a single session when she outright admitted she had wanted it because she was hungry.

Eventually however, he finally reached the embankment and started following the river towards the ferry station.

He had admittedly been surprised to learn of there being ferry's for crossing the river but given the state of some of the bridges he had quickly come to accept their presence.

There was one major issue however.

Lilim's presence.

She may have been outside of his ability to see but he could still feel her presence, which itself helped mask any weaker demons that may have been near him.

He could however take some relief in the fact that he could still detect other demons; it was just that he'd have to focus to make sure he picked up any changes in the sensation around him.

Eventually he found himself arriving at the Ferry Station.

It wasn't really much to look at; being little more than a shack with a small boat tied nearby and a Hunter dressed in red padding sitting in the shack.

"Hello," he called out, causing the hunter manning the station to jerk up and look in his direction before his posture relaxed.

Obviously the issue with the missing people was worrying him.

"If you're here to cross, I'd recommend finding a bridge," the other man declared, "the waters are a bit more dangerous than normal."

"I'm actually here for the job about the missing people," he said in response.

"Oh, are you sure?" the hunter asked and he nodded even as he finally reached the shack.

"Yeah, it sounds like it needs resolving," he said without delay.

The hunter looked him over for several seconds, his eyes locking onto his left wrist for a few of them before he started talking again.

"You're that kid who can summon without the app aren't you?" the man asked and he felt a sigh escape his mouth.


The man continued looking for several seconds, an act that made him feel twitchy given the situation.

"Do you know anything about the disappearances?" he asked, hoping the man would stop staring at him and instead give him the information he needed to make a start on the job.

"Not much," the man responded, "whatever is doing this isn't leaving much evidence."

That itself made Shirou frown.

"So no fresh blood or anything?" it was about the only thing that could actually be picked up on when searching for clues as to what happened to a missing person; after all, with the streets in such disrepair under normal circumstances there wasn't really any way to find the signs of a struggle.

"None," the other hunter said, "though… we think whatever is doing this is aquatic."

"Because of the river being the common factor?" he asked.

"That and the fact that we found a ferry floating on the river with no one on it," the man responded.

That told him exactly why the man was advising against crossing via boat.

It also meant that the most likely reason for people to go missing without any sign of a struggle was because they had been ambushed from the river and dragged in to either be torn apart or drown.

Neither possibility was particularly pleasant.

"So it's likely striking from the water before anyone knows it's there," he summarised.

"Probably, so be careful when looking for whatever did this," the man told him.

"I'll be fine."

He wasn't like the victims.

They could easily be ambushed by a demon from the water.

But he could literally sense the presence of demons nearby, giving him an early warning system to defend himself against whatever was lurking in the river.

It was simply a matter of getting it within range to strike down.

… maybe Katakirauwa could work as bait?

He knew that the demon was considered a good source of food in Tokyo these days and more importantly, that the Katakirauwa he possessed in his magic circuits was both an asshole and wouldn't actually die if whatever was striking out killed him.

It was at the point where he had seen other demons eating the pig-like demon when he was travelling, so he knew that even demons would eat the pork chop.

But despite that, he needed to get a better idea of where the missing individuals had vanished.

Because discovering that could help him figure out roughly where the target was hunting.

Assuming it wasn't just hunting across the entire river.

"Well, it's your funeral if you fail," the man in red declared.

"I know," he acknowledged, "thank you for the information."

It might not have been much but any information could help.

Now it was simply a matter of scouring the river for anything that could clue him in where to start.

And so, he started on his way to find any sign of what had happened.

Hopefully he'd manage to find whatever was responsible before they managed to claim another victim.


Reiji couldn't stop himself from releasing a sigh as minutes passed after that Shirou kid had left.

Why did he have to be assigned to the ferry station of all places?

The idea of whatever had been taking people getting to him was leaving his nerves a jumbled mess.

But unfortunately HQ had decided someone had to man the ferry despite the last one becoming a victim of whatever was making people disappear.

And he'd been the unlucky bastard assigned to the position.

He just hoped that the red-headed kid wasn't just being arrogant and actually did manage to deal with whatever was taking people.

Shaking his head clear he returned to keeping an eye out for anything out of the ordinary.

Time passed by slowly as he twitched at every shadow that looked like it had so much as twitched.

He was certain he was going to end up being a nervous wreck by the end of the day; the only good thing was that the shack he was in protected him from being snuck up on from the river.

So as long as no one wanted to cross, he should be perfectly fine.

"Nennen kororiyo okororiyo."

His eyes started to sag as something started to sing.

He got off his seat and prepared himself for battle.

"Boyawa yoikoda nenneshina."

He had to shake his head to try and get the tiredness to leave him as his sight turned blurry and he failed to make out the details on his phone.

"Boyano omoriwa dokoe itta."

He needed to do something before he nodded off and he failed to summon his demons as both his sight and motor control failed him.

"Ano yama koete satoe itta."

He walked out of the shack, feeling his balance nearly leave him as his eyes tried to force themselves shut once again.

He needed to do something and he couldn't summon his demons.

"Thank you."

Those were the last words he heard before something grabbed his ankle and pulled.

It was over before he could so much as aim his rifle.

As soon as he hit the water he had found his weapon knocked from his hands.

He couldn't do anything as he tried to hold his breath.

The only thing he could see was a shifting shape in the darkness near his face, a shape he reached out to try and grab.

Before his hands could even get halfway there, the shape was gone and he was left unable to do anything.

He started to thrash desperately.

And then he couldn't hold his breath any longer.

His body gulped and he could feel the water fill his lungs.

It only took a couple more seconds before darkness consumed him.

XXX Chapter End XXX

Anyway... that's all for now.

Shadow Out.