So first of, you've might have seen that I made two new fanfics because I retired three others. That means that there is a new schedule. Here it is.
Mortal Ties (Two Chapters)
Companion of Dragons (Two Chapters)
Phoenix Light
Child of the Moon
Forgotten and Betrayed
Chaos's Chosen
Demigods, Wizards and Magicians
The two chapters thing will stay until I decide to stop it if I do. Anyways, I'll see you next chapter everyone. - Steven
Chapter 6: The Lair of Medusa
Percy's POV
After that disaster on the bus, I was just dying to get something done right, and also have a nice long rest. When we ran into the forest and found this emporium, whatever that is, I got excited. Maybe we could get this nice long rest that I wanted so badly here. We could maybe be able to bunker down for the night perhaps. Anyways, now that I look back at it, it wasn't a good move. Me and Annabeth should have listened to Grover and eventually Phoenix. If you want to know what happened, than let tell you.
Me and Annabeth had already got in, with Phoenix and Grover right behind, and once we did, we had a look at our surroundings. It seemed like no one was here, even with the lights on, and the place was filled with stone statues. They were eerily lifelike, that I could see, and I was creeped out by it, as was everyone else. "What even is this place?" I asked.
"Who knows?" Annabeth replied. "Let's see if anyone is here… well at the moment at least." We went inside, and at first we saw no one there in this place. It was just a dimly lit shop with a counter and more stone statues all around. I was just about to consider abandoning the idea of bunkering down here and instead stealing some things before leaving instead. But suddenly someone walked out from behind the counter, with their head covered in a hood. "What are you kids doing out so late?" it said in a female voice.
"We just… well-" Phoenix started to say, but Annabeth quickly intervened.
"We just wanted to see if we could stay for the night!" she told her.
"And some food while you're at it." I added. "Right guys?" Phoenix and Grover just nodded, although I felt like they seemed uneasy, but I don't know why.
"Well then my dears, let me go whip up something real quick for you all then! I'll be right back." With that she left, and us four were left alone once more.
"You know guys, I really feel like we should leave. This place smells of monsters." Grover told us all.
"I think I'll have to agree with Grover on this one. I just feel like something's up. Come on." Phoenix pleaded.
"It's just nerves." Annabeth dismissed. "Ignore it. Everything's alright."
"Yeah." I said. "Besides, I want some food after all this chaos! If you're so worried, can we at least eat first? Then we can see if we leave or not."
"Fine." Phoenix conceded. We just sat at the various chairs around the counter awkwardly silent for a few minutes when the lady returned. She brought in trays of burgers, fries and shakes, setting them down in front of us one at a time before we all had food. I immediately dug in,an s did everyone else. Even Phoenix and Grover forgot their worries momentarily so that they could eat the food, although of course Grover didn't eat the burger as he was vegetarian. He's a satyr. Anyways, as we finished our meals, the lady asked,
"Was all the food to your liking?"
"It definitely was." I told her.
"Now, thanks for everything, but I think we'll be on our way." Phoenix said as Grover nodded vigorously. The lady seemed to deflate at this.
"Well then, can you at least allow me to take a picture off you lovely kids?" she asked.
"Sure why not? What's the harm?"
She ushered us into another dimly lit room filled with yet again more stone statues. She had us all stand in one spot, getting us in position for this photo, although to what end I didn't know. She didn't have a camera though, which for some reason made me uneasy. I don't know why though. Annabeth also noticed this because she asked, "Where's your camera?"
"Don't worry dears, I'll go get it soon enough. But first, let me take off this blasted hood. I can't see anything with it on." the lady said. She went to take off her hood slowly, and my uneasiness grew. Suddenly, Phoenix yelled, "Get down!" before he jumped onto all three of us, bringing all four of us to the floor as the lady cursed.
"Blasted son of thunder." she said as hissing filled the room.
"She's Medusa." Phoenix said as Grover looked pointedly at me and Annabeth.
"Grover, just pin the blame later. Let's get out of here, preferably alive first." Phoenix said. "On my mark jump out and take cover. Make sure you keep track of her and whatever you do, don't look her in the eyes." We all nodded at the plan. "In three. Tree, two, one, now!" As one we all jumped out from our cover and spread out, hiding behind the statues listening for when the hissing eventually got near enough, and when it did we would move behind another statue. The plan was for one of us to eventually get close enough to kill her, but so far it felt like it wasn't working. I was just standing behind a statue of a man and a woman when I heard a shriek. I peeked out to see Annabeth being held captive by Medusa. A baseball cap laid on the floor as her dagger dropped from her hand. Her eyes were thankfully shut, but Medusa seemed like she was trying to get her to open her eyes. I sw Phoenix sneaking closer to Medusa. He looked at me, and we had a silent conservation, at least we tried to. I'm pretty sure Phoenix wanted me to deal the finishing blow while he distracted her. Suddenly, he jumped out from his hiding spot and slashed wildly at Medusa before running, giving me the chance to get extremely close to her. I breathed in and out a couple of times as she tried to locate Phoenix before I jumped out and swung at her head. A cry echoed through the room as I heard something hit the floor as the hisses faded.
Annabeth dropped to the floor as Grover came out of hiding. "You did it." Phoenix said as he walked over to me. He clapped a hand on my shoulder. "Well done."
"No, I didn't do this alone. You helped as well." I told him. "And.. well I guess I should have listened to your warnings."
"It's fine. Everyone makes mistakes. Now, come on, we have to go. Let's get my dad's bolt back." With that, we left the place behind, and kept heading west to save one master bolt and our world from destruction.