Well, I missed my opportunity to have the story sync up in real time. But, there it is. Thanks to Yukino76 and cassy1994 for those last two reviews to push it to 100. This is definitely the last chapter– and it wraps up my 11th Harry Potter fic. I don't know if there will ever be any more. I'll be concentrating on original works. But I never know when a story will come to me. Thank you all so much for reading!
"Oi, what do you have there?" Pete Quimby asked.
Harry merely blushed.
"Is that–is that a pair of handcuffs?"
"He's done it again," Harry grumbled.
Pete laughed. "You're only cheesed because you didn't think to do it to him this year."
"I thought we were rather past that. Even after a year, embarrassing me still seems to be Draco's favourite pastime."
"But at least this year, you know who's sending you naughty Christmas gifts. Do you think he's actually your Secret Santa or do you think he nicked your real gifts again?"
Harry smirked. "It doesn't matter either way. I'm going to lock him up and teach him a lesson."
"More than I needed to know," Quimby groused, then rubbed his chin thoughtfully.
"Stop," Harry commanded. "No nick-names this year. We called a truce, remember?"
Harry's new Auror partner nodded. "Aye, that we did. I can't come up with one to go with handcuffs at the moment anyway."
Though Harry missed Ron's company in the office and on missions, he knew his best friend was much happier partnering up with George. Pete made a fine enough Auror partner, but he and Harry had only been together six months. They were still getting to know each other.
Draco popped his head in the door.
"Ready for lunch?"
"Yeah." Harry quickly covered the handcuffs on his desk with some parchment paper.
"Oh, by the way," Draco began, "the only night we can get together with Blaise and Pansy is the thirty-first."
"What? New Year's Eve? But the Ministry party . . ."
"We'll make our own party."
"But what about Ron and Hermione?"
"Invite them as well." Draco paused at Harry's expression. "Oh, come now. It wasn't that bad the last time we were all in the same room together."
"Pansy tried to put her hand down Ron's trousers."
"It was a dare. I'll tell her to be on her best behaviour. Besides, she and Blaise are on again, so he'll be able to keep her in line."
"But I was looking forward to the Ministry if Ron and Hermione choose that instead of my place?"
"Then we'll see them on the first."
Harry and Ron sat in the Weasley sitting room eating treacle tarts and pumpkin pasties Christmas day. Presents had all been exchanged and dinner eaten. Ginny had left to spend time with her new boyfriend, and the elder Weasley brothers had taken their families home.
"You could have brought Draco, you know. Mum's still not sure how she feels about you dating Lucius' son, but she wants you to be happy. She would have welcomed him for your sake."
"I know. He needed to spend it with his own family. It's the first time Narcissa and Andromeda have gotten together during the season in . . . well, I don't even know how long."
Ron nodded and took a big bite of tart.
"Speaking of getting together," Harry began, "Draco and I are hosting a New Year's Eve party."
Ron stopped chewing for a moment. "Whah?" He asked with his mouth full.
"We haven't really hosted anything as a couple. I thought it might be fun."
"But what about the Ministry Gala?"
"You don't even work there anymore."
"Yeah, but I heard there's going to be surf and turf. They're going all out," Ron whinged.
"How about if we serve surf and turf?" Harry asked. "We could still dress up and toast the new year in style. It'll be fun. There's even enough room for everyone to stay over so you can all get pissed and not have to apparate home."
"Who do you mean by everyone?"
"You, Hermione . . ." Harry looked away. "Blaise and Pansy," he added quickly.
"You expect Hermione to celebrate with Parkinson after what she did?"
"Draco said it was only a dare. He found out later that Blaise egged her on. She didn't mean anything by it. Hell, the first time I met with them, they both tried to seduce me." Harry chuckled.
"Both? I didn't know Zabini swung that way."
"He doesn't. He was only seeing if I would take the bait. Actually, he and Pansy are an item. So, she'll probably keep her hands off you this time."
"Oh, that's reassuring," Ron said. "Just the fact that you said probably is enough to worry."
"Draco promised they'd both be on their best behaviour. What do you say? The six of us ringing in the new year together. If it doesn't go well, I promise I won't push for it again."
Ron pursed his lips. "I'll have to ask Hermione."
"Please do. But if she's truly against the idea, Draco and I will stop by on the first to wish you both a happy new year."
"Ask Hermione what?" the woman in question asked.
Ron kept quiet, allowing Harry to be the bearer of bad news.
"Draco and I would like to spend New Year's Eve with all of our friends. So, we'd like you and Ron to join us, along with Pansy and Blaise."
"You're not going to the Ministry Gala? I bought a new dress and everything."
"You can still wear it," Harry suggested. "Why don't we all dress for a gala?"
Hermione crossed her arms over her chest. "But do we really have to spend it with Parkinson? I don't trust her."
"I promise she won't misbehave. I'll make it quite clear to her that she must keep her hands to herself. Besides, Ron would never give her a second look. He's devoted to you."
Ron nodded emphatically.
She sighed. "All right."
"Brilliant." Harry smiled. "Thank you. I'll let Draco know. He will be very appreciative."
"You look smashing." Harry said to Draco. "I adore the gold sparkly bow tie."
"I thought it might be nice to be more festive."
"But now I look boring."
"I could never get bored looking at you," Draco said. He pulled Harry in for a kiss. "But if you want, I could transfigure your tie to match."
"Please." Harry stood still while Draco waved his wand over the tie.
Draco stared at Harry. "I love you."
"I know," Harry snickered. "Why do you look so serious?"
"This has been the best year of my life. I'm almost afraid to move on."
"It's just going to get better. I promise. Now, help me get the rest of the food set up. They'll be here any minute."
Draco grabbed Harry's hand. There weren't many times Draco appeared less than confident. Harry wondered if he was simply nervous about all of their friends spending time together. Or was Draco superstitious about the year change? Either way, his hand was shaking.
Harry grasped Draco's other hand. "I don't know why you're trembling. But there's nothing to fear. Whatever happens–tonight, or any other night–I'll be by your side to face it with you. I love you, Draco. I'm sorry I haven't managed to say the words before now. It's not because I haven't felt them."
Draco's eyes sparkled, and not just with tears. Harry was still learning to communicate his feelings better. But he'd finally overcome the last hurdle in opening his heart completely to Draco. He felt vulnerable, and realized Draco had probably been feeling that way for many months.
They were still kissing passionately when Ron and Hermione stepped through the floo.
"Whoa. It's not midnight yet," Ron joked.
"Just getting in some practice," Draco smirked. "I'll get the other tray," he said to Harry.
Harry smiled, thinking there was a bit more bounce to Draco's step than there had been earlier. It pleased him to know he put it there.
"Hermione you look stunning. Glad to see you wore dress robes, Ron."
"Almost didn't. Hermione insisted."
"And rightly so," she said. "Harry, you look very handsome. However, I suspect it has less to do with your clothes, and more to do with Draco."
Nodding, Harry said, "It has everything to do with him."
Blaise and Pansy showed up shortly thereafter. The women complimented one another on their dresses, while the men shook hands. Draco offered starters while Harry poured the wine Blaise brought form his family's winery. Even with the sofa extended and the armchair widened, the seating was cozy. It seemed Pansy was too wrapped up in Blaise to give Ron a second thought this time around. But she did suggest they all play a game or two.
"We don't have games except for chess," Harry said. "You can't play that with six people."
"How about two truths and a lie?" Hermione offered.
"What's that?"
"It was a game we played in Muggle school. Each person tells three things about him or herself. Two are true and one is made up. Everyone else has to guess which is the lie."
"It'll be hard for you and I to come up with lies and not have the other one guess right away, Ron said.
"Well, it can be something from your youth. For example, did you know that I played the lead in my school's production of Snow White?"
"You did? I didn't know that."
Hermione laughed. "That's because it's a lie, Ron. You see? It's easy."
"Ooh, I think I like this game," Pansy said. "Either your truths can be outrageous, or your lie completely plausible. I want to go first."
Harry held his breath wondering what Pansy would come up with.
"I once had sex in a Ministry elevator. I shagged two professors at Hogwarts. And I lost my virginity at fourteen."
"They don't all have to be about shagging, love," Blaise said.
"Of course they do. It's supposed to be fun."
Hermione cleared her throat. "Well I certainly hope there weren't any professors at Hogwarts that would take advantage of a young girl, so I'm going to say that's your lie."
Draco narrowed his eyes at Pansy. "I think you would have told me if you lost your virginity to Knott. Isn't that who you were dating back then? That one is the lie."
Grinning, Blaise said, "I don't think you've ever stepped foot in the Ministry. I'm going with that one."
Pansy turned to Ron. "It's a three-way tie so far. How do you vote?"
Ron's brow furrowed. "They all could easily be true. I can think of a professor or two who'd shag a student. Not that I have any proof, mind you. But the Ministry elevators move at a fast pace. It would have to have been with a man who . . . was quick on the draw."
Everyone laughed.
"I'm guessing if you had actually lost your virginity to Theo Knott, you wouldn't have wanted to admit it," Ron continued.
"Stop thinking like an Auror, Ron. Take a guess," Hermione said.
"Fine. You didn't lose your virginity at fourteen. Harry's turn."
"Um, the elevator one. So, which is it?"
"Hermione won. There may have been a few professors that wanted to shag a sexy young thing like me, but, eeew. They were all so old."
"Is that all that was stopping you?" Blaise snorted.
They took turns all telling their truths and lies. And by the time they'd all finished, it was only half-eleven.
"What should we do now?" Harry asked.
"How about charades?" Draco put forward.
"You're suggesting another game? I thought you didn't care much for games."
Draco shrugged. "It's a party. And that game was entertaining enough."
Pansy clapped her hands. "I love games. Charades sounds delightful. How should we break into teams? Three and three?"
"No," Draco said. "Couples."
"How about if we mix it up to make it more interesting?" Blaise wriggled his eyebrows.
"No, I want to be Harry's partner."
"All right." Harry grinned at him. It seemed ever since Harry finally confessed his love, Draco wasn't loosening his grip in the slightest. Not that Harry minded. "What category should we use? It can't be something like books or films because Pansy and Blaise don't know Muggle cinema and literature."
"How about famous wizards?" Ron asked.
"I think it would be difficult to act out a person's name."
"We could stick to wizarding books. Or perhaps songs."
"Songs. That's a good idea, Blaise," Harry said. "But they should be wizarding songs. No Muggle opera, Draco and Hermione."
"I've got one," Ron said. "Can I go first and get it over with?"
Hermione rolled her eyes. "You're so enthusiastic."
"We need a timer." Pansy waved her wand, reciting a quick spell. An hourglass hovered nearby. "Two minutes?"
"Is that enough?" Draco asked. "We want our partners to have enough time to guess."
"All right. Three." Pansy waved her wand again and a bit more red sand appeared inside the hourglass. "Go."
They all watched as Ron held up two fingers.
"Two words," Hermione said.
Ron nodded and held up one finger.
"First word," Pansy said.
"You're not supposed to guess, love. It's Hermione's turn," Blaise told her.
Ron was holding his hand over his eyes and groping around with the other.
"You can't see," Hermione said. "You're blind."
Ron took his hand away and pointed to his nose. He just stood there grinning.
"What's the second word?" Hermione asked.
Ron rolled his eyes. Clearly, he expected Hermione to get it on the first word alone. He looked around and shrugged.
"Blind Shrug. Blind Shoulder."
"No. That's not a bloody clue," Ron said.
"Oi, no talking aloud," Blaise complained.
Sighing, Ron pushed the end of his nose up.
Hermione continued guessing. "Blind Nose. Nose Blind?"
Ron shook his head. He got down on all fours and pushed his nose up again.
"Kneeling. Um, on the ground. Blind Ground? Blind Animal?"
Ron nodded and gestured with his hand for her to keep guessing.
"An animal. Oh, it must be a pig."
Standing, Ron held out his arms. "I always knew my wife was brilliant."
"Blind Pig? I've never even heard of that. Why did you pick it?" Hermione asked.
"Because it was easy to act out."
"That's a jazz tune. American, I think," Blaise said.
"That's right. Mum always listens to music on the Wireless. I've heard it loads of times."
"Our turn," Pansy squealed.
As hard as she tried, she could only get Blaise to guess the second and fourth words of her song title. The others had a quick go, but none of them guessed Weasley Is Our King within the three minutes allotted.
"We've got just ten minutes before midnight," Harry said. "We should pour champagne."
"There's still time," Draco said. "My turn first."
Once again, Pansy turned the hourglass.
"Four words," Harry said, as Draco held up his fingers, then two. "Second word."
Draco pointed at Harry.
Draco nodded.
"The second word is me."
Draco shook his head and pointed again.
"You just said it was me."
Somewhat frustrated, Draco gestured to himself, then pointed at Harry again.
"Oh. You."
Draco smiled and held up four fingers. Then, he pointed to himself.
"You. No, pointing at me was you. So pointing at yourself means me. Blimey, this is so confusing."
One finger.
"First word."
Draco's brow furrowed, then he tugged his ear.
"No, Harry, I think that means it sounds like something else he's going to act out," Hermione said.
"What is with you women? You're not supposed to help the other teams," Blaise whinged.
"But we didn't establish all the rules beforehand," Hermione defended herself. Is that what you mean, Draco?"
He nodded.
"All right." Harry directed his attention toward Draco, who appeared to be pretending to stab Blaise repeatedly.
"I hope this is a clue and not what you actually want to do to me," Blaise joked.
"Stab. Stabbing. Um, murder. Um, kill."
Draco touched his nose, indicating Harry was on the right track.
"Kill. Bill? Dill? Fill?"
"Are you going to go through the whole bloody alphabet?" Ron asked.
Ignoring him, Harry continued. "Gill? Hill? Jill? Kill? No, kill was the clue. Lill, mill, nil, pill, quill, sill, till, vill, will–
Again, Draco touched his nose.
"Finally." Ron rolled his eyes.
Draco held up three fingers, then tugged his ear.
"Sounds like . . . hug?" Harry questioned when Draco mimed having something in his arms. "Lift, hold, um cradle."
"Jeez, Harry." Ron clamped his hand over his own mouth.
"No hints, Weasley," Blaise said.
"Carry!" Harry shouted. "Sounds like carry. Barry, fairy, Gary, Harry. Not Harry. Larry. Marry."
Draco touched his nose. For a moment Harry blinked, trying to remember all the words he guessed, and in what order. The room was silent.
"You. Me. Will. Marry," Harry whispered. "Will you marry me?"
Draco slowly sunk down on one knee.
"That's not a song." Harry took a deep breath.
"No. It's a question I'd like very much for you to answer."
Harry held up a finger and nodded.
His voice barely above a whisper, Draco said, "One word. Yes."
Harry knelt down and kissed Draco. He heard movement around them, but couldn't be arsed to pay attention to what anyone else was doing. Though Draco's question had been unexpected, Harry knew the timing was flawless. Engaged to man he loved was the perfect way to begin the new year. Draco reached into his pocket and pulled out a gold ring with an onyx inlay.
"This was my great grandfather's. But if you don't like it, you don't have to wear it."
Harry held out his hand in answer.
"Come on, you two," Ron said. "Thirty seconds to midnight. And we have a lot to toast to tonight."
As they stood, Ron handed them each a glass of champagne. Ron took his glass from Hermione and held it up.
"To Harry and Draco. May you be as happy as Hermione and me."
Hermione smiled. "Cheers."
They all clinked their glasses together just as the grandfather clock in the hall began to chime twelve o'clock. Kisses and wishes for the new year were freely given among the unlikely group coming together in friendship.
Having planned her wedding not long ago, Hermione was taken into Pansy's confidence regarding Harry and Draco's wedding. It seemed that if she didn't have one of her own to plan, she'd happily plan theirs.
Harry stood aside watching Draco talk to Blaise. Draco's demeanor was a one-hundred-eighty degree turnaround from earlier. In fact, he was downright bubbly. Harry supposed the champagne could have a little something to do with it. He suspected he himself hadn't stopped smiling since Draco's proposal.
Ron kissed Hermione's cheek, leaving her to discuss venues and dress robes with Pansy, and stood next to Harry.
"This is what you want?" he asked.
Harry nodded. "Yeah. It is. This is what I've wanted for a long time, I suppose. All of us coming together. I also suppose I'm quite selfish for wanting it all."
"A bit."
Harry elbowed him in the ribs. "What do you think your family will say?"
"My family? They're yours too. And I think they'll be thrilled." Ron took a sip of champagne. "Do you think we ought to tell the girls there's no point in discussing wedding plans? Mum's going to have the last say anyway."
Harry laughed. "Nah. They're getting along and having fun. Besides, they'll all have to contend with Narcissa."
"Why are we surrounded by such bossy women?" Ron laughed.
They stood in comfortable silence, drinking and contemplating the new year. Harry was lost in thought, rubbing his finger over the ring to which he was unaccustomed, when Ron spoke again.
"Happy New Year, Harry."
"Happy New Year, Ron."
Mischief Managed