I walked to school with a spring in my step. Firstly, because today's physics class had been cancelled due to the teacher getting sick and the substitute, and the materials got lost and I swear I had nothing to do with it. Secondly, well, secondly was meeting me half way.
"Hey Marinette." Adrien said walking along side me.
"Hi." I replied lacing my fingers with his.
We walked in comfortable silence before Adrien asked,
"So… does everyone in class hate me?"
He was nervous. And cute. And nervously cute.
"No." I replied. "Not everyone hates you. Alya is fine because… well she's in on everything. Nino I think will be alright with some explaining and I think if you just give everyone some time things will be back to normal… well, almost everyone."
We were on the steps of the school and I caught Chloe's glare. I sighed as she started to walk up to us. Of course she would catch us outside.
"What are you doing with him?!" Chloe jabbed. "I mean, it was obvious that you were in on Hawkmoth's schemes but what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in like the electrical chair? Or prison?"
"First of all, juvenile law breakers don't get the electrical chair or prison, don't be stupid Chloe. And secondly, we are not criminals. His father was the bad guy not him."
"He's actually a hero." I resisted adding on.
"And Marinette had nothing to do with it." Adrien defended.
"Oh really, you just expect me to believe that?" Chloe snorted. It was an ugly snort. "Everyone knows you two are in cahoots with each other."
"Well… they're not wrong." Adrien said slyly. "We are partners." Adrien said before coming close and kissing me.
Now I had many daydreams, dreams, figments of imagination where Adrien kissed me. They were all wonderful but I swear, his real kiss made all the fantasies fade away and explode into fireworks around me. I melted into the kiss and forgot all about Chloe steaming in front of us. Breaking me out of the moment was Alya's loud whistle and yell,
"It's about time you two! We've been waiting for the kiss for forever!"
Nino was beside her, putting his arm around her, smiling. I blushed the shade of my suit and Adrien was doing the same. It was so embarrassing.
"Whatever." Chloe said before storming off, really mad.
"Well that was easy." Adrien commented after Chloe had left. "Shall we head to class, my lady?"
I didn't hear a word he said or understood anything which had happened my brain was just reeling from the kiss.
"Earth to Marinette?" Alya called.
When I didn't respond, Alya walked over and patted Adrien on the shoulder.
"It's okay, give her a few days to recover and I'm sure you guys will be fine. I mean, she's dreamed about that for ages-"
"Aly-ya!" I stuttered.
"Really?" Adrien smirked.
I was so screwed.
Before anything else could happen, I started running; totally ditching school but it was worth it. That day on the news, Chat Noir was spotted chasing after a girl all day.
Nearly everything was perfect.
I sat in my room smiling. It had been a good day. I opened my mouth to call for Tikki before remembering she wasn't there. I sighed. Opening the trapdoor, I breathed in the fresh air, leaning on the ladder.
I wished for Tikki but in my heart, I was sure I would probably never see her again. Hawkmoth had been defeated and there was no need for Ladybug anymore. Adrien had his miraculous and he could still fight and stop crime but Ladybug wasn't needed to purify anymore akumas.
Even though I had been a superhero for a while and loved every second of it, I didn't mind the thought of having a break.
Now, I could be Marinette.
Adrien sat down opposite his father, bullet proof glass window separating them. It pained him to do this, but he had to. Adrien didn't believe his father was all gone, that there was no hope for him. Dad had just wanted to bring Mom back and if Adrien somehow lost Marinette, he would have probably considered or done the same thing. So here Adrien was, trying to reach out and bring his father home.
The girl fiddled with the earrings. She had recognized them when she first saw them on the ground. They were Ladybug's earrings, a.k.a. her miraculous. She smirked. With this, she would have the power. The people would adore her. Everyone would love her! Including a certain green eyed super hero. The girl sighed.
Her one true love for life, Chat Noir would believe she was the true ladybug and they would fall in love and be happy with each other for forever and ever.
The girl smiled. Yes, everything was going to work out.
But first, she would need a name. Not Ladybug, it was not only already used, but too childish and lame. No, her name would be Lady Scarlet.
She laughed.
Author's note
And that was the set up to the sequel which will never happen! Yes, no sequel! Sorry about that but Fanfiction is not my life and I have other things which keep me busy. But I couldn't just end it with Tikki being gone. Someone had to pick up the miraculous.
I mean, I thought about Chat taking the miraculous and giving it back but… Nah...
Thank you to everyone who liked the story! And Reviewed! Cookies to my reviewers! I really hope you all truly enjoyed the story.
Also, apologies for how some chapters have *line breaks* and others have an actually line break. But if I upload things from my tablet then I can't access the actual line break.
Thank goodness the VPN is up and running! I love it so much!
Maybe if you really want it… I'll consider doing a sequel… but… I don't know… it's up to you guys! Choose and tell me if you want a sequel or not.
Btw, I'm not doing anything illegal writing my stories for you guys. The website has just been banned from the internet. If I drop off for one or two years, it's because they did something to the app. But I don't think that will happen. I have a friend in New Zealand who can post for me too! See? No problem!