He started to improve, slowly.
He was still very weak, but he was happy to be released from the med bay and return to his room.
He was making an effort to eat, although his appetite was small and the nausea seemed to be a constant problem. At first, the exhaustion he felt after his illness meant that he was getting some sleep, but as he started to recover, his insomnia returned. Doctor Perry was forced to prescribe sleeping pills for him until the counseling would hopefully banish some of his demons. On really bad nights, Tony would try to talk to him until he slept. If he couldn't get back to sleep, Tony would put on a movie and they'd watch it together until one of them - usually Tony, but occasionally Lucas - fell asleep again.
He begged to return to work, and they agreed to put him on light duties. Although he was eating more, he was still seriously underweight and too weak to work a regular shift, but they all felt it would do him good to be working again.
On his first day back he'd been assigned to work on the bridge. Even though he'd only been working for a couple of hours, he was shocked by how tired he was. He knew that Tim O'Neill would be joining him for dinner - Hudson had stuck to his promise that one of his friends would be with him at every meal to make sure he ate - and he looked over to see how much longer they had on their shift.
With relief he saw the second shift walking onto the bridge. Tim handed over his headset, and Commander Ford was giving the captain a report on their status.
Lucas stood up on shaky legs and took a moment to steady himself, something that wasn't missed by Commander Ford and Captain Hudson.
"Dismissed, Mr. Ford."
"Thank you."
He walked over to Lucas and put an arm around his shoulders. Lucas blushed but accepted the help.
They headed to the mess hall, with Tim catching them up a few minutes later.
"Hey guys, what's the hurry?"
"I think Lucas needs to eat something before he falls down."
Tim looked at his friend and then positioned himself to support Lucas on the other side.
"Guys, I'm fine! Really. I'm just a little tired."
The words would have been more convincing if he hadn't stumbled as he walked.
Tim looked worried.
"Commander, why don't you take him to his room and I'll bring some food for the three of us. We can eat there, if Lucas doesn't mind?"
Lucas bit his lip. He hated being this weak, but honestly, he just wanted to lie down and sleep. He nodded.
Ford and O'Neill shared a worried glance.
"Can you make it to your quarters if I help?"
He blushed even harder, but nodded. "Yeah. I'm sorry."
"No need to be sorry. Let's go."
They moved slowly, and Lucas was trembling when they got there. Ford guided him to the bed, and he moved back and leaned on the pillows of Tony's bunk. Within seconds, he fallen asleep.
Tim arrived a little while later with the food. He looked worried.
"Sorry, there was a line. Is he okay?"
"Just tired, I think. Fell asleep the minute his head hit the pillow. Hold on, I'll wake him."
Lucas felt himself being shaken awake.
"Come on, Lucas. You know you have to eat something first."
Lucas pushed himself up and Ford guided him to the table while Tim set the food in front of him. He was so tired he could barely bring the food to his mouth.
"Just a little more, okay?"
"'Kay." He chewed mechanically and then gulped down the orange juice that Tim handed him.
"Can I sleep now?"
"Sure Lucas."
Ford helped him back to the bed and helped him take off his shoes. Tim handed him the t-shirt he slept in, and Lucas quickly changed before he leaned back on Tony's pillows and once more fell asleep.
When Tony returned to his quarters later that night, he found Ford and Tim playing cards while Lucas slept on his bunk.
"Hey guys. What's going on? Luke alright?"
"Just tired, I think."
"How's he sleeping?"
"Pretty well so far. Hope you don't mind us staying, we wanted to make sure he was okay."
"No, that's okay."
"'Fraid it looks like you'll be swapping bunks tonight."
"That's fine. What y'playin'?"
"Rummy. Want in?"
They played a few hands together before they heard a noise from the bunk. Before they could move, Lucas opened his eyes and saw them.
He looked around him.
"Why am I in Tony's bunk?"
"You fell asleep."
"Huh." He sat up. "Sorry."
He pushed himself up and swayed for a moment. Tony was beside him in an instant.
"Hey, where ya goin'?"
Lucas yawned and rubbed his hand through his hair. "Bathroom." He padded off with bare feet.
"Why is it that whenever he's sleepy he looks like he's fifteen again?" Tim asked the others.
They grinned back at him.
Ford looked serious for a moment.
"Maybe that's what we should do, watch him sleep for a few hours each week to remember how young he is. That's where it all went wrong. We all forgot that he's still just a kid, however much of a genius he is."
"Yeah, well, we won't make that mistake again, will we?"
They met each other's eyes, a pact passing between them. A promise.
They were going to take better care of him from now on.
He was going to be okay.
They'd make sure of it.
The End?
Author's note - this is the end of the story as I originally wrote it, but I keep wondering if it needs more resolution. Thoughts?
Also, many thanks to all who reviewed and gave me their input. It was greatly appreciated. Thank you, and thank you to everyone who read it!