Feral Compulsion
"Chapter Five"

After what was probably 2 hours later, Logan and Harry were slowly walking with Jean as she gave a tour of the mansion. Harry, however, stuck to Logan's arm and side like glue. Jumping if a teenager happened to run past or say "Hi" to Jean. Harry wasn't used to seeing other people, let alone walking around in open space. His thin legs, which had gained some flesh from their time at the Mansion, still lacked muscle and he didn't know if he was breathing hard because he was afraid of every living thing in this building or if his body was being freaky.

"This is the joint living area." He caught Jean saying. Grateful that she kept walking when the 3 people in the said living area began to look their way and huddle together in hushed whispers he could barely make out with his strong hearing.

They continued down a hallway that leads to what looked to be a front entrance. Jean steered them off to the left and toward a closed-door where she paused. "Professor Xavier would love to meet with the two of you," Jean said as soft as she possibly could manage. Knowing that right now, at the current stage of their healing, these two men were very likely to not have a handle on their emotions like the other mutants here. They didn't talk about their time with The Labs much. Harry seemed to the most, almost like he didn't have anything else in his life before then. Considering the child looked in his mid-teens he probably spent little time there. Knowing he'd have just come into his mutation(s). If what the professor assumed was correct, Harry was the child of two mutants. He had shared these thoughts with Jean, and Hank. Hank has been a study of human biology in his free time. He would know more than anyone what to look for in dual mutations.

"Would you like me to wait for you? I can show you to lunch, after. It will be in half an hour." Jean asked.

"Yea." Logan said without missing a beat. Harry beside him just staring at Jean as he clung to Logan. Almost willing her not to send them into this unknown man's office.

Harry didn't like what was happening. Everything was going too fast, this was all new and scary and he didn't know what to expect. Before waking up here he knew what to do, how to react. Here, though, nobody would tell him the rules and he hoped that doing whatever Logan did wouldn't earn him a punishment.

Logan grabbed the door handle and pulled Harry with him. He had his elbow bent like he was escorting someone of the fairer gender. Who was he kidding he was still escorting someone fairer. He had no shame in this. Opening the door, Logan was greeted by a navy blue oval room with white curtains blowing in the wind from the open window to his right and left. He almost forgot to breathe as the cottonwood that drifted in brought him back to 1889 when he was learning to harvest corn properly. Not knowing at the time that the gardener he was learning from was actually his father, Thomas Logan.

"Afternoon, gentlemen." Came the voice of the only man in the room. Ripping Logan from his memories with startling clarity that his life had changed a lot since then. Hopefully, things would go a little smoother now that he wasn't alone.

Logan saw Harry open mouth gaping at the man sitting before them before he literally hid behind him like a child going to school on their first day. Now having his arm wrapped behind his back like he was being arrested, Logan couldn't help but find humor in this a little. If anyone else had held his arm like this he'd probably strangle them, but Harry? Harry could do just about anything he pleased and he'd be happy with the result.

Logan couldn't help but stare at the person in front of him though. Albeit less openly than Harry. The man before them was seated in a wheelchair that was situated behind a mahogany wood desk. The very air of the person's presence smelled of professionalism, and Logan couldn't help but be impressed with the man's aura. The man had fair skin, but no hair which seemed peculiar. The more Logan met this man's gaze he was certain they had put their trust in the right man.

"Take a seat, please!" The man said with a firm yet soft voice. Logan glanced towards his right to where Harry had his arm wrapped around his back, then brought his eyes back to the Professor. He could only hum in disagreement, a small rumble accompanying the vocal.

Where they stood right now, they were in the middle of the room. Something that suited Logan perfectly. Harry and he kept to the center of their metal room to not let any surprises hit them from the men who watched them and also liked to "play" with them.

Logan had once tried sleeping next to the door. Thinking that would be a better advantage. He was so wrong. The "guards" had nailed him with a powerful paralyzing agent and taught him why he should follow the rules. They knew very well that his healing factor made sedatives less effective, so they'd used something William Stryker had cooked up just for him. Making him watch as they castrated Harry in their hate-filled fun. Harry had been gone to the world for a whole week as that grew back with his slower healing. He had been somewhere in his mind, somewhere Logan didn't want to know about.

Logan was brought out of his morbid thoughts when the two chairs in front of him slid back about 3 feet. Placing them a further distance from the wise-looking mutant in front of them. This appeased him more.

Seating Harry in the chair furthest from this unknown man, Logan glanced at his mate/charge before speaking. "What do you want from us?" Logan asked simply. Not knowing his voice sounded as tired as his 200+ mind felt.

Charles didn't answer right away. Causing Harry to glance towards Logan, nervously wrapping his arms around his stomach. "I want you two to heal, and maybe join other mutants at this school. We can help you have a better future."

Logan of a year and a half ago would have retorted that his life was fine and he didn't need any meddling in his affairs. Especially considering he knew Sabertooth was growing his Homo-Superior Brotherhood. He knew he had been close when he'd been captured. That was why he was captured. Nobody else would have been able to get the drop on him. Nobody. Well, maybe William Styker. The bastard was definitely going to die by his claws if he had anything to say about it. Now, though? Now he had someone else to take care of. Someone who needed him to be safe. "Say we would need more help," Logan said crossing his arms. Knowing he was not as imposing as he used to be when he was 300 pounds and about a third of that was adamantium weight. Now he was lucky if he was 200. "What would you be able to help us with?" He asked, in question.

"This is a school for gifted youngsters. For mutants to seek refuge and learn. Harry could continue his education, and we could always use more teachers, but under that, you can seek solace from the grievous discrimination you two have experienced." Xavier said calmly and sincerely. "No more running and no more tireless searches in the night."

Not picking up any sign of distrust from the man or ill will, he glanced toward Harry. Who happened to glance towards him and catch his eye. Logan could see now; how closed off the younger mutant seemed. So much more despondent, he had a guarded look in his eyes. Something Logan knew he'd acquired well into his teens as well, but maybe he could offer Harry a better future if they stayed here.

Xavier knew too much about his habits. How he knew, he didn't really know. The dominant feral never felt he'd put himself in such a delicate predicament, he felt like his neck was sticking way to far out trying to say what he wanted to say. "We'll stay." Logan was too worried in his own thoughts about Xavier, and Sabertooth that he missed the small smile of happiness that graced Harry's face. Charles Xavier did not.

Author: Just a word of calm note, I've had it mentioned that people are worried Harry is under age. That is not the case. Don't worry.