Here you go fans! The next chapter of the tiny adventures of Marinette and the others! What perspective do you want to see: The boys or Marinette? You can comment below!

Miraculous Mysteries

The underground civilization of the Borrowers was a bustling city underneath the roots of the main tree in the backyard. The cities and homes were composed of various seeds and pods made together with the infinite sap from the bowels of the tree. They were dressed in clothes that Marinette and her family had made. They were the colony's dressmakers and were responsible for making the clothes. Bridgette, however, was a Borrower at heart and joined the recon team to gather the materials needed for the colony. It was a perilous job to do, but they were the only brave ones to do so. In the colony, those who gathered and borrow were revered as heroes and champions.

And why couldn't she be like her older sister?

"It's just not fair Mama, I can do just as much as she can." Marinette complained, sewing another button on the dress she had just been working all week on. It was a red dress with black polka-dots and a cape to go with. She was designing it for when she could escape her home and actually go hunting for once. Cooping her here would do no good. She was just too adventurous for being a housewife.

"Marinette, you know you're too young to be borrowing. Bridgette has been doing that job for years." Sabine told her daughter, making her pout. "I know how eager you are to become a Borrower, but you must have patience. The day will come when you can go up to the human house and that day wasn't today!"

Marinette hung her head in shame. "I'm s-s-sorry..."

"When your father comes home, we will be discussing a proper punishment for you. If you think this will go unnoticed, then you are frightfully wrong."

Marinette sighed and looked out the window to see the underground caverns she'd grown accustomed to. The earthly soil just made her anxious to go upwards. Seeing the dirt, rocks, and roots were driving her mad.

One day...She vowed, crossing her fingers tightly. I will go above and see what those humans were!

She recalled the look of the handsome boy, all sullen and sad. She took his features in quite well, every strand of his blonde hair and the sparkling emerald of his eyes. Her cheeks burned crimson as she realized that the boy had embedded his face in her mind. Her heartbeat quicken as she walked back from the window.

What is this that I'm feeling? I only caught a glimpse of this boy. How can I have an infatuation with someone I just spied on? Marinette smiled as she sewn more buttons on the dress. She had to go back to that house and see him again.

Felix sighed under his breath as he tried to open the book while Adrien tried to look over his shoulder. They were sitting on the couch by the sliding glass window. He wanted to read the story that their mother had left them. But his brother was being a big pest about it.

"Adrien, if you don't sit down at once, I will make sure this book hits your head hard." Felix grumbled, making Adrien stop moving.

"At least read it aloud so that I can hear!" The youngest Agreste brother protested, giving him a pout. "Every-time we find something on mother, you always keep it from me."

Part of him wanted to deny this, but he was right. Felix had always gotten the heirlooms that their father gave them. He had even received the watch that she'd worn to her first modeling outlet. Adrien only had her umbrella from one of her most popular movies. Maybe he'd let him see this one heirloom...

"Fine, but we aren't children Adrien. I refuse to read aloud."

"Then can I and you can listen? You need to relax for once, you're too serious for this world!" He grabbed the book from his hands and smiled. "Will you allow me to do that?"

Felix grumbled and crossed his arms, but gestured for him to read the darn book.

Tikki smiled from the kitchen as she made the dinner for that night. It warmed her heart to find the sons of Emilie having so much fun together. She cut the vegetables for the salad as Plagg hopped onto the counter-top, dropping what seemed like a small needle by her hand. She rubbed his fur, making him purr loudly.

"Silly kitty, I know you know that the Borrowers live here." She told him, watching his head cock to the side. "Let's keep that a secret from the boys though! We can't have them figuring out all the secrets of this old house."

Adrien cracked opened the book and found that it was covered from head to toe with different designs from many of the various plants and animals from the garden area. Felix was surprised to see the text and comments she left on each page, describing what each one signified. Page after page of the house and the yard bombarded their senses. Then they rested their eyes on one page in particular.

Miraculous: The History of the Borrowers

"Miraculous? Isn't that what the title of the last movie she was ever in?" Felix said, his face furrowing in confusion.

"Yeah, that was the movie where she starred as the peacock warrior from the secret kingdom!" Adrien smiled, remembering that beautiful blue dress she had worn. Her hair was in a bun with a peacock clip in it. Her warm smile graced his thoughts when she had dressed him and Felix up for the premier of that movie. They had both worn green bowties with black suits.

"I believe this is one of the clues she left for us." Felix said, looking at Adrien's shocked face. "We need to read that story!"

"Alright, we have time before dinner." Adrien looked down at the book once more. "Here we go..."

The kingdoms of the Miraculous were once together in complete harmony. The seven rulers of the land ruled with absolute truth between themselves. The one that reigned them all was Ladybug, the Queen of Luck and by her side was Chat, the King of Chaos. Their union was one to be celebrated because without them, the kingdoms would cease to be.

What does this chapter have to do with the past life of Emilie Agreste? How does Tikki know about the Borrowers? Find out next time!

Heads up, that's the confirmed name of Mrs. Agreste! See the more recent episode!