A girl was loitering in a damp alley, with a black hood pulled up over her face. Harry Potter, the boy who had defied Lord Voldemort on several occasions, was walking down that specific alley, trying to catch up with is cousin, Dudley Dursley. The girl with the hood caught glimpses of conversation, like: "This is night. That's what we call it when everything goes dark," and "Who's Cedric, your boyfriend?" Harry drew is wand from his pocket. After a thorough shouting match between the two boys on Harry's wand, Dudley gave a shuddering gasp. "What are you doing?" He asked. "Stop it!"

"I'm not doing anything! Don't move." Harry moved forward a few steps. He pocketed his wand.

"I'll t-tell Dad!" Dudley said.

"Shut up and lis-" Harry stopped talking. The girl looked up. At the entrance to the alleyway there were cloaked figures, who seemed to be floating. They were taking long, rattling breaths. "Cut it out!" Dudley yelled. Harry drew his wand. "I'll hit you!"

"Just shut up Dudley!"


Harry was sent flying, his wand flew out of his hand and landed somewhere in the darkness. "Lumos," the girl whispered. She found Harry's wand whilst he was looking away. She placed it down beside him, then whispered "Nox" and went back to leaning against the wall. A dementor was floating towards Harry, leaving the girl unnoticed. Harry picked up his wand, wondering how it got there, when the dementor's formless face was mere inches away from his own. He was blacking out, when he heard the cry of:

"EXPECTO PATRONUM!" He saw a fawn chase away the dementor attacking him before dissolving into nothing. Then he heard Dudley screaming. Another dementor was leaning forward, about to perform 'The Kiss'. Harry tried to think of something happy. Ron and Hermione! "Expecto Patronum!" A stag erupted out of his wand, chasing away Dudley's dementor. "Are you okay?" The girl said softly.

Harry jumped, having not seen her there. "Oh, of course!" He said. "I don't mean to be rude, but who are you?"

"I'm Camellia. Your Harry Potter, aren't you?" She said.

"Ah, yeah," Harry said. Dudley moaned. "Should I take him back?"

"I'll help." Camellia muttered. Mrs. Figg, Harry's crazy neighbor came running towards them. Harry stuffed his wand into his pocket.

"Don't put that away! What if there's more of them. Come! I'll take you back to your house. I'm going to kill Mundungus Fletcher!" Mrs. Figg yelled.

"It's all right, Arabella. He's with me." Camellia said. Mrs. Figg jumped as well, and started muttering about Camellia's annoying habit of blending in. "Go. I'll explain." Mrs. Figg rushed off in an annoyed state. "But first-" Camellia said as Harry bent down to pick Dudley up. Waving her wand she murmured "Expecto patronum," and a fawn ran forwards. "C'mere. Send this to Dumbledore; "Harry is all right. Send someone over to help with the ride." Now go!" The fawn ran off. Harry looked at her, confused, but she merely said "I'll explain to the muggles."