
I checked the timer again and again. I knew there wasn't going to be enough time, not from experience, but by the gut wrenching feeling at that very moment. There were still too many wires that I had to sort through, too many precautions I couldn't afford to take. Not with the little amount of time I had left to diffuse the bomb.

Shit. We were so screwed.

"How's it goin' over there, bud?" I hear Jack call from somewhere behind me. Still probably feeling the need to watch my back even though the bad guy was already apprehended by the police that were outside the building, barricading. But I didn't really mind. It helped to calm Jack a bit.

Wiping sweat from my eyes, I debated on whether or not to be straight with my partner. Even though I already knew any kind of facade would be shattered once Jack heard it. But after glancing at the few rapidly disappearing seconds, I knew I couldn't sugar coat it.

"Jack, you gotta get out of here. Now! There's not enough time!" I tried explaining rapidly, feeling tears start to well up in my eyes at the thought of losing my best friend. I was so desperate to get through to my partner. Jack smirked at me and crossed to where I sat cross legged in front of the bomb with me. Looking as calm as could be.

"Not gonna happen, brother."

And then it blew.