It's been a while since I last updated this fic. I apologize for that. Since the next chapter of my main fic is going to be written by someone else, I had time to work on this.
This time Eve is about to receive an unexpected proposition from Noblesse, who also has a surprise for her. Who knows what would happen, I hope you enjoy finding out :3
Eve followed Lu for a long while. They were walking in silence, something that almost anyone would find awkward or even unsettling, but it was a rather comfortable situation for Eve. She was following her because she was curious about what business Lu could have with her. While the so called devil queen was one of the most lively members of the group, she rarely speaks to someone else than her bodyguard and personal butler: Ciel. And right now, this person is having a little bit of trouble with Eve right now. Maybe Lu wants to speak on his stead or something.
After their long walk, Eve started smelling something in the air. It was some kind of baked bread. After making it through a particularly thick wall of trees, she spotted what seemed to be a mountain Inn. She didn't knew there was one in that forest to begin with, although the inn seemed pretty old. It was a two storey building with a straw roof. There was rustic looking logs sticking out of the walls that served as beans and the windows didn't had a glass on them. There was some tables in front of it gathered around a barbeque. All the façade was covered in vines from which beautiful white flowers grew. In the door you could see a post hand painted with a large "Come warm up your heart."
It was still pretty early in the morning, however there was already some people having their breakfast on the outside. The barbeque was lit, however without food on it; most likely serving as a way to keep the cold away. Eve was wondering what they were doing there, however Lu walked straight up to the door and signaled Eve to follow her.
The insides where unexpectedly good. Eve thought she would find old and moldy wooden floors with years old furniture. However the insides were made of clean and bright sequoia wood. The vines that grow in the outside walls had been artificially directed inside to act as arcs for the doors that connected the different areas of the first floor. Everything in there was connected without doors or glass. Right by the entrance, there was a tavern, with a large bar full of drinks and several comfy looking stools waiting to be filled. Instead of the usual tall tables with uncomfortably tall stools, there was low tables with muffled couches around them. And of top of it, a fireplace big enough to roast an entire pig still crackling with what seemed to be yesterday's remains of wood. Each table was decorated with a candle shaped as an animal, and blue flowers. Lu pointed at one table with a tiger shaped candle and they took their seats.
From there, Eve could see the rest of the first floor. One arc leaded into what seemed to be a games room, with different entertainments that ranged from tall libraries to a table to play poker or other games. She could even see some musical instruments waiting to be played. On the other access, she saw the check out desk and the stairs that headed into the second floor, which was most likely where the rooms were.
Once they were seated, a waitress dressed with a red checkered apron took their orders. She was pretty young, however the old fashioned apron and the white rag she wore on her head to keep the hair from ended in the food made her look more older than she was. While Lu asked for some fancy drink Eve didn't knew, the Nasod girl settled with a glass of milk.
"Are you going to tell me why are we here now?" Eve asked. Even with her curiosity, she was starting to feel a bit bored of all the silence.
"This inn is pretty popular on the area. I heard from it when we passed through the city, and Raven also know it, however he doesn't want us to rent rooms here. For some reason he believes that sleeping on the ground in a cold night is going to make us stronger or something,"
As she was speaking, the waitress arrived with their drinks. Even if Lu has a mature attitude or dresses as a true demon queen, people still feels weird for her to ask for alcohol. However this waitress didn't even made a single question. Either she didn't cared or, most likely; she already knew Lu.
"I don't think that's the reason you dragged me here," Eve said. Lu looked at her with a faint smile.
"Right to the point huh?" Lu downed her whole drink in a go and moved to look at the window "I want to sleep with you,"
She didn't said anything more. Eve was about to deny her, but she was curious about this proposal so she decided to ask.
"Please elaborate."
"I don't think there's too much to explain, or there is? It's as simple as it sounds. The two of us in a bed doing all kinds of kinky stuff."
"I was asking about the reasons or motives you may have. I didn't expect you to have that kind of interest in me. Is it a romantic one, or pure sexual attraction?"
Lu pouted and sighed before answering. "Do you really need to know those things? Ok, fine. The reason I want to do it is because I'm curious. Ciel can't stop speaking about that time you two did it and, while it was really annoying at first, I ended up becoming curious about it. Are you happy now?"
"It's only natural that I want to know about it. However, I must say no. I'm currently building a love relationship with Aisha, and I believe that intimating with someone else in the meanwhile would make her angry enough to terminate our relationship."
"Oh, come on. This is why I wanted to go slowly about this, you know? If you allowed me to seduce you a bit before proposing you this I bet you would have a different answer."
"My answer would be the same even if you try to confuse me with this lie you call seduction,"
"But still, you didn't said no. It would be ok as long as Aisha allows it, right?" Lu asked, with a glint of hope in her eyes.
"I'm not willing to ask her permission for that, and I doubt she'll agree with you, not to mention that, even if I hadn't denied you yet, I didn't said I wanted to do it either.
"Yeah yeah… we can worry about that later. Now, if you excuse me, I have something important to do… Wait for me here," She said, giving Eve a key attached to a small piece of wood with a number on it before storming out into the woods again. Eve tried to stop her but it was to no avail.
She looked at the key in her hands. The number on the wood keychain was 104. She considered giving the keys to the waitress and leaving, however curiosity got the best of her and she asked on the checkout counter where was this room. There was a middle aged man behind the counter reading a newspaper big enough to cover half of his body. When Eve rang the bell on the counter he glanced at her over the news paper. His face was pretty wrinkly considering his age, and the small beard he was keeping had brown stains from the excess of coffee that he should drink.
"Are you here for the little girl?" The man asked.
"Miss Luciela Sourcream," Eve clarified.
"Oh, that was her name. Stairs up, the last door on the left. If you need anything let us know but I think you would find anything you may need in the room."
He resumed reading his newspaper and ignoring her. Eve started climbing the stairs while wondering what those things they may need would be. The second floor of the inn was slightly different from the first. Instead of wood, the floor was laid with beautiful and smooth white tiles and covered in a red carpet with a nice golden pattern on it. The doors on both sides of the hallway were decorated with flowers and had their assigned number in metallic signs at their side. It was easy to find her room since there weren't more than 10 of them. While walking through the hallway, she saw some tables with trays on them and several notes and empty papers. It seemed to be some kind of self-service. It was a strange way to do it though, it looked like they were trying to allow the customer to avoid any contact with anyone else. Even the person at the reception seemed to be trying to do the same.
That wasn't the rustic charm one would expect from such a place like this. She entered the room that Lu rented. It was smaller than she expected, which was more evident with the amount of stuff that there was in the room. The door couldn't open properly since there was a locker right next to it. Eve wondered why it had so many empty spaces for shoes when the room was clearly for one person (or less). Half the room was occupied by the bed, which was unusually large. It was by difference the best thing in the room. A white feather bedspread decorated with hearts covered the entirety of it giving the bed a comfy look. However, the rest of the furniture seemed really plain. Not bad quality, just arranged there in a very lazy way, as if someone needed to have exactly those items in the room, but didn't care much about how would they look. A large minibar that, with the drawer next to it; covered the entire wall in front of the bed. A library with so much dust that it was hard to see the books beneath it. A dining table placed in a corner with only two seats on it. Next to the window there was a fireplace made of white bricks that looked a bit out of place there. However, without glass for the windows it was a bit necessary.
Eve sat on the bed, it was as comfortable as it looked. This place was surely estrange, from the outside the place looked a bit rustic, but the inside suggested luxury. However, the rooms weren't exactly luxurious. Knowing Lu, this was probably the best, or at least the most expensive one; from all the rooms. She thought about Lu's proposition. Although it was impossible for her to get permission from Aisha, she should at least have an answer from when she comes back. To her, Lu had always been a very buzzy and careless person. She looked like a kid when she joined the team despite having huge strength, and even now that, after recovering part of her power; she grew into a decent looking girl, that childish demeanour remained in her. But while her behaviour was highly off putting, she was still good looking.
This is a situation that Eve already saw on her studies. There were several books where the characters would ignore each other's personality for the sake of a one night thing. She kind of did that with her other partners, but in their cases it wasn't necessary to ignore their personalities, they weren't that troublesome after all.
So, judging Lu by her looks; Eve imagined her naked, lying in bed and motioning for her to lay at her side. She saw the demon girl naked enough times to be able to make this idea in her head, but she never saw her doing something that a human would classify as sexy. But surely there was a certain attractive to her: an innocent looking girl that actually wants to have a one night relationship. She also was a demon, a real one, unlike Ciel; which was also an addition to her curiosity.
And curiosity was what she was feeling at this point. Eve was bored of waiting and started to roam the room. Or at least trying since it was so cramped. She opened the drawer and took a look in there. Surprisingly there were clothes there. They were inside separate sacks with a note saying when they were last cleaned. Another odd detail for this place. Eve took one of the sacks and open it. She was surprised to find a piece of lingerie inside. It was probably a bit excessive: a dark blue see-through nightie that covered only half of the breasts. She picked another one and find a similar piece of underwear on it. After checking some of them it was made clear that all of these were erotic lingerie for women.
And suddenly Eve realized what was going on on this odd inn. This place was supposed to be a place for sexual relationships. Something that Eve also had read about: love inns were people would take their lovers or even prostitutes. She wondered how would react Lu if she arrives and see her waiting wearing one of those daring outfits. Eve already saw this kind of clothes before, and even if it was something she wouldn't admit, she wanted to try them. At least to see how she would look like in one of them.
If Lu was going to try and convince Aisha, she should have time to try on one or two of them. Looking through the different ones she took out of their bags she decided to try the most plain looking one first. It was a cyan nightie with black lace on the waist. She hesitated a bit before starting to stip her clothes off. The nightie also had matching blue underwear to put on beneath. Once she was clad in the new outfit, she turned the drawer door to look in its mirror. The nightie was shorter than her usual black dress, and the upper part of it didn't covered her shoulders. She could get a peek of her own panties with almost every movement. However, as lewd as it might be; this piece of cloth gave her an interesting figure. It was thin and light in a way that stuck to the body without barely touching it, giving it a mysterious fleeting feeling, the black lace on the waist also created the illusion that her legs were way longer, and the contrast from her snowy white skin with the black fabric made them look even more pure and pristine.
It wasn't bad, that was her overall opinion on the lingerie. But now she was feeling like trying on something more daring. She ruffled through the clothes that were now lying in a disorganized pile on top of the bed and chose one that looked a bit more… interesting. This one was a black see through nightdress. It was longer than the previous one, reaching to her knees, but it was so thin that it didn't hide her at all. All that it did was give her white skin a darker tone that made it look slightly mysterious. She would actually like it, if it weren't by the fact that the upper part was a bit too much. The upper part of the nightdress was shaped as a bra with lace similar to that of the previous nightie. However, while the lace was more efficient hiding her breast, the bra had two small windows from where her nipples were exposed. Clearly this piece was made to show as much as it could while hiding as less as possible. Which was made clear when she inspected the matching underwear this piece had. Similar to the bra, they were some nice looking lace panties, with the slight problem that it had a similar window exposing her most private part.
This design was created for no other purpose than sexual entertainment, and it was embarrassing only to wear them. However, looking at herself in the mirror Eve started to enjoy it a little. It wasn't something that she would ever wear outside of such an uncommon event, but… The nice contrast between her white skin and the black cloth, the way that the see-through fabric enhanced the beauty of her legs, the caramel tone that it casted over her body… She was enjoying looking at herself. And the exposed parts, that were initially really off putting started to be more… interesting. It wasn't like being exposed for others to see, it was actually a way to let her partner to stimulate and please her.
Eve was still looking at herself on the glass when she heard the door unlocking. She immediately jumped away from the perverted stack of clothes to her side and covered her body as best as she could, but on her way to get away from the clues, she bumped into the library, making some of the books to fell and a cloud of dust to rise. Pretty much for the newcomer entertainment, who was still at the door laughing at her overreaction.
"Calm down, it's me," Lu said, coming in and closing the door.
"Why didn't you knock before butting in?" Eve protested, still hiding her body while trying to get her clothes off the ground.
"I wasn't expecting you to be… so impatient about this," She said, laughing more. It was hurting Eve's ego to get that reaction, but she didn't said anything about it "Jokes aside, I had a little chat with Aisha. What do you think she said?"
Eve remained silent, still trying to put on her clothes without giving Lu any more exposure.
"Come on, Eve; show some interest on it, or else I'll start feeling like you don't want to do this…" Lu said. She climbed the bed and kicked the pile of lingerie in the ground "Aisha said it was fine,"
Eve looked at her with an eyebrow raised, it was hard to believe that from someone so schemy as Lu.
"Well, she first went full on playing dumb, saying that she didn't knew what I was talking about. Then she started to say things like we're not in a real relationship or I-It's not like that!" Lu said, imitating the embarrassed voice of Aisha. "In the end she said that as long as it's fine with you, you can do as you want."
That did sound like something Aisha would say, or so Eve thought. It was a bit saddening. Eve was really interested in developing this deeper relationship, but given the circumstances they started it, it was only natural for her to consider this a mere open relationship. It pained to her that her actions before asking Aisha out were making her unable to give Eve all of her affection.
"So, now that you have permission, and that you're looking ready…" Lu said, already moving her hands towards the covered area in Eve's clothes. However she stopped her in her tracks.
"Wait, you're not expecting me to stay like this, aren't you?" Eve asked.
"Well, I was going to ask you to put them on for me but since you already did on your own… You don't like them?"
It wasn't that she didn't like the lingerie. It was too embarrassing for her, not to mention the humiliation that it was being spotted trying on such outfits. Now it was hard for her to get in the mood.
"Alright, don't worry Eve, I know what do, you're going to love it," She said, pulling Eve from her hand and inviting her to lay in the bed "I'm going to give you a little show,"
Lu got out of bed and picked up the pile of lingerie. Using the drawer doors as curtains she started to undress, making sure that she wasn't on sight while still hanging each piece of clothing that she removed from her body. One by one Eve could see her clothes falling from her hand. Her gloves, the long boots, the tie on her dress… Lu paid special care to her panties, which she took a peek from beneath the door with them in her hand.
At least Eve wasn't trying to hide her body, or at least not in the same way. She was sitting in bed with her arms around her knees. Lu couldn't see nothing too revealing from there, but it was a start. At least she was watching her instead of getting dressed and leave the room.
After the demon girl had finished removing all her clothes, Eve heard a rustle behind the door and sooner than later Lu jumped out of it. She was wearing one of the lingerie pieces. It was a pink bra with a see-through curtain attached to it that reached to the navel and matching side-tied pink panties. She smiled playfully while posing for Eve. Looking at her with a wink, bending slightly to lay her hands on her thigh and turning around to move her ass in a bouncy way.
"What do you think?" Lu asked, looking at her with a hand on her waist and another one on the back of her head, still showing Eve her back.
"It suits you."
"Oh, come on; I bet you could say something better… wait a moment," Lu said before rushing again into the safety of the drawer doors to get changed again.
She changed a lot faster this time and popped out of cover in a really different piece of clothing, if it could be called that. Two tiny red triangles were all that covered her breasts, enough to hide her nipples but still showing the soft pink skin around them. And the lower part was as revealing, with nothing but a string to cover the rear and a heart shaped piece in the front. Lu posed again for Eve, hoping to get a better reaction.
"Isn't that a bit too much?" Eve questioned.
"It's making your heart rush?" Lu asked, changing her pose to a full stand with one hand on her hip and another one on the drawer door.
"It's making me worry about your choices in life…"
"Eve! Hey, I'm trying to set the mood here… You like this things right? You did try some of them while I was away,"
"I only tried two of them…" She said, averting her gaze.
"I have an idea, why don't you pick one for me? One that you like?... And then you can have fun ripping it off from me," She said with a giggle at the end. Eve rolled her eyes, but she did started to look through the available clothes.
Something that she would like. That was a weird question, she never considered what she would like her partner to dress. There was all kinds of erotic pieces there to choose from, but they were far too excessive to be considered as serious for her. It was ironic that clothes made for this single purpose were too much for it. Still, while looking through the pile, she started to think about her previous partners.
Aisha wears normal underwear. It's hard for Eve to think about her with something like this on. And that was fine, she looked cute in her white silk panties. Raven and Ciel however only wear trunks, and she can't definitely picture them wearing something more sexy. Are there any kind of underwear that can be considered sexy for men anyways?
After rejecting countless laced nightgowns, scantily underwear and other garments she wasn't able to identify, she finally stumbled onto something that caught her eyes. She took it from beneath the pile and handled it to Lu.
"This? I see… Give me a second," She said, grabbing the outfit and getting changed.
It was more similar to a swimsuit than lingerie. A black one-piece with matching kneesocks and a diadem. However, the central part of the one-piece was slightly see-through, highlighting the shape of the chest and waist. There were some tiny details that were what caught Eve's eye. On top of the panties area there where two small triangles that, in combination with the pattern on the kneesocks, reminded her of a cat. The kneesocks had a cat face with the same triangles on its front hem and a tail design on the back and the head accessory had two fluffy cat ears attached to eat that blended with Lu almost perfect, if it weren't for the black and white difference in hair color. She stepped out of the cover and started to pose for Eve blending forward with a hand on her knee and the other in a fist that resembled a cat's paw.
"Do you like this one? Does it suit me?" Lu asked, a bit impatient to get a good reaction from Eve. However to her dismay Eve was silently staring at her without saying anything "Well, at least tell me if it looks bad."
"Oh, you look cute with that. I apologize, I'm not good with this kind of words."
"There's nothing to apologize for, Eve," Lu said, looking at herself in the mirror "This outfit it's really cute, although I wonder where it came from… So you really like cute things, no doubt you're so in love with Aisha," She added with a chuckle.
Eve averted her gaze without answering and Lu could see her face going slightly red. It would go unnoticed if her skin wasn't so pale. She took this chance to close in, surprising Eve when she looked back at her. The fact that Eve barely speaks was actually useful here, since Lu didn't want to drag this moment any more. She slowly reached for her hips, feeling the silky fabric from the nightdress on her hands and slowly pulled her closer. So close that they could feel each other breath on their face, Lu stared at her golden eyes and smiled before getting closer. She caressed Eve's lips with hers slowly, giving time for her to start mimicking her actions. It was a quiet movement, they closed their eyes and little by little locked their lips in a never ending kiss. The only sound cutting their sweet moment was their breathing. A soft sound that could be mistaken from a muffled moan. It was a comfortable situation, none of them felt like they should do nothing more, but still, they kept feeling the unavoidable surge of lust on their bodies.
Lu was first, sticking her tongue out to lick her lips, a motion that she repeated until she could find her way through her lips, where she found Eve's tongue, as willing as she to take a taste of each other. At first it was just a quick taste and it quickly developed to an intertwined dance between their mouths. Their breath was more agitated now, and their eyes were half open. Eve embraced Lu and started walking backwards, sitting in the bed and leading Lu to ride astride on her lap. Without breaking their kiss, Lu started moving her hands along Eve's thighs, gently caressing them and sliding her fingers beneath the nightie. The soft and warm skin below leaded her from her waist and through her sides. She pushed Eve against her and was able to feel her exposed nipples rubbing on her chest. Lu broke the kiss, her tongue was feeling a bit numb from the continuous licking, but she was able to endure it. Leaving a thin trail of saliva from her mouth and over the neck, she planted a kiss on her right nipple. Eve gasped at the sudden cold feeling, but then arched her back, sticking her chest out. Lu closed her mouth around the sweet nipple, sucking on it and pinching it with her lips. It was as soft as a tiny cotton ball, and it even had a sweet taste to it. She continued playing around with her, making the soft nipple get slightly harder under the touch of her tongue. With one ready, she jumped onto the another one. Again, she sucked and pinched it until she could hear some moans coming out from her partner. Lu didn't left the other one alone for too long and moved back to it, using her hand to caress the other one. She could feel Eve's body heating up as she was starting to squirm in response to her tongue movements.
Gently, Lu pushed Eve on her back and quickly grabbed her arms, pressing them down over her head. She continued to feed on her breasts on a fast licking motion of her tongue over her nipples. Eve squirmed, unconsciously she was trying to free her hands to sink Lu's face on her chest even more. A sound moan came out of her mouth and she saw Lu's eyes turn to fix on hers. Her voice was turning the devil on and in consequence, Lu was making her nipple teasing more and more intense. Eve could see Lu move her hand down her body and start rubbing between her legs at the same time that she started to let out some moans. She finally stopped teasing her nipples and stood tall, looking at her partner below her with an impatient smirk. Lu crawled over the bed, moving her hips next to Eve's face, she finally let go of her arms and started touching her own breasts.
"Eve… what about you give me a little service here?"
Eve moved her hands to her hips, and before doing anything more, she lifted Lu, startling her. She landed between Eve's legs, with her own legs resting on her shoulders. She tried to get back up but wasn't able to move.
The Nasod smiled at her, she pushed her legs aside and glared at her crotch before slowly touching it with her tongue. Even through the clothes, Eve felt the sour taste of the juices flowing on the other side. She started teasing Lu back by licking the fabric. She could feel the swollen lips below. But being way more generous than Lu, Eve decided to pull the cloth to the side just enough to reveal her wet womanhood. Lu looked at her with a mixture of surprise and beg and Eve granted her a sweet soft kiss on these lips. She continued to kiss her with the utmost care, making sure that not even a single spot of her waiting body would miss her lips. Then she started playing with the sweet pearl that crowned her folds. She licked it, moving it from side to side, up and down and even back and forward. Coiling her tongue around it and pressing on it several times, she felt the folds below starting to twitch as more juices began to overflow.
Eve focused only on treat in front of her and keep diggin in, paying attention to nothing else than Lu's moans and gasps. Her cute voice was slowly raising as the pleasure kept building up on her hips. Reaching for the zipper on her outfit, Eve tugged it down and let the clothes slowly separate from the owner. Although removing them in that position would be pretty difficult, Eve let them stay for a while, since she was pursuing another goal. Hearing how Lu changed from moans to cries of pleasure, she kept pressing the soft ball on top of her pussy. Lu's voice became more agitated and heavy, she felt the pleasure spreading as a hot wave from the tip of Eve's tongue to every inch of her body and at the same time, something going down her back and hips. She was at her limit already, a few lickings away from reaching her climax. She locked her legs around Eve's head and begged her to keep going. The Nasod complied and sank her tongue between the welcoming wet flesh. She could feel her insides pulsating from the pleasure. It didn't take more than a few movements to make Lu burst in a sonorous orgasm that splashed Eve's face with her juices.
The demon girl went limp, exhausted from the surge of pleasure that coursed through her body. Eve carefully let her legs down and lied next to her.
"I wasn't expecting you to be so good at this…" Lu said, still recovering her breath.
"I had many chances to practice with Aisha," Eve answered. While it could be a joke, she didn't make it sound like one.
"I see… now I'm jealous," Lu said, laughing. She was starting to recover. First she seated up on bed. "Also Eve, there's one little thing I still have to tell you about this."
"What is it?" Eve asked with distrustful look.
Just as Lu said that, someone knocked on the door. Lu quickly got out of bed and was about to open the door when she was stopped by Eve, pulling her arm strongly enough to launch the little girl back on the bed.
"Hey, calm down. It's Ciel, I sensed him arriving," Lu said, getting up again.
"What is that that you had to tell me?" Eve asked, still not letting her arm go.
"Oh, well. I originally was planning to ask you to… well, give Ciel a second chance," Lu started to say "But then I felt like if he was so crazy about it I should try it too at least."
"Please get to the point," Eve complained.
"Yeah yeah… so he was asking me to convince you to give him another chance and then I had this wild idea " Eve was starting to frown at her statement "If it's so good, why don't do it the three of us?"
"I refuse," Eve answered.
"Oh, don't be like that. You were so doubtful a couple of hours ago and look at you now, ravishing this pure body and wearing such lewd clothing," Lu started to say, but has to stop right there as she noticed rage building on the Nasod. Which was a feat on itself, since she rarely breaks her poker face.
Ciel knocked on the door again and Lu was quick to open it this time before Eve could stop her again. She grabbed Ciel from his coat and pulled him inside the room, closing the door behind. Ciel stared at Lu, her outfit was still unzipped and it had fallen just enough to show her bare breasts, not to mention the multiple strings of fluids that were all around her legs. He was so distracted with her that he didn't noticed Eve until a while ago. He almost dropped his jaw after seeing the outfit she was wearing. Even while she tried to hide her body again, he could easily see the saliva all over her breasts and how her panties were soaked wet as well.
"I think I need an explanation on what's going on," Ciel said.
"Get out of here!" Eve protested, threatening him with her finger.
"Calm down Eve. Ciel, do you remember what we talked just yesterday. Well, guess what, your master has achieved it."
"Wait, have you agreed to do this?" Ciel asked looking at Eve, who was hiding behind Lu now.
"Let me talk with her," Lu said, crawling back over the bed to whisper in her ear. As much as Eve wished for both of them to go away right now, she allowed Lu to defend herself for now. "Come on Eve, I assure you that you'll enjoy it, and I promise that Ciel won't bother you anymore with this matter after this. You'll make both of us very happy, and think about how many chances at achieving a threesome you would ever have?"
"Eve, I wasn't told about this either, well, we talk about it but I didn't think that Lu would do it for real." Ciel said, still staring at the two beauties that he might have the chance to simultaneously make love to.
"You say that Ciel, but look at you. You couldn't be more eager for this," Lu said, pointing at his hips. There was a large bump still growing on his pants.
Lu grabbed Ciel from the hem of his pants and pulled him closer to the bed. She caressed the hidden member through the clothes while glancing at Eve. The Nasod wasn't convinced yet, and it was annoying Lu how she was so close to achieve her goal but she was still resisting. She started to strip him without taking her eyes out of the girl next to her. First the heavy coat and the shirt. She ran her hands through his muscular chest before proceeding to undo his pants and pulling them down. Without the help of the pants, his trunks weren't so good at hiding his growing manhood.
Lu pulled them down allowing the hardened member to bounce off its containment. Without saying anything, she gave it a kiss and started to lick around the tip with slow and careful movements. Although Eve was still not joining them, she was paying attention to every move from Lu. The devil, knowing that she had her undivided attention, opened her mouth to fit as much of that mast as she could on it. Once it reached its limit, she pulled it out, sucking on it with her lips. She pushed herself over it once more, reaching slightly deeper this time. Ciel was starting to let out long and heavy sighs. Lu stopped her sucking to look at Eve and signal for her to get closer.
"Let's do this, Eve, I promise it will be good,"
At this point, it wasn't that much relevant for her anymore. Ciel was someone who she had already slept with, and also Lu now. The feeling good that she was promising could be true or not, but having already pushed the little girl to her climax once without herself being able to get off was grinding on her nerves a bit. She slowly crawled next to her, which made her smile.
"What about we skip to the main dish them?" Lu said, moving behind Eve.
Lu sat behind her and pulled her over, using herself as Eve's backrest. She gave her a reassuring kiss while treading with her hands down her body. She lifted the nightdress and gently pushed Eve's legs to the sides. Her body was still wet and warm, ready to welcome a new guest to their little lewd session. Eve felt a slight embarrassment, being exposed like that with that outfit, but it soon banished when she saw Ciel kneeling in front of her. He pointed his thing at her, slowly letting it rest on top of her twitching gap. He bent forward, placing his hands on her breasts. Lu let her lips go for a second before Ciel took them, interlocking in a wet kiss as he had his share of fun with the uncovered nipples. With his thing resting on top of her, she could feel it grinding against her sensitive folds with every movement. He pulled back and looked down now, using his hands to help direct his thing. Eve waited there, with Lu still spreading her own legs, she felt the demon kissing her on the neck while Ciel started to prod her entrance. The purple tip slowly started to sink in her as it found its way into the crevice. The wetness was just perfect to allow it to easily slide inside. He kept his teasingly slow rhythm, watching how his mast was being swallowed little by little by her body.
"Ciel, she'll start to hate you if you tease her too much,"
Not totally false, but it was still enough to prompt him to move a little faster. With a gentle push, the entire purple tip was inside her. He moved into another position, crawling closer to her, and started to push his thing again. This time with a more firm rhythm. The several folds and shapes of her insides were caressing his thing in a delightful way. Lu had taken her lips again, she could feel Eve's moans and yelps being muffled in her own mouth. However she did returned the kiss, pulling from her tongue to engage in a more passionate saliva exchange.
Ciel kept on pressing until he felt her hips hitting on his. Her insides were so hot right now that they threatened to melt him, and they were pulsating from her rushed heartbeat. He started to move back and forth and, at the same time; Lu broke the kiss to hear Eve's voice. She was dying to let out her moans at this point. She took this chance to change position, letting her rest her back on the bed with Ciel still working on her insides. Lu stared at both of them for a bit. He was shoving that large mast inside her, she could almost hear the liquid being squirted out of it with every charge. The movements that Eve's body were making in reaction to the pleasure and her expression: a mixture of poker face with a lustful expression that was taking over. All of it was turning her on even more.
Lu ducked next to her hips and without warning she started to lick on her clitoris. She let out an immediate yelp from the surprise, whoever Lu didn't stop. Eve was moaning, the movements from Lu's tongue were pushing her delicate pearl against the pennis that was ramming her. Her most sensitive spot was being stimulated by two opposing forces, it was strange but pleasurable enough to make her head spin.
"Come on Ciel, move faster or she'll fall asleep," Lu protested. Her servant was happy to comply and he started to increase the rhythm of his pounding, making Eve's moans even louder. Then, Lu moved again on top of Eve, placing once again her hips over the Nasod's face "Eve, can you make me feel like that again?"
It was almost immediate, Lu felt her skillful tongue darting inside her folds. She resumed her work on her as well, using both her hands and tongue to suck out every drop of pleasure she could get from her sweet spot. Eve's head was spinning. She could feel Ciel pummeling her deepest insides with every lunge, sending a shocking jolt of pleasure through her. Her flesh was hugging it, trying to catch that thing inside of her and being dragged along on it's way in and out. And at the same time the wet and soft tongue from Lu that was still pleasing her sweetest part.
His thing was so unbearably hot, each charge felt like it would melt her; and Lu was giving a cool contrast with her tongue. She could feel his thing twitching and pulsating, it was ready to discharge its load at any moment now. Even when all she could see was Lu's ass from there, she was sure that he might look like he was about to burst.
"Girls, I can't hold it any longer…" Ciel said, increasing the speed of his ramms.
"Do it, give that sweet milk to her Ciel," Lu prompted.
As if were an order, Ciel jammed his thing all the way inside her. Eve felt a burning hot liquid filling her insides. It spreaded through the small gaps between her flesh and the member there and started to ooze out. Ciel pulled out his thing and Lu clamped her mouth around the leaking gap. Eve felt how she sucked out every juice that was flowing from her and gladly swallowed it.
Eve lied there, unmoving, resting from the exhaustion they had. She could even try to sleep now, since there was a peace feeling traveling her body now, replacing the twitching pleasure that shocked her just now.
"Hey Eve! Don't give up now. We still have the room until tomorrow morning!" Lu cheerfully said, already crawling on top of her. She moved to give her lower lips a kiss with her own womanhood.
"You can't be serious," Eve protested.
"Hang in there Eve" I hope all of you enjoyed, who knows when I'll update this again after all :3