the gates at once known as Peverell Castle, anyone would have shivered at the sight. No longer was it the grand castle once was, seeing as the castle and grounds looked withered and derelict. the gates creaked open slowly, as if they were trying to give off an ominous warning.
Walking down the path, but then Death slowed for a moment as his eyes caught sight of a few dead and rotting carcasses. Of those who once how dear to deny and to oppose his Mistress now lay dead on castle grand. If the outside of the castle had been dreary, it was nothing compared to the inside. Dimly lit by torches in rusty brackets, a human could hardly even see anything in the castle, except for the long, scarlet carpet leading up a set of stairs. The entrance hall was shrouded in darkness, The once grand statues that stood proudly had been blasted to bits, and their pieces were scattered across the floor. The same had been done for some of the rare and expensive vases, and their dead flowers and leaves lay decaying where they had fallen. But Death didn't care as he walked up the stairs, maneuvered with an ease if it was someone else they would, tripping over a step here and there.
Up, up, up they went, up staircase after staircase, until finally, Death reached a room that looked very much like a cathedral. It was long, the ceiling was so high that you couldn't see it in the dim lights coming from the torches on the walls, along with three chandeliers that were hanging from the dark ceiling by thick chains.
At the end of the hall stood an ominous throne that was made of black marble that was very cushioned. Either side of the throne were two statues basilisk in a coil position ready to strike. Sitting on this Thorn was woman who seem to be staring space. An impeccable beauty, the woman with lustrous jet-black hair and the face of a goddess. She has ruby red irises and vertically split pupils she seem to wearing a pure white dress with silky gloves covering her slender hands, and a golden spider web necklace that covers her shoulders and chest.
To A stranger that has never laid eyes upon her would even mistaken her for a doll, if her chest were not moving that is. This woman name is Helena Lillian Potter the girl who lived.
Helena missed the sky that was once upon a time blue–now an awful shade of dark green with a tint of black, or the ocean that used to be so vast and beautiful, now just a desolated wasteland of sand and bones. She could no longer stand the sight of this crumbling planet.
when a hooded figure was formed, its cloak billowing eerily and its hood shading its features. The cloaked figure was tall; around six three, and thin. As his present seems to snap her out of her wondering.
Helena and the cloaked figure both stared at one another with Helena's piercing scarlet eyes spoke up.
"State your name and purpose of your visit." Her voice was still lovely the sound of an angel, but it still came out strong and demanding. Helena's accent was unusual if one were to not know she had talked in the tongue of serpents for decades.
"I am Death." The cloaked being introduced itself with a somewhat airy and carefree tone.
"You are neither dreaming nor hallucinating." Death replied as he looked at his Mistress
"Why have you come? Are you here to take me away?" Helena questioned once more as her blazing scarlet eyes narrowed in suspicion, yet there was hope as well. Hope that this being would take away all her suffering and let her rest with her loved ones.
"Take you away? In a way." The being answered slowly.
The only indication that Helena was listening was the subtle twitch of her crossed ankles. Death glided towards his Mistress and stopped at an arm's length.
This made Helena stiffen, but she refused to move away or show any signs of weakness.
"You should have noticed by now, that you do not age like normal humans, both Muggle –or Parasites by your dictionary– and Wizard alike." Helena hummed her agreement but remained silent. "Death is eternal, and so is its Master or its Mistress. As I exist forever, so do you, Mistress of Death."
"…Mistress of Death?"
Then it clicked.
"The Hallows…"
"Correct. Just like wands, the Hallows choose their rightful master; you were and are the only one worthy enough to hold all three."
Helena looked at death and asked, "you said you can take me away how?" Death chuckled and said, "Let me explain my Mistress it called an Undisclosed blood adoption."
Helena waited for Death to continue explanation that would probably not happen if she were to not ask.
"…Would it kill you to elaborate without my asking?" she questioned
"Perhaps it would." Death answered while looking at his mistress.
Helena crossed her arms over her chest in a sulky way that made her servant chuckle in mirth.
"Forgive me, my Mistress, if you were as old as I am, you would find entertainment in leaving out …details." Helena pinched the bridge of her nose in exasperation. "But as I am… fond of you, I will keep this habit to a minimum."
"That would be much appreciated." Helena sighed.
"After your body's de-aging, I will need two Magicals of your choosing into procrea–"
"What if I were to want parents that are non-existent?" Helena interrupted as an idea formed.
"… I assume you will want to be in a specific lineage?"
"The Gaunts." She asked with Death.
"There are other universes where Marvolo Gaunt has siblings or more children." Helena gave an upward tilt of the lips, glad that Death picked up on that she wanted to be related to the man she highly respected.
"Where Marvolo has a sibling whom gave birth to a daughter?"
"There is."
"And others are the same?"
"Will I retain my looks?" Helena traced her features with feather light touches absentmindedly, as if to memorize them just in case.
"The blood adoption will not interfere with your current appearance, but would you like me to remove all your scars on your body, my Mistress?"
"You may remove, the grotesque scars from my body that includes the lightning bolt scar I got all those years ago, these scars will look quite disturbing on a young woman's body. But as for the less grotesque scars… Each one is a reminder of how weak I was, without them I would lose my ambition of growing stronger." Helena fingered the scar that was wrapped around her neck –mockingly alike a bobwire choker – with immense resentment.
Death eyed the scar, and underneath Its shadowed hood, Its eyes flashed with murderous rage.
"Very well. Afterwards, I will personally compel the two to have sexual intercourse with one another before modifying your bearer's memory of your birth. As much faith as I have with my magic that humans have no way of detecting, it would be safer for them to act on it rather than to have someone question your birth."
It waited for Its Mistress to digest the information for his plans before It continued.
"I will be the one who cares for you whilst you are still a newborn."
Helena looked doubtful for a split second before returning to her default, serene expression. Death either missed or ignored it as It continued.
"I am in need of a few minutes to find such a universe."
"You may take as long as you need." Death closed Its eyes underneath Its hood and relaxed Its body while remained standing.
Half an hour was passed with Helena reading one of her many books while petting her beloved pet before Death twitched.
"Mistress, I have found a place where Marvolo Gaunt indeed has a little brother, Mordenkainen Gaunt. He ran away from home once he reached seventeen and after killing his father. He then raped a woman, leading to him having a Daughter named Lavinia. I have already compelled him and your blood mother into having intercourse."
"And who is this blood mother?"
"Well Mistress, why not find out yourself?"
"Oh, a mystery. Any more surprises?"
"Some people are not born, and some are. Some things have never been discovered or made. The world has a lot of mysteries left unsolved."
"So what you're saying is that… That universe is alike, but different as well. This would mean that my information or history here should be crossed referenced, lest I say things that have yet to exist."
Helena placed her fingers on her chin as she thought out loud.
"And the date?"
"1943 of October."
"My birth will be around July of 1944? How coincidental." Helena snorted in an unladylike manner as her servant chuckled.
"And you?"
"I can travel around without any restriction, Mistress."
"Then you would not mind holding onto my treasures while we travel would you?" Helena asked not wanting to leave everything behind.
"I would not."
Helena waved her hand as a very large emerald green trunk flew towards her, already shrunk and secured to the highest possible level. All items were already packed beforehand in case of any emergency scenarios –even though her wards are impeccable, one can never be sure. It seemed that her previous mentor's word of Constant Vigilance has been drilled into her mind Helena mused.
Death accepted the miniature trunk with a tilt of Its head and stored it inside Its cloak. "Please hold on to it with care until I request of them," Helena asked knowing death will hold on to all of her belongings. "Yes, my Mistress. Before I forget once again, I have a gift for you."
"Oh?" A flash of surprise from Helena's scarlet eyes came as fast as it went. Death pulled out a vial that was covered with scratch marks from Its cloak. The inside was filled with a silvery mist. "The things I touch usually tend to be damaged or rot away unless I wear gloves."
Helena almost wanted to lean away from the entity. Almost. "May I ask what that is?" asked Helena as she looked at Death with a raised eyebrow. "A partially damaged glass vial; often used to store potions or medication," Death said with amusement tone in his voice. A frustrated sound was made by Helena as she sighed in defeat. As she asked, "And what is inside said glass vial that you hold within your right hand at this very moment?"
Death made an amusing sound from the back of Its throat. And answered his mistress question. "A soul." "A soul?" Helena asked questioningly while looking at Death. "Yes, a soul." Death answered while looking at his Mistress.
"And whose soul is that you are holding imprison?" asked Helena as she looked at the soul. "One of its pieces used to be stored in a black diary before I forcefully sewn all of them together." Death said as Helena Looked at him and said: "Perhaps you are referring to a black diary, one with an initial of T.M.R. on the cover and an inscription of T.M. Riddle inside the first page of said diary?" Death nodded at both of his Mistress spoken and unspoken questions before handing the vial to his Mistress.
Helena accepted it and stared at it in awe as she held the glass vial with the most caution and gentle hands fearing that she will drop and damage the glass vial.
It was really beautiful. Who would've thought such a corrupted soul could be breathtaking? Helena thought as she asked the question that seems to be bothering her. "Why are you giving me his soul? Will he be following us?"
"Indeed he will, but as he has nobody, I am devastated to say that you will need to provide him with one naturally." Death answered as Helena just stared at him.
"…?" that's when it finally hit her as she said in very weak voice. "…Are you saying what I think you're saying?" Helena asked scared of the answer. "If what you are saying is indeed what I am thinking then yes."
"You–... That–... Argh! I need to produce a body for him!? An actual body being born from myself!?" Helena yelled in shock. "You have always dreamt of being a mother… Was I wrong?" Death said as he looked at his mistress with amusement.
"Of course not!" Helena's composure was destroyed as she blushed a bright red and facepalmed with a pinched expression. "So I need to have sex with a random guy before you could plant the soul inside my fetus?" Helena asked as she couldn't contain a shudder at the thought of being intimate with a stranger or anyone in fact. She handed back the fragile container and It placed the vial inside one of Its many pockets.
"You will insert it, not I and before you ask, my Mistress, he will not retain his appearance but would take much of yours."
"What do you mean I will implant the soul? And perhaps you do not know, but we do look very much alike but I'm a female version of the man." Much to Ginevra's horror. Helena could still remember when her features had started to change after she had hit her 17th birthday. Only the youngest Weasley knew whom her features were turning into, and it had freaked her so much that she almost drove a stake into her chest when she was having a sleepover at the Burrow.
"Indeed I do know, as well as to the reason why." Death said.
Helena made an irritated sound and huffed out in frustration. It has been so long since she showed any emotion other than boredom, rage, and bloodlust freely. In just over an hour, Death had already accomplished the things that even her Parasite toys had failed to do.
Death stared at his Mistress as she continued to mumble out incoherent hisses.
"What about his memories?" Helena finally huffed out.
"All are intact."
"Would that not mean he will remember his life… and death?" Helena asked a bit worried.
"Indeed he will." Death answered.
"He would kill me once he finds out I was his killer," Helena questioned as she looked at Death.
"And he would not succeed."
Helena sighed. She knew that even with the soul's memories intact, she would still out-power the soul. Helena knew she was a monster in human skin after all.
"Will all the gold in my trunk will be enough?" Helena questioned worriedly for her Future Finance.
"You don't have to worry my Mistress. Death's Vault will be efficient enough and its… untouchable."
"Excellent… Will I be getting my own name?" Helena asked as she always wanted to change her name.
"If you so wish to." Death answered his Mistress.
"Finally, I get to choose a much better name than my current mundane one! " Helena explained excitedly. After finalizing everything to the tiniest details to avoid any potential danger to her new identity, Helena narrowed her eyes as she strokes her pet's head.
"When will we be leaving?"
"Now if you so wish it." Death held out his hand, waiting for his Mistress to accept it. Helena placed her smaller, slender gloved hand upon Death's bigger and pallor palm.
As soon as Death's fingers entwined with her's, Helena felt her body shudder. Her scarlet eyes widen and brightened to crimson in unmasked pain. It was a feeling she had become unfamiliar with. Excruciating pain that she once felt when her equal tortured her when those disgusting Parasites experimented on her.
Helena's vision started spinning with rainbow-colored, everything became blurry as tears trail down her slowly fattening cheeks. Just as inky black spots appear, an arm hooked around her waist and she disappeared.
On the year 2678, Helena Lillian Potter vanished, leaving only a desecrated Castle.