Pain, pain was all Blu could feel.

He felt like he had been burned then drowned in the ocean.

He slowly opened his eyes, only to be met with searing pain from his eyes and chest,

He groaned in pain before opening his eyes again, slowly, and looking at his chest.

He went wide eyed upon seeing a long metal pole, embedded in his chest.

He also saw the countless pieces of medical equipment around him and the plastic mask he wore on his beak.

He tried to move his head to look around but found that he was held in place by several casts that held his spine, head and limbs in place.

He noted that the only light in the room was a single ceiling light.

"Am I in a hospital?" he asked, sadly he received no reply.

"Of course" he chuckled, but then the memories of what he had done rushed back.

He jumped up in a mix of fear and surprise, "holy shit, I did that!?".

Him jumping caused pain to shoot through his body, "of course, I nearly died. Let's have every move feel like getting shot".

He sat down in silence, the city outside being quiet due to the fact that he had awoken in the depths of night.

All he had were his thoughts, but they kept drifting to one thing: Jewel.

Was she alright?

Where is she?

Is she hot when she bathes?

Blu put on a weird face upon saying the last one, "Okay Blu, put this on the list, check mental state. That was pretty messed up".

Blu suk back into his bed, it was kind of comfy.

Not as bad as a nest, but not as nice as a proper bed.

Blu noticed a device on a table next to him, it looked like a touch phone.

He grabbed it and held it on his lap, the back leaning against the metal pole in Blu's chest.

He pressed the home button, causing the phone to turn on.

He looked to the background and saw a photo of a spotted owl, "Must be Tulio's".

He then hatched an idea, he pressed on the phone app and scrolled through the contacts until he got to Linda's name and photo.

He pressed on the profile and pressed the call button.

"C'mon Linda pick up".

Linda's hotel room

Linda was watching TV in her room, but she had fallen asleep.

Meanwhile Jewel sat on the windowsill, watching the aviary next door.

The gentle pitter patter of rain could be heard outside, paired with the occasional wimper of sorrow from Jewel.

It had been 2 weeks since they escaped the smugglers plane, 2 weeks since Blu was knocked into a coma.

She had stayed by his side for 3 days before Linda finally convinced her to leave.

Jewel was okay with living with Linda, Blu had proved that not all humans are abd, exhibit A being Linda.

Jewel turned her head to the TV, there was some sort of story on a plane that was found in the ocean, it was the smugglers plane.

"Hm, cool" whispered Jewel.

The silence of the room was interrupted by a low buzzing sound, Linda's phone was ringing.

Jewel knew Linda was to far asleep to pick up so she did the honors.

Jewel flew over to the table, and grasped the black box in her talons, she noted it was Tulio calling.

She was tempted to deny, but something told her this was important.

She pressed the green icon of a phone and set it to speaker.

The voice she heard shocked her to her core, "Uh- hello? Linda, are you there?".

Jewel knew exactly who it was,"Blu!", "Jewel?".

The 2 birds shared looks of surprise on ends of the phone.

Jewel almost passed out, but she stayed conscious for Blu's sake.

"Hey Jewel, how ya doin?", "I'm doing fine, how about you?".

"Hehehe, besides from having a pole stuck in my chest and being unable to move, I'm fine".

Jewel instantly hung up and flew to the open window.

She dived into the twilight showers of the deep night, the darkness around her looking like a great abyss.

She dived toward the aviary.

Blu was still wondering what happened, "Did I lose connection? What happened?".

A voice came from the windowsill, "No, I just came over".

Blu looked through the bright room and saw Jewel, sitting on the windowsill.

"Jewel!", exclaimed Blu excitedly, then refined his tone, "How did you get in here?".

Jewel motioned to a broken window and glass on the floor.

"Oh, they'll fix it tomorrow. Wait, how did I not hear it?".

Jewel chuckled, "Well, you were talking pretty loudly", Blu nodded at the reason, before putting on a troubled face.

"Nigel, is he-", "Dead" answered Jewel.

"Oh" replied Blu before realising the magnitude of the comment, "did I kill him?".

Jewel shook her head, "No, after Rafael took you to the aviary he found Nico, Pedro and I at the Christ Redeemer statue, and I killed him".

"Well, if I could move, I would walk up to you and hug you. But seeing as I'm incapacitated I can't really do that".

Jewel chuckled again, "I have something better".

She flew over to the bed and gave Blu a deep, passionate kiss on the beak.

Blu was surprised at first, but later accepted the kiss.

Jewel noted that the heart monitor was beeping much faster, signifying Blu's heart rate increasing.

The 2 separated, Blu decided that now was the time he'd tell her.

"Jewel, ever since I first laid eyes on you, I knew I loved you. I was willing to lay down my life, so that you could live a long happy one. *SIgh* I guess what I'm trying to say is, Jewel, I love you with all my heart".

Jewel was silent, the only movement on her face being a single tear of joy that crawled down her face.

"The funny thing, Blu, is that I love you too" she replied, after several intense seconds of waiting.

The 2 smiled, before Jewel laid down next to Blu and relaxed.

Blu was wide awake, and so was Jewel, so sleeping was an impossibility.

But there was something else they could do.

Blu grabbed Tulio's phone and opened it again, this time going to the movie app.

"What movies does the bird doctor watch?" he asked, while Jewel looked at the phone with a face of curiosity.

Blu found a movie called, Transformers: Dark of the Moon.

Blu opened the movie and it began to play.

Jewel snuggled closer to her when the robot's began to fight.

She was amazed by how real the robot's looked.

SHe enjoyed the scenes without humans, but the explosions did scare her.

She was intrigued by the way the robots turned into cars and planes.

Once the movie finished they realised it was almost morning.

"Well, it seems we pulled an all nighter", Blu then yawned, Jewel doing the same.

"And it seems we are now tired for doing so" replied Jewel, who leaned into Blu's shoulder and fell asleep.Blu kissed Jewel's forehead, "good night angel", then he too slipped into a gentle slumber.

The end

Thank you for reading, this was my second fanfiction ever so I decided to finish it right.

Thank you to all who suggested another chapter