Summary: A description of the Onesies Baby Banes have received and who from.

Someone asked me about the Onesies, I don't know how to add pictures so I'll just describe them.

Simon buys Themed ones the one he is most proud of is the one that says "The Force that Awakens you" Because that is one that Alec allows the kids to wear all the time, Alec doesn't understand why Simon giggles every time he sees it being worn. Simon has also bought an Obi-wan and R2-D2 Onesies for the kids. And one that says "Storm Pooper" on the front with a storm trooper helmet and on the back over the diaper says "The Dark Side." The Themed ones Simon buys are not limited to Star Wars, he throws in some Harry Potter and Avengers themed ones and a few others that no one recognizes because it Simon and he exist in a different world than they do, they are all aware of this even if Simon is a Vampire.

Isabelle and Jace buy Aunty themed Onesies because they know the kids' Aunts are Awesome and Scary. One says "My Aunty shall teach me of Shopping and all things Fabulous" Isabelle got a similar one for Magnus that says Papa instead of Aunty. Another one is "I am beautiful and Brilliant and obviously take after my Aunt." And "My Aunt will teach me the Fun Stuff."

Lydia got them a Onesie that Says "My Aunt and I got in Trouble today" and a similar one that says "My Aunts and I got in trouble today" continues in parentheses that says "There still in time out". It's one of Alec's Favorites.

Alec bought a cute blue one that said "I love my Papa." mainly because Magnus had been on a week trip to China to talk with the high Warlock there and it had made his cry and miss Magnus, he was almost seven months with Imelda and Felix.

Magnus buys Punny ones. One said, "I'm glad to be out, I was running Womb." When Alec had been handed it by a grinning Magnus Alec had thrown it at his smug little face but it was one of the first that Nila had worn. He also buys ones that compliment Daddy such as "Of course I'm cute, Have you seen my Daddy?" because they make Alec turn red.

Clary bought one that said, "Don't mess with me, my Daddy's a hunter." and one that said "World's most expensive Alarm Clock." to match Simon's "Force that Awakens you."

Raphael bought a Onesie that said "If you mess with me you mess with my Aunt, and you Don't ant to mess with her." That every one got a kick out of.

Maryse bought one that said "I have the Best Aunts and Uncles." That made nearly everyone tear up.

And Asmodeus buys Nila a white one with a stylized picture of the devil on it that says "Hell Child" that Alec and Magnus reluctantly put her in because technically she was having been born in Edom and all. He gets them another one that says "Demon Spawn" because it makes him giggle.

Luke buys Imelda and Felix a set of Onesies that said "I was planned" on one and "I was Not" on the other.

As children grow these are not every Onesies or Outfits Baby Banes got but rather a few Honorable mentions, they get things, toys and clothes from all around the world not just from their Papa but from visiting Warlocks and Shadowhunters who love to coo over the little ones, Tessa Grey among them and she has useful advice for Alec to help him raise his little Warlock/Shadowhunter hybrids, which Alec is grateful for because as nice as Asmodeus, Luke, and his Mother's advice is, it's not very helpful when your six month old twins have somehow manages to make the loft's gravity vanish.