Summary: Alec and Magnus have a baby Mpreg - I know Warlocks are sterile but let's pretend that due to Magnus' father he has enough Angel blood that it makes him compatible with Alec.

Alec hadn't felt well in weeks, at first he thought it was left over symptoms from demon venom but he didn't know of anyone that still had symptoms after a week and usually an iratz would help. Lately an iratz hadn't helped Alec with the nausea he had felt for the last three weeks. His hips had been aching in a way that Alec knew had nothing to do with the bedroom activities he and Magnus shared.

Alec hadn't even had coffee in over three weeks since he had gaged at the smell and demanded it to be removed from their kitchen, Magnus had raised an eyebrow, shrugged and banished the coffee, replacing it with a strong black tea that smelled sweet. Magnus had hardly even protested when Alec had stolen his cup, demanding a kiss in payment.

Alec sighed and flushed the toilet before he rinsed his mouth before he left the bathroom.

"Still feeling sick, hmm?" Magnus asked as Alec entered their bedroom.

"Yeah." Alec said as he sat on the bed before he laid down on his back, "I've just felt so tired and achy lately."

"Have you sparred with Jace?" Magnus asked as he set aside his book and laid down facing Alec.

"That's just it, I haven't sparred with anyone." Alec said, "And this isn't training aches and pains."

"Really?" Magnus asked as he settled his hand on Alec's hip and rubbing soothing circles into the skin that stretched across bone.

Alec sighed softly, "It's been centered around my chest and hips."

"Oh, really?" Magnus teased Alec.

"I has nothing to do with what we do." Alec snapped.

Magnus' hand stilled on Alec's hip and Alec whimpered quietly, putting his hand over Magnus' until he began rubbing again.

"Is this helping?" Magnus asked.

Alec nodded, "Yeah, sorry about that, Izzy and Jace say I've been moody too."

"Have you seen a doctor?" Magnus asked.

Alec nodded, "They laughed and asked if I'd become a girl when I came out as gay."

"Would you mind seeing a friend of mine, her name is Catarina and she's a nurse at the hospital." Magnus asked.

"Okay, let me know when and I'll make time to see her." Alec murmured as he turned onto his side to look at Magnus.

Magnus drew Alec into his arms and held him tight, "It'll turn out fine."

"What if it's not? What if there's something really wrong with me?" Alec whispered into Magnus' chest.

"Then we'll deal with it, together."

"Promise?" Alec asked as he cuddled closer to Magnus.

"Promise." Magnus murmured into Alec's hair, he hoped everything would be fine, he wasn't ready to lose Alec yet, if he ever was.

Alec walked to the Loft, he had chosen to walk over a portal hoping that the cool air would calm him a little. Truth was Alec was afraid that he was really sick and it certainly didn't help that his mother had asked what he was eating because he looked like he'd gained weight. It scared Alec because she wasn't wrong and he'd been craving peanut butter with pickles lately.

Alec entered the Loft nervously, "Magnus?"

"Come over, Alec." Magnus smiled as he offered his hand to the Shadowhunter, "This is Catarina."

Alec took Magnus' hand and pressed a quick kiss to the Warlock's lips before he looked at the Blue skinned Warlock.

"I hope you don't mind me dropping the Glamour." She smiled.

"No, you should feel comfortable, and you're Magnus' friend, it's fine." Alec babbled a little.

"Come sit." She patted the spot next to her.

Alec sat down.

"Are you thirsty?" Magnus asked.

Alec shook his head and Magnus sat next to him, letting Alec lean back against him.

"Magnus has told me your having some aches that can't be explained." Catarina began.

Alec nodded, "Yeah, and I was dizzy for almost a month, I didn't pass out or anything but standing too quickly made me feel sick."

"Anything else?"

"Nausea and well," Alec blushed, "I've gained a bit of weight and I've been craving odd things."

"Odd things, like what?" Catarina asked.

"Pickles and ice cream." Alec said, "I'm really eating pickles with anything."

"Ah." Catarina said, "Alec, may I touch you to examine you?"

Alec glanced at Magnus who nodded.

"Okay, my stomach has been feeling a bit tender lately, though."

"I'll be careful." Catarina told him as she gathered magic at her hands and placed her palms against Alec's stomach.

After several long moments where Alec gripped Magnus' hands tight in his as he worried about what Catarina would find.

"That's a bit odd." Catarina said quietly, "I'm going to adjust you a little to check something, I want you to lay down fully."

Alec nodded and Magnus used magic to lengthen the couch so Alec could lay down completely.

Catarina knelt by him with Magnus, Magnus still holding tight to Alec's hand.

"Well, what do you know?" Catarina exclaimed softly.

"What?!" Magnus snapped, "Sorry, Cat'."

Catarina waved him away, "Give me one moment."

An image began to project itself from Alec stomach.

"What?" Alec breathed.

"That, young Shadowhunter, appears to be your baby." Catarina said.

Magnus sat on the floor heavily, still holding tight to Alec's hand, "What?"

"How should I know, it's a baby, rather healthy and everything looking normal for a baby about seventeen or almost eighteen weeks." Catarina informed them, "Oh, and look at that, you've got a little girl."

"A baby." Alec whispered looking at the blue tinged image.

Magnus turned to Alec, "Alexander."

"Magnus?" Alec asked, looking at the Warlock.

"I'll just step into the kitchen and make some tea." Catarina said and dismissed the spell that revealed the baby and left the room.

"I... I don't know what to say, I never expected this." Magnus said, quietly.

"Do... do you not want this?" Alec asked in a small voice as he sat up.

"What?" Magnus asked, "Oh, Alec, I want this, if you want this, I'd understand..." Magnus choked a little on the words, "I'd understand if you didn't, it's your body and-"

"It's your baby, too." Alec said, "You helped make her, we made her together, she's ours. Maybe this wasn't how I expected to have a baby with you, but I wanted- want to have a baby with you, this baby, if you want that."

"Oh, Alexander." Magnus got to his knees and took Alec's face in his hands, "You never cease to amaze me."

"Maybe she'll get that from me." Alec teased, "And your magic."

Magnus pressed a kiss to Alec's lips, "Anyway she comes out, she'll be perfect."

"Everything settled?" Catarina asked as she entered the room again.

"Yeah." Alec smiled.

"Okay then, what have you decided?"

"We're keeping her." Alec said, "I need to figure out what to do about my duties and, oh Angel the Clave and, and, and..."

"Alec, calm down." Catarina interrupted, "You need to avoid stress, you'll be able to feel her move soon and you need to take care of her and yourself, those are your main priorities, which means eating healthy and exercising, you should indulge your cravings but not too much and no hunting, I'd say no training but that is likely asking too much so, try avoiding hits to your stomach."

Alec nodded.

"You can tell your friends and family but try to be careful." Catarina finished, "I'll check up on you every week or so, if that's alright."

"Yeah, I want her to be as healthy as possible." Alec said, "Um... how is she going to come out?"

"I'm not sure, it appears that the ache in your hips were them widening so it seems possible that you can have her the natural way, however having never heard of anything like this happening I'm going to plan a C-section nearer to your due date." Catarina explained, "Oh and before I forget."

A photo appeared in her hand, "Most parents ask for an ultrasound picture, this is yours."

Alec took it from her and stared at it happily.

"Can you teach me the spell you used to project or daughter?" Magnus asked.

"Of course, not today, my shift starts in twenty minutes, you have my number, if you have any questions and I mean ay don't hesitate to call." Catarina told them.

"Thank you, Cat'." Magnus said.

"Anytime." And Catarina left.

Magnus sat next to Alec and let the man lean into him as he showed Magnus the black and white photo of their baby.

"That's our baby, Magnus, ours." Alec whispered.

"Ours." Magnus agreed, silently making a promise that he'd never let anything bad happen to his daughter or her carrier.

I may continue this later for now just have some happy.